User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/NPPLinks.js
Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:Novem Linguae/Scripts/NPPLinks. |
// <nowiki>
class NPPLinks {
/** add NPP, Earwig, WP:BEFORE, CSE, Wikipedia duplicate page links to left menu */
execute() {
this._setURIVariables( this.pageName, this.namespace );
// this._debugURIVariables();
// this._debugForeignCharacterDetection();
// TODO: convert to mw.util.addPortlet()
_insertHTML() {
const menuTitle = 'New page patrol';
let html = '';
const skin = mw.config.get( 'skin' );
switch ( skin ) {
case 'minerva':
// TODO: insert into the "More" menu, rather than the hamburger
html = `
<ul id="p-npp-links">
${ this.links }
html = html.replace( /<li>/g, '<li class="menu__item--preferences">' );
html = html.replace( /(<a[^>]*>)/g, '$1<span class="mw-ui-icon"></span><span>' );
html = html.replace( /<\/a>/g, '<span></a>' );
$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );
case 'monobook':
html = `
<div role="navigation" class="portlet mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links" id="p-npp-links" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label">
<h3 id="p-npp-links-label">
${ menuTitle }
<div class="pBody">
${ this.links }
$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );
case 'modern':
html = `
<div class="portlet mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links" d="p-npp-links" role="navigation">
<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" lang="en" dir="ltr">
${ menuTitle }
<div class="mw-portlet-body">
<ul lang="en" dir="ltr">
${ this.links }
$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );
case 'timeless':
html = `
<div role="navigation" class="mw-portlet" id="p-npp-links" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label">
<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" lang="en" dir="ltr">
${ menuTitle }
<div class="mw-portlet-body">
<ul lang="en" dir="ltr">
${ this.links }
$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );
case 'vector-2022':
html = `
<nav id="p-npp-links" class="vector-main-menu-group vector-menu mw-portlet mw-portlet-interaction">
<div class="vector-menu-heading">
<span class="vector-menu-heading-label">
${ menuTitle }
<div class="vector-menu-content">
<ul class="vector-menu-content-list">
${ this.links }
$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );
case 'vector':
html = `
<nav id="p-npp-links" class="mw-portlet mw-portlet-npp-links vector-menu vector-menu-portal portal" aria-labelledby="p-npp-links-label" role="npp-links">
<h3 id="p-npp-links-label" class="vector-menu-heading">
${ menuTitle }
<div class="vector-menu-content">
<ul class="vector-menu-content-list">
${ this.links }
$( '#p-navigation' ).after( html );
_generateLinks() {
// always display a link to Special:NewPagesFeed
this.links = '<li><a href="/wiki/Special:NewPagesFeed">New pages feed</a></li>';
// if on a page where NPPLinks should run (mainspace), display all the links, so the person can do WP:BEFORE
if ( !this.lessLinks ) {
this.links = `
<li><a href="${ this.copyvioURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Copyvio check</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.wikipediaDuplicateCheckURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Duplicate article check</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.webSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE web</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.newsSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE news</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.oldNewsSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE news archive</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.bookSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE books</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.journalSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>WP:BEFORE scholar</a></li>
${ this.messages }
<li><a href="${ this.profileSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Professor (Google)</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.profileSearchURL2 }" ${ this.sameTab }>Professor (Scopus)</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.cseSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Reliable sources search</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.newsInTitleSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>News (name in title)</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.wikidataSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Wikidata</a></li>
<li><a href="${ this.catalogueOfLifeSearchURL }" ${ this.sameTab }>Species search</a></li>
// TODO: purge page, so orphan count is correct
// TODO: display message if orphan
// TODO: display message if no categories
_checkForForeignCharacters() {
// WP:BEFORE foreign script search
this.articleBody = $( '#mw-content-text' ).html();
this.articleBody = this.articleBody.replace( /(<([^>] )>)/gi, '' ); // remove HTML tags
this.articleBody = this.articleBody.trim().split( 'Contents' )[ 0 ]; // lead only. trim everything after the word "Contents" (table of contents)
const regEx = new RegExp( `^[${ this.listOfNonForeignCharacters }]*$`, '' );
const ansiOnly = regEx.test( this.articleBody ); // the ones at the end are vietnamese
if ( !ansiOnly ) {
// Use an <a> tag with CSS to turn off the hyperlink. This is so that Minerva skin works correctly. Minerva always expects an <a> tag.
this.messages = '<li><a style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default; color:black;">WP:BEFORE search for foreign name</a></li>\n';
_checkForArticlesInOtherLanguages() {
// WP:BEFORE wikis in other languages
if ( $( '#p-lang li' ).length ) {
// Use an <a> tag with CSS to turn off the hyperlink. This is so that Minerva skin works correctly. Minerva always expects an <a> tag.
