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edit for this Humanitarian response by national governments to the 2010 Haiti earthquake


  •  Andorra: The principality's government announced that it will allocate €57,500 to both the United Nations (€50,500) and the country's charitable NGO efforts in Haiti(€7,500).[2]

The €50,500 was not delivered to the UN fund for Haiti, at least as of 6 months later.[3]

  •  Armenia: After the 1988 Spitak earthquake in Armenia, the country kept an earthquake response force to deal with similar emergencies. Fifty-two of these rapid response workers, trained in earthquake response, were deployed to Haiti on 13 January.[4] The Armenian government has also said they will provide US$100,000 for reconstruction projects in the country.[5][6]
  •  Austria: The Austrian government has dispatched logistics experts to the country.[7]
  •  Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan announced that it will allocate US$500,000 to the United States' Haiti relief efforts.[8]

On 15 January 2010, Belgian Chief Coordinator Geert Gijs, upon learning that U.N. security personnel would not remain overnight at their field hospital, decided to pack up his team's supplies and leave; Gijs said he it was a "tough decision" but that he decided to evacuate after a Canadian medical team, also at the hospital, left the site with their security officers on Friday afternoon.[11] The decision left Sanjay Gupta, a CNN correspondent, as the only doctor present overnight at the hospital; Gupta was limited in his ability to help the 25 patients left at the field hospital because the Belgian team had taken their supplies when they left.[11][12] The team returned the next morning.

  •  Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Ministry of Defense contributed 1.5 tons of tents, blankets and household linens to the relief efforts.[15]

Later, the country sent medical supplies and a medical team to Haiti and started gathering a second team of volunteers. Also the Bulgarian Red Cross and UNICEF started gathering donations via SMS service and a bank account. At least 635,000 euros have been gathered to date. A number of benefit concerts have been organized in schools and clubs[16]

  •  Cyprus: President of Cyprus Dimitris Christofias said that Cyprus has decided to contribute to efforts helping Haiti with the amount of €100,000.[18]
  •  Czech Republic: The Czech Republic sent 5 million in emergency relief to Haiti and then pledged to send 20 million(US$1,110,000) more, and will channel it through humanitarian organizations operating in Haiti; roughly another 15 million was raised by Czech NGO's.[19] A contingent of Czech humanitarian workers will depart to Haiti (via the Dominican Republic) in the upcoming weeks to assist in reconstruction.[20]
  •  Denmark: The Ministry for Development Cooperation has pledged to donate around US$2M (kr10 million) to the UN's mission in Haiti.[21]

This pledge was increased by another US$8M (kr40 million).[22] The Danish people donated kr65,000,000.[citation needed] In total Denmark donated kr115.000.000.[23]

  • Danish self-governing dependency:
    •  Faroe Islands: The Faroese government has decided to donate US$30,000(kr150,000), to be channeled through the Red Cross.[24]
  •  Estonia: Estonia initially announced readiness to aid Haiti with €63,600.[25][26] After few days the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Estonia will increase this to €2,500,000 via the Red Cross; they will also send 3 member logistics crew and an IT expert.[27][28] This amount of aid, once delivered, would make them the fourth largest donor as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product in the European Union.[citation needed]
  •  Finland: The Finnish government has pledged €1.25 million in aid.[29]

Haiti is a member of La Francophonie (association of French-speaking nations), but officially bilingual. The aid provided by France according to the French Government[31] consists of:

  • A first detachment was sent in 3 CASA military transport planes which arrived in Port-au-Prince at 6:35 pm 14 January carrying a 71-strong detachment from Martinique and Guadeloupe, consisting of:

A 7-member Crisis Situation Support Mission (MASC); 60 firefighters (28 fire-fighters from Martinique with 1 doctor and 1 nurse, 27 from Guadeloupe with 1 nurse and 1 physician). The two SAR units and have 3 dogs; 5 paramedics.

