Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene

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Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene in 2022

Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene (Mongolian: Лувсаннамсрайн Оюун-Эрдэнэ; born 29 June 1980) is a Mongolian politician. He is currently the Prime Minister of Mongolia since 27 January 2021.


  • This generational shift is instrumental in deepening democratic concepts and values in Mongolia. During the past 30 years of democratic rule, most of our leaders were educated under the former Soviet system. As you can imagine, it may not have been easy for them to accept and lead a new social and political system after the democratic revolution in 1990. Despite the difficult circumstances, the Mongolian People's Party's leadership at the time peacefully embraced democracy and called for multi-party elections, which I believe reflects the open-minded and adaptive nature of Mongolians. Those of my generation born in the early 1980s spent our teenage years in a transitional phase, experiencing firsthand the challenges and benefits of a democratic society in our daily lives. Our generation has a historic responsibility to bridge the old and the new while further strengthening democracy in Mongolia.
  • A very difficult crisis between Russia and Ukraine that began on 24 February (2022) has become one of the most pressing geopolitical challenges for the world. This is a blow to the economies of countries that have just begun recovering from the two-year (COVID-19) pandemic and to the positive outlook of the world's banking and financial institutions on economic growth. Now, we are also facing the challenge of how to grow the Mongolian economy in these difficult times – but we are optimistic.
  • Once this (grid energy storage) construction is put into operation, the independence of the central power system will reach a new level. In the context of energy recovery, renewable energy sources, including the construction of hydropower plants, will be made a priority, and we will make every effort to complete the construction of the Erdeneburen Hydropower Plant and start the Eg River Hydropower Plant project. Also, construction projects such as the expansion of Thermal Power Plant 3 to increase its capacity by 75 MW and upgrade to 250 MW, Tavantolgoi Thermal Power Plant, Baganuur Power Plant and Choibalsan Thermal Power Plant to increase capacity by 50 MW will be kicked off without delay. Most recently, the construction of the 116 MW Amgalan Thermal Power Plant, which will provide thermal energy for the eastern region of Ulaanbaatar City, has been started.
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