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Computational Problems in Graph Theory

Computational problem
Canadian traveller problem
Clique cover problem
Clique problem
Connected dominating set
Correlation clustering
Degree diameter problem
Domatic number
Dominating set
Edge cover
Edge dominating set
Feedback arc set
Feedback vertex set
Graph coloring
Graph cuts in computer vision
Graph isomorphism problem
Graph partition
Graph sandwich problem
Hamiltonian path
Hamiltonian path problem
Independent set (graph theory)
Induced subgraph isomorphism problem
Instant Insanity
K shortest path routing
Longest path problem
Longest uncrossed knight's path
Maximal independent set
Maximum common subgraph isomorphism problem
Maximum cut
Metric k-center
Minimum k-cut
Multi-trials technique
Pebble motion problems
Planarity testing
Route inspection problem
Set TSP problem
Shortest path problem
Spanning tree
Steiner tree problem
Subgraph isomorphism problem
Travelling salesman problem
Unrooted tree path lengths
Vertex cover
Vertex cycle cover
Widest path problem
Christofides algorithm
Concorde TSP Solver
Lin–Kernighan heuristic
Nearest neighbour algorithm
Traveling purchaser problem