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Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

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Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000-2001) is an American animated science fiction/adventure/comedy series produced by Walt Disney Television, which follows the adventures of space ranger Buzz Lightyear, who first appeared in Toy Story.


Sarge: V.H.S, this is Beta! We've got the package. We're comin' home!
Rex: Hey, everybody! It's here! It's here!
Woody: It's here? Well, it's about time!
Rex: Aah! It's the new action-packed Buzz Lightyear movie!



The Torque Armada [1.1]

Narrator: Calling Buzz Lightyear! The galaxy's greatest hero! Skilled, courageous, and ever-vigilant. Leaping into action, Buzz Lightyear hurdles to the rescue! His ongoing mission: To protect the universe from the dark forces of evil. These are the adventures of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command!
[The rest of the intro sequence plays with clips from various episodes of the show.]
Buzz: To infinity and beyond!
[The episode begins with a far shot of the criminal capital of the Gamma Quadrant, Tradeworld in a backdrop of space. We then shift over to Tradeworld itself where we find XR and Booster descending into the city using their jetpacks slowly. Brent Starkisser is seen on a screen.]
XR: Tradeworld. The criminal capital of the Gamma Quadrant. This place is dangerous, Booster, so here's the plan: you watch my back, I'll watch yours. [realizes something] Come to think of it, your back's pretty big. It's a lot to watch. New plan! We both watch my back! [They land in front of a bar called "The Black Hole".] This is it, Booster, the Black Hole. And the patrons here, by the way, are truly, the "creme de la scum".
Booster: [anxiously] Okay. Okay. Identify and apprehend. Identify and apprehend.
[He opens his wrist communicator to reveal a hologram of a villainous multi-limbed alien criminal named Torque in his Mission Log.]
Mission Log: Suspect: Torque. Wanted in all 50 Sectors. For terrorism, smuggling, arson, unpaid parking tickets.
[After receiving the news on Torque and his crimes, Booster closes his communicator and braces himself for the mission to capture the multi-eyed alien.]
Booster: Okay. I'm ready.
XR: Now, listen to me. Let's scope out the clientele. Listen to me carefully. Watch what I do, watch what I say. [puts his hand on his chest] Take the time to soak up the atmosphere, as it were. Now, that's an interesting concept, if you- Booster? [He then looks around, discovering that Booster has already went to confront Torque.] Booster! I said "soak"! Didn't I say "soak"?
[Making his way towards Torque, Booster jostles and bumps into various complaining patrons.]
Patron 1: Hey! Urgh! Ugh! What's the big idea?!
Patron 2: You big oaf!
Patron 3: Play with the-!
Patron 4: Hey, watch it!
Patron 5: Watch out!
Patron 6: Ow!
XR: [enters the Black Hole bar] Booster!
Patron 7: Alright!
XR: [makes his way through the grumbling patrons, who although annoyed again, don't say a word.] Boost- oh, pardon me. Was that a foot? Booster!
Booster: [arrives to the lone table] Mr. Torque! [Torque looks up at him with an unimpressed look.] Pursuant to the authority of Star Command, I hereby place you under arrest! Get up!
Torque: [does so, then pulls out his blaster and points it at the Jo-Adian.] What's the matter, Tiny? You can't say "please"?
Booster: [sweatdrops, angrily] Drop it! [nervously] Please?
Torque: Too late! Ha-ha! I'm miffed. [smirks]
XR: [catches up to Booster, but doesn't notice Torque yet] Well, here you are. It's about time. See? Now you didn't soak. I said "soak", and you didn't soak. No! You marched right up to- [sees Torque and yelps] gyah! [lowers voice] Did you tell him to drop the weapon? [Booster sighs and nods "yes", causing the robot Ranger to lower his voice further.] Well, a "please" ought to do it. [to Torque, normal voice] Well! I think you'd better do what my rather immense colleague says.
Torque: No go, Chips-for-Brains. I'm not afraid of Space Rangers.
Male Voice (Buzz): Maybe you should be.
[Taken by surprise, Torque looks around for the source of the voice he just heard. The patrons clear the area, leaving one mysterious figure in a cloak holding a drink in hand, shaking the purple liquid almost nonchalantly. Torque prepares himself, but then, the figure jumps back suddenly and then takes his battered coat off to reveal himself as none other than the legendary Space Ranger and captain of Star Command, Buzz Lightyear as he fires his laser at Torque, forcing the blaster off his hand before he could react and fire, as he yelps in shock and surprise.]
Buzz: You lose, lawbreaker. [makes his way towards Torque]
Smeego: [sticks his head out from the crowd briefly] Buzz Lightyear?! [quickly darts down and hides behind the other patrons]
Buzz: [stops before Torque, who has his hands up in the air as the former places his own hands on his hips.] Yes, the long arm of the law reaches even into a cesspool like this. [grins] Let's go, Torque.
Torque: [grins evilly and then reveals his other two arms from beneath his jacket, both containing another set of blasters.] 'Fraid not, Buzz-Boy!
[Buzz, Booster and XR immediately jump back as Torque begins to open rapid fire, laughing evilly.]
Buzz: [takes cover behind a round table] Multi-limbed aliens. Hate 'em!
[Booster yells as he runs from Torque's blasts. Frightened patrons also try to take cover wherever they can, using tables and chairs to shield themselves from the blasts from Torque's blasters. XR narrowly escapes from one close blast. Buzz tries to get a clear shot at Torque with his laser, but the latter avoids the Ranger's fire and ducks behind the counter, continuing his rapid fire while peering up. One patron tries to hide behind a chair, but three shots from Torque's guns break it and he escapes from the Black Hole, screaming. XR fires at torque with a Star Command shotgun, but misses his target as his fire hits another table where another patron is hiding. Another patron ducks from XR's blasts while his eye stalks part from his eyeballs before reconnecting. Booster joins XR in firing at Torque together, only to miss completely as their fire bounce of the counter and right back at them, forcing them to retreat while dropping their weapons, which disintegrate upon being hit by a blast. XR then sees a skylight in the ceiling, and extends his hand to grip the railing to hoist himself up. As Buzz had just exposed himself earlier, a purple thug criminal takes aim at him from behind as he focuses on Torque, unaware of the fact that someone else is targeting him.]
Purple Thug: Say "bye", Buzz! [Mira suddenly appears behind him and takes the gun away from him.] Huh?!
Mira: [aims the gun at him while smiling] Say "hi", Mira. [The thug and nearby patrons flee as she enters the battlefield by passing wholly through the wall using her Tangean ghosting powers.] Anybody here need any backup?
Buzz: [waves gratefully to her] Well done, Ranger. [leaps out of the way as one of Torque's blasts hits the table, destroying it.]
Torque: [continues to fire non-stop, gloating while unaware of XR being above him.] I heard Space Rangers are tough! Hahaha! Guess I heard wrong! [yells as an electrified net comes down on him by XR, who pressed a button on his chassis to drop the net, trapping him.]
Booster: [grunts as he grabs the counter and tears it off, lifting it up his head to expose Torque completely.] This time, I mean it, Torque! You are under arrest.
Buzz: What do you think of Space Rangers now, smart guy?
Torque: [grumbling in defeat] Ugh, yeah, right... [The scene changes to find Star Cruiser 42 flying back to Star Command with him imprisoned behind the ship's holding cell. He then starts to mock Buzz as he is peacefully making a sandwich.] Hey, Lightyear! How many Space Rangers does it take to change a lighting filament? A hundred. One to hold the filament and 99 to turn the Star Cruiser! [His mocking annoys Buzz, who crushes the sandwich with his hand and then walks over to his cell to shut him up.] Oh, here's a good one! Three Space Rangers walk into a-
Buzz: Not that I care one iota what you say, but you're really pushing me.
Torque: Let's go, right here, right now!
Buzz: I have nothin' to prove to you! [walks off, then darts back] But I could take you down with one hand tied behind my suit.
Torque: You wanna step outside and say that?
Buzz: Anytime, punk.
Mira: [through speaker, interrupting the two] Buzz, we're entering Star Command.
[Star Command is seen up ahead, then the scene changes to inside the space station itself, where we find Booster and XR walking down the dock after having disembarked. They then encounter two Star Command Guard-Bots.]
XR: [darts between Booster and a Guard-Bot] Whoahohohohoho, 'scuse me, pal. But, uh, be a little careful here. You see, when-when these Guard-Bots are on duty they permit no interference. Am I right? [pats the Guard-Bot's arm, which automatically smacks him and sends him bouncing around the docking bay's railing, yelling, before he eventually rolls to a stop before Booster's feet. He grumbles at the Guard-Bot for this.] Don't look so smug, Muscles. [The Guard-Bot frowns at him in annoyance as he rights himself.] I've seen your specs. You've got a brain chip the size of a dust-mite.
[Three more Guard-Bots emerge from the ship, escorting a chained Torque to a prison ship while he struggles against his bonds.]
Torque: [grunting] Easy on the creases, Robo.
Buzz: [waving mockingly at Torque] Don't forget to write!
Torque: [looking back at Buzz in anger] You haven't seen the last of me, Buzz-cut!
Buzz: No? Well, the first of you is bad enough! Heh, that got him.
XR: [rolls up to Buzz eagerly] So, what's next on the agenda, Skipper? Patrolling for interstellar pirates? Restoring peace to a war-torn planet?! [Next scene, we find him and the rest of Team Lightyear drifting in space, with the rookies scowling because they are assigned by Buzz himself to check safety buoys on another part of the galaxy called "Tanker Alley".] Checking safety buoys on Tanker Alley? Come on!
Mira: Uh, not that I feel like I'm above a routine assignment, it's just that, hello? Boring!
Buzz: [places his hands on his hips, unamused of his teammates' complaints] Boring, is it? Who here knows what happens to crystallic fusion fuel upon impact?
XR: It explodes! Big, huge, mega blow-ups! Scour the ceramic polymers right off a poor robot!
Buzz: Exactly. And what do the tankers travelling Tanker Alley carry?
Booster: [excitedly hops up and down, waving his arm] Oh, me, me, me! I know this one! Oh, oh, oh!
Mira: [dejectedly] Crystallic fusion fuel.
Booster: [lowers hand with his ears drooping] Oh.
Buzz: That's why safety is job one here on Tanker Alley. Sure, this may not be a glamorous assignment, but "safe space ways save lives".
[Suddenly, a tanker speeds by blaring its horn.]
XR: Whoa! [loses balance and spins around]
Buzz: [rights himself] Good example. Watch this. [He points to the tanker, which drifts towards a set of buoys, which spark with red electricity and bounce against its hull, changing it's course to drift elsewhere.] The buoys set up an electrified barrier which stops the pilotless tankers from escaping Tanker Alley and posing a threat to other traffic. So, ready to commence safety inspections, Rangers?
XR: [in bored tone] You're the boss.
Mira: [likewise] Whatever.
Buzz: That's the spirit.
Booster: [pumps fist into the air excitedly] Let's go! Show me the buoys!
[Mira and XR stare at him while Buzz offers a crooked, but pleased smile at his enthusiasm. Meanwhile, a prisoner transport ship is flying through space towards the prison planet. Various prisoners are seen shackled inside with five Star Command Guard-Bots patrolling the vessel, three at the helm, two patrolling the aisle. All sorts of non-humans are shackled at the ankles, as well as some familiar faces. Torque and Smeego to be exact.]
Smeego: [turns to Torque] Torque! H-h-hey, what a coincidence! [Torque glares at him in annoyance.] They picked me up on a bogus charge. It'll never stick. But, I like-
Torque: [interrupting] Keep your little yapper clipped, Flea Boy.
Smeego: Sure. Yeah. You got it. No problem. I hear ya. [Suddenly, they hear a crash, which shakes the ship.] Hey! W-W-What was that?!
Torque: Ambush.
