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Transect of Mediterranean altitudinal life zones in the central main ridge of the Orjen mountain range

For the Mediterranean regions , [17] [18] which are characterized by many endemic plants and species-rich biocenoses of subtropical sclerophyllous vegetation -, park-like nemoral coniferous forest -, [19] drought-adapted shrubs - and geophyte-rich dry grassland formations, [20] a separate elevation grading terminology has prevailed.

In the classical Mediterranean area, a distinction is made between, among other things, north-Mediterranean transition zones with lower Mediterranean and upper alpine altitude zoning (e.g. Southern and Maritime Alps), Mediterranean zoning (e.g. Pindus , Southern Apennines , Sierra Nevada ) with Eumediterranean or thermo-Mediterranean lowest level , [7] and the dry mountains of North Africa ( Atlas ) and the Near East ( Lebanon , Taurus ) with xeromediterranean lower level . [21] On the other hand, in terms of floral history, a distinction is made between western, central and eastern Mediterranean altitude zoning, since the individual mountains also form extremely contrasting altitude levels due to a different flora inventory. The typical arid thorn-cushion stage (also called Mediterranean thorn-cushion rock heather with Acantholimon and Astracantha ) occurs in the Atlas, the Sierra Nevada, Taurus, southern Italy and Crete, but is missing, for example, in Greek Pindos, the Dinaric Alps or the Apennines and Corsica. The thorn cushion stage is typically cryo-Mediterranean and occurs, for example, on Crete between 1500 and 2456 meters, in the Taurus between 1700 and 2700 meters and in the High Atlas between 2400 and 3500 meters. [22]

In Mediterranean mountains, the tree line is always formed by drought-resistant conifers ; These typical Oro-Mediterranean dry forests at the tree line are formed in the Southeast Dinarides by the endemic xero-basophilic snakeskin pine , in the Pindos also with the Greek fir , in the Sierra Nevada by the Spanish fir , and in the Taurus and Atlas by the Cilician fir , Numidian fir , and Lebanon cedar and Atlas cedar .

The Orjen in the litoral (near the coast) Southeast Dinarides according to Sergeevič & Grebenščikov is illustrated as an example of the Mediterranean altimetry . [23] (Note: The translation into the comparable orographic levels may differ depending on the author and mountain range.)

Mediterranean zone Generic zone Elevation
(Sclerophyllous level)
colline 0–400 Sclerophyllous vegetation with holm oaks and olive trees. In damp places, laurel and oleander shrubs
(Mixed scrub forest)
submontane 400–1100 Mixed evergreen scrub and oak forest with Macedonian oak and Oriental hornbeam. Above that, Turkey oak and Balkan oak forests. In damp and shady locations, chestnut-downy oak forests, as well as warmth-loving hop beech and downy oak forests. Silver fir and tree hazel are pioneer species that grow in dry and sunny locations.
(Deciduous forest)
montane 1100–1450 Warmth-loving beech forest with fir. Drought-loving Bosnian pine and Dinaric karst block fir forests, with Crimean peony on rocky areas . In addition to heat-loving blue grass, hygrophilous plants such as the pleasant columbine are typical for the warmth-loving beech forests.

Wärmeliebender Kalkbuchenwald mit Tanne. An Felspartien trockenheitsliebende Schlangenhaut-Kiefer- und Dinarische-Karst-Blockhalden-Tannenwälder zum Teil mit Krim-Pfingstrose. Für die wärmeliebenden Buchen-Wälder sind neben wärmeliebenden Blaugräsern (Sesleria autumnalis) aber auch hygrophile Pflanzen wie die Angenehme Akelei typisch.

subalpin 1450–1700 An der Waldgrenze Rotbuche, Schlangenhaut-Kiefer und Griechischer Ahorn. Darüber trockene Wacholderheiden sowie mit vielen endemischen Arten (z. B. Orjen-Schwertlilie, Dinarische Akelei Viola chelmea) bestandenen Sesleria-robusta-Rasengesellschaften geprägt. Auf grobblockigen Geröllen und Felsen Strauchgesellschaften mit chasmophytischen Kalkfelsspalten-Arten (z. B. Berg-Bohnenkraut, Braunstieliger Streifenfarn, Neumayer-Krugfrucht (Amphoricarpos neumayerianus)).
alpin 1700–1900 Eine „echte“ kalt-mediterrane Klimastufe ist im höchsten Gebirge der dinarischen Küste nicht entwickelt. Durch hohe Winterniederschläge und stürmische Bora-Gipfelwinde entwickeln sich, unter ausgedehnten Schneelagen Schneetälchen-Gesellschaften mit griechisch-anatolischen, irano-turanischen und armeno-tibetischen Xerophyten. Zu Letzteren gehören die Halbwüsten-Schneetälchen mit vorherrschenden Zwiebelmonokotylen, die an felsige Böden, trockene Sommer und orkanartige Bora- und Scirocco-Winde angepasst sind.

oromediterranean (deciduous forest stage) montane 1100-1450 Warmth-loving lime beech forest with fir. Drought-loving snakeskin pine and Dinaric karst block heaps fir forests, partly with Crimean peony, on rocky areas . In addition to the heat-loving blue grasses ( Sesleria autumnalis ), hygrophilous plants such as the pleasant columbine are typical for the warmth-loving beech forests. ancient Mediterranean (forest border) subalpine 1450-1700 At the tree line, beech, snakeskin pine and Greek maple . Above that dry juniper heaths and Sesleria robusta grass communities with many endemic species (e.g. Orjen iris , Dinaric columbine Viola chelmea ) . Shrub communities with chasmophytic limestone cleft species (e.g. mountain savory , brown-stalked spleenwort , Neumayer pitcher fruit ( Amphoricarpos neumayerianus )) on coarse boulders and rocks. cryo-mediterranean (upland steppe stage) alpine 1700-1900 A "real" cold-Mediterranean climate has not developed in the highest mountains of the Dinaric coast. Due to high winter precipitation and stormy Bora summit winds, snow valley communities with Greek-Anatolian, Irano-Turanian and Armeno-Tibetan xerophytes develop under extensive snow layers . The latter include the semi-desert snow valleys with prevailing bulbous monocots adapted to rocky soils, dry summers, and hurricane-force Bora and Scirocco winds.

Further examples

   Corsica: [24] up to 150 m (in sunny areas; in shady areas up to 100 m or absent): thermo-Mediterranean level ; up to 900 m (shaded areas: up to 600–700): Mesomediterranean level ; 800–1000 to 1200–1350 m (shaded areas: 500–700 to 900–1000 m): supramediterranean level ; 1300 to 1800 m (shaded areas: 900–1000 to 1600 m): montane level ; 1700–1800 to 2200 m (only in sunny areas; absent in shady areas): cryo-Mediterranean zone; 1400–1600 to 2100 m (replacing the Cryoromediterranean Tier in shady areas): Subalpine Tier ; over 2100 m: alpine level .
   Iberian Peninsula (annual mean temperature and fluctuation or minimum temperature): [16] thermo-Mediterranean over 16° ( 30°/ 10°); mesomediterranean : 16°–12° ( 30°/ 0°); oromediterranean: 8°–4° (min. −3°/−6°); cryo-Mediterranean below 4° (min below −6°). These criteria are also used as a basis for the altitudinal zoning, which fluctuates greatly due to the mixed Atlantic-Mediterranean situation.