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User:JustinLillich/Books/Christianity & Denominations

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Christianity & Denominations


A Reference Encyclopedia

1 Esdras
1 Maccabees
17th century denominations in England
2 Baruch
2 Esdras
2 Maccabees
3 Maccabees
4 Maccabees
Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi
Action of Churches Together in Scotland
Acts of the Apostles
Additions to Daniel
Adoration of the shepherds
Aeneas (Bible)
Affinity (Christian organisation)
African Methodist Episcopal Church
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Agnus Dei
Agrippa I
Agrippa II
Alexander (Ephesian)
Alexander of Constantinople
All Africa Conference of Churches
Alliance of Baptists
Alypius of Byzantium
American Baptist Association
American Baptist Churches USA
American-Canadian Macedonian Orthodox Diocese
Ananias and Sapphira
Ananias of Damascus
Ananias son of Nedebaios
Andronicus of Pannonia
Anglican Church in North America
Anglican Church of Australia
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Communion
Anna (Bible)
Anointing of Jesus
Anselm of Canterbury
Ante-Nicene Period
Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand, and All Oceania
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
Antipas of Pergamum
Antonius Felix
Antony I of Constantinople
Antony II of Constantinople
Apocalyptic literature
Apostle (Christian)
Apostolic Age
Apostolic Church of Pentecost
Apostolic Fathers
Apostolic succession
Archbishop Atticus of Constantinople
Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople
Archbishop Maximianus of Constantinople
Archbishop Maximus I of Constantinople
Archbishop Nectarius of Constantinople
Archbishop Sisinnius I of Constantinople
Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain
Aretas IV Philopatris
Arian controversy
Aristarchus of Thessalonica
Armenian Apostolic Church
Arrest of Jesus
Arsacius of Tarsus
Arsenios Autoreianos
Ascension of Jesus
Asia Pacific Baptist Federation
Assemblies of God
Assemblies of God in the United Kingdom
Associated Presbyterian Churches
Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland
Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Association of Vineyard Churches
Assyrian Church of the East
Athanasius of Alexandria
Athenodorus of Byzantium
Atonement in Christianity
Augustine of Hippo
Australian Christian Churches
Australian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Authors of the Bible
Avignon Papacy
Azusa Street Revival
Baptism of Jesus
Baptism of Poland
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Baptist General Conference
Baptist General Conference of Canada
Baptist Missionary Association of America
Baptist Union of Australia
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Baptist Union of Scotland
Baptist Union of Wales
Baptist World Alliance
Bartholomew the Apostle
Bartimaeus (Biblical character)
Bel and the Dragon
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bible chronology
Bible prophecy
Bible Student movement
Biblical apocrypha
Biblical canon
Biblical law in Christianity
Biblical Magi
Biblical manuscript
Biblical studies
Blind man of Bethsaida
Book of Amos
Book of Baruch
Book of Common Prayer
Book of Concord
Book of Daniel
Book of Deuteronomy
Book of Enoch
Book of Esther
Book of Exodus
Book of Ezekiel
Book of Ezra
Book of Genesis
Book of Habakkuk
Book of Haggai
Book of Hosea
Book of Isaiah
Book of Jeremiah
Book of Job
Book of Joel
Book of Jonah
Book of Joshua
Book of Judges
Book of Judith
Book of Lamentations
Book of Leviticus
Book of Malachi
Book of Micah
Book of Mormon
Book of Nahum
Book of Nehemiah
Book of Numbers
Book of Obadiah
Book of Odes (Bible)
Book of Proverbs
Book of Revelation
Book of Ruth
Book of Tobit
Book of Wisdom
Book of Zechariah
Book of Zephaniah
Books of Chronicles
Books of Kings
Books of Samuel
Books of the Bible
Brethren in Christ Church
Britain Yearly Meeting
British Methodist Episcopal Church
British New Church Movement
British Orthodox Church
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Iconoclasm
Byzantine–Ottoman Wars
Calendar of saints
Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Australia)
Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Canada)
Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Korea)
Calendar of saints (Anglican Church of Southern Africa)
Calendar of Saints (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Calendar of saints (Church of England)
Calendar of saints (Church of the Province of Melanesia)
Calendar of saints (Episcopal Church in the United States of America)
Calendar of saints (Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui)
Calendar of Saints (Lutheran)
Calendar of saints (Scottish Episcopal Church)
Camp meeting
Canadian and American Reformed Churches
Canadian Baptist Ministries
Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists
Canadian Council of Churches
Canadian Yearly Meeting
Canon (priest)
Cardinal (Catholicism)
Castinus of Byzantium
Categories of New Testament manuscripts
Catholic Church
Catholic Church in England and Wales
Catholic Church in the United States
Catholic Encyclopedia
Celtic Christianity
Celtic Orthodox Church
Chapters and verses of the Bible
Charismatic movement
Charismatic Movement
Charles de Steuben
Charles Martel
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Christian apologetics
Christian art
Christian Church
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian churches and churches of Christ
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ
Christian City Churches
Christian Conference of Asia
Christian Denomination
Christian denomination
Christian Holiness Partnership
Christian liturgy
Christian martyrs
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Christian monasticism
Christian music
Christian Outreach Centre
Christian pacifism
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
Christian revival
Christian Right
Christian right
Christian school
Christian symbolism
Christian teaching about the Devil
Christian theology
Christian tradition
Christian views of Jesus
Christian views of marriage
Christian views of sin
Christian views on cloning
Christian views on contraception
