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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/bgsu.edu

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Reporting statistics of link bgsu.edu; 0 records.

Reports COIBot reported 0 links.

Below a full report on all use of the link bgsu.edu.

This list is intended to see how the external link gets used, it does not imply that involved accounts are having a conflict of interest in adding the link, or that the involved accounts are spamming the link.

LinkWatcher records:

  1. 2008-02-13 19:00:39 (UTC): User Karms012 (talk - contribs; 5) to Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education/Edition 3/3.3.3 (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/plessy/plessy.html.
  2. 2008-03-14 07:28:18 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 1) to College Student Personnel (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/edhd/hesa/index.html.
  3. 2008-05-31 04:17:21 (---): User wikipedia:ru:Trinidiqo (talk - contribs; 359) to wikipedia:ru:Филологические факультеты ВУЗ (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/greal/russian/r_program.htm.
  4. 2008-06-03 19:23:25 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 1) to Financial literacy (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/smms.
  5. 2008-06-04 21:19:34 (UTC): User 8th Ohio Volunteers (talk - contribs; 425) to 104th Ohio Infantry (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/cwar/104ovi.html.
  6. 2008-06-05 00:12:05 (---): User Ztarvin (talk - contribs; 1) to Prairie margins (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/creative-writing.
  7. 2008-06-05 17:26:08 (UTC): User Kaushik kamal 71 (talk - contribs; 14) to Sezan Mahmud (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/mc/news/2003/news798.html.
  8. 2008-06-06 01:48:55 (UTC): User ZHRax (talk - contribs; 3) to Mid-American Review (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/midamericanreview/wwhome08.html.
  9. 2008-06-07 13:23:29 (UTC): User PhilKnight (talk - contribs; 1599) to Conrad Allen (diff - undo) - Link: geology.bgsu.edu/success/conrad.htm.
  10. 2008-06-08 05:28:08 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Popular culture studies (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/.
  11. 2008-06-08 18:23:31 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Cavalcade of America (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page49005.html.
  12. 2008-06-10 00:57:35 (UTC): User wikipedia:zh:Tomchiukc (talk - contribs; 1031) to wikipedia:zh:宇宙语言学 (diff - undo) - Link: personal.bgsu.edu/.
  13. 2008-06-10 20:17:56 (UTC): User Lllbllll (talk - contribs; 5) to Patricia Gaffney (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page39412.html.
  14. 2008-06-11 16:59:46 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686834) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  15. 2008-06-11 23:26:59 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686834) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  16. 2008-06-12 09:52:20 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686834) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  17. 2008-06-12 17:56:15 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686834) to Human skin color (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  18. 2008-06-12 22:21:05 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  19. 2008-06-12 23:42:15 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 3) to Car park (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/safety/parking/parking-parkingrules.htm.
  20. 2008-06-13 00:46:15 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to Individual events (speech) (diff - undo) - Link: scs.bgsu.edu/forensics/.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  21. 2008-06-13 03:05:30 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  22. 2008-06-13 03:24:25 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  23. 2008-06-13 03:39:40 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  24. 2008-06-13 03:39:40 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  25. 2008-06-13 03:39:40 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  26. 2008-06-13 03:39:40 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  27. 2008-06-13 03:39:40 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686848) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  28. 2008-06-13 14:07:03 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  29. 2008-06-14 02:34:08 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  30. 2008-06-14 05:02:55 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  31. 2008-06-14 06:08:56 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  32. 2008-06-14 06:52:41 (UTC): User Stolilv87 (talk - contribs; 206) to Warren Steller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/uarchives/stf.html.
  33. 2008-06-14 18:08:59 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  34. 2008-06-14 18:08:59 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000..
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  35. 2008-06-14 18:08:59 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  36. 2008-06-14 18:08:59 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  37. 2008-06-14 18:08:59 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686882) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  38. 2008-06-14 23:05:15 (UTC): User Memeticmedia (talk - contribs; 1) to Colin Goldberg (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu.
  39. 2008-06-16 01:17:31 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to City of Bangor (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  40. 2008-06-16 01:18:02 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to Lady Elgin (steamship) (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  41. 2008-06-16 01:18:19 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to SS Kamloops (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  42. 2008-06-16 01:18:28 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to SS Henry B. Smith (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  43. 2008-06-16 01:18:51 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to CSL Regina (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  44. 2008-06-16 10:19:10 (UTC): User CWY2190 (talk - contribs; 1822) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  45. 2008-06-16 18:45:56 (UTC): User wikipedia:he:דב ט. (talk - contribs; 134) to wikipedia:he:האחים פרנקל (diff - undo) - Link: digitalarts.bgsu.edu/mitchell/summer04/artc400_9/1930-1939.html.
  46. 2008-06-16 20:25:51 (UTC): User wikipedia:fi:Nerwende (talk - contribs; 8) to wikipedia:fi:Pauline Baynes (diff - undo) - Link: personal.bgsu.edu/.