[The Guard-Bots ready their weapons to deal with the intruders. The prison door is shot down by green laser blasts, revealing that the intruders breaking into the prisoner ship are none other than Zurg's Hornets! The Hornets continue shooting as they enter.]
Smeego: Zurg's Hornets!
[The Guard-Bots shoot at the Hornets to counterattack the invading forces. Torque and the other prisoners witness the Guard-Bots successfully destroy the first wave, but then a second wave emerges. The Guard-Bots continue their counterattack, but the Hornets bring them all down. Torque struggles against his bonds to break free. The Guard-Bot piloting the prisoner ship readies its weapons, but the Hornets shoot it down before it can open fire. As they make their way towards Torque and Smeego, one Hornet changes its cannon for another piece of equipment.]
Smeego: [cowers and tries to look inconspicuous] Don't hurt me! I-I-I'm nobody! I'm nothin'!
[The Hornet approaches Torque and fires at his bonds, freeing the multi-limbed alien criminal, who is stunned at first, but is then excited as he gets up and grabs the Hornet's shoulders.]
Torque: Way to pop the targets, sweetheart!
[The Hornets lead him away to Planet Z, where Evil Emperor Zurg is waiting.]
Smeego: [sticks his head up again] Hey! Don't leave me! I-I've got connections! I'm somebody!
[The scene changes to Planet Z itself, showing one of the structures to be none other than Zurg's Fortress. Inside, Brain Pods and Grubs are hard at work as usual while Torque, accompanied by the Hornets that broke him out of prison, begins to protest as they come to a stop before Emperor Zurg himself, who is in front of his throne.]
Torque: Hey! Back off! Scaboo, baby! Scram!
[A claw suddenly grabs him in the head and places him on a slab that rises from the center of the floor and straps him there, tightly. He struggles to break himself free as a diabolical looking evil machine with a pointed tip on it descends upon him, stopping just short of being inches away from his chest. Zurg approaches him, pleased with this turn of events.]
Zurg: Welcome to my little Funhouse! I'd give you the full tour, but we're a bit pressed for time.
Torque: [unamused, but puts on a face of interest for the Evil Emperor] Hey, what a pad, baby! To what do I owe the honor, Emperor Z?
Zurg: As a matter of fact, I have plans for you. Big plans!
Torque: [sweatdrops nervously in fear as he tries to decline with his usual sass] Sorry, gotta pass. Dad's card's full.
Zurg: [grabs Torque by the collar, dragging both him and the slab close to him as his voice and temper rise] I refuse to accept no for an answer! [releases Torque and pushes the slab back into place and waves a hand at him nonchalantly] It's one of the perks of being an Evil Emperor. That and all the popcorn shrimp you can eat.
[He clasps his hands in delight of the prospect of popcorn shrimp. Torque struggles against his bonds again, getting angrier by the second.]
Torque: [grunting angrily] Let me go!
Zurg: [sticks his hand out at Torque] Don't bother! [points at the bonds] Those bonds are an unbreakable alloy! My Grubs' latest invention. [to his Grubs on the lower floor] Good work, Grubs!
Grubs: Ooh, thank you, Evil Emperor Zurg!
Zurg: [lowering his voice as he leans closer to Torque] I'm trying to praise them more. My... management consultant says it'll boost productivity. [He then stands back and raises his voice as the Grubs below begin to fiddle with some control settings.] You are about to receive some amazing powers: powers that will enable you to defeat... Buzz Lightyear!
[Torque finally warms up to this and grins.]
Torque: Well, why didn't you say so? Drop the hammer, sweethearts!
[The machine above his head begins to spark with a dangerous-looking neon electricity as Zurg begins to exit the room. It also emits a loud hissing sound that makes it hard to speak over.]
Zurg: By the way, did I mention that this will be incredibly painful?
Torque: Say what?
Zurg: [chuckles as he leaves through the sliding doors] Never mind! Not important.
[The sliding doors close. Suddenly, Torque is then heard screaming in pain as a green light gleams through the cracks. The screen then cuts to black. The scene changes to Tanker Alley, where Team Lightyear is hard at work repairing the buoys. Buzz is repairing one of the buoys as a Tanker drifts by him as he removes useless parts with a tired expression on his face. We then find Mira doing her repairs on another buoy by ghosting her hands through it and going by feel. The buoy then activates, making her smile in delight. Booster and XR are then seen working on a third buoy together as the Jo-Adian dusts off the buoy and XR presses the button to turn it on, which, strangely, doesn't activate, causing the robot Ranger to keep pressing the button until Booster stops him by shaking his hand at him and attempts to fix it with a few shakes, only to break the top part off, causing the two to panic as they try to repair it, but XR then exclaims as he sees Buzz approaching, forcing him to act as the top part of the buoy so Buzz doesn't see it broken while Booster hides the part behind his back as he waves back at Buzz. Buzz, meanwhile, begins to work on another buoy, but he is then interrupted by a boisterous and mocking voice of another Space Ranger from behind him. His name is Rocket Crockett.]
Rocket Crockett: Lightyear! Buddy! I see you've finally got an assignment worthy of your skills.
Buzz: [annoyed] Eh, what brings you out here, Crockett? Need me to save your hide again?
[He removes a useless part from the buoy as Rocket laughs and slaps his knee, then smirks smugly as he draws close to Buzz.]
Rocket: Actually, I thought it might interest you to know that Torque's transport was ambushed by Hornets. He escaped.
[This news shocks Buzz.]
Buzz: What?! How could they-?! [groans] Argh! [to his team] Let's go, team! We've got a mission.
[Mira, Booster and XR turn and straighten, but Rocket arrogantly interrupts Buzz.]
Rocket: Not so fast, Ace. I've got a mission. You get to stay out here and direct traffic. [He activates his jetpack and flies back up to his Star Cruiser.] Keep up the good work, kids! Maybe you'll be promoted to crossing guards.
[Team Lightyear look on in annoyance as Rocket flies off, laughing. Buzz is more angry than the others, however.]
Booster: Huh! Shows you how much he knows, right, Buzz? This may not be a glamorous assignment, but "Safe space w-"!
[As he speaks, Buzz angrily grinds his teeth together and growls with his voice rising steadily in frustration. Mira and XR take notice of this and XR hastens to get Booster out of there before Buzz gets any angrier.]
XR: [pushing Booster away] We'll just be over here.
[He activates his jetpack to fly them a little further away to avoid provoking Buzz any further.]
Booster: What?
[Worried for Buzz, Mira files over to him to talk with him as he rests against a buoy, still fuming.]
Mira: [concerned] You okay?
Buzz: Oh, fine. Perfect. Never better. Why you ask?
Mira: You know, Buzz, it wouldn't hurt you to open up. Admit it. You'd rather be tracking down Torque than doing road-side service.
[Hearing that, Buzz knows that Mira's right, but turns back to her with a determined look on his face.]
Buzz: Listen up and listen good. When duty calls, a Ranger answers. No questions, no complaints.
[He turns back and floats away, but Mira smirks knowingly and smugly crosses her arms.]
Mira: [smugly] And Torque's escape?
[This makes Buzz's frustration boil over as he cracks and shouts while gesticulating wildly as he paces around the buoy.]
Buzz: [yelling] It's got Zurg's fingerprints all over it! Ugh! I can't believe that Rocket Crockett is out there chasing space scum while I'm stuck in a lower-ended any-flunky-space-rookie-one-day-out-of-the-Academy-can-do-in-his-sleep assignment!
[Booster and XR exchange looks at Buzz's frustration tirade, but Mira is still smirking smugly at the captain of Star Command.]
Mira: [still smug] That's pretty open.
Buzz: [sighs with his shoulders sagging as he deflates] Thank you.
[Meanwhile, back on Planet Z, Zurg is using a joystick to control a machine above him that fires green rays at a prisoner, who scampers everywhere to dodge the blasts. The doors slide open to let Torque and two Hornets enter the room. Zurg sees them and tosses the joystick aside.]
Zurg: Exercise time for the prisoner is now over. [The tired prisoner sits on the floor and pants in exhaustion, but unfortunately for him, a secret compartment on the floor opens up to reveal a hole, sending him plummeting helplessly, possibly back to his prison. The Evil Emperor then turns his attention to Torque, who doesn't look too pleased.] Ahhh, how's the patient? Feeling better, I trust?
Torque: Can the bedside manner, Doctor Z! You said awesome power, but I got zilch, except for this.
[He parts his jacket to show a metal plaque affixed to his chest after his procedure, which shines. Zurg climbs down from his throne to take a look as he peers down at it and touches it to make sure everything went smoothly.]
Zurg: Placement appears to be proper.
[Grubs have gathered upon the edge of the floor to hear what Zurg has to say about their work to power Torque up.]
Grubs: Yes. And?
Zurg: Uh... edges are... even.
Grubs: And?
[Zurg sighs and grimaces while covering his face with a hand, feeling pressured. He then turns back to the Grubs and forces himself to sound nice.]
Zurg: Another nice job, Grubs.
Grubs: [bashfully] Oh, you're just saying that.
[They suddenly get spooked when Zurg angrily turns on them.]
Zurg: Of course I am, you-!
[The Grubs quickly dart back down below and a fed up Torque grabs Zurg by the mantle and drags him close threateningly.]
Torque: So, what is it?
[He then stops when he hears a whine from behind him, causing him to turn around to see the two Hornets aiming their cannons at him. Zurg waves them down, causing them to retract their cannons back into hands per the Evil Emperor's orders. Zurg pries Torque's fingers off of him and gives him a harsh-voiced warning, revealing his hatred of being touched.]
Zurg: Don't! Ever! Touch! Me! [He then assumes a less hostile, almost apologetic posture as he explains himself why he doesn't like being touched.] I've got a... thing about personal space. [He rubs his hands as he slides away, then turns back to Torque.] Now, simply apply your hands to your chest. [He demonstrates by placing his hands to his own chest.] Like so. [Torque just looks at his chest, causing the Evil Emperor to get impatient again and yells as he rattles his fists.] Do it!
[Torque eventually does so and presses the plaque, causing him to shake and quiver as he exclaims. His body splits in two and suddenly, there are two identical Torques staring at each other with one still having the plaque while the other one doesn't. This reveals that Zurg and the Grubs gave Torque the ability to create clones of himself.]
Torque and Clone #1: Whoa!
Torque: Double trouble! [He strokes his chin as he eyes his clone in approval.] Not bad.
Torque Clone: [winks and gestures at Torque] Right back atcha, Beauty!
[They shake hands while grinning.]
Zurg: Impressive, no? It's the latest in cell-separation technology.
[Torque presses the plaque again and creates a second clone of himself.]
Torque: I dig with a capital D.
Torque Clones: [in unison] Ditto, Sweetheart!
Zurg: Yes, yes, I'm sure you'll all be very happy together. But, first! There's a little matter of obliterating my enemies!
[The scene changes back to Tanker Alley, where Buzz is still busy repairing buoys. He is still grumbling about Rocket Crockett.]
Buzz: Not fair. I'm stuck out here while Crockett gets all the action.
[He leans against the buoy, bored and disinterested, when suddenly, he hears Torque's voice.]
Torque: [off-screen] Oh, Buzzy, baby! [laughs]
[Buzz looks around, then sees Torque.]
Buzz: You.
Torque: Like I promised, Buzzy. Just you and me. One on one. Mano y mano, sweetheart! [Buzz narrows his eyes.] So, what's it gonna be? [He revs his bike and zooms around Buzz.] You gonna call your little pallies, or what?
[He takes off. Buzz ponders at this, then decides to go after Torque himself, tossing his tool aside.]
Buzz: Let's go with what! [He chases after Torque in hot pursuit. Torque leers at him and activates guns on the pack of his bike, firing at the Star Command captain, but the Space Ranger swerves out of the way of each shot.] It'll take more than pop guns to stop Buzz Lightyear!
[Torque leads Buzz to an asteroid, zipping through rock outcroppings.]
Torque: [laughing] Catch me if you can, pally!