Christianisation of Iceland
Christianity among the Mongols
Christianity and abortion
Christianity and alcohol
Christianity and antisemitism
Christianity and astrology
Christianity and Buddhism
Christianity and divorce
Christianity and domestic violence
Christianity and environmentalism
Christianity and Freemasonry
Christianity and Hinduism
Christianity and homosexuality
Christianity and Islam
Christianity and Judaism
Christianity and multiculturalism
Christianity and Neoplatonism
Christianity and other religions
Christianity and Paganism
Christianity and politics
Christianity and slavery
Christianity by country
Christianity in Abkhazia
Christianity in Afghanistan
Christianity in Africa
Christianity in Albania
Christianity in Algeria
Christianity in Angola
Christianity in Argentina
Christianity in Armenia
Christianity in Asia
Christianity in Australia
Christianity in Azerbaijan
Christianity in Bahrain
Christianity in Bangladesh
Christianity in Belarus
Christianity in Benin
Christianity in Bhutan
Christianity in Botswana
Christianity in Brunei
Christianity in Burkina Faso
Christianity in Burma
Christianity in Burundi
Christianity in Cambodia
Christianity in Canada
Christianity in Cape Verde
Christianity in China
Christianity in Colombia
Christianity in Comoros
Christianity in Cuba
Christianity in Cyprus
Christianity in Denmark
Christianity in Djibouti
Christianity in East Timor
Christianity in Egypt
Christianity in England
Christianity in Eritrea
Christianity in Ethiopia
Christianity in Europe
Christianity in France
Christianity in Georgia (country)
Christianity in Germany
Christianity in Ghana
Christianity in Guinea-Bissau
Christianity in Haiti
Christianity in Hong Kong
Christianity in India
Christianity in Indonesia
Christianity in Iran
Christianity in Iraq
Christianity in Ireland
Christianity in Israel
Christianity in Italy
Christianity in Jamaica
Christianity in Japan
Christianity in Jordan
Christianity in Kazakhstan
Christianity in Korea
Christianity in Kosovo
Christianity in Kuwait
Christianity in Kyrgyzstan
Christianity in Laos
Christianity in Lebanon
Christianity in Libya
Christianity in Lithuania
Christianity in Macau
Christianity in Malaysia
Christianity in Malta
Christianity in Mauritania
Christianity in Mauritius
Christianity in Mongolia
Christianity in Montenegro
Christianity in Morocco
Christianity in Nepal
Christianity in New Zealand
Christianity in Niger
Christianity in Nigeria
Christianity in North Korea
Christianity in Northern Ireland
Christianity in Norway
Christianity in Oman
Christianity in Pakistan
Christianity in Palestine
Christianity in Panama
Christianity in Poland
Christianity in Portugal
Christianity in Qatar
Christianity in Russia
Christianity in Samoa
Christianity in Saudi Arabia
Christianity in Scotland
Christianity in Serbia
Christianity in Singapore
Christianity in Somalia
Christianity in Somaliland
Christianity in South Korea
Christianity in Sri Lanka
Christianity in Sudan
Christianity in Switzerland
Christianity in Syria
Christianity in Taiwan
Christianity in Tajikistan
Christianity in Tanzania
Christianity in Thailand
Christianity in the 10th century
Christianity in the 11th century
Christianity in the 12th century
Christianity in the 13th century
Christianity in the 14th century
Christianity in the 15th century
Christianity in the 16th century
Christianity in the 17th century
Christianity in the 18th century
Christianity in the 19th century
Christianity in the 1st century
Christianity in the 20th century
Christianity in the 21st century
Christianity in the 2nd century
Christianity in the 3rd century
Christianity in the 4th century
Christianity in the 5th century
Christianity in the 6th century
Christianity in the 7th century
Christianity in the 8th century
Christianity in the 9th century
Christianity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Christianity in the Gambia
Christianity in the Maldives
Christianity in the Middle East
Christianity in the People's Republic of China
Christianity in the Philippines
Christianity in The Philippines
Christianity in the Republic of Ireland
Christianity in the Republic of Macedonia
Christianity in the United Arab Emirates
Christianity in the United Kingdom
Christianity in the United States
Christianity in Tokelau
Christianity in Tunisia
Christianity in Turkey
Christianity in Turkmenistan
Christianity in Ukraine
Christianity in Uzbekistan
Christianity in Vatican City
Christianity in Vietnam
Christianity in Wales
Christianity in Western Sahara
Christianity in Yemen
Christianity in Zambia
Christianity in Zimbabwe
Christianization of Bulgaria
Christianization of Hungary
Christianization of Kievan Rus'
Christianization of Lithuania
Christianization of Scandinavia
Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate
Christians in the Persian Gulf
Chronological list of saints and blesseds
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 11th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 12th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 13th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 14th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 15th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 16th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 17th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 18th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 19th century
Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 20th century
Chronological list of saints in the 10th century
Chronological list of saints in the 1st century
Chronological list of saints in the 2nd century
Chronological list of saints in the 3rd century
Chronological list of saints in the 4th century
Chronological list of saints in the 5th century
Chronological list of saints in the 6th century
Chronological list of saints in the 7th century
Chronological list of saints in the 8th century
Chronological list of saints in the 9th century
Chronology of Jesus
Church Father
Church Fathers
Church in Wales
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Christ, Scientist
Church of England
Church of God (Anderson)
Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)
Church of God in Christ
Church of God of Prophecy