  47. 2008-06-17 19:09:19 (UTC): User NawlinWiki (talk - contribs; 28281) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: NawlinWiki <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  48. 2008-06-18 02:45:47 (UTC): User MER-C (talk - contribs; 38815) to Dmitri Mendeleev (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/muct/mendeleyev.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: MER-C <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  49. 2008-06-18 02:45:47 (UTC): User Loren.wilton (talk - contribs; 8189) to Dmitri Mendeleev (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/muct/mendeleyev.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: loren.wilton <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  50. 2008-06-19 15:27:42 (UTC): User Pdicesar (talk - contribs; 2) to Ghost Dance War (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkghost.html.
  51. 2008-06-20 23:43:37 (UTC): User Njesse99 (talk - contribs; 2) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/pols/.
  52. 2008-06-21 11:46:05 (UTC): User James086 (talk - contribs; 2456) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: James086 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  53. 2008-06-22 18:16:31 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686884) to List of Phi Gamma Delta chapters (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/greeks/phi-gamma-delta/.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  54. 2008-06-23 17:56:13 (UTC): User Loren.wilton (talk - contribs; 8189) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: loren.wilton <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  55. 2008-06-23 19:04:35 (UTC): User wikipedia:fr:Mandeville (talk - contribs; 5209) to wikipedia:fr:1899 (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  56. 2008-06-24 13:32:37 (UTC): User Ossmann (talk - contribs; 7171) to Rapid application development (diff - undo) - Link: csweb.cs.bgsu.edu/maner/domains/RAD.htm.
  57. 2008-06-24 17:57:04 (UTC): User Studerby (talk - contribs; 129) to Sidney A. Ribeau (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/president/page542.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Studerby <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  58. 2008-06-26 02:28:52 (UTC): User Schzmo (talk - contribs; 104) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  59. 2008-06-26 08:37:51 (UTC): User wikipedia:eu:Theklan (talk - contribs; 291) to wikipedia:eu:Gizaki (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  60. 2008-06-26 11:45:59 (UTC): User Pseudomonas (talk - contribs; 2872) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  61. 2008-06-26 11:45:59 (UTC): User NothingWorthy (talk - contribs; 12) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  62. 2008-06-26 13:58:34 (UTC): User Thedjatclubrock (talk - contribs; 2435) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  63. 2008-06-27 01:38:19 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686884) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  64. 2008-06-27 12:28:35 (UTC): User Pinkadelica (talk - contribs; 10126) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  65. 2008-06-27 15:33:32 (UTC): User SJP (talk - contribs; 6242) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: SJP <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  66. 2008-06-28 14:08:14 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to SS Daniel J. Morrell (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  67. 2008-06-28 21:28:49 (UTC): User Tstreet (talk - contribs; 34) to Freddie Falcon (mascot) (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/offices/sa/life/freddie_frieda/index.html.
  68. 2008-06-30 03:39:19 (UTC): User Roadrunnerz45 (talk - contribs; 9358) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  69. 2008-06-30 03:39:19 (UTC): User Roadrunnerz45 (talk - contribs; 9358) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  70. 2008-06-30 03:40:05 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to Rouse Simmons (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  71. 2008-07-01 06:31:33 (UTC): User Shinerunner (talk - contribs; 377) to SS Carl D. Bradley (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  72. 2008-07-01 22:34:54 (UTC): User SWik78 (talk - contribs; 5885) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  73. 2008-07-01 22:34:54 (UTC): User SqueakBox (talk - contribs; 2054) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: SqueakBox <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  74. 2008-07-02 12:44:35 (UTC): User The Fat Man Who Never Came Back (talk - contribs; 460) to List of United States Presidential names (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/cleveland/election.html.
  75. 2008-07-02 16:46:55 (UTC): User Tstreet (talk - contribs; 34) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/offices/sa/life/freddie_frieda/page10459.html.
  76. 2008-07-02 16:46:55 (UTC): User Tstreet (talk - contribs; 34) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/offices/sa/life/traditions/page11733.html.
  77. 2008-07-02 19:45:28 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  78. 2008-07-02 21:06:49 (---): User wikibooks:b:en:Mmarc6jl (talk - contribs; 20) to wikibooks:b:en:Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom/Chapter 7 (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/cconline/barrios/blogs/index.html.
  79. 2008-07-03 02:31:28 (UTC): User Trilobitealive (talk - contribs; 157) to John Stuart Mill (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/downloads/cas/file27034.pdf.
  80. 2008-07-03 14:13:48 (UTC): User Da monster under your bed (talk - contribs; 10990) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: da monster under your bed <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  81. 2008-07-03 14:25:48 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686884) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  82. 2008-07-03 23:16:24 (UTC): User wikipedia:es:OboeCrack (talk - contribs; 259) to wikipedia:es:Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  83. 2008-07-04 14:17:59 (UTC): User VoABot II (talk - contribs; 135266) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: voabot ii <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  84. 2008-07-04 14:35:52 (UTC): User wikipedia:id:Willy2000 (talk - contribs; 1262) to wikipedia:id:Manusia (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  85. 2008-07-04 14:35:52 (UTC): User wikipedia:id:Willy2000 (talk - contribs; 1262) to wikipedia:id:Manusia (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  86. 2008-07-04 20:29:09 (UTC): User MFH (talk - contribs; 15) to Tomlinson (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/hcgl/glms0014.html.
