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Hi I am french native and starting just now on wikipedia in english to help documenting french painters as a start. --Odilebe (talk) 12:31, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

This is where I live, right on the left of the picture

My interests



le soufflé

For instance a perfect meal could be made of:

- soufflé au fromage

- canard aux olives

- tarte au citron meringuée

Matisse and Dufy

Vue de Notre Dame - H Matisse 1914

A perfect exhibition could be made of:

- Vue de Notre Dame (1914)

- La tristesse du roi (his last painting)

"Bocca della Verita - Roma"



A perfect trip would be:

- a week-end in Venezia

- a full week in Volterra

and an entire life in Roma ..