[Buzz continues to pursue Torque, but stops when he sees several clones of Torque aiming blasters at him from in front of the Ranger.]
Buzz: What?! [More clones appear behind him.] Huh?! [He activates his wingspan and tries to fly out of harm's way, but more Torque clones await, and they fire bolas at him that pin his arms to his sides, deactivating his jetpack in the process, sending him plummeting to the ground and grunts as he lands in front of Torque.] So, your taunts were just a ruse deviously calculated to lure me into this trap.
Torque: Gee, Buzzy, you figured that out all by your lonesome?
[The Torque clones laugh while Buzz narrows his eyes again in annoyance.]
Buzz: [annoyed] Now you're mockin' me.
Torque: Two for two, baby!
Buzz: And now...
Torque: Enough, sweetheart! We could do this all day. Who's got the time? [snaps his fingers] Come on.
[He and his clones approach Buzz and prepare to knock him out cold. The scene cuts off from that and goes back to the Rookies, with Booster trying to remove something stuck in his head.]
XR: I don't get it. It's not like Buzz to just leave without checking in.
Booster: Holy Pulsars, Buzz might be in trouble!
[He finally removes the object from his head and tosses it aside, but then, he and the others hear Torque's voice.]
Torque: I've got news for you, Jumbo: he's not the only one.
[The Rookies are stunned to see Torque and several clones surrounding them, and they are thus captured as well, per Zurg's orders to Torque and his clones. Next scene, Team Lightyear is bounded to the nose of a Tanker, with the Torque clones around them with smug smirks. The Rangers grunt as they try hard to break free.]
Torque: Forget it, babies. It's some kind of unbreakable whoozis that Zurg came up with.
XR: When Buzz finds us, you're gonna be sorry!
Torque: Consider yourselves found, Metal Mouth.
[He points to another set of his clones binding Buzz down a bit higher above the Rookies.]
Torque Clone: Knock 'em dead, Buzzmundo!
Torque: The boys are gonna do a little roadwork for ya. Gratis! Turn Tanker Alley into Deadman's Curve! [to his clones, giving them a thumbs up] Anytime, sweethearts!
[The clones give a thumbs up back at Torque and then destroy the buoys surrounding Capital Planet, with intentions of destroying it along with Team Lightyear and the entirety of Star Command, which would fulfill Zurg's ambitions of conquering the entire galaxy.]
Torque: Nice shootin'! Let's ride!
[He and his clones ride off, while the Tankers, as well as the one Team Lightyear is on, all begin to move forwards towards Capital Planet, going faster in the process.]
Booster: Where are we heading?
XR: Directly into the center of Capital Planet.
Mira: And this Tanker is loaded with crystallic fusion fuel!
Booster: We're gonna blow up the headquarters of the Galactic Alliance! Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!
[We cut to a view of the knocked out Buzz.]
Mira, Booster and XR: BUZZ!!!
[The screen cuts to black, ominously, then cuts back from black as the Tankers get closer and closer towards Capital Planet.]
Booster: NOOO!!!
[Mira, with some effort, manages to break herself free by using her Tangean ghosting powers to ghost through the metal bonds pinning her down.]
Mira: Made it!
[She then tries to free Booster, who uses his brute strength to break himself free, and manages to shatter the bonds broken, revealing that the bonds are not unbreakable after all.]
Booster: Unbreakable! [snaps his fingers] Hah!
[XR uses his saw blade to slice through his bonds easily.]
XR: And that leaves one!
Mira: Okay, you guys get Buzz out, I'll check the controls.
[Booster glances at Capital Planet as it becomes larger from their point of view. Mira ghosts into the Tanker while Booster and XR break Buzz's bonds. Booster then grabs Buzz and shakes him violently to wake him up.]
Booster: [shaking Buzz] Buzz, Buzz, come on, come on, come on, Buzz, Buzz! [Buzz's eyes open from the shaking, waking up.] Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!
[Eventually, Buzz finally exclaims and pushes Booster's hands away.]
Buzz: Booster! I'm awake. Okay, team, status report.
XR: We're leading a convoy of Tankers loaded with enough crystallic fusion fuel to blow up Capital Planet, which is, by the way, incidentally, where we're headed!
Booster: It's coming up fast! [He grabs Buzz to show him Capital Planet, looming even closer than ever.] Look!
Buzz: Have you tried turning the-?
Mira: [ghosting halfway through the Tanker] Turning and reverse thrusters are all non-operational!
Buzz: So, it's like that. We've gotta order in a strike! Blow these Tankers out of the sky.
XR: Uh, if I may, Buzz! At this distance, the concussion waves of an explosion would flatten anything this side of the planet.
Mira: Including us! [Buzz, Booster and XR turn to look at her. She blinks and grins sheepishly.] Erm, not that I'm concerned about my own welfare, of course, it's just that Booster and- [Before she can finish, Buzz activates his wingspan and takes off.] Well, I didn't mean to just turn tail and run.
Booster: Come on! Buzz knows what he's doing! [He activates his jetpack rockets and flies off after Buzz, while Mira and XR activate their jetpacks and follow suit.] I mean, he'd have to, I mean--pfft, he's Buzz!
[Buzz grabs two buoys and flies off to stop the Tankers. Mira slaps her helmet as she and the others realize what Buzz is doing.]
Mira: Dah, of course! The buoys!
[With that, they fly off and grab buoys as well. XR extends his arms to grab two buoys while Booster flies and grabs one for himself and Mira grabs another. Buzz, Booster and XR each have two buoys as they fly past the Tankers and places the buoys in their direct path, spacing them out evenly. Mira has four buoys as she flies past the Tankers and leaves them in their path, also. The Tanker in front stops as the buoys activate with sirens blaring and the red energy pulse emitting from the buoys looking dangerous. Team Lightyear waits nervously beyond the buoys, with Booster gritting his teeth and sweatdropping and XR incomprehensively praying in the background. But then, the sirens stop blaring and the all of the Tankers turn to the right, drifting away from Capital Planet, saving it along with Star Command, and everyone in them. Booster and XR cheer while Mira hugs Buzz.]
Mira: Alright! Way to go, Buzz!
Booster: Hot rockets! Buzz Lightyear to the rescue again!
[He rubs Buzz's helmet affectionately as Buzz stands proudly, with his chest thrust out.]
Buzz: Who thinks Tanker Alley is boring now?
[We go back to Planet Z and Zurg's palace, where Zurg is heard humming.]
Zurg: Ladadee, ladado. Monitors on. [His screens turn on to show Capital Planet still intact. He taps his fingers together as he sits on his throne, then realizes what he's seeing and his eyes grow wide.] Wait... I don't understand! Grubs! Why hasn't Capital Planet exploded?
[Down below, the Grubs scamper in fear. One of them trembles as it speaks.]
Grub: Can we, uh, focus on our earlier accomplishments, please?
Zurg: [not having it] Spill it!
Grub: [gulps then lifts up a remote while shivering] Let's go to the replay.
[The screens rewind to the Tankers colliding with the energy pulse made by the buoys. Zurg watches them impatiently. A fast-forward shows Team Lightyear cheering and laughing in triumph.]
Mira: [on the screen] All right!
[Another fast-forward zooms in on Buzz's smug smirk. This leaves Zurg very angry that another one of his evil schemes has been foiled by his arch nemesis.]
Zurg: NO! Curse you, Buzz Lightyear! Nnnghaugh! Wait a minute. How did the Rangers escape from the unbreakable bonds?
[The Grubs are seen hiding in a small opening with only their eyes visible, which are still quivering in fear.]
Grub: Well, uh, perhaps it would be more appropriate to think of them as "not-that-easily-broken" bonds.
Zurg: Maybe we'll just see how easily you break! [The Grubs run away in fright, leaving the Evil Emperor shouting from above on his throne.] Come back here! Don't you scurry from me, you little-!
[The scene changes to Tradeworld and The Black Hole. Inside, the doors suddenly open wide as Torque and his clones enter.]
Torque Clone #1: Hey, Torque! Lookin' good, sweetheart! Who did the hair?
Torque Clone #2: That goes double for me, Torquey.
Torque: Nice job, today. This round's on Torque! Deep-dish olive pies for everyone!
Torque Clone #3: Your money's no good here, Torque! Come on.
[They sit at the bar, but then, Buzz's voice is heard, causing the rest of the patrons to scatter, like they did at the beginning of the episode.]
Buzz: You boys seem awfully happy. Under the circumstances.
[Torque glares at Buzz, angry that he and the rest of his team escaped and foiled his, his clones' and Zurg's evil plan.]
Torque: Hey-hey! You've got moxie, Lightyear! That I'll give ya! But, you're still goin' down.
[Mira's voice is then heard as she comes into view, her wrist laser warmed up.]
Mira: Correction, Torque. Ooh, you see, this time, we've got the numbers.
Torque: [sarcastically] Oh-ho, yeah. I'm real scared!
Booster: [off-screen] You oughta be!
[Torque and his clones turn around to see the Jo-Adian behind them. XR is then shown above the multi-limbed aliens.]
XR: Are you startin' to get the picture, pal? [chuckles]
Buzz: Get it through your thick heads, Torque. [The other Space Rangers appear from their hiding places behind the bar and show up by his sides, surrounding Torque and his entire army of clones.] We fight bad guys like you together. Take 'em, Rangers! [The entire forces of Star Command fire their weapons and attack, while Torque and his clone army battle back with their own weapons. Yells and shouts are heard as the Black Hole is shown outside rumbling and shaking as the Rangers and clones fight, with weapons firing and fists and kicks thrown. After the battle, the scene changes to the prison transport ship, seen earlier in the episode. This time, however, the ship is filled with defeated, injured, bandaged and groaning Torques. The real Torque hears the captain of Star Command on a speaker and glares.] Hey, Torque! Looks like today's your lucky day. I hear the prison planet is offering a group discount.
[As he speaks, the scene changes back to Tanker Alley with Team Lightyear shown in the area.]
Torque: [on Buzz's wrist communicator] Ah, yeah, yeah, very funny! Keep your little-!
Buzz: [hanging up on Torque] Lightyear, out.
Booster: [laughing] Group discount! You slay me, Buzz.
[Buzz then flies over to Mira, who is busy repairing a buoy from the inside. He knocks politely on it and peers inside.]
Buzz: Ranger Nova, there's somethin' I want to say to you.
[He steps back and joins his hands as Mira pops out, leaning on the edge of the buoy.]
Mira: I know, I know, you let your pride get the best of you, you took off without your team and walked right into a trap.
[She smugly clasps her hands together at the last part. Buzz is taken aback at this as he blinks, then gestures upwards.]
Buzz: Uh, actually, I was gonna warn you about that runaway Tanker.
[Mira ghosts through the buoy to take a look behind and confirm Buzz's words, which hold true and she exclaims in surprise. Buzz quickly grabs her by the waist and pulls her back to safety before the Tanker can do any damage. Mira shakes her head and blushes in embarrassment while she smiles nervously but cutely.]
Mira: [embarrassed but cutely] Thanks, Buzz.
Buzz: Like I always say: "Safety is job one on Tanker Alley".
[Just then, Rocket Crockett appears, angry that Buzz and his team beat him to it about defeating Torque.]
Rocket: How'd you do it, Buzz? [slaps his hand across Buzz's chest] How did you get me assigned out here?!
Buzz: [feigning ignorance] Ohhh...
[Mira snickers quietly at this, finding this scene very funny.]
Rocket: Don't go actin' all innocent!
Buzz: Oh, why, Crockett, I can't imagine what you're talking about. I think Tanker Alley is just a reward for your fine work cuttin' down Torque. [Rocket grinds his teeth together angrily, growling in frustration.] Oops! [He pats his shoulder briefly.] You never found him, didja? [to his team] Let's go, Rangers!
Booster: Where to next, Buzz?
Buzz: [activating his jetpack] Do you have to ask? [He and the rest of Team Lightyear take off.] To infinity and beyond!
[The episode ends and the credits roll, followed by the Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Television logos. For international prints, the Distributed by Buena Vista International Inc. logo also follows.]