  87. 2008-07-05 02:03:53 (UTC): User VoABot II (talk - contribs; 135266) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: voabot ii <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  88. 2008-07-05 04:24:52 (UTC): User Wikiscribe (talk - contribs; 230) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  89. 2008-07-05 05:46:28 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 2) to Dixie Browning (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page39359.html.
  90. 2008-07-05 05:46:31 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 2) to Susan Elizabeth Phillips (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page47574.html.
  91. 2008-07-05 17:58:16 (UTC): User Xenocidic (talk - contribs; 2351) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  92. 2008-07-05 20:06:10 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 1) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: international.bgsu.edu/.
  93. 2008-07-05 20:06:10 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 11) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/as/college.
  94. 2008-07-07 08:51:04 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 211) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
  95. 2008-07-08 20:45:35 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686884) to Mary Worth (comic) (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/pcl19.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  96. 2008-07-09 13:08:40 (UTC): User 8th Ohio Volunteers (talk - contribs; 425) to 21st Ohio Infantry (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/cwar/021ovib.html.
  97. 2008-07-10 18:57:58 (UTC): User Karigfell (talk - contribs; 3) to The University Libraries at Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/hours/hours.php.
  98. 2008-07-10 18:58:47 (UTC): User Karigfell (talk - contribs; 3) to The University Libraries at Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/page40001.html.
  99. 2008-07-10 18:58:47 (UTC): User Karigfell (talk - contribs; 3) to The University Libraries at Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/services/page42578.html.
  100. 2008-07-11 16:41:21 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 1) to Bowling Green, Ohio (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/gish.
  101. 2008-07-11 19:57:49 (UTC): User Lllbllll (talk - contribs; 5) to Joanna Russ (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/.
  102. 2008-07-12 14:21:17 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 1) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/gsw/index.html.
  103. 2008-07-12 17:28:55 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 20) to List of Alpha Phi chapters (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/greeks/alpha-phi/.
  104. 2008-07-14 01:17:58 (UTC): User Troy 07 (talk - contribs; 3908) to Paul Robeson (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/microcollections/fbirobeson.htm.
  105. 2008-07-14 15:35:08 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686884) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  106. 2008-07-18 15:00:41 (UTC): User Tj9991 (talk - contribs; 2940) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  107. 2008-07-20 13:58:54 (UTC): User wikipedia:ca:Peer (talk - contribs; 708) to wikipedia:ca:Humà (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  108. 2008-07-23 02:29:27 (UTC): User JayHenry (talk - contribs; 618) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
    * User is on global Whitelist: JayHenry <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  109. 2008-07-23 04:14:38 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686884) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  110. 2008-07-23 20:50:50 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161610) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  111. 2008-07-23 23:31:32 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  112. 2008-07-23 23:31:53 (UTC): User Useight (talk - contribs; 10352) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Useight <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  113. 2008-07-31 13:11:31 (UTC): User Sorfane (talk - contribs; 891) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  114. 2008-08-06 01:46:00 (UTC): User Piotrus (talk - contribs; 2271) to Open Access movement (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/cconline/tayloriley/intro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Piotrus <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  115. 2008-08-08 01:00:05 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686891) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  116. 2008-08-09 17:55:05 (UTC): User wikipedia:sv:Matrix17 (talk - contribs; 57) to wikipedia:sv:Pauline Baynes (diff - undo) - Link: personal.bgsu.edu/.