  • A second detachment of 67 military from the military civil security (FORMISC) Brignoles and Crisis Support Unit of 5 including 2 communication specialists
  • A third 70-strong detachment from Île-de-France [Paris region] and the south of France tasked with deploying an advanced medical post and 10 mobile medical teams, left at 2 pm, Thursday 14 January, and arrived on Friday morning at 3 am (local time). This detachment also includes:

24 Sécurité civile personnel tasked with supplying water for up to 20,000 people a day, 11 gendarmes to ensure the security of the detachments on the ground and 11 gendarmes to ensure the security of the detachments on the ground and 5 German staff of the THW.

  • A a fourth 70-strong detachment of the Sécurité civile rapid medical response unit to provide logistical support and medical care for the disaster-stricken people has been confirmed. This detachment could remain there in the longer term, with a remit extending beyond the immediate emergency mission. It is scheduled to leave France today.

In total nearly 300 Sécurité civile personnel will eventually be in Haiti with several dozen tons of equipment.[32] Two ships, the Siroco and the BATRAL Francis Garnier, were dispatched as part of Opération Séisme Haiti 2010. The Siroco, who was off the Senegalese coast, and has been ordered to head for Haiti.[33] She is equipped with medical facilities (two operating theatres and 50 inpatient beds) and can carry 2,000 tonnes of cargo and 2,000 passengers, as well as four helicopters.[34] A French Air Force Airbus A340 was dispatched to Fort-de-France carrying medical personnel to staff the Siroco and members of the Gendarmerie.[35] A team of six people, including a TDF (State Radio & Television Company) engineer, was dispatched with the communications hardware required to reestablish UN radio transmissions of Haiti Minustah FM, and also to repair the large transmitters located on the heights of the city. Radio France also lent assistance to several private radio stations.[36] The BATRAL Francis Garnier, a light transport and supply ship, left Fort-de-France (Martinique) Friday with 100 tons of freight and 60 soldiers. The boat carried 6 trucks, an ambulance, 4x4 vehicles, three mechanical shovels, food, bottled water, machines of building site, tents, humanitarian material and food. The ship does not require a dock to unload.[37] Two C-130 Hercules belonging to the 2/61 Transport Squadron ('Franche-Comté'), were dispatched to Martinique. The first C130 from France arrived Sunday with reinforcements, medical equipment and communications equipment for Haïti. The second airplane arrived Sunday 17 January. Together with three CASA CN-235 planes, an Airbus A310 (from the Esterel Squadron), an Aérospatiale Puma Helicopter and a Bombardier Dash 8 from the civil security they allow up to 8 flights daily from the French Antilles to Haiti.[38][39] The French government will contribute €10 million (US$14.4 million dollars) for Haitian relief and rescue work, Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner announced on 18 January. The contribution was a response to the appeal for emergency funding launched by the United Nations on Saturday.[40]

  • French regional authorities:
    • Lower Normandy: The regional authority in Lower Normandy has promised to release emergency funds.
    • Brittany: The regional authority in Brittany has proposed €100,000 in emergency aid. The assembly will vote on the proposal on 28 January.[41]
    • Île-de-France: The Regional Council of Île-de-France voted unanimously provide €1 million for the reconstruction of Haiti. The funds will be used support to refugees and the homeless, to support children and orphans, the supply of drinking water management and health care.[42]
    • Pays de la Loire: The regional authority in Pays de la Loire has released €100,000 in emergency aide.[43]
    • Rhône-Alpes: The regional authority in Rhône-Alpes provided €40,000.[44]
  •  Georgia: On 13 January, the Cabinet of Georgia announced that it would send humanitarian aid to Haiti[45] The Georgian government coordinated a special flight to carry 40 tons of humanitarian supplies and 405,000 GEL in financial aid. Apart from this, a group of 20 rescue personnel was assembled to fly to Haiti.
  •  Germany: The German government has released an initial amount of €7.5 million (US$10.78 m) in aid.[46] Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said that his country had pledged aid to Haiti and called together a crisis management team to deal with the disaster.[47] Two special THW teams, one trained to rescue survivors from the rubble, and the other equipped to provide them with safe drinking water, were sent to Port-au-Prince.[48] Germany also offered to send troops to Haiti.[49]
  •  Greece: Prime Minister George Papandreou reported that Greece will help by any means, and reminded the public that Haiti had been the first country, in 1822, to acknowledge Greece's independence. The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated they will be helping international organisations coordinate humanitarian relief efforts.[50] The government announced a donation of €200,000, and that with the help of Hellenic Imperial Airways, the Foreign Ministry would send a team of 25 healthcare professionals, nurses, rescuers as well as Hellenic Aid officials and rescue workers, along with pharmaceutical supplies on board a direct flight by Boeing 747.[51] Meanwhile, a bank account was created so that Greek citizens can contribute financially to relief efforts.[52] The Greek Orthodox Church announced their humanitarian organisation "Alilegii" is ready to coordinate charities all over Greece and send aid to Haiti.[53]
  •  Hungary: Government spokesman Domokos Szollár announced on 16 January 2009 that the Hungarian government has donated €100,000 for Haiti aid. This is in addition to cash and in kind aid already provided by Hungarian NGOs.[54] The Hungarian government also sent a medical team.[55]
  •  Iceland: The Icelandic foreign ministry decided to send an international SAR team, specialized in searching for survivors in collapsed buildings.[56] The team consists of 37 people specially trained for search & rescue in collapsed buildings. The team brought 13 tons of equipment and can be self-sufficient in the field for seven days. The team was among the first to arrive in the disaster zone at 4 pm local time on 13 January.[57]