Gravitina [1.2]

Buzz: This is Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. By the authority of the Galactic Alliance, all evil entities will now surrender to me.
Gravitina: I am Gravitina, the mistress of mass and all of its attractions.
Gravitina: Why must the cute ones be such bimbos?

XL [1.3]

[Cut to the research room - a digital bust of a robot]
Nebula: The latest in research robotics, stolen! Our newest warbot, pilfered! This high-tech crime wave poses a threat to machines, humans, and every other life-form in the galaxy.
XR: [drives up to Nebula] We're on the case, Pop!
Nebula: Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?!
XR: Understood completely, "Dad".
Nebula: I'm not your dad. You were built by the LGMs. For Pete's sake, I only signed the work order!
XR: [sets his hand on Nebula's shoulder] Mind for right exactly, Papoo.
Nebula: Get your greasy arm off me, you stinkin'-
Buzz: We'll get right on it, Commander.

Little Secrets [1.4]

Grub: Um, let's see, uh... I blew up your orbitron regulator so you'll crash into capital planet and I destroyed your power supply so you can't correct your orbit and... oh yeah! And I shrunk your commander's space suit.

Inside Job [1.5]


NOS-4-A2 [1.6]

[The episode begins with a cargo ship flying through deep space. We then cut to the front of the ship, piloted by an autopilot named Niner-Niner.]
Voice on Radio: This is Flight Control. Cargo ship Niner-Niner, you are cleared for passage through the Gamma Quadrant. Please log in with flight status.
Niner-Niner: This is Niner-Niner logging in. On time.
Voice on Radio: 10-4, Niner-Niner. Flight Control, out.
[Warp is seen behind Niner-Niner and flexes his robotic claws, preparing for an assault with some of Zurg's Hornets behind him. Niner-Niner gasps as he hears Warp's voice and turns around to see him holding a large bazooka and his army of Hornets.]
Warp: Hi there! I'm Warp Darkmatter. I'll be your hijacker tonight.
[He aims his bazooka at Niner-Niner.]
Niner-Niner: If you have any comments or criticisms... [Warp fires a blast at him, which he ducks his head down to dodge it.] ...please contact our "How's my driving?" department.
[Warp prepares to take another shot at the autopilot, but then, coming to Niner-Niner's defense, Buzz flies up from a hatch in the floor and fires his laser at Warp, vaporizing his bazooka out of his former partner-turned-arch rival.]
Warp: [grunts and clenches his fists and grits his teeth together in anger as he glares at Buzz] Lightyear!
Niner-Niner: [gasps in awe] Buzz Lightyear? The pride of Star Command?
Buzz: [landing in front of Niner-Niner and deactivating his jetpack] That's right, my robotic friend.
Warp: Hornets! Blast him!
[The Hornets morph their hands into laser cannons. Niner-Niner ducks his head down again to brace for any laser fire from the Hornets, but before they can begin to open fire, Booster suddenly appears by dropping through the ceiling and crushes the Hornets, reducing them into a pile of scrap.]
Buzz: [gives a thumbs up to Booster] Good work, Booster.
[Niner-Niner pops his head up and smiles widely.]
Booster: [saluting Buzz] Sorry I'm late, sir. I had a heck of a time fitting through that airlock. [Warp glares angrily at the Jo-Adian, who stands up and confronts the former Space Ranger turned evil enemy.] Well, Mr. Darkmatter! [Warp jumps up, activates his wingspan and propels himself off the Jo-Adian's head.] Aw, man!
[He looks up to see Warp floating above him.]
Warp: Better luck next time, Rookie. [He flies down the hall and turns on his communicator to send in more Hornets.] Hornets! Rendezvous in the cargo hold. Move it! Lightyear's here.
[XR is then seen chasing after him with his eyes flashing red and blue, producing a siren sound like a police car.]
XR: All right! Pull it over, pal!
Warp: [smirks] Oh, great! The tin toy.
XR: Not tin. A terillium-carbonic alloy. [He rolls up a wall and pulls up alongside Warp on his left.] Let me tell you, by the way- [Warp smacks him off the wall with his left wing, sending him plummeting down to the ground.] YEOW! Hey! [He crash lands on the floor and skids violently.] Ugh! Aah! Agh! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, that hurts!
[Warp escapes from XR and flies past the robot Ranger.]
Warp: [tauntingly] See ya, tin toy!
XR: Okay, you weren't listening because I said not tin, it's terillium! [He gets up.] Which is very tough, by the way! Don't kid yourself for its- [His arm suddenly pops off, interrupting him.] Augh! Okay, it's no problem. Nobody saw that.
[He puts his arm back on. Mira appears by ghosting through the door.]
Mira: Warp Darkmatter, you are under arrest! [She fires her laser at Warp, taking out his right wing and sending him crashing into the ground in front of her with a grunt. He gets up and smirks at the Tangean princess.] I recommend surrender. Not-Not because I can't take you on, because-because I can.
Warp: [deactivates his jetpack] Of course you can. [bows] You can do anything, Princess.
[He fires two spiked bombs at Mira from his shoulder, which miss as she makes them ghost through her.]
Mira: [sarcastically] Aww, care to take another shot?
Warp: No need. [Mira suddenly hears the bombs beep from behind her and when she turns around, they detonate, sending her flying behind Zurg's top agent.] I love fighting Rookies.
[XR's voice is heard behind him and he turns around to see Mira, Booster and XR confronting him with their hands on their hips.]
XR: Good. Good. We've got a lot of fight left in us! [His right arm pops out again.] My fault. I'll get that.
[Buzz swoops down from above and taps Warp from behind, then activates his former partner's jetpack, which launches him into the ceiling and he gets stuck. He is then seen struggling to pull himself out of the ceiling.]
Warp: Arrgh! Hornets, attack!
[More Hornets come from above and attack Buzz.]
Mira: Buzz needs backup! [to Booster and XR] Can you guys handle this?
[Even more Hornets appear in the hall as Warp frees himself from the ceiling wall. Mira then looks behind her as large black and red robots, called Beetles, also appear.]
XR: Can we handle it? [He arms himself with multiple weapons.] Can we handle it?! [to Booster, unsure] Can we handle it?
Booster: Affirmative, Your Highness!
Mira: Guys, please just call me Mira.
[She ghosts through the floor after apparently wanting to be referred to by just her first name. Booster and XR prepare to take on the large swarm of Hornets and Beetles. Meanwhile, the other set of Hornets force Buzz through a pile of cargo and into a pile of cartons as Mira enters the scene and aims at the Hornets swarming Buzz.]
Mira: [to Buzz] Need a hand?
Buzz: No, thank you. [He flies up and spins the Hornets off of him and salutes Mira.] Everything's under control, Princess.
Mira: [annoyed] Okay, my name's Mira. Could somebody please call me Mira?!
[Buzz looks up as more danger looms.]
Buzz: Mira!
Mira: Thank- [Buzz tackles her out of the way of a laser blast.] OW!
[Buzz flies Mira to safety in front of a box as Warp flies down with a plasma cannon, the latter weapon being outlawed by the Galactic Alliance. He then deactivates his jetpack again.]
Warp: Hey, here's a weapon they don't issue you at Star Command. [He fires at a large box, destroying it.] Take a look, guys. What do you think?
Mira: [to Buzz] I thought the Galactic Alliance outlawed plasma cannons.
Buzz: [to Mira] They did. [points at Warp] Warp, I'm adding possession of illegal firearms to the charges against you!
[More Hornets and Beetles appear behind Warp.]
Warp: Don't leave out obliterating two Space Rangers now!
[He fires at Buzz and Mira, who jump backwards over the box as it catches Warp's fire at mid-air in front of them from right above, surprising both parties as Warp gasps in surprise.]
Buzz: Mira, your Tangean mental powers amaze me.
Mira: Uh, Buzz, that's not me. I think it's the box.
[The box shoots out an energy beam to absorb the laser blast shot by Warp, allowing Buzz and Mira to stand up.]
Buzz: [impressed] That's some box.
[He and Mira aim their lasers at Warp and his army of robots.]
Warp: Hornets, hit 'em with everything you've got!
[The Hornets and Beetles ready their weapons and both parties prepare to open fire, but then, the box lets out a vampire-type roar a floats up into the air before unleashing a wave of red energy beams at the Hornets and Beetles, shutting them down immediately as Warp looks on in disbelief as they all fall down to the floor while Buzz and Mira look on in amazement. The tentacles take out the rest of the robots and vaporized Warp's plasma cannon, before it quiets down and lands back on the floor. Warp is angered at this while Buzz and Mira are amazed by what they just saw as some of the Hornets land in front of them.]
Buzz: [amazed] No, really, that is some box.
Mira: [amazed] No wonder Zurg wants it.
Warp: And if the dark team can't have it, there's no way we're gonna let it fall in the hands of Star Command. [He speaks to his communicator.] Initiate freighter destruct, now!
[He takes off and escapes before Buzz and Mira can arrest him. Meanwhile, back with Booster and XR, the latter destroys three Beetles while the former grabs one Hornet and uses it to take out four other Hornets and spins it to the ground before they hear Buzz's voice and salute.]
Buzz: [off-screen] Booster, XR, do you read me?
Booster: Yes, sir!
XR: Yes!
Buzz: Good. Turn around. [They do so and turn to him and Mira.] This baby's gonna blow in nanoseconds. Booster, we need you to help us with this cargo.
Booster: [presses his emblem and activates his jetpack as well as closing his helmet] Can do!
[He takes off to collect the cargo.]
Buzz: XR, the safety of the autopilot is in your hands!
Niner-Niner: [freaking out and panicking] I'M GOING TO BE BLOWN TO ATOMS!!!
[XR tries to pull him out of his stand to help him escape.]
XR: [grunts] You are really bolted in there.
[Niner-Niner's stand pulls him and XR back and flips both of them over and smacks them against the control panel and floor repeatedly. Buzz, Mira and Booster are flying away from the ship with the cargo just as the freight explodes, sending Mira and Booster flying forwards and dropping the cargo, but Buzz catches it. Meanwhile, there's no sign of XR or Niner-Niner yet, leaving the three Rangers worried for the two.]
Mira and Booster: [worried] XR!
Buzz: [worried] Come on, Ranger.
[XR is then seen flying out of the smoke with Niner-Niner in tow, albeit with both covered in explosion soot.]
XR: Hoo! I'll tell you what, if we had thought of that big bang beforehand, we could have saved ourselves a lot of energy, am I right?
Buzz: Well done, XR! [XR salutes and chuckles while Niner-Niner coughs.] More or less.
[The scene changes to Star Cruiser 42, heading back to Star Command with the cargo and with Niner-Niner safe, but now without a job. He is also scowling at XR. Commander Nebula then contacts Buzz and his team.]
Commander Nebula: Calling Buzz Lightyear. Commander Nebula to Buzz Lightyear.
[Booster flinches and XR lights up as they both salute the commander.]
Buzz: Lightyear, sir.
Commander Nebula: What's your team's status?
XR: [interrupts] We're doin' great, Pop!
Commander Nebula: [off-screen, angrily, to XR] Don't call me that!
[This startles XR as he jumps and sheepishly places his hand on his forehead. He flinches some more as Niner-Niner stretches his neck and speaks up.]
Niner-Niner: [to Commander Nebula] On behalf of the Robo-Freighter Company, I would like to file a formal complaint against your son, here.
[He uses his hands to walk in front of XR and motions to him to the commander.]
Commander Nebula: [annoyed] He's not my son.
[XR opens his drawer and pulls out a work order plaque.]
XR: I have the work order right here. Look! He signed and initialed. [He shows Niner-Niner the work order as he crosses his arms in annoyance.] Commander Neubla authorized my construction. He gave me life.
[An embarrassed Mira rolls her eyes and places her hand on her forehead. Buzz looks unsure about this, then gets serious as he turns to Nebula again.]
Buzz: Commander, the freighter was destroyed, but we salvaged the cargo.
Commander Nebula: What is it?
Buzz: Sir, it's a mystery.
Mira: All we know was that Zurg was after it.
Commander Nebula: Check out the autopilot's black box. That's gonna tell you what you need to know: cargo, destination, who hired the freighter.
Niner-Niner: [opens his chest hatch] Oh, are you referring to this black box?
[He pulls out the black box, which was melted in the explosion. He then drops it to the floor.]
XR: Probably not. That one got all melted in the explosion. [He tosses the box aside before rummaging through Niner-Niner's chest to search for another box that wasn't melted in the freighter self-destruct explosion.] Got any more in there?
Commander Nebula: XR, were you assigned to rescue that autopilot?
[XR takes his hand out of Niner-Niner's chest as he closes his hatch and shoots another glare at the robot Ranger as the latter salutes Nebula.]
XR: You bet, Pater.
Commander Nebula: [off-screen, sarcastically] Uh, son, why don't you check on the status of that mystery cargo?
[XR's eyes widen at this and grins as he closes them.]
XR: Absolutely! That's a job for someone like me. [Nebula rolls his eyes and his mustache droops in embarrassment.] Later, Pop!
[A hatch underneath him opens up and he gets sucked through the travel tube to the room where the mysterious cargo is located on the Star Cruiser. Niner-Niner watches him leave.]
Niner-Niner: [sarcastically] Oh, I see how it works. Everybody makes allowances just because he's the commander's son.
[Nebula loses his patience and starts shouting.]
Commander Nebula: [yelling] HE'S NOT MY SON! He's not even a real Ranger! He's just a robot!
[Niner-Niner appears to be hurt at Nebula's hatred of robots, which began with the failed XL Project.]
Niner-Niner: [hurt and upset] Oh. You're one of those.
[He crosses his arms again. Buzz turns to the commander once again.]
Commander Nebula: Alright. Here's how it's gonna be. Buzz, you're gonna do a performance evaluation on XR. And I want the truth! If he can't cut it as a Ranger, we're shuttin' him down.
[Buzz, Mira and Booster look at each other in worry for XR, not wanting to lose a member of their team.]