  117. 2008-08-14 03:29:25 (UTC): User Kman543210 (talk - contribs; 1378) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  118. 2008-08-14 14:29:02 (UTC): User Rror (talk - contribs; 13000) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  119. 2008-08-14 18:21:40 (UTC): User Oxymoron83 (talk - contribs; 41136) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Oxymoron83 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  120. 2008-08-16 20:31:45 (UTC): User RandorXeus (talk - contribs; 1044) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  121. 2008-08-18 01:30:20 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161610) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  122. 2008-08-18 01:31:48 (UTC): User IcewedgeHugglesGoats! (talk - contribs; 5328) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  123. 2008-08-18 23:05:58 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  124. 2008-08-27 14:05:49 (UTC): User StaticGull (talk - contribs; 12121) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  125. 2008-08-27 17:25:43 (UTC): User Bücherwürmlein (talk - contribs; 1885) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  126. 2008-08-27 17:25:43 (UTC): User Bücherwürmlein (talk - contribs; 1885) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  127. 2008-08-31 22:46:40 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686891) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  128. 2008-08-31 22:46:50 (UTC): User Kuru (talk - contribs; 7901) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Kuru <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  129. 2008-08-31 22:46:50 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161610) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  130. 2008-09-01 10:19:44 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 194) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
  131. 2008-09-05 09:39:46 (UTC): User Pinkadelica (talk - contribs; 10126) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  132. 2008-09-06 09:52:18 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686891) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  133. 2008-09-06 09:53:31 (UTC): User Oxymoron83 (talk - contribs; 41136) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Oxymoron83 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  134. 2008-09-08 17:03:32 (UTC): User LeaveSleaves (talk - contribs; 28706) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: leavesleaves <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  135. 2008-09-10 00:48:45 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161610) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  136. 2008-09-10 18:22:22 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686897) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  137. 2008-09-10 18:26:29 (UTC): User Modernist (talk - contribs; 1550) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Modernist <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  138. 2008-09-12 23:19:04 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161612) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  139. 2008-09-13 20:08:42 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686897) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  140. 2008-09-14 23:59:57 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686897) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  141. 2008-09-15 09:34:49 (UTC): User JaGa (talk - contribs; 9981) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  142. 2008-09-15 09:35:07 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686897) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  143. 2008-09-18 15:09:43 (UTC): User Juliancolton (talk - contribs; 13968) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  144. 2008-09-22 16:12:04 (UTC): User Ohnoitsjamie (talk - contribs; 4892) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Ohnoitsjamie <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  145. 2008-09-23 00:27:15 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686908) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  146. 2008-09-23 00:33:52 (UTC): User TylerPuetz (talk - contribs; 3079) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  147. 2008-09-23 02:58:19 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  148. 2008-09-27 19:21:21 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  149. 2008-09-27 19:21:35 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  150. 2008-09-30 18:03:01 (UTC): User Trevor MacInnis (talk - contribs; 10667) to Standard Oil (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  151. 2008-10-05 06:16:18 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  152. 2008-10-05 17:58:42 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 2) to List of University and College Band Directors and Conductors in the USA (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/music/departments/mued/faculty.html#carolhayward.
  153. 2008-10-09 03:35:26 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  154. 2008-10-09 03:41:55 (UTC): User Kman543210 (talk - contribs; 1378) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  155. 2008-10-11 22:33:32 (UTC): User Gökhan (talk - contribs; 7183) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  156. 2008-10-12 12:44:40 (---): User Stepshep (talk - contribs; 322) to Wood County Courthouse and Jail (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/courthouse/courthist.html.
  157. 2008-10-12 18:23:47 (UTC): User Stepshep (talk - contribs; 322) to Wood County Courthouse and Jail (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/courthouse/courthist.html.
  158. 2008-10-14 08:56:47 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 15) to Dmitri Mendeleev (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/muct/mendeleyev.html.
  159. 2008-10-15 15:34:55 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161612) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  160. 2008-10-17 11:33:25 (UTC): User Salmanazar (talk - contribs; 756) to SS David H. Atwater (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  161. 2008-10-19 17:44:22 (UTC): User Juliancolton (talk - contribs; 13968) to Open Access movement (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/cconline/tayloriley/intro.html.
  162. 2008-10-20 19:14:27 (UTC): User Trevor MacInnis (talk - contribs; 10667) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  163. 2008-10-22 15:06:16 (UTC): User Ohnoitsjamie (talk - contribs; 4892) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Ohnoitsjamie <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  164. 2008-10-23 02:40:20 (UTC): User Snigbrook (talk - contribs; 3496) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  165. 2008-10-23 02:56:59 (UTC): User RedHillian (talk - contribs; 8489) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  166. 2008-10-23 13:18:53 (UTC): User Oliver202 (talk - contribs; 1720) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
  167. 2008-10-23 23:22:48 (UTC): User Neurolysis (talk - contribs; 7625) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  168. 2008-10-26 22:39:20 (UTC): User wikipedia:it:Kasper2006 (talk - contribs; 427) to wikipedia:it:Bud Greenspan (diff - undo) - Link: personal.bgsu.edu/.
  169. 2008-10-29 22:16:01 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  170. 2008-10-30 12:54:32 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  171. 2008-10-30 13:27:04 (UTC): User Mbarbier (talk - contribs; 58) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/mc/newsroom/page15781.html.
  172. 2008-11-03 02:32:05 (UTC): User Vandalism destroyer (talk - contribs; 13924) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  173. 2008-11-03 02:41:03 (UTC): User Res2216firestar (talk - contribs; 15916) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  174. 2008-11-04 18:45:55 (UTC): User VoABot II (talk - contribs; 135266) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: voabot ii <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  175. 2008-11-05 04:50:42 (UTC): User Vandalism destroyer (talk - contribs; 13924) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  176. 2008-11-09 04:33:10 (UTC): User Wikieditor06 (talk - contribs; 5328) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  177. 2008-11-16 08:52:21 (UTC): User Unpopular Opinion (talk - contribs; 48292) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: unpopular opinion <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  178. 2008-11-18 21:34:32 (UTC): User Lesliedrewh (talk - contribs; 83) to Diversity University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/cconline/home.htm.
  179. 2008-11-19 19:59:48 (UTC): User Spiesr (talk - contribs; 89) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  180. 2008-11-24 14:53:12 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 3) to Research report (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/ctl. accessed december 2006..