Church of Ireland
Church of Scotland
Church of the Brethren
Church of the East
Church of the Nazarene
Church on the Rock- International
Church usher
Churches of Christ
Churches of Christ in Australia
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Churches Together in England
Churches Uniting in Christ
Circuit rider (religious)
Claudius Lysias
Cleansing of the Temple
Commissioning the twelve apostles
Communion of Saints
Community of Christ
Conference of European Churches
Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference
Confessor of the Faith
Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Congregational church
Congregational Federation
Conrad Grebel
Conservative Baptist Association of America
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Constantine I
Constantine Leichoudes
Constantine the Great
Continuing Anglican movement
Conversion of Pomerania
Coptic calendar
Coptic history
Coptic Orthodox Church
Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia
Coptic Orthodox Church in Canada
Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Coptic versions of the Bible
Cornelius the Centurion
Council of Chalcedon
Council of Jerusalem
Council of Trent
CRC Churches International
Criticism of Christianity
Crown of thorns
Crucifixion of Jesus
Cultural and historical background of Jesus
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Cursing the fig tree
Cyriacus I of Byzantium
Cyril Lucaris
Cyril of Alexandria
Cyrus of Alexandria
Daughter of Jairus
Dead Sea scrolls
Dean (religion)
Demetrius (Bible)
Demophilus of Constantinople
Dependent territory
Desert Fathers
Desiderius Erasmus
Deuterocanonical books
Development of the Christian Biblical canon
Development of the New Testament canon
Development of the Old Testament canon
Diet of Worms
Diogenes of Byzantium
Dionysius the Areopagite
Disciple (Christianity)
Disciple whom Jesus loved
Dissolution of the Monasteries
Doctors of the Church
Dometius of Byzantium
Drusilla (daughter of Herod Agrippa I)
Early Christianity
Easter Triduum
Eastern Catholic Churches
Eastern Christianity
Eastern Orthodox Church
Eastern Orthodox Church organization
Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar
Eastern Orthodoxy and Judaism
East–West Schism
Ecumenical council
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch Callinicus III of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch Clement of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios I of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch Dionysius IV of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch Methodius III of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
Ecumenical Patriarch Serapheim II of Constantinople
Elder (Christianity)
Eleutherius of Byzantium
Elim Pentecostal Church
Elizabeth (biblical figure)
Elizabethan Religious Settlement
Emerging church
Empire of Nicaea
Empty tomb
English Civil War
English Reformation
Entombment of Christ
Episcopal Church (United States)
Epistle of James
Epistle of Jude
Epistle to Philemon
Epistle to the Colossians
Epistle to the Ephesians
Epistle to the Galatians
Epistle to the Hebrews
Epistle to the Philippians
Epistle to the Romans
Epistle to Titus
Epistles of John
Erastus of Corinth
Ethiopian Biblical canon
Ethiopian eunuch
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Eucharistic theologies contrasted
Eucharistic theologies summarised
Eudoxius of Antioch
Eulogius of Alexandria
Euodia and Syntyche
European Baptist Federation
European wars of religion
Eusebius of Nicomedia
Eustratius Garidas
Euzois of Byzantium
Evagrius of Constantinople
Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical Christian Church in Canada
Evangelical Covenant Church
Evangelical Free Church of America
Evangelical Free Church of Canada
Evangelical Friends International
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Evangelical Lutheran Church of England
Evangelical Movement of Wales
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (United States)
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales
Faith in Christianity
Felix of Byzantium
Fellowship of Congregational Churches
Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada
Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Fifth Monarchists
First Council of Constantinople
First Council of Ephesus
First Council of Nicaea
First Epistle of John
First Epistle of Peter
First Epistle to the Corinthians
First Epistle to the Thessalonians
First Epistle to Timothy
First Great Awakening
First seven Ecumenical Councils
First Vatican Council
Five Solas
Five solas
Flagellation of Christ
Four Evangelists
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Fourth Council of the Lateran
Fourth Great Awakening
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Francis of Assisi
Francis Xavier
Free Church of England
Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)
Free Church of Scotland (post 1900)
Free Methodist
Free Methodist Church
Free Methodist Church in Canada
Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster
Friends General Conference
Friends United Meeting
Friends World Committee for Consultation
Genealogy of the Bible
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
General Council of the Assemblies of God in the United States of America
General epistles
General Roman Calendar
General Roman Calendar of 1954
General Roman Calendar of 1960
General Roman Calendar of 1969
General Roman Calendar of Pope Pius XII
General Superintendent (Church of the Nazarene)
Gennadius of Constantinople
Gennadius Scholarius
Germanic Christianity
Gnosticism and the New Testament
God in Christianity
God the Father
God the Son
Good Friday
Good news (Christianity)
Gospel harmony
Gospel of John
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Matthew
Gothic Christianity
Great Commission
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
Gregorian calendar
Gregory of Nazianzus
Henry VIII of England
Herod Antipas
Herod Archelaus
Herod Philip II
Herod the Great
Herodian Dynasty
Historical background of the New Testament
Historical development of the doctrine of Papal Primacy
Historical Jesus
History of Arab Christians
History of Calvinism
History of Calvinist-Arminian debate