President of Ireland Mary McAleese sent a message to Haiti's President Rene Garcia Preval, confirming that Ireland was praying for Haiti and that Ireland would assist with money. "The loss of so many lives and the widespread destruction caused by the earthquake has deeply grieved me", she said.[59]

  •  Italy: The Italian government has prepared a military transport plane which will be used to carry in a field hospital and emergency medical team.[46]

Italy sent the aircraft carrier Cavour with 920 military personnel aboard to Haiti to assist in rescue and reconstruction work, as part of Operazione White Crane. The Cavour sailed from Italy on 19 Jan., with a stop planned in Brazil to pick up Brazilian military medical staff, the Italian military general staff said in a statement. It will transport Italian Navy helicopters, tracked and wheeled Army vehicles, and hospital facilities that offer two operating theaters. A company of Army engineers is included in the contingent, as well as the Cavour crew members and medical staff, and force protection personnel from the Navy, Army and Air Force. Italian Carabinieri military police will also be on board.[citation needed] Italy will also send a further contingent of 200 members of its military Carabinieri police corps to Haiti to help ensure security for the distribution of aid. The Carabinieri would be part of an EU police force to restore order and end looting on the island.[citation needed]

  • Italian regional administrations:
    • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol: The autonomous region has pledged €100,000 in emergency help. It will be distributed through Austrian and Italian Caritas organisations.[60]
    • Lombardy: The region has allocated €200,000 as emergency aid to Haiti. The announcement was made by President of the Lombardy Region, Roberto Formigoni. The €100,000 funding will be allocated as follows:
      • The purchase, collection and delivery of essential supplies.
      • The restoration of damaged facilities by Fondazione Francesca Rava, sending doctors and engineers and purchasing medical supplies and pharmaceuticals.[61]
    • Piedmont: The Solidarity Committee of the regional council has earmarked a budget of €250,000. The decision was taken unanimously at the 19 January meeting convened by the Chairman of the Regional Council, Davide Gariglio.[62]
    • Lazio: The mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno announced that the city has organized the departure of a first shipment of humanitarian aid to Haiti. This first tranche of aid, consisting of medicine and first aid valued at more than €600,000.[63]
  •  Kosovo: The government of Kosovo, which is not universally recognized by foreign governments, donated €50,000.[64][65]
  •  Latvia: Latvia's government has pledged €15,000 to Haitian disaster relief, which will be channeled through the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund.[66]
  •  Liechtenstein: The government of Liechtenstein announced that it would allocate CHF 200,000 to the Haiti relief efforts.[67]
  •  Luxembourg: Rescue teams from Luxembourg accompanied a Belgian contingent of rescue workers that arrived in Haiti shortly after the earthquake.[69]
  • Macedonian local response:
    • Skopje: The capital city of Skopje, which was itself struck by a catastrophic earthquake in 1963, pledged 1.5 million MKD (25,000 Euro) in aid. Furthermore, the government will also assess the relief needs and provide further aid.[70][71]
  •  Malta: The Civil Protection Department collected blankets, canned food and drinking water for the victims of the earthquake.[72]
  •  Moldova: The Moldovan government provided the amount of US$100,000 to Haiti.[73][74]
  •  Montenegro: The Government of Montenegro announced that it had allocated €50,000.[76]