  181. 2008-11-25 13:17:33 (UTC): User Unpopular Opinion (talk - contribs; 48292) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: unpopular opinion <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  182. 2008-11-25 20:43:55 (UTC): User Persian Poet Gal (talk - contribs; 10843) to Standard Oil (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  183. 2008-11-29 12:37:46 (UTC): User Jwinius (talk - contribs; 332) to Elaphe bairdi (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/biology/facilities/herp/pages/herplabindex.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Jwinius <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  184. 2008-12-03 19:29:24 (UTC): User Lova Falk (talk - contribs; 61) to Tonic receptor (diff - undo) - Link: caspar.bgsu.edu/.
  185. 2008-12-03 19:34:27 (UTC): User Lova Falk (talk - contribs; 61) to Sensory receptor (diff - undo) - Link: caspar.bgsu.edu/.
  186. 2008-12-03 19:43:56 (UTC): User Lova Falk (talk - contribs; 61) to Sensory receptor (diff - undo) - Link: caspar.bgsu.edu/.
  187. 2008-12-09 22:07:19 (UTC): User Scarian (talk - contribs; 4272) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Scarian <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  188. 2008-12-12 22:22:17 (UTC): User Tremington (talk - contribs; 3) to Internet Invention (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/cconline/reviews/ulmer_review.htm.
  189. 2008-12-12 23:03:57 (UTC): User X! (talk - contribs; 2799) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  190. 2008-12-13 15:59:59 (UTC): User THEN WHO WAS PHONE? (talk - contribs; 22760) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  191. 2008-12-18 02:23:21 (UTC): User Proofreader77 (talk - contribs; 2353) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: proofreader77 <-> * (-)
  192. 2008-12-22 00:09:10 (UTC): User Martin451 (talk - contribs; 4825) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  193. 2008-12-25 05:04:43 (---): User Vice regent (talk - contribs; 579) to Muslim Students' Association (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/msa/.
  194. 2008-02-13 18:33:48 (UTC): User Cjern001 (talk - contribs; 7) to Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education/Edition 3/1.1.4 (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/dewey/dewey.html.
  195. 2008-03-14 13:52:54 (UTC): User w:sv:Angus (talk - contribs; 396) to w:sv:Frederick Jackson Turner (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/turner/turner.html.
  196. 2008-06-01 02:45:23 (UTC): User w:fr:AETHER (talk - contribs; 949) to w:fr:Liste des écoles supérieures de musique (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/music/.
  197. 2008-06-02 14:33:35 (UTC): User w:ja:Azucar (talk - contribs; 480) to w:ja:ドロシー・ギッシュ (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/gish/gishfilmtheater_home.html.
  198. 2008-06-04 01:32:49 (UTC): User Aitias (talk - contribs; 30569) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Aitias <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  199. 2008-06-04 13:03:52 (UTC): User Antandrus (talk - contribs; 12542) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Antandrus <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  200. 2008-06-05 11:17:28 (UTC): User Bearian (talk - contribs; 1398) to Grieg's music in popular culture (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/music/pdf/events/2005-2006/mc032406.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Bearian <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  201. 2008-06-05 18:20:49 (UTC): User AniMate (talk - contribs; 456) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  202. 2008-06-06 03:45:19 (UTC): User ArglebargleIV (talk - contribs; 1321) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/students/bgexperience/page24980.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: ArglebargleIV <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  203. 2008-06-06 03:45:19 (UTC): User ArglebargleIV (talk - contribs; 1321) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/edhd/fcs/.
    * User is on global Whitelist: ArglebargleIV <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  204. 2008-06-06 18:48:25 (UTC): User Atlan (talk - contribs; 166) to WBGU (FM) (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/tcom/student_organizations.html.
  205. 2008-06-07 02:48:29 (UTC): User IronAngelAlice (talk - contribs; 695) to Priscilla K. Coleman (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu.
  206. 2008-06-07 02:48:29 (UTC): User IronAngelAlice (talk - contribs; 695) to Priscilla K. Coleman (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/organizations/cfdr/about/vitas/Colema.
  207. 2008-06-08 18:23:30 (UTC): User JMK (talk - contribs; 182) to Teatro San Cassiano (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/music/events/opera.html.
  208. 2008-06-11 00:56:31 (UTC): User CanadianLinuxUser (talk - contribs; 26121) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  209. 2008-06-13 00:23:20 (UTC): User Bhockey10 (talk - contribs; 365) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/sa/life/traditions/page11696.html.
  210. 2008-06-14 17:46:26 (UTC): User Dysepsion (talk - contribs; 6240) to List of United States Presidential names (diff - undo) - Link: bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/cleveland/election.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Dysepsion <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  211. 2008-06-16 16:59:56 (UTC): User w:de:Gerriet5 (talk - contribs; 46) to w:de:Sonnencreme (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  212. 2008-06-17 01:55:00 (UTC): User Df747jet (talk - contribs; 214) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  213. 2008-06-18 04:02:50 (UTC): User Epbr123 (talk - contribs; 111466) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Epbr123 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  214. 2008-06-18 05:14:53 (UTC): User FastLizard4 (talk - contribs; 789) to List of Alpha Phi chapters (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/greeks/alpha-phi/.