Booster: [worried, whispering] You'll give him a good report, won't you, Buzz?
Commander Nebula: I repeat: I want the truth! Nebula, out.
[The communicator screens deactivate.]
Mira: The truth, huh?
Buzz: That's right, Mira. Space Rangers don't fib. XR will just have to prove he has the right stuff.
Niner-Niner: Okay! So, how soon will you be interviewing for his position?
[We then cut to a view of Planet Z from space. The scene changes to inside the planet itself and the Zurg Tower.]
Zurg: Ah, Darkmatter. You have returned. I crave good news! Did you attack the freighter?
Warp: [bows proudly] Yes, Evil Emperor Zurg.
Zurg: [waves arms] And did Buzz Lightyear rush to the rescue?
Warp: Uh, yes.
Zurg: [stands up] And was Lightyear victorious?
Warp: [disappointedly] Yes.
[Zurg holds his head as he bends over before standing upright and clutching his fists triumphantly.]
Zurg: Outstanding!
Warp: [confused] Don't you have a strict "failure means death" policy?
Zurg: Normally, yes. Today, no.
Warp: But, Lightyear got the box.
Zurg: Well, of course he did, dipstick. That was my plan. [Warp looks on nervously.] I hired the freighter to carry the box. I ordered you to attack. I wanted Lightyear to win, because yes, I wanted him to have the box!
Warp: In case you hadn't noticed, that box does some amazing stuff. Maybe I could use a box like that.
Zurg: [dismissively] Darkmatter, it's a box of doom. It's not for you. [He waves his hand at Warp dismissively, making his number one agent look at him in annoyance. He then starts gloating.] For you see, it contains my latest instrument of evil, intended to destroy Star Command! And who better to deliver it for me than Buzz Lightyear? [He laughs evilly, but then starts coughing from laughing too hard.] Could I have a little water? Little water? [He reaches out for a glass of water given to him from somebody off-screen.] Thank you.
[The scene changes to 42's cargo hold, where the mystery box is located. The front of the box says "NOS-4-A2" on it. XR appears from the travel tube and speaks into his communicator.]
XR: Ranger log. Operation: Check on the mystery cargo. [He circles around the box.] Mystery cargo status: still here. Still mysterious. Still, well, that-that about does it.
[He rolls away from the cargo, when suddenly, red lights flash around its edge and the box opens, filling the room with redness. XR turns around and, to his horror, he sees a robotic hand reaching out and out came Zurg's newest creation: an energy vampire named NOS-4-A2 with a flourish. XR's eyes widen in terror as he backs away from the robotic vampire and tries to pull on the tubes to escape from the room, with NOS-4-A2 chasing him down.]
XR: [jumping and stomping on the tubes] Bah! [He then tries to use the normal entrance to escape from NOS-4-A2's grasp.] Door, door, door, door, door!
NOS-4-A2: Resist me not, little one, for you are mine.
[A frightened XR shivers in fear as the energy vampire looms closer, before the screen ominously fades to black as NOS-4-A2 bites the robot Ranger. The screen then changes to XR's point of view as he wakes up to see Booster, who leans over him as he lies on the floor after NOS-4-A2's attack.]
Booster: [concerned] XR? You okay?
XR: I'm fine. [He sits up and stretches his words.] Just fine. [He moves his hand to reveal two glowing red holes near the base of his helmet where he was bitten. He then starts to laugh evilly, then stops as he glances around.] Huh? Was that me laughing?
[His eyes turn red as he chuckles quietly, revealing him to be under NOS-4-A2's control, which also reveals that the energy vampire can take control of machines he bites. The screen cuts to black again, then switches to a view of Star Command and a part of Capital Planet from space as Space Rangers fly past the space station. Star Cruiser 42 approaches Star Command and lands in the Launch Bay as Commander Nebula watches. We then cut over to the Science Bay where the mystery cargo is being lowered to the ground by a giant claw as Nebula starts to grow impatient as he wants to know what it is.]
Commander Nebula: [impatiently] Great guns, can't anybody around here give me answers?! [glances to the LGMs] What is that thing?
All LGMs: Ooooh!
LGM #1: Box.
[The cargo is lowered into place.]
LGM #2: Large box.
Commander Nebula: Fantastic. Let me know when you've got more.
[He walks up to Buzz, Mira and Booster.]
Mira: Do you think Evil Emperor Zurg will make another play for it?
Commander Nebula: [clenches fists in determination] Let him try. We'll be ready. [He slams his fist into his palm, then turns back to the LGMs.] I want that box under a security field!
All LGMs: Field! [The LGM in the front presses a button on the remote to activate a blue security field around the cargo, unaware that said box contains NOS-4-A2 in it.] Done.
Commander Nebula: [proudly] Nice work, boys. [to Buzz] Now, um, Buzz-
Buzz: [off-screen] Over here, sir.
[The scene cuts to find Buzz, Mira and Booster looking up at a charger from the ceiling. Nebula walks up to find out what's going on.]
Commander Nebula: Sweet mother of Venus, what's so fascinating up there?
[An LGM pulls the switch and the charger swivels around, revealing a red-eyed XR.]
XR: [excitedly] Daddy-o! Hey!
Commander Nebula: Which reminds me. [He knocks on Buzz's suit.] I look forward to that report.
[He walks out of the Science Bay.]
Buzz: [sighs] I'll get right on it.
[Later, two tired LGMs start to depart from the Science Bay.]
LGM #1: [tired] What a day.
LGM #2: You said it.
[They both exit and the door closes. The lights dim and the room goes dark. Suddenly, NOS-4-A2's box begins emitting red lightning bolts as it starts to open. XR is then shown sleeping in the charger as the box opens, spilling fog over the edges while also making vampire-type roars. NOS-4-A2 rises from his box, wrapped in his cape.]
NOS-4-A2: [breathes deeply, to the sleeping XR] Hear me, little one. NOS-4-A2 calls to you.
[This wakes XR up from his sleep. He is also annoyed about being disturbed from his slumber.]
XR: [groans in annoyance] Oh, why is it always right in the middle of a dream? [He turns to look at NOS-4-A2 around the side of the charger.] Hey, uh, you know, I'm tryin' to recharge over here, if you don't mind.
NOS-4-A2: [off-screen] Hear the voice of-
XR: My dark... [He falls off the charger and crashes into the ground.] ...master. [He perks up and looks around.] Who said that?!
NOS-4-A2: [runs finger across the inside of the security field] Release me, little one.
XR: [rolls up to the switch] You shall be released!
[He pulls the switch and the field is deactivated, releasing NOS-4-A2 as he flies out and spins around while roaring. He then spreads out his wings.]
NOS-4-A2: Oh, yeah!
[He produces lightning as XR looks on. He smiles and crosses his arms.]
XR: [impressed] He makes an entrance, you've gotta give him that.
[NOS-4-A2 flies around, enjoying his newfound freedom.]
NOS-4-A2: Hu-ho! Free at last!
[He sighs as he floats in the air on his back with his hands behind his head. XR rolls up to the energy vampire.]
XR: What now, my dark master?
NOS-4-A2: Ah! Now, we destroy Star Command. [He flies over to the control panel.] Ah, the communications network. Let the feast begin!
[He pulls the control panel up and sinks his teeth into it, biting it as it falls under his control. Meanwhile, in the Reviewing Room, Buzz is watching a recording while trying to come up with a report that would help make XR cut it as a Space Ranger, so that Commander Nebula won't order Star Command to deactivate him like they did with XL.]
Buzz: [on recording] Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! [XR falls on top of his head, knocking him over.] Ow!
XR: [on recording] Sorry, my mistake! [laughs] Boy, if I had a nickel for every time that happened, am I right?
[Buzz facepalms in annoyance as he watches the recording. Mira ghosts up through the floor behind him and walks up to him as she puts her hands behind her back.]
Mira: Anything?
Buzz: [turns to Mira] XR's top-notch Space Ranger material, I know it. If only I could find something, anything on our mission recorder to prove that.
Mira: [coming up with an idea] Okay, how about when he saved the Altherian ambassador from that shape-shifting alien assassin?
Buzz: Excellent choice.
[He turns the dial to the recording of XR rescuing the Altherian ambassador from the shape-shifting alien assassin, but what he and Mira are about to see isn't going so well.]
XR: [on recording, off-screen] Look at me, I'm the ambassador! Everybody, look at me! [Buzz and Mira start cringing while they watch the recording.] Oh, I'm so proud of my treaty. [Buzz covers his face while Mira turns away, both still cringing.] Ooh, I'm the ambassador. Oooh, I'm somebody's brother-in-law! Ooooh!
[Buzz rolls his eyes and crosses his arms while Mira places her hands behind her back, both Rangers with embarrassed looks on their faces.]
Buzz: [on recording, off-screen] Mr. Ambassador, look out!
[The ambassador screams and a splat is heard. Mira winces at this while Buzz looks at her.]
Mira: [sighs] XR. [Suddenly, an alarm goes off, making the Tangean princess gasp.] It's a-!
Buzz: [stands up] Red alert.
[The screen goes to static while red lights flash with the alarm. Buzz and Mira rush off while NOS-4-A2 appears on the screen, grinning deviously. The scene changes to the hallway, where several Space Rangers rush into action while Booster slumps in the opposite direction, still worrying for XR.]
Booster: [worried] Poor XR. I hope they don't shut him down.
[Then, what looks to be Nebula's voice is heard on the intercom.]
Intercom in Nebula's voice: Attention, Rangers! Red alert!
[Booster looks at the red light, pouting, then perks up as he realizes what's happening.]
Booster: Red alert? [places his hands on his head] RED ALERT!
[He immediately turns around and runs back the other way. We then cut to the Science Bay, where we find the culprit impersonating Nebula, which is none other than NOS-4-A2, who is resting his elbows on the control panel with XR behind him, the latter wearing a vampire cape.]
NOS-4-A2: [in Nebula's voice] This is not a drill! [Booster continues running down the hall.] The Evil Emperor Zurg has launched an attack on Star Command!
[Buzz and Mira run up to Star Cruiser 42, not realizing that NOS-4-A2 is tricking them. The scene changes to the Break Room, where Commander Nebula and three LGMs are seen sitting at a table playing cards when they heard the red alert, being faked by NOS-4-A2.]
LGM: Ooooh, Commander Nebula has ordered a red alert.
Commander Nebula: [suspiciously] Now, what's wrong with this picture?
NOS-4-A2: [in Nebula's voice, through intercom] Launch! Go, go, go!
Commander Nebula: Somebody's yankin' our chain!
[He gets up and slams his deck of cards on the table and attempts to walk out of the room to confront the culprit, but the doors close in front of him, controlled by NOS-4-A2.]
NOS-4-A2: [regular voice, through intercom] Relax, Commander. [breathes deeply] You're off duty.
[Nebula bangs his fist at the door, demanding to be let out. Meanwhile, in the Launch Bay, Star Cruisers take off, but 42 doesn't launch yet.]
Buzz: Blast! [slams his fist against the control panel] We have to launch!
Mira: Without Booster?!
Buzz: Affirmative. Zurg's out there.
[42 finally takes off after a delay. At the Command Deck, however, NOS-4-A2 and his brainwashed sidekick XR have taken three Space Rangers and several Little Green Men hostage, both parties tied up by the energy vampire. All 3 Rangers are struggling and straining against their ropes, trying to break free, but it's no use. NOS-4-A2 floats past them and smirks at the LGMs.]
LGM: This cannot be!
XR: [rolls up to them and flicks his cape back] Can so!
[NOS-4-A2 presses the red button on the vidphone to communicate with Zurg.]
Zurg: I demand a status report! Now!
NOS-4-A2: [annoyed by Zurg's tone] Oh, don't take that tone with me, Zurg!
[He crosses his arms and turns his head in annoyance, not taking too kindly to Zurg's demanding tone of voice towards him.]
Zurg: That is Evil Emperor Zurg to you! [points at NOS-4-A2] Perhaps you've forgotten who gave you life. [sighs wistfully] The hours I slaved away in my evil lab...
[He lowers his head in disappointment.]
NOS-4-A2: [shaking his head] Oh, let's not embarrass ourselves, shall we? [smirks] I have hostages here.
[He shows Zurg the hostages he and XR have taken, the latter waving while chuckling. Zurg notices this and regains himself.]
Zurg: Sorry. Uh, how goes Operation: Destroy Star Command?
NOS-4-A2: [does a flip] Star Command is mine! There's no opposition.
[He claps his hands together and crosses his arms.]
Zurg: What of Lightyear?
NOS-4-A2: He's off in space chasing his own jet trail.
[He waves his left hand and places both his arms behind his head.]
Zurg: There'll be no one to stop me! The galaxy will be mine!
[He starts laughing evilly, with his energy vampire minion joining in on the evil laughter while sticking his tongue out as he cackles wickedly. XR rolls up to the two.]
XR: Can we make it a threesome?
[Zurg and NOS-4-A2 stop laughing to think about it. NOS-4-A2 grabs his chin while he thinks, then smirks in approval and all three laugh maniacally. Meanwhile, in space, Buzz and Mira are looking at the windshield in confusion as they and the other Rangers see nothing but stars ahead of them as they fly through space in their Star Cruisers.]
Mira: [off-screen] This doesn't strike me as very... red alert-ish.
Buzz: [talking through the microphone] Commander, it's quiet out here. Real quiet. Space quiet.
NOS-4-A2: [in Nebula's voice] If the computer says we're under attack by Zurg, then we're under attack! Always trust the machine.
[Buzz and Mira look at each other in shock at what they just heard. Buzz pulls a lever to turn the ship around and fly back to Star Command.]
Buzz: Reverse thrusters, that's not our commander!
[Back in Star Command, the real Nebula is still pounding on the locked doors as Booster runs past.]
Commander Nebula: [yelling angrily] OPEN THESE BLASTED DOORS!
[Booster backs up to the door upon hearing the commander yell out.]
Booster: Commander? [places an ear on the door] Commander Nebula? Is that you?
[Suddenly, he gets blasted backwards along with the door by Nebula's peg leg cannon, with smoke billowing out of it after being used.]