History of Calvinist–Arminian debate
History of Christian theology
History of Christianity
History of Christianity in Romania
History of Christianity in Scotland
History of Christianity in the United States
History of Christianity in Ukraine
History of Church activities in Zambia
History of early Christianity
History of Eastern Christianity
History of Eastern Christianity in Asia
History of Eastern Orthodox Churches in the 20th century
History of Jehovah's Witnesses
History of late ancient Christianity
History of medieval Christianity
History of modern Christianity
History of Oriental Orthodoxy
History of Protestantism
History of the Anglican Communion
History of the Catholic Church
History of the Church of England
History of the Eastern Orthodox Church
History of the Eastern Orthodox Church under the Ottoman Empire
History of the English Bible
History of the Latter Day Saint movement
History of the Orthodox Church
History of the Papacy
History of the Puritans
History of the Quakers
History of the Roman Catholic Church
History of the Russian Orthodox Church
History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Holiness movement
Holy Chalice
Holy Saturday
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit (Christianity)
Hymenaeus (Ephesian)
Ichthus Christian Fellowship
Iglesia ni Cristo
Ignatius of Antioch
Impenitent thief
Independent Catholic Churches
Independent Catholic churches
Independent Fundamental Churches of America
Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church
Industrial Revolution
Intercession of saints
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
International Churches of Christ
International Conference of Reformed Churches
International Council of Community Churches
International Lutheran Council
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Investiture Controversy
Ireland Yearly Meeting
Irenaeus of Lyons
James the Just
James, son of Alphaeus
James, son of Zebedee
Jan Hus
Jason of Tarsus
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jesus in Christianity
Jesus Justus
Jesus movement
Jesus of Nazareth
John Calvin
John Chrysostom
John Knox
John Mark
John of Cappadocia
John of Patmos
John Scholasticus
John Smyth (Baptist minister)
John the Apostle
John the Baptist
John the Evangelist
John the Merciful
John VI of Constantinople
John Wycliffe
John X of Constantinople
Joseph Barsabbas
Joseph of Arimathea
Judas Barsabbas
Judas Iscariot
Judas of Galilee
Judas the Zealot
Jude the Apostle
Jude, brother of Jesus
Julian calendar
Junius Annaeus Gallio
Justin Martyr
Kingdom of God
Korean Presbyterian Church in America
Kyros of Constantinople
L'Église réformée du Québec
Last supper
Latter Day Saint movement
Laurence of Byzantium
Lazarus of Bethany
Legion (demon)
Letter of Jeremiah
Liberation theology
Liberation Theology
List of Abunas of Ethiopia
List of Anglican Church Calendars
List of Anglicans
List of Armenian Patriarchs of Constantinople
List of artifacts significant to the Bible
List of Assemblies of God people
List of Australian Presbyterians
List of Baptists
List of bishops and patriarchs of Aquileia
List of burial places of biblical figures
List of Catholicoi of Armenia
List of Catholicos of the East
List of Christian denominations
List of Christian martyrs
List of Christian movements
List of Christians
List of Church Fathers
List of Coptic Catholic Patriarchs of Alexandria
List of Coptic Orthodox Popes of Alexandria
List of current patriarchs
List of early Christian saints
List of early Christian writers
List of Eastern Orthodox Christians
List of Ecumenical Patriarchs of Constantinople
List of English Bible translations
List of evangelical Christians
List of Greek Orthodox Patriarchs of Alexandria
List of Greek Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch
List of Irish Presbyterians
List of Latter Day Saints
List of Lutheran clergy
List of Lutheran denominations
List of Maronite Patriarchs
List of Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchs of Antioch
List of members of the Assyrian Church of the East
List of Mennonites
List of Methodists
List of Metropolitans and Patriarchs of Moscow
List of Orthodox Churches
List of Patriarchs of Alexandria
List of Patriarchs of Antioch
List of Patriarchs of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church
List of Patriarchs of the Church of the East
List of popes
List of Presbyterian denominations in Australia
List of Protestant Reformers
List of Puritans
List of Reformed churches
List of Roman Catholic Popes
List of saints
List of Seventh-day Adventists
List of sovereign states
List of states with limited recognition
List of Syriac Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch
Lists of Christians
Lists of Roman Catholics
Liturgical year
Lucius of Cyrene
Luke Chrysoberges
Luke the Evangelist
Lutheran Church in Great Britain
Lutheran Church of Australia
Lutheran Church–Canada
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Lutheran Orthodoxy
Lutheran World Federation
Lydia of Thyatira
Macedonius I of Constantinople
Mainline (Protestant)
Mainline Protestant
Major prophet
Marcus I of Byzantium
Mark the Evangelist
Martin Luther
Martyrs' Synod
Mary (mother of James the Less)
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Mary (Romans 16:6)
Mary Magdalene
Mary of Bethany
Mary of Clopas
Mary, mother of John Mark
Masoretic Text
Matthew the Evangelist
Menno Simons
Mennonite Church Canada
Mennonite Church USA
Mennonite World Conference
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
Methodios I of Constantinople
Methodist Church in Ireland
Methodist Church of Great Britain
Metrophanes of Byzantium
Michael (archangel)
Michael I Cerularius
Middle Ages
Middle East Council of Churches
Minister (Christianity)
Ministry of Jesus
Minor prophet
Miracles attributed to Jesus
Mission (Christianity)
Modernism (Roman Catholicism)
Monotheistic religion
Moravian Church
Mormonism and Christianity
Muratorian fragment
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
National Association of Evangelicals
National Association of Free Will Baptists
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
National Baptist Convention, USA
National Council of Churches
National Council of Churches in Australia