  215. 2008-06-18 12:51:26 (UTC): User Gurch (talk - contribs; 6077) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Gurch <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  216. 2008-06-18 18:26:13 (UTC): User Gerriet42 (talk - contribs; 255) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  217. 2008-06-18 18:26:13 (UTC): User Fusionmix (talk - contribs; 1947) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  218. 2008-06-18 21:15:58 (UTC): User Fusionmix (talk - contribs; 1947) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  219. 2008-06-19 13:15:52 (UTC): User John (talk - contribs; 1581) to List of massacres (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKIntro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: John <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  220. 2008-06-21 11:36:33 (UTC): User Gail (talk - contribs; 11501) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  221. 2008-06-21 18:13:36 (UTC): User JForget (talk - contribs; 21417) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/PDF_files/Jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: JForget <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  222. 2008-06-22 10:29:05 (UTC): User Closedmouth (talk - contribs; 33806) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Closedmouth <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  223. 2008-06-22 10:30:13 (UTC): User Closedmouth (talk - contribs; 33806) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Closedmouth <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  224. 2008-06-22 19:00:43 (UTC): User Iss246 (talk - contribs; 260) to Health psychology (diff - undo) - Link: showcase.bgsu.edu/iopsych/ohp.html.
  225. 2008-06-26 14:05:32 (UTC): User Caiaffa (talk - contribs; 3376) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  226. 2008-07-11 05:27:40 (UTC): User Berkunt (talk - contribs; 249) to Frederick Jackson Turner (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/turner/turner.html.
  227. 2008-07-21 08:36:00 (UTC): User Anna Lincoln (talk - contribs; 237) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  228. 2008-07-23 20:47:05 (UTC): User Gurch (talk - contribs; 6077) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Gurch <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  229. 2008-07-23 20:50:04 (UTC): User Anonymi (talk - contribs; 2094) to SS Christopher Columbus (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  230. 2008-08-10 02:48:06 (UTC): User Jj137 (talk - contribs; 5262) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Jj137 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  231. 2008-08-23 07:34:28 (UTC): User IronAngelAlice (talk - contribs; 695) to Priscilla K. Coleman (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/organizations/cfdr/about/vitas/coleman.
  232. 2008-08-23 20:28:42 (UTC): User Acroterion (talk - contribs; 7634) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Acroterion <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  233. 2008-08-25 07:08:10 (UTC): User Bhockey10 (talk - contribs; 365) to BGSU Ice Arena (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/sa/recsports/ice/page36718.html.
  234. 2008-08-28 21:49:06 (UTC): User Frank12 (talk - contribs; 8) to Toledo City League (diff - undo) - Link: personal.bgsu.edu/.
  235. 2008-09-01 00:18:00 (UTC): User w:es:AVBOT (talk - contribs; 94731) to w:es:Blanco (persona) (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: avbot <-> * (bots don't have a COI (es bot))
  236. 2008-09-01 01:08:07 (UTC): User Discospinster (talk - contribs; 37598) to Cleveland-Cliffs (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/hcgl/glms0062.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Discospinster <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  237. 2008-09-01 18:21:30 (UTC): User Discospinster (talk - contribs; 37598) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Discospinster <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  238. 2008-09-08 20:08:55 (UTC): User Iss246 (talk - contribs; 260) to Occupational health psychology (diff - undo) - Link: showcase.bgsu.edu/iopsych/ohp.html.
  239. 2008-09-10 19:16:12 (UTC): User w:es:Amadís (talk - contribs; 575) to w:es:Blanco (persona) (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  240. 2008-09-15 02:10:52 (UTC): User Bart133 (talk - contribs; 6439) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Bart133 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  241. 2008-09-22 03:00:43 (UTC): User DerwalRahas (talk - contribs; 1) to Ethnomusicology (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/music/departments/muct/ethno/.
  242. 2008-09-23 23:17:04 (UTC): User Epbr123 (talk - contribs; 111466) to Paul Robeson (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/microcollections/fbirobeson.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Epbr123 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  243. 2008-09-24 12:15:15 (UTC): User ABF (talk - contribs; 17914) to Human skin color (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  244. 2008-09-27 19:26:41 (UTC): User Iridescent (talk - contribs; 38511) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Iridescent <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  245. 2008-10-07 00:37:04 (UTC): User Arakunem (talk - contribs; 10537) to Standard Oil (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: arakunem <-> * (-)
  246. 2008-10-09 22:47:54 (UTC): User Epbr123 (talk - contribs; 111466) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Epbr123 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  247. 2008-10-09 22:49:21 (UTC): User Epbr123 (talk - contribs; 111466) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Epbr123 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  248. 2008-10-09 22:51:20 (UTC): User Gazimoff (talk - contribs; 1603) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  249. 2008-10-19 20:04:18 (UTC): User Discospinster (talk - contribs; 37598) to Henry Clay Frick (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Discospinster <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  250. 2008-10-22 11:23:18 (UTC): User Greatestrowerever (talk - contribs; 116) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  251. 2008-10-22 13:22:46 (UTC): User Devin122 (talk - contribs; 52) to Sunburn (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  252. 2008-10-22 15:06:16 (UTC): User CanadianLinuxUser (talk - contribs; 26121) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  253. 2008-10-23 13:13:42 (UTC): User Anonymous101 (talk - contribs; 2492) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
  254. 2008-11-07 21:44:14 (UTC): User Hkettani (talk - contribs; 99) to Muslim Students' Association (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/msa/.