  •  Netherlands: The Netherlands has pledged €3 million (US$4.3 million) in aid.[46] On 14 January the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team (72 persons 8 dogs) was dispatched to Haiti to aid in searching for survivors.[77] The Royal Dutch Navy ship HNLMS Pelikaan has sailed from Curaçao carrying 80 troops, several transport vehicles, small boats, and relief supplies.[78] On 21 January, Dutch radio and TV stations joined together for a day of fundraising for the victims of the Haiti earthquake having raised €83.4 million. (US$ 117.87 million), half of which has been donated by the Dutch government.[79][80]
  • Dutch overseas territories:
    •  Aruba: Aruba Red Cross has opened bank accounts at all Aruba-based banks for direct donations and will send the collected funds to Red Cross International. Many private Aruban companies have pledged funds to relief efforts and the government is organizing an effort to dispatch doctors and surgeons to Haiti.[84]
    •  Netherlands Antilles: The government-owned Princess Juliana International Airport at Sint Maarten, working with the local Red Cross, organized a collection of bottled water, canned goods and food that would be packaged and delivered on a chartered flight sponsored by the airport authority.[85]
  •  Norway: Norway will be sending delegations from the Norwegian Red Cross, including a field hospital and the charitable organisation Norwegian Church Aid. The country was initially pledging 40 million NOK (US$7M),[86] but soon raised it to 100 million NOK (US$17.5M),[87] and some days later again, to a total of 200 million NOK (US$25M).[88]
  •  Poland: Fifty four rescue workers (Ciężka Grupa Poszukiwawczo Ratownicza – USAR Poland) flew out on 15 January of Warsaw's Okecie airport equipped with four tonnes of specialised equipment for earthquake-torn Haiti. Ten search and rescue dogs were also on board, says the Ministry of Interior.[89] The time delay of sending the team has been strongly criticised in the Polish media. The Polish government announced it will send US$150,000 in aid to the International Red Cross.[90] The Polish Medical Mission will also send a group of doctors and a field hospital.[91] 63 firemen from Poland have taken 12 dogs and 4 tons of equipment with them.[92]
  •  Portugal: The government of Portugal announced it will send a C-130 with 32 members of the disaster rescue team "Protecção Civil" (Civil Protection), supplies like tents, medical equipment and a complete hospital ward and immediate cash relief of €500,000.[93] The team and supplies have been sent as of 15 January .[94] After many delays, due to both a technical failure and an overcrowded airport, the C-130 of the Portuguese Air Force arrived in Port-au-Prince on 17 January at around 8:30 pm. The plane brought over 10 tons of humanitarian help as well as a team of members of the "Protecção Civil", firefighters, and medics from "Assistência Médica Internacional" (International Medical Help) and "Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica" (National Institute of Medical Emergency).

On 18 January a TAP Portugal plane loaded with 3.5 tons of additional humanitarian help departed from Lisbon en route to Caracas, Venezuela. From there, the C-130 of the Portuguese Air Force already in Haiti would deliver the supplies from Venezuela to Port-au-Prince. Supplies in this second shipment include tents, bathrooms, blankets, water purifiers, medicine, and food products.[95] On 30 January 2010 the "humanitarian team" left Port-au-Prince back to Portugal, ending their mission. Seven elements of AMI remained on the ground providing medical assistance to the people affected by the earthquake. Six hundred (600) Haitians are living in the Campo Azul da União Portugal Haiti (Blue Camp of the Portugal Haiti Union).[96]