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
National Primitive Baptist Convention
Nativity of Jesus
New Covenant
New Testament
New Testament view on Jesus' life
Nicene Creed
Nicholas Mystikos
Nicholas the Deacon
Nicodemus ben Gurion
Nikephoros I of Constantinople
Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible
Non-denominational Christianity
Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland
North American Baptist Conference
North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council
Old Baptist Union
Old Catholic Church
Old Catholic Church in Europe
Old Catholic Mariavite Church
Old Catholicism
Old Lutherans
Old Roman Catholic Church
Old Testament
Olympianus of Byzantium
On the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis
Oneness Pentecostalism
Open Brethren
Oriental Orthodox Church
Oriental Orthodoxy
Origen of Alexandria
Orthodox Church in America
Orthodox Church organization
Ottoman Empire
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Outline of Christian theology
Outline of Christianity
Outline of religion
Outline of religion
Outline of spirituality
Pacific Conference of Churches
Palm Sunday
Parables of Jesus
Paralipomena of Jeremiah
Passion (Christianity)
Passion bearer
Passover (Christian holiday)
Pastoral epistles
Patriarch Acacius of Constantinople
Patriarch Alexander II of Alexandria
Patriarch Alexius of Constantinople
Patriarch Anastasius of Constantinople
Patriarch Anatolius of Constantinople
Patriarch Anthimus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Anthimus II of Constantinople
Patriarch Anthimus IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Anthimus V of Constantinople
Patriarch Anthimus VI of Constantinople
Patriarch Anthimus VII of Constantinople
Patriarch Antony III of Constantinople
Patriarch Antony IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Apollinarius of Alexandria
Patriarch Arsenius of Alexandria
Patriarch Artemius of Alexandria
Patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Athanasius III of Alexandria
Patriarch Athanasius IV of Alexandria
Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople
Patriarch Basil I of Constantinople
Patriarch Basil II of Constantinople
Patriarch Basil III of Constantinople
Patriarch Benjamin I of Constantinople
Patriarch Callinicus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Callinicus IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Callinicus of Alexandria
Patriarch Callistus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Christodoulos of Alexandria
Patriarch Christopher I of Alexandria
Patriarch Christopher II of Alexandria
Patriarch Constantine I of Constantinople
Patriarch Constantine II of Constantinople
Patriarch Constantine V of Constantinople
Patriarch Constantine VI of Constantinople
Patriarch Cosmas I of Alexandria
Patriarch Cosmas I of Constantinople
Patriarch Cosmas II of Constantinople
Patriarch Cosmas III of Alexandria
Patriarch Cosmas III of Constantinople
Patriarch Cyprian of Alexandria
Patriarch Cyriacus II of Constantinople
Patriarch Cyril II of Alexandria
Patriarch Cyril III of Constantinople
Patriarch Cyril V of Constantinople
Patriarch Cyril VII of Constantinople
Patriarch Dionysius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Dionysius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Dionysius V of Constantinople
Patriarch Eleutherius of Alexandria
Patriarch Elias I of Alexandria
Patriarch Elias II of Alexandria
Patriarch Epiphanius of Constantinople
Patriarch Eugenius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Euphemius of Constantinople
Patriarch Eustathius of Constantinople
Patriarch Eustatius of Alexandria
Patriarch Euthymius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Eutychius of Alexandria
Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople
Patriarch Fravitta of Constantinople
Patriarch Gabriel II of Constantinople
Patriarch Gabriel III of Constantinople
Patriarch George I of Alexandria
Patriarch George I of Constantinople
Patriarch George II of Alexandria
Patriarch George II of Constantinople
Patriarch Gerasimus I of Alexandria
Patriarch Gerasimus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Gerasimus II of Alexandria
Patriarch Gerasimus III of Alexandria
Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Germanus II of Constantinople
Patriarch Germanus IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Germanus V of Constantinople
Patriarch Gregory I of Alexandria
Patriarch Gregory II of Alexandria
Patriarch Gregory II of Constantinople
Patriarch Gregory III of Alexandria
Patriarch Gregory III of Constantinople
Patriarch Gregory IV of Alexandria
Patriarch Gregory IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Gregory V of Alexandria
Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople
Patriarch Gregory VII of Constantinople
Patriarch Hierotheus I of Alexandria
Patriarch Hierotheus II of Alexandria
Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople
Patriarch Isaac of Alexandria
Patriarch Isaias of Constantinople
Patriarch Isidore I of Constantinople
Patriarch Isidore II of Constantinople
Patriarch Jacob of Alexandria
Patriarch Jeremias I of Constantinople
Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople
Patriarch Jeremias III of Constantinople
Patriarch Joachim I of Constantinople
Patriarch Joachim II of Constantinople
Patriarch Joachim III of Constantinople
Patriarch Joachim IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Joachim of Alexandria
Patriarch Joannicius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Joannicius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Joannicius III of Constantinople
Patriarch Joannicius of Alexandria
Patriarch Joasaph I of Constantinople
Patriarch Joasaph II of Constantinople
Patriarch Job of Alexandria
Patriarch John I of Alexandria
Patriarch John IV of Alexandria
Patriarch John IV of Constantinople
Patriarch John IX of Constantinople
Patriarch John V of Constantinople
Patriarch John VI of Alexandria
Patriarch John VII of Constantinople
Patriarch John VIII of Constantinople
Patriarch John XI of Constantinople
Patriarch John XII of Constantinople
Patriarch John XIII of Constantinople