  255. 2008-11-10 03:16:15 (UTC): User Cheesewire (talk - contribs; 38) to Caridoid escape reaction (diff - undo) - Link: caspar.bgsu.edu/.
  256. 2008-11-10 16:54:57 (UTC): User Aboutmovies (talk - contribs; 1312) to Binger Hermann (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/cleveland/election.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Aboutmovies <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  257. 2008-11-11 19:37:54 (UTC): User Eric-Wester (talk - contribs; 8880) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
  258. 2008-11-11 23:33:59 (UTC): User Aboutmovies (talk - contribs; 1312) to Robert A. Miller (Oregon politician) (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/cleveland/election.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Aboutmovies <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  259. 2008-11-12 12:19:42 (UTC): User Gaius Cornelius (talk - contribs; 225) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/as/college.
  260. 2008-11-14 02:27:15 (UTC): User IRP (talk - contribs; 37322) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  261. 2008-11-16 21:16:39 (UTC): User Eeekster (talk - contribs; 7951) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  262. 2008-11-16 21:18:21 (UTC): User IRP (talk - contribs; 37322) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  263. 2008-11-19 02:05:42 (UTC): User IRP (talk - contribs; 37322) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  264. 2008-11-19 23:24:50 (UTC): User w:pt:Diego Queiroz (talk - contribs; 8) to w:pt:Rapid Application Development (diff - undo) - Link: csweb.cs.bgsu.edu/maner/domains/rad.htm.
  265. 2008-12-05 17:17:01 (UTC): User Jllm06 (talk - contribs; 9487) to List of museums in Ohio (diff - undo) - Link: digitalarts.bgsu.edu/art/galleries/index.cfm?link=galleries.
  266. 2008-12-05 19:49:48 (UTC): User Jllm06 (talk - contribs; 9487) to List of museums in Ohio (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/uarchives/uatour/page49999.html.
  267. 2008-12-06 05:02:11 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  268. 2008-12-08 22:33:37 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  269. 2008-12-08 23:29:40 (UTC): User Epbr123 (talk - contribs; 111466) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Epbr123 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  270. 2008-12-09 22:04:51 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  271. 2008-12-10 21:31:15 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  272. 2008-12-10 21:32:20 (UTC): User Alansohn (talk - contribs; 79817) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Alansohn <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  273. 2008-12-14 21:19:27 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  274. 2008-12-18 02:19:55 (UTC): User Famspear (talk - contribs; 270) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Famspear <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  275. 2008-12-19 09:37:53 (UTC): User Dbachmann (talk - contribs; 2200) to European ethnic groups (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Dbachmann <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  276. 2008-12-27 22:15:12 (UTC): User Iss246 (talk - contribs; 260) to Occupational health psychology (diff - undo) - Link: showcase.bgsu.edu/iopsych/ohp.html.
  277. 2008-12-30 17:29:51 (UTC): User Atoned2 (talk - contribs; 1) to Bowling Green State University (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/offices/sa/recsports/outdoor/.
  278. 2009-01-07 18:23:55 (UTC): User Diliff (talk - contribs; 262) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  279. 2009-01-08 23:16:44 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  280. 2009-01-10 07:26:41 (UTC): User Chasingsol (talk - contribs; 6933) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  281. 2009-01-12 20:37:13 (UTC): User SchfiftyThree (talk - contribs; 49383) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: schfiftythree <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  282. 2009-01-14 06:40:50 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  283. 2009-01-15 07:21:54 (UTC): User T@nn (talk - contribs; 168) to Composition studies (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/cconline/home.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: T@nn <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  284. 2009-01-15 15:38:14 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  285. 2009-01-16 23:22:32 (UTC): User Wpwatchdog (talk - contribs; 157) to Whitefish Point Underwater Preserve (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cg.
  286. 2009-01-17 06:41:58 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  287. 2009-01-18 07:15:28 (UTC): User Dcrjsr (talk - contribs; 15) to Jane S. Richardson (diff - undo) - Link: roc.bgsu.edu/.
  288. 2009-01-19 18:53:56 (UTC): User Shoemaker's Holiday (talk - contribs; 186) to Jane S. Richardson (diff - undo) - Link: roc.bgsu.edu/.