  • Portuguese autonomous regions:
    •  Azores: The government of the archipelago has donated €100,000 to humanitarian efforts in Haiti.[97]
  •  Romania: On 14 January 2010, the Romanian government announced that it would send an unspecified amount of material aid to Haiti.[98] On 22 January, the government of Romania announced that it will send €50,000 from its Assistance for Development budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 2010, through the World Food Program.[99] Romania also participated through the European Union contribution, and it is part of the UN mission restoring order in the country.[100]
  •  Russia: The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has sent four Ilyushin Il-76 cargo planes containing rescue workers, supplies, heavy equipment, a mobile hospital including doctors and medical staff, with a capacity of 50 patients,[101][102][103] and psychologists to assist families whose loved ones were killed or missing.[104] Some of the rescue workers were equipped with sniffer dogs to locate trapped survivors. The first two planes from Russia contained doctors from the Ministry for Emergencies and the All-Russian Medical Disasters Centre and rescuers, including specialists with sniff dogs and psychologists, as well as necessary equipment to conduct rescue operations and cross-country vehicles.[105]

The fourth plane included 15 rescuers on board. The aircraft also delivered special hardware for search work, which made it possible to move heavy beams and make passages on the ground floors of destroyed buildings. It also had a light helicopter BK-117 on board, which made possible air reconnaissance and airlifts gravely wounded people from hard-of-access areas.[106] The total cost of the Russian operations stand at $5 million as of 20 January.[107] On 1 April 2010 Russia's envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said Russia will donate $8 million to help rebuild Haiti, bringing the total sum of the Russian aid to $13 million.[108] Russia delivered a total of 30 metric tons of humanitarian aid to Haiti.

  •  San Marino: Antonella Mularoni, Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs, announced that the San Marino government will give US$50,000 to UN's Central Emergency Response Fund.[109]
  •  Serbia: The government of Serbia donated US$100,000.[dead link][110] It was also announced that Serbia plans to send a few dozen members of the Gendarmery in the Italian contingent of peacekeepers in Haiti.[111]
  • Serbian cities:
  •  Slovakia: The Slovakian government allocated €50,000 in aid to Haiti.[113] Slovak Paramedics were sent to Haiti.[114]
  •  Slovenia: The Slovenian government allocated €50,000 in aid to Haiti.[115]
  •  Spain: Government of Spain initially pledged €3 million in immediate emergency aid.[116]

The Spanish national and regional governments as well as semi-public medical and SAR agencies have contributed the following to the humanitarian effort:

  • An SAR Team together with a team of EDAN (Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis) totaling 39 people and 15 dogs.
  • A humanitarian charter from the Spanish Logistic Center in Panama. This shipment consists of 24 tonnes of humanitarian supplies from the Spanish Aid organisation, the Spanish humanitarian organizations and the World Food Program United Nations in America. It includes 1000 tarpaulins, 675 family cleaning kits, 4,200 20 litre water bladders, 450 blankets, 1,500 units of body bags and 55 family tents, a disaster kit and other MSF Spain hygiene and WFP food rations. The Logistics Center in Panama is tasked with ensuring humanitarian the air transport in response to the disaster. The plane left from Panama and will be arrived at noon local time 15 January. Shipping is funded by the Office of Humanitarian Action AECID costing over €100,000. Another similar cargo will be shipped from the Logistics Center.
  • A C-130 Hercules with medical supplies for emergency care (11 Tonnes) and 3.5 Tonnes of drugs supplied by Farma Mundi. The five planes sent will also be used for evacuation of foreign nationals.
  • A specialized medical team (surgeons, anesthesiologists, orthopedic surgeons, nurses and logistical support) from the following organisations; MSF Spain, SAMUR, DYA Navarra, SEM Catalonia, Basque Country, Madrid, Civil Protection and MAEC staff.[117]

The Spanish Navy has dispatched the SPS Castilla (L52), a Galicia class landing platform dock vessel. The vessel is manned by 423 persons, and is fully equipped to function as a real hospital, with two operating theaters, a laboratory, intensive care unit and other X-rays facilities, as well as additional facilities. In addition it carries 4 helicopters.[118] It is to arrive at Petit-Goâve in February.[119]