Commander Nebula: When are they gonna learn? Nobody locks up Nebula. [He looks up at Booster, who salutes.] You're with me, Rookie!
[He walks off as Booster dislodges himself off the wall, with the door stuck in his face, obstructing his view.]
Booster: [voice muffled behind the door] With you? Wow! I- [He crashes into another wall because he can't see where he's going.] OH!
[He groans in pain as he stumbles down the hall to follow Nebula, due to being blinded by the door. Back at the Launch Bay, Mira ghosts through the door and lands next to the control panel, then she presses a switch to allow Buzz to enter. Buzz flies in and lands on the walkway with Mira landing beside him. They deactivate their jetpacks and open their helmets while Mira takes off her head cowl and fixes her hair.]
Buzz: Somebody wanted to shut us out. Let's turn this place upside down to find out who.
Mira: Uh, my guess would be him.
[She points up behind Buzz to find NOS-4-A2 waiting for them while sitting atop the control station of the Launch Bay.]
NOS-4-A2: I am your doom. [He spreads his wings and flies down in front of the two Space Rangers.] I am NOS-4-A2.
[He spreads lightning as he tries to look menacing. Buzz watches with crossed arms and an unimpressed smirk on his face.]
Buzz: [unfazed] I am... unimpressed.
[He dashes towards NOS-4-A2 to grab him, but the energy vampire flies upward to escape his grasp, then lands behind him.]
NOS-4-A2: Your hap-handed ways are useless against NOS-4-A2!
[He roars and breathes energy fire out of his mouth like a dragon. Buzz dodges this attack by jumping forward and somersaults. Mira lunges at NOS-4-A2 from behind and grabs him in the back, but he throws her off him as she lands next to Buzz. He then fires an energy beam from his left hand at a panel, which opens and sends out wires to restrain the two Space Rangers by tying them up, but Mira escapes by ghosting through them and Buzz blasts his laser at his wires holding him to escape, landing in front and behind the energy vampire. NOS-4-A2 breathes more energy fire at Buzz, striking his chest and sending him backwards.]
NOS-4-A2: I have the power. [A horrified Mira rushes to Buzz's aid.] I control Star Command. [points at Buzz] And you, Buzz Lightyear, brought me here!
[He laughs evilly and spreads more lightning. Mira helps Buzz up as he realizes what the cargo that Niner-Niner's freighter contained.]
Buzz: [in realization] The cargo. This monster was the cargo!
NOS-4-A2: [grasping his hands together] Which brings us to Monster's Little Helper.
[He shows Buzz and Mira the door, which opens to reveal, to their horror, their brainwashed teammate, XR.]
XR: I serve my Dark Master! Bleh! Bleh!
[He opens his cape and hisses.]
Mira: [horrified] XR?!
Buzz: This will not look good on my report.
[XR grins evilly and waggles his fingers as the screen cuts to black, then cuts back to the brainwashed robot Ranger laughing evilly and doing a vampire claw gesture with his right hand. NOS-4-A2 suddenly grabs Mira from behind, startling Buzz.]
Mira: Eeeeyauggh! [NOS-4-A2 bites her in the left shoulder of her suit.] Eww!!! Get off!
[She elbows NOS-4-A2 off her and she falls back to the ground in front of Buzz.]
Buzz: Mira!
Mira: I'm okay! He didn't get through my suit.
[Buzz gets on a knee to prepare to fire his laser at NOS-4-A2.]
XR: None dare defy my dark master!
[He grabs Buzz from behind, who tries to pull his brainwashed teammate off of him.]
Buzz: [wrestling with XR] Ranger, you are not helping your service record.
[He accidentally misfires, almost hitting Mira as she ducks down to avoid the laser fire as NOS-4-A2 flies out of the way.]
Mira: Hey! Alright, you wanna watch it?!
[She angrily stomps towards Buzz, who is still struggling against XR.]
Buzz: Uh, sorry. [Mira punches him off of XR's grip, sending him backwards. He lands on his hands and knees and shakes his head.] Hey, I said I was sorry!
[Mira, after punching Buzz, realizes that NOS-4-A2 made her do it, revealing that he did indeed get through her suit, making it fall under his control as Mira fights against it.]
Mira: [grunting] Gah! Ugh! It wasn't me, Buzz! Oomph! [Her suit's left hand raises up.] It's NOS-4-A2! [Her right hand moves forward as NOS-4-A2 makes Mire fire her laser against her own leader.] Urgh! He's controlling my suit!
[She fires at Buzz against her own will. Buzz dodges one laser blast by rolling out of harm's way, then gets up and jumps to avoid a second laser fire.]
Buzz: So, I can't fire without blastin' a fellow Ranger.
NOS-4-A2: She's an assassin and a hostage all rolled into one!
[He grasps his hands together. With no other way of regaining control of her suit, Mira ghosts out of it.]
Mira: Not for long!
[She kicks her suit from behind, causing it to spin around and accidentally fire at NOS-4-A2, who screams and falls to the ground. XR watches in horror.]
XR: [horrified] Oh, no! Dark Master!
[He rolls up to his aid. Mira continues to wrestle against her own space suit, but it gains the upper hand and knees her in the stomach. Buzz immediately activates his jetpack and flies up, then fires at Mira's suit, melting it. He then grabs Mira and they both escape from the Launch Bay, while XR lifts NOS-4-A2 into a sitting position.]
XR: Shall I avenge your defeat?
NOS-4-A2: [wings flickering] Defeat... is unacceptable. I was programmed only for a swift and destructive victory.
[In the Corridor, Buzz is holding Mira while they fly through the hall.]
Mira: Buzz, if NOS-4-A2 could fake a red alert, he really is in control of Star Command.
Buzz: Only the machines, not us. Two determined Space Rangers are a force that cannot be stopped.
[Not watching where he is going, he and Mira fly past Booster and Commander Nebula, who is digging through a panel in the floor, and crash into a sealed door.]
Buzz and Mira: [grunt in pain] Ugh! OW!
[They fall in front of Booster and Nebula, while Mira groans in pain.]
Booster: Commander Nebula! It's Buzz and Mira!
Commander Nebula: [pulling out some wires and removing some junk from the panel] Pipe down, Rookie. I think I have hotwired the emergency door.
[Buzz sits up on his knees and clutches his head in pain after crashing.]
Buzz: Yeah, that's a big 10-4, Commander.
[Nebula pulls his head out of the panel and notices Buzz and Mira.]
Commander Nebula: Oh, Lightyear. So nice of you to join us. We're sealin' off the whole area. [Buzz and Mira stand up and another door closes.] Buzz, we've got an intruder.
[He wraps an arm around Buzz.]
Buzz: Yes, Commander.
Commander Nebula: Some sort of...
Buzz: Energy vampire.
Commander Nebula: He's taken control of my space station, and I won't stand for it!
NOS-4-A2: [on intercom] Oh, Commander, as if you have a choice.
Commander Nebula: That's him! That's the guy!
Booster: He was in the Science Lab! We gotta check on XR!
Mira: Ah, he's o- he's okay.
Booster: [hopeful] You saw him?
Mira: [muttering] We fought him.
Booster: Huh?
[Just then, they hear slamming on the door by XR.]
XR: [off-screen, behind door] Stupid door! [He punches the door, leaving a dent with his fist mark.] D'awww, come on!
Booster: [worried] Is that XR?
Mira: Uh, well, k-kinda yes, kinda- kind of, no.
Buzz: Back off. That energy vampire's mine.
[He steps up places his hands on his hips. NOS-4-A2 suddenly tears through the sealed door and tackles Buzz by grabbing him by the shoulders and forces him through the other sealed door, before Buzz flips him off and lands on the ground. Nebula, Mira and Booster watch this in shock before turning their attention to XR, who jumps through the hole NOS-4-A2 made in the door.]
XR: Face me, enemies of my Dark Master!
[He howls and hisses with his claws in the air. Nebula is angered at XR's presumed betrayal, not knowing that he's under NOS-4-A2's control.]
Commander Nebula: XR's a traitor!
[Booster gasps in disbelief as his ears droop down in sadness.]
Booster: No...
Mira: It's not his fault. When NOS-4-A2 bites a machine, it's helpless.
[The door behind XR opens and it appears that reinforcements have arrived.]
Commander Nebula: Outstanding! [smirks] Reinforcements!
[Unfortunately, the suits are all empty and under NOS-4-A2's control as well. XR laughs and leads them to attack.]
Booster: [off-screen, shocked] Zombie space suits!
[Nebula punches two space suits and throws a third one off of him while Mira jumps off another one and kicks three more suits down to the ground before going back-to-back with Nebula to take on more suits coming at them. Meanwhile, while that's happening, Buzz continues his battle against NOS-4-A2.]
NOS-4-A2: My programming contained much data about you, Lightyear. [He uses his white glowing hands to make the floor panels crush Buzz, but he leaps out of the way and tries to fire his laser at him, but the energy vampire flips to dodge both laser blasts. He then lands behind the Star Command captain.] Zurg led me to believe that you were a foe to be reckoned with. He overestimates you.
[He launches himself at Buzz, who wrestles against him and throws him against a wall, but then the energy vampire tackles the Space Ranger and slams him against the ceiling and pins his arms around his back before wrapping one arm around Buzz's chest as he prepares to bite him.]
Buzz: Leave it to Zurg to create a villain even more arrogant than himself!
[He activates his wingspan and flies out of NOS-4-A2's grasp before pinning him to the ground. Back to Mira and Nebula, the former is supporting the latter as he uses his peg leg cannon to fire at the suits approaching the two while XR confronts Booster.]
XR: You will fall before me, flesh thing!
[He wraps his hands around Booster's legs and tries to pull him down.]
Booster: XR, it's me, Booster!
XR: You are nothing to me. I serve my Dark Master.
[Booster flinches in fear. Meanwhile, NOS-4-A2 is still pinned down to the ground by Buzz.]
NOS-4-A2: I am NOS-4-A2. I cannot be defeated! It's not in my programming!
Buzz: Really? Well, maybe it's time to reboot!
[He throws him backwards and sits up, but before he can continue his battle against the energy vampire, suits come out of nowhere and tackle him. Back to Booster and XR, the Jo-Adian opens the robot Ranger's chest and looks for his authorization form as it causes XR to laugh.]
Booster: [desperately] Oh, be quiet! Where is that thing? [While he looks for his work order, Mira and Nebula continue to fire at the suits, but they soon become overwhelmed by the mass number of suits. The Jo-Adian starts pulling stuff out of XR's chest as he continues to search.] I just know it's in here somewhere.
[Back to Buzz, he is wrestling against the suits.]
Buzz: This is a gross misuse of Star Command property!
[Nebula and Mira are pinned down by the overwhelming amount of empty space suits as they try to wrestle against them to break free.]
Commander Nebula: [to Booster] Quit monkeyin' around and blast that robot to atoms!
Booster: Forget it! I mean, um, requesting permission to, um, disregard your order, sir! Please! Oh, man. [He keeps going through XR's chest, until eventually, he finds his authorization form and perks up, causing XR's head to bounce up and down.] Hey! Ooh! I found it.
[Meanwhile, Buzz is pinned down by empty space suits as he struggles to break free as NOS-4-A2's shadow looms over him.]
NOS-4-A2: It is over for you, Buzz Lightyear.
[As NOS-4-A2 is about to finish off Buzz, Booster shows XR his plaque.]
Booster: Look! You're not some zombie robot bad guy! You're XR!
XR: My creation authorization form... [He takes the plaque and tears pour down from his eyes as he hugs it.] Signed and initialed... [His eyes turn back to yellow, regaining complete control of himself. He takes his cape off and zooms away from Booster, towards NOS-4-A2, who is about to bite Buzz.] All right, Dracula! [He grabs him from behind and pulls him towards him.] You're goin' down!
[His fingers turn into suction-cups and plugs them on the back NOS-4-A2's head, sucking the energy out of him as he glows with blue electricity.]
NOS-4-A2: How can you defy me?! [in defeat] No machine can resist my will...
[He turns dark after having all of his electric energy sucked out of him by XR and faints.]
XR: Yeah, well, I'm a little more than just a machine. I'm a Space Ranger!
[He stands proudly as the background changes to a ray of green, white and blue circling around him.]
Buzz: That is goin' in my report.
Commander Nebula: I don't need any stinkin' report! You heard him, Lightyear! [grins] He's a Space Ranger!
[Mira and Booster are delighted to hear this.]
XR: [salutes] Thanks, Pop!
Commander Nebula: [annoyed] Would ya stop callin' me that?
XR: Aw, Dad!
[He hugs and kisses him on the cheek, embarrassing him further. The scene changes to the Zurg Tower at Planet Z.]
Zurg: Prepare my forces for launch! [A Grub mishears the "launch" part and holds up a lunch platter with a pie on it. He swats it away to correct the Grub.] No, not lunch! Launch! [clenches his fist] Once NOS-4-A2 destroys Star Command, the galaxy will be mine! [He suddenly hears the vidphone screens activate as Buzz's face appears on the screen as the camera shifts over to the screens over a brief set of anime-styled speed lines.] Huh?
Buzz: Not today, Zurg.
Zurg: LIGHTYEAR?! [He stands up and shakes his fist at him.] It cannot be!
[XR's face appears on the screen to taunt the Evil Emperor over NOS-4-A2's failure, foiling another one of Zurg's evil schemes.]
XR: [tauntingly] Can so! [He blows a raspberry at Zurg. In Star Command, he and the rest of Team Lightyear are gathered around the vidphone. to Buzz] Shouldn't he just hang up on him now?
Buzz: Wait for it.
[Buzz hangs up on him after hearing that.]
Mira: Yep. Never get tired of hearing that, do ya?
Buzz: Nope. Score another one for the good guys.
XR: That's right! We bad! [laughs] Well, in a good way.
Booster: Where to now, Buzz?
[The scene changes to Star Cruiser 42 launching out of the Launch Bay.]
Buzz: [off-screen] To infinity and beyond!
[42 flies past Star Command and Capital Planet as the screen cuts to black, ending the episode and starting the staff credits, with the Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Television logos following, as well as the Distributed by Buena Vista International Inc. logo for international prints.]