this.messages = '<li><a style="pointer-events: none; cursor: default; color:black;">WP:BEFORE check foreign wikis</a></li>\n';
_setURLVariables() {
this.copyvioURL = `${ this.underscores }`;
this.webSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;
this.bookSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=bks`;
this.newsSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=nws`;
this.newsInTitleSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }&tbm=nws`;
this.oldNewsSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;
this.journalSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;
this.profileSearchURL = `${ this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses } "h-index"`;
this.profileSearchURL2 = `${ this.lastName }&st2=${ this.firstName }`;
this.cseSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoUnderscores }`;
this.wikipediaDuplicateCheckURL = `${ this.noUnderscores }&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&advancedSearch-current={}&ns0=1`;
this.wikidataSearchURL = `${ this.quotedNoParentheses }&title=Special:Search&go=Go&ns0=1&ns120=1`;
this.catalogueOfLifeSearchURL = `${ this.noUnderscores }&sortBy=taxonomic`;
_setVariables() {
// This is a preference the user can set in their common.js
// @ts-ignore
this.sameTab = window.NPPLinksSameTab ? '' : 'target="_blank"';
// Here's some commonly used variables
this.namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
this.pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ); // has underscores instead of spaces. has namespace prefix
this.listOfNonForeignCharacters = '\u0000-\u036f\ua792\u200b\u2009\u2061\u200e–—−▶◀•←†↓√≠≈→⋯’\u0020-\u002F\u0030-\u0039\u003A-\u0040\u0041-\u005A\u005B-\u0060\u0061-\u007A\u007B-\u007E\u00C0-\u00C3\u00C8-\u00CA\u00CC-\u00CD\u00D0\u00D2-\u00D5\u00D9-\u00DA\u00DD\u00E0-\u00E3\u00E8-\u00EA\u00EC-\u00ED\u00F2-\u00F5\u00F9-\u00FA\u00FD\u0102-\u0103\u0110-\u0111\u0128-\u0129\u0168-\u0169\u01A0-\u01B0\u1EA0-\u1EF9\u02C6-\u0323';
this.messages = '';
this.links = '';
/** Prints to console a list of foreign characters detected. Any characters in this list that aren't foreign characters, such as unicode whitespace characters or unicode symbols that aren't language-related, are bugs. The fix is to add them to the RegEx as an exception. */
_debugForeignCharacterDetection() {
console.log( this.articleBody );
const regEx = new RegExp( `[^${ this.listOfNonForeignCharacters }]`, 'g' );
const matches = this.articleBody.match( regEx );
if ( matches ) {
for ( const match of matches ) {
console.log( match );
console.log( match.charCodeAt( 0 ) );
_decideIfWeShouldUseLessLinks() {
// only include most links for action = view and namespace = main, draft
const action = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );
const desiredNamespace = [ 0, 118 ].includes( this.namespace );
this.lessLinks = false;
if ( action !== 'view' || !desiredNamespace ) {
this.lessLinks = true;
const isAFD = this.pageName.startsWith( 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/' );
if ( isAFD ) {
this.lessLinks = false;
this.pageName = this.pageName.replace( 'Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/', '' );
_debugURIVariables() {
console.log( this.underscores );
console.log( this.pageNameNoNamespace );
console.log( this.quotedName );
console.log( this.quotedNoParentheses );
console.log( this.quotedNoUnderscores );
console.log( this.noUnderscores );
console.log( this.quotedNoUnderscoresNoParentheses );
console.log( this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses );
/** pageName has namespace, undescores, no quotes, parentheses */
) {
let output = wgPageName;
// The order of all of these is important, because of RegEx patterns.
if ( !keepNamespace && wgNamespaceNumber !== 0 ) {
output = output.replace( /^. ?:/, '' );
if ( !keepDisambiguator ) {
const matches = output.match( /^(.*)_\((. ?)\)$/ );
if ( typeof matches !== 'undefined' && matches && matches[ 1 ] ) {
output = matches[ 1 ];
if ( wrapInDoubleQuotes ) {
// If there's parentheses on the right, put the parentheses on the outside of the quotes, and remove the ( ) characters, but not their inner text
const matches = output.match( /^(.*)_\((. ?)\)$/ );
// if parentheses on the right
if ( typeof matches !== 'undefined' && matches && matches[ 2 ] ) {
output = '"' matches[ 1 ] '"_' matches[ 2 ];
} else {
output = '"' output '"';
if ( !keepUnderscores ) {
output = output.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
output = encodeURIComponent( output );
return output;
_setURIVariables( pageName, namespace ) {
// Draft:Andrew_Hill_(pharmacologist)
this.underscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, true, true, false, true );
// Andrew_Hill_(pharmacologist)
this.pageNameNoNamespace = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, false, true );
// "Andrew_Hill"_pharmacologist
this.quotedName = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, true, true );
// "Andrew_Hill"
this.quotedNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, true, true, false );
// "Andrew Hill" pharmacologist
this.quotedNoUnderscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, true, true );
// Andrew Hill (pharmacologist)
this.noUnderscores = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, false, true );
// "Andrew Hill"
this.quotedNoUnderscoresNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, true, false );
// Andrew Hill
this.noUnderscoresNoParentheses = this._buildURIComponent( pageName, namespace, false, false, false, false );
// Andrew
this.firstName = this._getFirstName( pageName );
// Hill
this.lastName = this._getLastName( pageName );
_getLastName( pageName ) {
// TODO: this can probably be refactored to use this._buildURIComponent() to delete the underscores and disambiguators, then do the regex
// underscores to spaces
pageName = pageName.replace( '_', ' ' );
// delete disambiguators, e.g. Andrew Hill (pharmacologist) -> Andrew Hill
pageName = pageName.replace( / \([^)] \)$/, '' );
// RegEx test cases:
const match = pageName.match( /\s?(\S )$/ );
if ( match && match[ 1 ] ) {
// spaces, not underscores
return encodeURIComponent( match[ 1 ] );
return '';
_getFirstName( pageName ) {
// TODO: this can probably be refactored to use this._buildURIComponent() to delete the underscores and disambiguators, then do the regex
// underscores to spaces
pageName = pageName.replace( '_', ' ' );
// delete disambiguators, e.g. Andrew Hill (pharmacologist) -> Andrew Hill
pageName = pageName.replace( / \([^)] \)$/, '' );
// RegEx test cases:
const match = pageName.match( /^(.*)\s\S $/ );
if ( match && match[ 1 ] ) {
// spaces, not underscores
return encodeURIComponent( match[ 1 ] );
return '';
$( () => {
( new NPPLinks() ).execute();
} );
// </nowiki>