  • Spanish regional governments response:
    • Andalusia: The Andalusian parliament has announced that it will allocate over €440,000 to Haitian relief efforts.[120]
      • Almería: The province's government has sent tents and water purification systems to Haiti.[121]
      • Baza: The town has allocated (earmarked/approved) €20,000.[122]
      • Córdoba: The city government announced the allocation of €50,000 to Haitian recovery efforts.[123]
      • Gádor: The town has set up a bank account for donations.[124]
      • Seville: The city allocated €250,000 to relief efforts and also dispatched a team of firefighters to the devastated Caribbean nation.[125]
      • Utrera: The town has allocated €4,000.[126]
    • Aragon: Aragon's parliament has pledged €300,000 to help purchase a water purification and other needed projects in Haiti.[127]
    • Asturias The principality's government has dispatched a team of 10 firefighters, two search and rescue experts along with specially trained dogs, a doctor and a nurse to Port-au-Prince shortly after the earthquake.[131] The government has also said they will provide €1.2 million for reconstruction projects in the country.[132]
    • Balearic Islands: The government of the Balaeric Islands has pledged to send €100,000 annually to reconstructions efforts via the Spanish government's international development agency known as AECID.[134] News of Haitian orphans has caused a great campaign in the islands as over twenty families have indicated that they are interested in adopting orphans from the island nation.[135]
      • Palma de Mallorca: The capital city of the archipelago and its largest island, Palma, has allocated (earmarked/approved) €130,000 to the international relief effort.[136]
      • Minorca: Local efforts by the small island's Catholic diocese and youth collected over €4,000 for relief efforts.[137]
    • Basque Country: The Basque Country regional government allocated (earmarked/approved) €200,000 and dispatched 27 police officers from the Ertzaintza to assist in providing security.[138]
      • Eibar: The town allocated €3,000 to relief efforts.[139]
      • Errenteria: The town allocated €6,000.[140]
      • Vitoria: The city's municipal government has allocated €100,000 and sent a medical team to the island nation[132]
    • Canary Islands: The Government of the Canary Islands in cooperation with Spanish Red Cross dispatched a cargo plane with vehicles, first aid kids, water bottles and other needed items to Haiti on 19 January 2010.[141]
    • Cantabria: The Cantabrian government has allocated (earmarked/approved) €130,000 to aid Haitian relief and reconstruction projects.[145]
    • Castile and León: A team of firefighters from the region were sent to Haiti shortly after the earthquake.[146]
      • Palencia: The town announced that it plans to donate €3,000 to humanitarian projects in Haiti.[147]
      • Valladolid: The city has allocated €30,000 to relief efforts in Haiti.[148]
    • Castile-La Mancha: The regional government has donated €100,000 to Spanish Red Cross's campaign in Haiti, approved 8 firefighters to be transferred to Haiti; the government's charitable foundation also has donated another €122,000 and created an account for further donations at all Caja Castilla La Mancha bank branches.[149]
    • Catalonia: The Generalitat of Catalonia which is the governing institution of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia allocated more than €205.000 to relief efforts in Haiti.[158]
      • Barcelona: The capital city of Catalonia has donated hygiene, surgical and obstetric kits, along with first aid kits that will take care of 2,000 people over the next three months.[159]
      • Rubí: The town's council has earmarked €5,000.[160]
      • Terrassa: The city has opened an account at a local bank and has donated €3,000.[161]
    • Ceuta: The autunomous city of Ceuta located on the North African coast has allocated €6,000 to relief efforts in Haiti.[132]
    • Extremadura: Approximately 200 residents have offered to adopt Haitian orphans since the earthquake.[162]
      • Almaraz: The town has opened an account for the purposes of constructing a hospital and school in Haiti, starting with €5,000 and encouraging others to add donations to the account.[163]
      • Badajoz: The province's government has allocated €20,000.[164]
      • Cáceres: The province's government has allocated €20,000.[164]