Patriarch John XIV of Constantinople
Patriarch Joseph II of Constantinople
Patriarch Leo of Constantinople
Patriarch Leontius of Alexandria
Patriarch Macedonius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Manuel I of Constantinople
Patriarch Manuel II of Constantinople
Patriarch Mark II of Constantinople
Patriarch Mark III of Alexandria
Patriarch Mark IV of Alexandria
Patriarch Mark V of Alexandria
Patriarch Mark VI of Alexandria
Patriarch Matthew II of Constantinople
Patriarch Matthew of Alexandria
Patriarch Maximus II of Constantinople
Patriarch Maximus III of Constantinople
Patriarch Maximus IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Maximus V of Constantinople
Patriarch Meletius I Pegas
Patriarch Meletius III of Constantinople
Patriarch Meletius IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Menas of Constantinople
Patriarch Metrophanes II of Constantinople
Patriarch Metrophanes III of Constantinople
Patriarch Metrophanes of Alexandria
Patriarch Michael I of Alexandria
Patriarch Michael II of Alexandria
Patriarch Michael II of Constantinople
Patriarch Michael IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Neophytus V of Constantinople
Patriarch Neophytus VI of Constantinople
Patriarch Neophytus VIII of Constantinople
Patriarch Nephon I of Constantinople
Patriarch Nephon II of Constantinople
Patriarch Nicanor of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicephorus of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicetas I of Constantinople
Patriarch Nicholas I of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicholas II of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicholas II of Constantinople
Patriarch Nicholas III of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicholas III of Constantinople
Patriarch Nicholas IV of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicholas IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Nicholas V of Alexandria
Patriarch Nicholas VI of Alexandria
Patriarch Nilus of Constantinople
Patriarch Niphon of Alexandria
Patriarch of Alexandria
Patriarch Pachomius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Pachomius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Paisius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Paisius of Alexandria
Patriarch Parthenius I of Alexandria
Patriarch Parthenius II of Alexandria
Patriarch Parthenius III of Alexandria
Patriarch Parthenius III of Constantinople
Patriarch Paul II of Constantinople
Patriarch Paul III of Constantinople
Patriarch Paul IV of Constantinople
Patriarch Paul of Alexandria
Patriarch Peter IV of Alexandria
Patriarch Peter of Constantinople
Patriarch Peter V of Alexandria
Patriarch Peter VI of Alexandria
Patriarch Peter VII of Alexandria
Patriarch Philotheus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Philotheus of Alexandria
Patriarch Photios II of Constantinople
Patriarch Photius of Alexandria
Patriarch Politianus of Alexandria
Patriarch Polyeuctus of Constantinople
Patriarch Pyrrhus of Constantinople
Patriarch Raphael I of Constantinople
Patriarch Raphael II of Constantinople
Patriarch Sabbas of Alexandria
Patriarch Samuel of Alexandria
Patriarch Sergius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Silvester of Alexandria
Patriarch Sisinnius II of Constantinople
Patriarch Sophronius I of Alexandria
Patriarch Sophronius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Sophronius II of Alexandria
Patriarch Sophronius III of Alexandria
Patriarch Sophronius III of Constantinople
Patriarch Stephen II of Constantinople
Patriarch Symeon I of Constantinople
Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople
Patriarch Theodore I of Alexandria
Patriarch Theodore I of Constantinople
Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria
Patriarch Theodosius I of Constantinople
Patriarch Theoleptus I of Constantinople
Patriarch Theoleptus II of Constantinople
Patriarch Theophilus III of Alexandria
Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria
Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople
Patriarch Thomas I of Constantinople
Patriarch Thomas II of Constantinople
Patriarch Timothy I of Constantinople
Patriarch Timothy II of Constantinople
Patriarch Timothy III of Alexandria
Patriarch Tryphon of Constantinople
Patriarch Zoilus of Alexandria
Patron saint
Paul I of Constantinople
Paul the Apostle
Pauline epistles
Penitent thief
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Pentecostal Church of God
Pentecostal World Conference
Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire
Persecution of early Christians in the Roman Empire
Pertinax of Byzantium
Peter Abelard
Philadelphus of Byzantium
Philemon (New Testament person)
Philetus (Ephesian)
Philip the Apostle
Philip the Evangelist
Philipp Melanchthon
Phoebe (Bible)
Photios I of Constantinople
Pilate's court
Plutarch of Byzantium
Plymouth Brethren
Polish National Catholic Church
Polycarpus I of Byzantium
Polycarpus II of Byzantium
Pontius Pilate
Pontius Pilate's wife
Pope Abraham of Alexandria
Pope Achillas of Alexandria
Pope Adeodatus I
Pope Adeodatus II
Pope Adrian I
Pope Adrian II
Pope Adrian III
Pope Adrian IV
Pope Adrian V
Pope Adrian VI
Pope Agapetus I
Pope Agapetus II
Pope Agatho
Pope Agatho of Alexandria
Pope Agrippinus of Alexandria
Pope Alexander I
Pope Alexander II
Pope Alexander II of Alexandria
Pope Alexander III
Pope Alexander IV
Pope Alexander of Alexandria
Pope Alexander VI
Pope Alexander VII
Pope Alexander VIII
Pope Anacletus
Pope Anastasius I
Pope Anastasius II
Pope Anastasius III
Pope Anastasius IV
Pope Anastasius of Alexandria
Pope Andronicus of Alexandria
Pope Anianus of Alexandria
Pope Anicetus
Pope Anterus
Pope Athanasius II of Alexandria
Pope Athanasius III of Alexandria
Pope Avilius of Alexandria
Pope Benedict I
Pope Benedict II
Pope Benedict III
Pope Benedict IV
Pope Benedict IX
Pope Benedict V
Pope Benedict VI
Pope Benedict VII
Pope Benedict VIII
Pope Benedict XI
Pope Benedict XII
Pope Benedict XIII
Pope Benedict XIV
Pope Benedict XV
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benjamin I of Alexandria
Pope Benjamin II of Alexandria
Pope Boniface I
Pope Boniface II
Pope Boniface III
Pope Boniface IV
Pope Boniface IX