The Planet Destroyer [1.7]

Buzz: [removing his disguise] And this isn't real money!
[Mira appears from behind Lardak.]
Mira: Lardak Lurdak, you are under arrest for counterfeiting!
Lardak: [grabs Mira] I don't think so!
[He throws Mira into Buzz.]
Mira: Whoa!
[Lardak hops aboard his bike and takes off to escape from Buzz and Mira. Mira pops out of the shade.]
Mira: [points at Lardak] Buzz, he's getting away!
Buzz: [pops out of the shade, to Mira] Negative.

The Beasts of Karn [1.8]

[The episode begins with Team Lightyear in Star Cruiser 42 approaching a planet called "Karn", a jungle world filled with dangerous predators. Buzz tries to contact the Karn Bio-station and its researcher, Doctor Ozma Furbanna.]
Buzz: Buzz Lightyear to Karn Bio-station. Buzz Lightyear to Karn Bio-station. [He gets no reply. He then turns to his team.] Here's what we know, team. It's been three months since the Karn Bio-station's last report. Star Command wants answers and we're gonna find 'em.
[Suddenly, he sees a mysterious pterodactyl-like creature coming, causing him to steer clear from it's path, but it crashes into 42's positioning antenna and breaks it off, preventing Booster from navigating.]
Booster: We just lost our positioning antenna!
Buzz: [nonchalantly] No biggie.
XR: Wait. If I may, sir, no antenna means no navigation!
Buzz: [still unfazed] I repeat, no biggie.
Booster: How are we gonna land?
Buzz: [sarcastically] By the seat of our pants.
Booster: Heh, good thing I've got big pants.
Buzz: Buzz Lightyear to Karn Bio-station. Buzz Lightyear to Karn Bio-station, do you read? [He still gets no answer. sighs] Still no contact. I hope Doctor What's-her-name's alright down there.
Mira: You mean, Dr. Ozma Furbanna? She's one of the most honored animal research scientists in the galaxy.
XR: Yeah, that's great, Mira.