      • Villanueva de la Serena: The town's council announced plans to make a €4,000 donation, and is organizing to solicit from private donors and to coordinate with NGO's.[165]
    • Galicia: Galicia's parliament known as the Xunta de Galicia announced plans to make a €15,000 to assist the international community in Haiti.[166]
    • La Rioja: The autonomous community's parliament and municipal has pledged €12,000 to relief efforts[132]
      • Logroño: The city parliament and municipal government of Logroño has each pledged €6,000 (total of €12,000) to assist in Haiti.[132]
    • Madrid: The Community of Madrid has pledged to send a team of two doctors, three nurses, and four disaster experts to Haiti very shortly.[167] Twenty-four firefighters and seven rescue dogs also have been promised to relief efforts.[132]
      • Alcalá de Henares: The city earmarked (allocated) €7,000.[168]
      • Alcorcón: The town has approved €20,000 to be donated via Firefighters Without Borders and was considering whether to send some of their own firefighters.[169]
      • Boadilla del Monte: The town allocated €10,000 to recovery projects in Haiti, via the Red Cross.[170]
      • Colmenar Viejo: The town announced it plans to donate €27,000 to Haitian relief efforts.[171]
      • Coslada: The town has €10,000.[dead link][172]
      • Galapagar: The mayor Daniel Perez has donated €5,000 to relief efforts.[173][174]
      • Getafe: The town sent a canine resuce team composed of ten workers and three dogs to Haiti on 14 January 2010.[175]
      • Guadarrama: The town donated €5,000 to Haitian relief efforts.[citation needed]
      • Leganés: The town has set up accounts at several local banks and has partnered with local businesses in collecting funds and goods for Haiti.[176]
      • Majadahonda: The town approved for €40,000 to be sent for relief efforts.[177]
      • Móstoles: The city allocated €18,000.[178]
      • Parla: The town approved €12,000.[179]
      • Pozuelo de Alarcón: The town approved of €10,000 for charitable organizations involved in relief efforts in Haiti.[180]
      • San Martín de la Vega: The town delivered €1,000 to Spanish Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti.[181]
    • Melilla: The autonomous city of Melilla located on the North African coast has allocated €60,000 to relief efforts in Haiti.[132]
    • Murcia Eight firefighters and four rescue workers with rescue dogs will be dispatch to Haiti shortly to assist in recovery efforts.[182]
      • Águilas: The seaside town has donated €6,000.[183]
      • Cartagena: The town planned to donate €14,000 to help covers costs for a team of two doctors, a nurse, and three firefighters that will travel to Haiti on 25 January 2010. The team will also help to set up a water filtering system worth €50,000 in Port-au-Prince.[184]
      • Lorca: The town approved and allocated €6,000.[185]
    • Navarre The Navarran government has authorized and allocated €30,000 to assist Haiti in its darkest hour.[186]
    • Valencia The Valencian Community has allocated €442.000 to assist Haiti during its time of need.[190]
  •   Switzerland: A Swiss Air-Ambulance CL604 Challenger jet left Zürich on Wednesday morning to Port-au-Prince with a quick-response team from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit in order to identify local needs and prepare in case of further deployment.[200][201][202][203] The plane has landed on Saturday with aid such as first aid kits, medical material and medicines, shelters and generators. A total of 41 Swiss experts are also on the ground in the region. Of these, 25 were already in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, by Saturday, and another 14 were on their way there.[204] According to Swiss officials, a second plane will leave Switzerland with more aid on Monday 18 January.
  •  Turkey: Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that Turkey is dispatching a mobile hospital, two check-up devices, a 20-member relief team, and 10 tons of medicine and medical equipment. The Turkish government has donated $1 million for Haiti.[205] in kind – Field Hospital, 2 Healthcare Survey Unit, Medical Unit consists of 17 Personnel/paramedics and 10 tonnes of medical/first aid items, 20 tonnes of relief material consisting 200 tents, 2000 blankets, 145 set of kitchen materials, 1000 plastic bags for corps and 3 relief personnel, 1.5 tonnes of Logistic equipment including food and cloths, fully equipped 10 SAR Personnel of AKUT Association[206][207][208]

