User:Suffusion of Yellow/filterNotes.js
Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:Suffusion of Yellow/filterNotes. |
* filterNotes: Parses the "notes" section of edit filters, so links are
* clickable. Also adds an "add note" button to insert a new note with your
* username and timestamp.
// <nowiki>
// jshint esnext: false, esversion: 8
(function() {
/* globals $, mw, OO */
'use strict';
function addNote($notes, note) {
let sig = window.filterSignature || "--" mw.config.get('wgUserName');
let now = new Date();
const monthNamesShort =
[ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ];
let timestamp = ("0" now.getUTCHours()).slice(-2)
":" ("0" now.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2)
" " now.getUTCDate()
" " monthNamesShort[now.getUTCMonth()]
" " now.getUTCFullYear();
$notes.val($notes.val().replace(/\s $/, '')
"\n\n" note.replace(/\s $/, '')
" " sig " " timestamp);
/* Scroll the added note into view */
$notes[0].scrollTop = $notes[0].scrollHeight - $notes[0].clientHeight;
async function parseNotes(notes, $div) {
/* Cleanup, no one expected this to be parsed */
let fixed = notes.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
.replace(/\n\n /g, '<p>')
.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')
.replace(/\{\{/g, '{{tlx|');
let response = await (new mw.Api()).post( {
action: "parse",
title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
text: fixed,
preview: true,
pst: false,
contentmodel: "wikitext"
}).catch(() => null); /* Trigger exception in next try{} block */
try {
} catch(e) {
$div.text("Failed to parse notes. Use 'Edit notes' button to view");
/* For [[WP:POPUPS]], etc. */
function setup() {
let $notesWidget = $("#mw-abusefilter-notes-editor");
let $notes = $("textarea[name=wpFilterNotes]");
if (!$notesWidget.length || !$notes.length)
let canEdit = !$notes.prop("readOnly");
mw.util.addCSS(".efb-parsednotes { font-color: black; background: #EEE; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid black; resize: both; }");
mw.util.addCSS(".efb-parsednotes-working { background: #FDD; }");
let $parsedNotes = $('<div class="efb-parsednotes efb-parsednotes-working"></div>');
let newNote = new OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget({
rows: 3
let addNoteButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: "Add note",
title: "Add note with username and timestamp"
let editNotesButton = new OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget( {
label: canEdit ? "Edit notes" : "View source",
title: "View notes as plain text" (canEdit ? " and edit" : ""),
value: false
if (canEdit) {
} else {
addNoteButton.on('click', () => {
addNote($notes, newNote.getValue());
if (!$":hidden"))
parseNotes($notes.val(), $parsedNotes).then(() => {
/* Scroll the added note into view */
$parsedNotes[0].scrollTop = $parsedNotes[0].scrollHeight -
editNotesButton.on('change', value => {
if (value) {
} else {
parseNotes($notes.val(), $parsedNotes);
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "AbuseFilter") {
$.when($.ready, mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util',
// </nowiki>