Pope Boniface V
Pope Boniface VI
Pope Boniface VIII
Pope Caius
Pope Callixtus I
Pope Callixtus II
Pope Callixtus III
Pope Celadion of Alexandria
Pope Celestine I
Pope Celestine II
Pope Celestine III
Pope Celestine IV
Pope Celestine V
Pope Christodolos of Alexandria
Pope Clement I
Pope Clement II
Pope Clement III
Pope Clement IV
Pope Clement IX
Pope Clement V
Pope Clement VI
Pope Clement VII
Pope Clement VIII
Pope Clement X
Pope Clement XI
Pope Clement XII
Pope Clement XIII
Pope Clement XIV
Pope Conon
Pope Constantine
Pope Cornelius
Pope Cosmas I of Alexandria
Pope Cosmas II of Alexandria
Pope Cosmas III of Alexandria
Pope Cyril II of Alexandria
Pope Cyril III of Alexandria
Pope Cyril IV of Alexandria
Pope Cyril V of Alexandria
Pope Cyril VI of Alexandria
Pope Damasus I
Pope Damasus II
Pope Damian of Alexandria
Pope Demetrius II of Alexandria
Pope Demetrius of Alexandria
Pope Dionysius
Pope Dionysius of Alexandria
Pope Dioscorus I of Alexandria
Pope Dioscorus II of Alexandria
Pope Donus
Pope Eleuterus
Pope Eugene I
Pope Eugene II
Pope Eugene III
Pope Eugene IV
Pope Eumenes of Alexandria
Pope Eusebius
Pope Eutychian
Pope Evaristus
Pope Fabian
Pope Felix I
Pope Felix III
Pope Felix IV
Pope Formosus
Pope Gabriel I of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel II of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel III of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel IV of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel V of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel VI of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel VII of Alexandria
Pope Gabriel VIII of Alexandria
Pope Gelasius I
Pope Gelasius II
Pope Gregory I
Pope Gregory II
Pope Gregory III
Pope Gregory IV
Pope Gregory IX
Pope Gregory V
Pope Gregory VI
Pope Gregory VII
Pope Gregory VIII
Pope Gregory X
Pope Gregory XI
Pope Gregory XII
Pope Gregory XIII
Pope Gregory XIV
Pope Gregory XV
Pope Gregory XVI
Pope Heraclas of Alexandria
Pope Hilarius
Pope Honorius I
Pope Honorius II
Pope Honorius III
Pope Honorius IV
Pope Hormisdas
Pope Hyginus
Pope Innocent I
Pope Innocent II
Pope Innocent III
Pope Innocent IV
Pope Innocent IX
Pope Innocent V
Pope Innocent VI
Pope Innocent VII
Pope Innocent VIII
Pope Innocent X
Pope Innocent XI
Pope Innocent XII
Pope Innocent XIII
Pope Isaac of Alexandria
Pope Jacob of Alexandria
Pope John I
Pope John I (II) of Alexandria
Pope John II
Pope John II (III) of Alexandria
Pope John III
Pope John III of Alexandria
Pope John IV
Pope John IV of Alexandria
Pope John IX
Pope John IX of Alexandria
Pope John Paul I
Pope John Paul II
Pope John V
Pope John V of Alexandria
Pope John VI
Pope John VI of Alexandria
Pope John VII
Pope John VII of Alexandria
Pope John VIII
Pope John VIII of Alexandria
Pope John X
Pope John X of Alexandria
Pope John XI
Pope John XI of Alexandria
Pope John XII
Pope John XII of Alexandria
Pope John XIII
Pope John XIII of Alexandria
Pope John XIV
Pope John XIV of Alexandria
Pope John XIX
Pope John XIX of Alexandria
Pope John XV
Pope John XV of Alexandria
Pope John XVI of Alexandria
Pope John XVII
Pope John XVII of Alexandria
Pope John XVIII
Pope John XVIII of Alexandria
Pope John XXI
Pope John XXII
Pope John XXIII
Pope Joseph I of Alexandria
Pope Joseph II of Alexandria
Pope Julian of Alexandria
Pope Julius I
Pope Julius II
Pope Julius III
Pope Justus of Alexandria
Pope Kedron of Alexandria
Pope Lando
Pope Leo I
Pope Leo II
Pope Leo III
Pope Leo IV
Pope Leo IX
Pope Leo V
Pope Leo VI
Pope Leo VII
Pope Leo VIII
Pope Leo X
Pope Leo XI
Pope Leo XII
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Liberius
Pope Linus
Pope Lucius I
Pope Lucius II
Pope Lucius III
Pope Macarius I of Alexandria
Pope Macarius II of Alexandria
Pope Macarius III of Alexandria
Pope Marcellinus
Pope Marcellus I
Pope Marcellus II
Pope Marinus I
Pope Marinus II
Pope Mark
Pope Mark II of Alexandria
Pope Mark III of Alexandria
Pope Mark IV of Alexandria
Pope Mark V of Alexandria
Pope Mark VI of Alexandria
Pope Mark VII of Alexandria
Pope Mark VIII of Alexandria
Pope Markianos of Alexandria
Pope Martin I
Pope Martin IV
Pope Martin V
Pope Matthew I of Alexandria
Pope Matthew II of Alexandria
Pope Matthew III of Alexandria
Pope Matthew IV of Alexandria
Pope Maximus of Alexandria
Pope Michael I of Alexandria
Pope Michael II of Alexandria
Pope Michael III of Alexandria
Pope Michael IV of Alexandria
Pope Michael V of Alexandria
Pope Michael VI of Alexandria
Pope Miltiades
Pope Mina I of Alexandria
Pope Mina II of Alexandria
Pope Nicholas I
Pope Nicholas II
Pope Nicholas III
Pope Nicholas IV
Pope Nicholas V
Pope Paschal I
Pope Paschal II
Pope Paul I
Pope Paul II
Pope Paul III
Pope Paul IV
Pope Paul V
Pope Paul VI
Pope Pelagius I
Pope Pelagius II
Pope Peter II of Alexandria
Pope Peter III of Alexandria
Pope Peter IV of Alexandria
Pope Peter of Alexandria
Pope Peter V of Alexandria
Pope Peter VI of Alexandria
Pope Peter VII of Alexandria
Pope Philotheos of Alexandria
Pope Pius I
Pope Pius II
Pope Pius III
Pope Pius IV
Pope Pius IX
Pope Pius V
Pope Pius VI
Pope Pius VII
Pope Pius VIII
Pope Pius X
Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pontian
Pope Primus of Alexandria
Pope Romanus
Pope Sabinian
Pope Sergius I
Pope Sergius II
Pope Sergius III
Pope Sergius IV
Pope Severinus
Pope Shenouda I of Alexandria
Pope Shenouda II of Alexandria
Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria
Pope Silverius
Pope Simeon I of Alexandria
Pope Simeon II of Alexandria
Pope Simplicius
Pope Siricius
Pope Sisinnius
Pope Sixtus I
Pope Sixtus II
Pope Sixtus III
Pope Sixtus IV
Pope Sixtus V
Pope Soter
Pope Stephen I
Pope Stephen II
Pope Stephen III
Pope Stephen IV
Pope Stephen IX
Pope Stephen V
Pope Stephen VI
Pope Stephen VII
Pope Stephen VIII
Pope Sylvester I
Pope Sylvester II
Pope Sylvester III
Pope Symmachus
Pope Telesphorus
Pope Theodore I
Pope Theodore II (Catholic)
Pope Theodosius I of Alexandria
Pope Theodosius II of Alexandria
Pope Theodosius III of Alexandria
Pope Theonas of Alexandria
Pope Theophilus II of Alexandria
Pope Theophilus of Alexandria
Pope Timothy I of Alexandria
Pope Timothy II of Alexandria
Pope Timothy III (IV) of Alexandria
Pope Urban I
Pope Urban II
Pope Urban III
Pope Urban IV
Pope Urban V