Tag Team [1.9]

Commander Nebula: Buzz, we found you on Tradeworld, out cold. We lost all contact with you for eight hours.
Buzz: [surprised] Eight hours?! [He tries to swat the Med Probe away.] Pesky little...
LGMs: [off-screen] Good!
Buzz: I don't remember anything. One minute I'm slapping the bracelets on Warp Darkmatter...
Commander Nebula: Ah, yes. Your old Academy pal-gone-bad.
Buzz: [nods] Yeah, him. Next thing I know, I'm lying here having a personal laser check with the Med Probe!
[He tries to Kung-Fu chop the Probe, but misses. The Med Probe then plugs into the status plug, where it reveals the very source of what caused Buzz to black out: an implant.]
LGMs: [off-screen] Uh-oh.
Buzz: Uh-oh? What uh-oh? Clarify that uh-oh.
Commander Nebula: We've got an implant of unknown origin.
Buzz: What's unknown about it? It has to be Darkmatter's doing! Take it out!
Commander Nebula: [To the Little Green Men] ASAP!
[Next scene, the Little Green Men are preparing to remove Buzz's implant. Buzz is laying on his stomach.]
LGM: Preparing to remove implant.
[He prepares to screw the implant out, but gets electrocuted along with the other LGMs because the implant has a security defense system.]
Commander Nebula: [off-screen] It has a defense system!
Buzz: You said you couldn't leave without me!
Warp: That's right, I couldn't. Because I can't drive a stick.
Buzz: Oh...

The Main Event [1.10]

[The episode begins with a close-up of Buzz's eyes.]
Buzz: Evil. [whispers] It's everywhere. The galaxy reeks of it. I can fight it. But, I can't fight it alone. I need your help. [The screen zooms out to reveal his full body and XR beside him.] If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Now, you gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I care enough to act"? Well, do ya?
[The anteater citizens look at Buzz while they eat some meat loaf called "mulnar loaf". One female anteater, named Flon, offers some mulnar loaf to Buzz, who reacts with repulse at the smell of the loaf.]
Flon: More mulnar loaf, Ranger Lightyear?
Buzz: No thank you, ma'am.
Zurg: If anyone is to be harmed, IT'S YOU! [presses his "Z" emblem and activates his rocket boots, flying away. Buzz tries to shoot him, but misses as the Evil Emperor laughs evilly. Buzz grunts in frustration and activates his jetpack, taking off in hot pursuit of his archenemy.] Didn't know about the rocket boots, did you, Buzz? And I got them on sale!
Buzz: It's gonna take more than fancy footwear to save ya!
[Zurg takes out his Ion Blaster and fires at Buzz, who dodges the blasts and fires his laser back at the Evil Emperor, who dodges his counterattack. Klerm watches with interest.]
Klerm: Cool.
[He chuckles. Back to Zurg, he looks for Buzz before hearing the Space Ranger from above and looks up.]
Buzz: [off-screen] Lookin' for somethin'?

The Return of XL [1.11]

XL: Do you know what consumed my thoughts while I was locked up?!
XL: Wrong! [slams XR to the ground] I thought and I thought and I thought about why they deactivated me, but made you a Ranger! [points at XR]
XR: Me? That's a puzzlement. You know, that one keeps me up nights.
XL: I studied your schematics. There is one part that makes you different, makes you better: your omega-class AFD!
XR: AFD? I don't even know what that is.
XL: I don't know what it is, either. But, it is the only thing they gave you that they didn't give me!
[He morphs his right arm into a drilling machine to extract XR's Air-Freshening Device from him to steal it.]

Lost in Time [1.12]

Robot Buzz: To infin-Bzzzzzzz...! To infinity and be-FEEEEEEEE...!
Buzz: [fixes it] Well, let's see, this should do it...
Robot Buzz: To infinity, and more infinity!
Buzz: A thousand years, and this is the best they could do?

Strange Invasion [1.13]

Buzz: Ease off your thrusters, tour shuttle. Space Rangers will take it from here.

The Taking of PC-7 [1.14]


Mindwarp [1.15]


Mira's Wedding [1.16]


Panic on Bathyos [1.17]

Bathyosian: Intruders!
Gularis: I really don't like that guy. [presses a switch to set off an alarm, alerting Blackfin] Blackfin! Intruders in the missile chamber! Stop them!
Buzz: [hears the alarm] Oh, craters! This thing's complicated!
Panchax: [notices Blackfin coming towards them] I'll hold him off!
Gularis: [takes a look at Capital Planet from his radar] I can't afford to wait any longer. [swims up to the controls] Missile launch!

Shiv Katall [1.18]


Rookie of the Year [1.19]

Booster: Come on, guys, let's put our heads together!
Mira: Yeah, it was only a matter of time before someone said that.

Stress Test [1.20]

Zurg: Grubs! Begin construction of the HYPER DEATH RAY!
Dr. Animus: [giving Buzz a Rorschach test] Now, tell me, what do you see?
Buzz: Zurg.
Dr. Animus: How about this one?
Buzz: Zurg.
Dr. Animus: And this one?
Buzz: Zurg.
Dr. Animus: [holds up a picture of Mira] How about this, Buzz?
Buzz: That's Ranger Nova. She's happy, cause we got Zurg's pen!

Zurg: Hold your fire! Don't damage the HYPER DEATH RAY!

Buzz: [jumping up and down] Hey, Zurg! You really tick me off, you know that? You make me angry! VERY ANGRY! VERY, VERY ANGRY!
Zurg: You DO need a vacation.

A Zoo Out There [1.21]

Buzz: You've pulled some evil deeds in the past-
Mira: But kidnapping innocent politicians?
Zurg: Innocent politicians? Don't be oxymoronic. I'd never do something so... so obvious.

Root of Evil [1.22]


Super Nova [1.23]


Downloaded [1.24]


The Plasma Monster [1.25]


Wirewolf [1.26]

XR: So I hear you have an energy vampire. [whispers] Hey, just between us robots, where are the good hiding places on this berg?
Sentry: Eh, air ducts four through seven, but you didn't hear it from me.

The Crawling Flesh [1.27]


Dirty Work [1.28]


The Slayer [1.29]


The Lightyear Factor [1.30]


Clone Rangers [1.31]


Bunzel Fever [1.32]


Rescue Mission [1.33]


Devolutionaries [1.34]


Head Case [1.35]


The Yukari Imprint [1.36]

XR: Not only does Star Command forbid the transport of unsanctioned biological entities, Buzz has a strict "no pets" rule!

The Shape Stealer [1.37]


Star Crossed [1.38]

Romac: Mira, I know it'll never be like it was. We're both different now, but someday, I'll win you back. And you know, I never quit a job 'til it's finished. Never.

Haunted Moon [1.39]


Star Smasher [1.40]

[The episode begins with Buzz and Commander Nebula trying to evade Nebula's desk.]
Commander Nebula: Move it, Lightyear!
[They keep running until they see the desk ahead of them, waiting for Nebula.]
Buzz: Whoa!
Commander Nebula: AAAH! [The desk lowers to the ground and prints papers while wagging its tail. The commander sighs as he face palms and his mustache droops.] It found me.
Buzz: Hello, desk. [The desk points at him sternly.] Hey, he ordered me to help him escape, so...
Commander Nebula: [groans] I swore they never stick me behind the desk. Daily schedule. [He checks a paper.] Great. I'm doin' the LGM invention report, now.
Buzz: [chuckles] I'll leave you to your work.
[He starts to leave, but Nebula stops him.]
Commander Nebula: Hold up there, Ranger! Where's the fire? [points at Buzz] I think I'll send you to the review.
Buzz: But-!
Commander Nebula: Look at me! I'm up to my elbows in paperwork, here!
Buzz: [sighs and slumps dejectedly] Yes, sir.
[He dejectedly leaves to the Science Bay for the LGM invention review while Nebula is stuck in paperwork.]
Commander Nebula: Hmph. Those invention reviews are more boring than watch constellations forum.

Stranger Invasion [1.41]

Zurg: Lower it!
Grub: Lower what, Sir?
Zurg: IT! IT! D'oh, you know! The crystallic self-perpetuating breeder construction core! And can't you come up with a shorter word for it? Like "Evil Takeover Thingy"?
Grub: In test markets, four out of five victims surveyed were more frightened by big words.
Zurg: Fine, fine, fine. Let the suits have their way... for now.

Zurg: No, no, no! How many times have we been through this?! We've got to learn from our mistakes! There will be no air ducts big enough for hero-sized people to crawl through! It's just asking for trouble.

Zurg: Buzz, I am your father.
Buzz: [shocked] What?
Zurg: [strikes him] Psych! Made you look, you dimwit!

Eye of the Tempest [1.42]


Revenge of the Monsters [1.43]

XL: Well, if you're not using him, I'll take him! Ha, ha!
Buzz: XL!
Ty: You're not taking me anywhere, robot!

Lone Wolf [1.44]


Planet of the Lost [1.45]

Buzz: We're like family, really.

Revenge of the Raenoks [1.46]


Enemy Without a Face [1.47]


The Starthought [1.48]


Millennial Bugs [1.49]


Conspiracy [1.50]


At Large on a Small Planet [1.51]


Sunquake [1.52]


Good Ol' Buzz [1.53]


First Missions [1.54]


Large Target [1.55]


War, and Peace and War [1.56]

Zurg: Heed the Heed?! Hardly. Not my style!

Return to Karn [1.57]

Buzz: To infinity and beyond!
Zurg: Curse you, Buzz Lightyear!

Speed Trap [1.58]

Buzz: Rangers XR and Mira, meet the Porcelons.
[The Porcelons resemble walking toilets]
Porcelon: Well, greetings to you both. It is a pleasure.
Buzz: Rangers? Cat got your tongue?
Mira: Uh... uh... no, no, n-not at all. Just, I'm feeling a little flushed- uh, I mean, uh, oh craters!
XR: Mira! Please, sir, you'll have to excuse her potty mouth.
Porcelon: Sir, are you insulting us?!
Buzz: Mira, XR! Put a lid on it!
Porcelon: Why, you are insulting us!
Buzz: No, please, Mr. ambassador, we meant no disrespect.
Booster: [comes in] Sorry I'm late. The restroom on this floor was broken. [sees Porcelon ambassador] Oh, thank goodness!
Buzz, Mira and XR: BOOSTER, NO!
[sound of toilet flushing as the flashback ends]

Holiday Time [1.59]

Buzz: I'm sending you home for the holidays.
Zurg: Bring it on, rocket boy!

Opposites Attract [1.60]


Ancient Evil [1.61]

(cut to Star Command, sees The Cyber Gang waving Goodbye, Cadet Flarn cares Mercury Skyrim to do the honors and presses the red button)
Cadet Flarn: (to the viewers) Hey. Thanks for watching. (Waves goodbye and Pats Mercury Skyrim and he starts waving goodbye to the viewers)
Mercury Skyrim: (waves goodbye to the viewers) Goodbye, everybody.

42 [1.62]




Encyclopedic article on Buzz Lightyear of Star Command on Wikipedia

  Films     Toy Story  (1995) · Toy Story 2  (1999) · Toy Story 3  (2010) · Toy Story 4  (2019)  
  Spin‑offs     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins  (2000) · Lightyear  (2022)  
  Shorts     Toy Story Toons  (2011-12)  
  Television     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command  (2000–2001) · Toy Story of Terror!  (2013) · Toy Story That Time Forgot  (2014)  
  Musical     Toy Story: The Musical  (2008)  
  Characters     Sheriff Woody · Buzz Lightyear · Jessie