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User:Myleslong/DemonSeed Elite

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DemonSeed Elite is a fictional deity/elite hacker created by Grandmaster Ratte' in CULT OF THE DEAD COW's cDc #200. The character also plays heavily into the mythos of the Virtual Adepts in the roleplaying game, Mage: The Ascension, both in its contemporary setting and its World of Darkness setting.

DemonSeed Elite is somewhat akin Keyser Soze, a legend told by hackers of a spirit of retribution that polices an underground subculture.



DemonSeed Elite was introduced in cDc #200 as a hacker deity. "He" lurks in computer networks, waiting to drop his orange monster truck on the heads of those who have proven worthy of his wrath (e.g. script kiddies).

From cDc #200:

I've gotta keep my k-ness up 'cause I don't want any shit coming down on me from DemonSeed Elite. If you still don't know the deal with DemonSeed Elite, then listen up. People don't like to talk about him/it much, 'cause it's such a heavy subject... like a giant cow hanging over your head, ready to drop at any slip up you make.
Rumor is, that back in the late 1970s-early '80s, DSE was a user who achieved Maximum K-rad Eliteness at which point his soul merged with the global telecom network. DemonSeed Elite was no longer just a person, but an entity residing in the cables and satellite links of the network. He is AT&T, he is Internet, he is SouthWestern Bell, he is Smilin' Uncle Dudley's Child Pokin' BBS across town. He is your phone. He is the spy satellites which orbit above our heads. He knows when you've been sleeping and he knows when you're awake. And he takes any sign of lameness on his networks as a personal insult. To speak his real name is to die. Lamers and r0dents all face his wrath. No one has seen him dealing out his vengeance, or been alive afterwards to tell about it, but it will come. Believe that.
All we can do is make assumptions from the wretched remains. A thirteen-year-old with his intestines ripped out; fiberoptic cables twisted tightly around the pulp of what was once his frontal lobe. The young geek's forehead was branded "k-lame", the words still sizzling in his freshly seared flesh when he was found bleeding to death on the floor of his bedroom. His monitor still glowed with the ominous text, "C U L8R!", upon signing off to his friend he had been chatting with over the modem. His pal suffered a similar fate.

DemonSeed Elite's orange monster truck blasts music by Debbie Gibson at high volume as he carries out his work, ridding the hacker community (and the world in general) of its less-desirable elements.

Mage: The Ascension


Parts of cDc #200 were included in the Virtual Adept's Sourcebook for Mage: The Ascension. As the mythos of that game evolved, so did Demonseed's place in it.