  289. 2009-01-20 01:45:21 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  290. 2009-01-20 20:57:41 (UTC): User w:it:Klaudio (talk - contribs; 575) to w:it:Homo sapiens sapiens (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  291. 2009-01-21 14:45:34 (UTC): User Iridescent (talk - contribs; 38513) to John D. Rockefeller (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/rockefeller/bio2.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Iridescent <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  292. 2009-01-21 18:05:24 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Wounded Knee Massacre (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  293. 2009-01-21 22:59:48 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  294. 2009-01-22 00:00:03 (UTC): User Enzo Aquarius (talk - contribs; 953) to Weather lore (diff - undo) - Link: www.cs.bgsu.edu/maner/wxsys/wxsys.pdf.
  295. 2009-01-24 22:41:43 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  296. 2009-01-25 09:13:47 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Filk music (diff - undo) - Link: maurice.bgsu.edu/record=b2173771.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  297. 2009-01-26 17:35:33 (UTC): User Until It Sleeps (talk - contribs; 10389) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  298. 2009-01-27 23:04:14 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  299. 2009-01-28 03:00:54 (UTC): User Cometstyles (talk - contribs; 19193) to Paul Robeson (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/microcollections/fbirobeson.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Cometstyles <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  300. 2009-01-29 19:32:38 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  301. 2009-01-29 23:54:25 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161632) to White people (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  302. 2009-01-30 19:03:22 (---): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  303. 2009-01-31 04:01:48 (UTC): User Catherine Huebscher (talk - contribs; 49) to Paul Robeson (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/microcollections/fbirobeson.htm.
  304. 2009-01-31 22:59:52 (UTC): User Lllbllll (talk - contribs; 5) to Joanna Russ (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/.
  305. 2009-02-03 14:11:08 (UTC): User Wpwatchdog (talk - contribs; 157) to Whitefish Point Underwater Preserve (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  306. 2009-02-04 20:26:49 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  307. 2009-02-04 20:28:31 (UTC): User William Avery (talk - contribs; 3777) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
  308. 2009-02-05 02:06:40 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161638) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  309. 2009-02-05 02:07:18 (UTC): User J.delanoy (talk - contribs; 161638) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: j.delanoy <-> * (User is whitelisted on linkwatcher.)
  310. 2009-02-05 10:43:48 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Occupational health psychology (diff - undo) - Link: showcase.bgsu.edu/iopsych/ohp.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  311. 2009-02-07 01:21:44 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  312. 2009-02-07 17:00:17 (UTC): User Wpwatchdog (talk - contribs; 157) to List of shipwrecks (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.
  313. 2009-02-08 09:00:26 (UTC): User Aaronmorris (talk - contribs; 4) to Stevenarntson/group spaces/analytical writing/group 3 (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/tcom/faculty/ha/sp2003/gp1/article1.html.
  314. 2009-02-09 00:19:38 (UTC): User Glane23 (talk - contribs; 6357) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  315. 2009-02-09 00:22:42 (UTC): User A new name 2008 (talk - contribs; 3909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  316. 2009-02-10 08:08:16 (---): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  317. 2009-02-10 19:20:25 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  318. 2009-02-10 23:07:00 (UTC): User Jamesontai (talk - contribs; 4185) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
  319. 2009-02-12 23:49:23 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 32) to Andrew Carnegie (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/carnegie/strike.html.
  320. 2009-02-15 10:53:48 (---): User Techman224 (talk - contribs; 11991) to Human (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/chem/faculty/leontis/chem447/pdf_files/jablonski_skin_color_2000.pdf.
  321. 2009-02-15 18:27:57 (UTC): User w:pt:Davemustaine (talk - contribs; 640) to w:pt:Cultura popular (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/popc/bkgrnd.html.
  322. 2009-02-16 21:17:02 (UTC): User Stone (talk - contribs; 814) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Stone <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  323. 2009-02-16 21:19:28 (UTC): User Bsadowski1 (talk - contribs; 3654) to Sioux (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/wkintro.html.
  324. 2009-02-17 09:54:16 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Primary source (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/infosrv/lue/primary.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  325. 2009-02-18 08:40:58 (UTC): User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 1686909) to Alpha Phi Alpha (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/greeks/alpha-phi-alpha/history.htm.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  326. 2009-02-18 20:50:27 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Trading card (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page52806.html.
  327. 2009-02-18 21:00:00 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Fanzine (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page38356.html.
  328. 2009-02-18 21:10:27 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to The Edge of Night (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page49533.html.
  329. 2009-02-18 21:17:10 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Guiding Light (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page49533.html.
  330. 2009-02-18 21:18:14 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to The Edge of Night (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/.
  331. 2009-02-18 21:20:36 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Another World (TV series) (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/page49533.html.
  332. 2009-02-18 21:27:31 (UTC): User Shunker (talk - contribs; 17) to Popular culture studies (diff - undo) - Link: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/pcl/.
  333. 2009-02-19 01:42:18 (UTC): User Wpwatchdog (talk - contribs; 157) to John M. Osborn (steamboat) (diff - undo) - Link: ul.bgsu.edu/cgi-bin/xvsl2.cgi.

Additional links by users are not listed since there are too many records on this link.