Pope Urban VI
Pope Urban VII
Pope Urban VIII
Pope Valentine
Pope Victor I
Pope Victor II
Pope Victor III
Pope Vigilius
Pope Vitalian
Pope Zacharias of Alexandria
Pope Zachary
Pope Zephyrinus
Pope Zosimus
Porcius Festus
Prayer in Christianity
Prayer of Manasseh
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Presbyterian Church in America
Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Presbyterian Church of Australia
Presbyterian Church of Wales
Primate (bishop)
Priscilla and Aquila
Proclus of Constantinople
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Proterius of Alexandria
Protestant Reformation
Protestantism and Islam
Protestantism by country
Protocanonical books
Psalm 151
Radical Reformation
Reform of the date of Easter
Reformation in Switzerland
Reformed Church in America
Reformed churches
Reformed Ecumenical Council
Reformed Presbyterian Church (denominational group)
Rejection of Jesus
Religion in Albania
Religion in Antigua and Barbuda
Religion in Austria
Religion in Azerbaijan
Religion in Belgium
Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Religion in Brazil
Religion in Bulgaria
Religion in Cameroon
Religion in Canada
Religion in Cape Verde
Religion in Chad
Religion in Chile
Religion in Costa Rica
Religion in Cyprus
Religion in Côte d'Ivoire
Religion in Denmark
Religion in East Timor
Religion in Ecuador
Religion in El Salvador
Religion in Eritrea
Religion in Fiji
Religion in Finland
Religion in Gabon
Religion in Germany
Religion in Greece
Religion in Guinea-Bissau
Religion in Guyana
Religion in Iceland
Religion in Jersey
Religion in Kenya
Religion in Kiribati
Religion in Lesotho
Religion in Liberia
Religion in Lithuania
Religion in Luxembourg
Religion in Mali
Religion in Mexico
Religion in Moldova
Religion in Mozambique
Religion in Namibia
Religion in Nauru
Religion in Nicaragua
Religion in Niger
Religion in North Korea
Religion in Palau
Religion in Papua New Guinea
Religion in Paraguay
Religion in Peru
Religion in Poland
Religion in Portugal
Religion in Romania
Religion in Samoa
Religion in Serbia
Religion in Tanzania
Religion in the Dominican Republic
Religion in the Federated States of Micronesia
Religion in the Maldives
Religion in the Marshall Islands
Religion in the Netherlands
Religion in the Republic of Macedonia
Religion in the United Kingdom
Religion in Tonga
Religion in Tuvalu
Religion in Vanuatu
Religious Society of Friends
Restoration Movement
Resurrection appearances of Jesus
Resurrection of Jesus
Revival Centres International
Rhoda (Bible)
Rise of Christianity during the Fall of Rome
Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholicism by country
Roman Catholicism in Australia
Roman Catholicism in Canada
Roman Catholicism in Ireland
Roman Catholicism in Scotland
Roman Catholicism in the United Kingdom
Roman citizenship
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Russian Orthodox Diocese of Sourozh
Sacramental union
Saint Andrew
Saint Dominic
Saint Joanna
Saint Joseph
Saint Longinus
Saint Matthew
Saint Matthias
Saint Peter
Saint Publius
Saint Stephen
Saint symbolism
Saint Timothy
Salome (disciple)
Salvation Army
Samaritan Pentateuch
Samaritan woman at the well
Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus
Schwarzenau Brethren
Scottish Episcopal Church
Scottish Reformation
Second Coming
Second Epistle of John
Second Epistle of Peter
Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Second Epistle to Timothy
Second Great Awakening
Second Vatican Council
Sedecion of Byzantium
Serbian Orthodox Church
Sergius I of Constantinople
Sergius Paulus
Sermon on the Mount
Servant of God
Seven Deacons
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventy disciples
Sexton (office)
Silvanus of the Seventy
Simeon (Gospel of Luke)
Simeon Niger
Simon (brother of Jesus)
Simon Magus
Simon of Cyrene
Simon the Leper
Simon the Zealot
Society of Jesus
Son of God
Song of Songs
Southern Baptist Convention
Sovereign state
Sovereign territory
Split of early Christianity and Judaism
Stachys the Apostle
Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America
Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas
Stephen I of Constantinople
Superintendent (ecclesiastical)
Susanna (Book of Daniel)
Susanna (disciple)
Swiss Brethren
Synod of Dort
Synod of Hippo
Synoptic Gospels
Syriac Christianity
Syriac Orthodox Church
Syriac versions of the Bible
Temptation of Christ
Teresa of Avila
Teresa of Ávila
Territory (country subdivision)
Tertius of Iconium
Textual criticism
The Beast (Bible)
The Bible and history
The Brethren Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Canada
The Ninety-Five Theses
The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children
The Young Man from Nain
Theodotos I of Constantinople
Theology of Huldrych Zwingli
Theophilus (biblical)
Third Epistle of John
Third Great Awakening
Thirty-Nine Articles
Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Cranmer
Thomas More
Thomas Müntzer
Thomas the Apostle
Three Angels' Messages
Timeline of Christian missions
Timeline of Christianity
Timeline of Eastern Orthodoxy in America
Timeline of Orthodoxy in Greece
Timeline of the Catholic Church
Timeline of the English Reformation
Timeline of the Roman Catholic Church
Titus (biblical)
Transfiguration of Jesus
Tridentine Calendar
Twelve Apostles
Two witnesses
U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Union of Utrecht (Old Catholic)
United Church of Canada
United Church of Christ
United Free Church of Scotland
United Methodist Church
United Pentecostal Church International
United Reformed Church
Uniting Church in Australia
Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly
Vetus Latina
Virgin birth of Jesus
Wesleyan Church
Wesleyan Holiness Church
Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia
Wesleyan Reform Union
Western Christianity
Western Schism
Westminster Assembly
Whore of Babylon
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Wisdom literature
Woman of the Apocalypse
Women in Christianity
World Communion of Reformed Churches
World Convention of Churches of Christ
World Council of Churches
World Evangelical Alliance
World Methodist Council
World Reformed Fellowship
Worldwide Church of God
Zechariah (priest)