The Turkish rescue workers assistance in Haiti was noted in a 18 January 2010 article on Turkish help in a joint rescue at a grocery store in Haiti; "A Creole-speaking man and woman were rescued late Sunday night by a team from Miami, Florida, and a Turkish team."[209] Pictures of the Turkish rescue team working in Haiti are available online.[208][210]

  •  United Kingdom: The government of the United Kingdom has sent US$10 million and pledged another US$22 million in aid.[212] The day after the quake, a team of 71 search and rescue personnel and two search dogs left from the United Kingdom to fly to Haiti in an effort to rescue survivors. The team are equipped with specialized heavy rescue equipment.[213] The BBC reported that a British Airways Boeing 747, crewed by volunteers from the airline, carried emergency supplies to Haiti, while another aircraft from Virgin Atlantic carried medical and rescue teams. A Royal Navy support ship is also to deploy to Haiti loaded with aid.[214] Largs Bay sailed for Haiti on 3 February.
  • Countries of the UK:
    •  Scotland: The Scottish government has donated £250,000 to relief efforts. Scottish charities have matched that donation.[215]
    •  Wales: Firefighters from Wales were amongst the first international rescuers to arrive in Port-au-Prince following the earthquake.[216]
  • Crown dependencies:
    •  Guernsey: Guernsey's government has pledged £50,000 to provide emergency aid.[217]
    •  Jersey: Jersey's Overseas Aid Commission has donated £100,000 to provide emergency aid.[218]
    •  Isle of Man: The Isle of Man's government has donated £60,000 to the relief effort.[219]
  • Overseas territories:
    •  Anguilla: Officials from the Anguilla Red Cross have set up an account with the National Bank of Anguilla for private and corporate donations. The organization has also has also amassed a collection of required items such as kitchen kits, personal hygiene kits, blankets, tarpaulins and containers for storing drinking water to be dispatched to Haiti.[220]
    •  Bermuda: Finance Minister Paula Cox reported that the island territory would send charitable aid. She also cited their participation in the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) fund that will offer additional aid to the country.[221]
    •  British Virgin Islands: The Government of the British Virgin Islands allocated US$80,000 towards the relief efforts in Haiti.[222]
    •  Cayman Islands: The Cayman Islands Red Cross raised over KYD$100,000 for the Haiti earthquake relief efforts.[223]
    •  Falkland Islands: The territory's government has set up an account at Standard Chartered Bank in Stanley to receive donations towards relief efforts. Money collected will be eventually dispersed to various British humanitarian aid organizations[224]
    •  Gibraltar: The Gibraltar Branch of the Red Cross amassed £11,200 within a week of establishing a special bank account for corporate and private donations.[225]
    •  Montserrat: The government-owned Radio Montserrat, in collaboration with the Montserrat Red Cross and the island's chapter of the Rotary Club, hosted a radiothon that raised EC$51,135 for the Haiti relief efforts.[226] In addition to fundraising on the island, Montserrat's government is ready to dispatch search and rescue specialists as soon as they receive further assessment of the situation in Haiti and have instructed their immigration ministry to work with Haitians citizens presently living on the island in extending their residency.[227]
    •  Turks and Caicos Islands: The Haitian community residing in the territory have commenced relief drive to collect goods and funds. The territory's governor has pledged assistance in transporting the goods to Haiti.[228]
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  216. ^ Welsh rescuers help Haiti victims from www.newssniffer.co.uk 15 January 2010
  217. ^ Guernsey pledges £50,000 to Haiti earthquake aid appeal from BBC 16 January 2010.
  218. ^ £100,000 relief aid for Haiti from www.thisisjersey.com 16 January 2010.
  219. ^ Island's Overseas Aid Committee sends £60,000 for Haiti from www.isleofman.com 16 January 2010.
  220. ^ Donations for Haiti Can Be Made Through The Anguilla Red Cross from www.anguillanews.com 12 January 2010
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  228. ^ Turks and Caicos helping Haiti from www.suntci.com 19 January 2010
  229. ^ "?". Retrieved 13 January 2010.