LUSADIYA DHAM village is a village in Bhiloda taluka of Aravalli district in the state of Gujarat. People of Bhil community like Kharadi, Suvera, Ghantiya, Damor, Asari, Bhagora live. It has a population of about 2000. Lusadiya is also known as Lusadiya Dham. The reason is Tapeshwari Sant Surmal Dasji Maharaj. The village has education facilities like primary school and higher secondary school. There are also government accommodation like post office, modern gram panchayat, cheap food shop, government hospital, railway station. The name of this village is a prominent identity. In this village Holi festival is celebrated with great joy. Holi has been celebrated in one place for almost 450 years. Diwali and New Year are completed in about 7 days because of the way people of this village celebrate Diwali and New Year in which people from all over the village get together and go to each other's houses and sing Diwali songs in their own folk dialect (vagdi).
LUSADIYA DHAM village is a village in Bhiloda taluka of Aravalli district in the state of Gujarat. People of Bhil community like Kharadi, Suvera, Ghantiya, Damor, Asari, Bhagora live. It has a population of about 2000. Lusadiya is also known as Lusadiya Dham. The reason is Tapeshwari Sant Surmal Dasji Maharaj. The village has education facilities like primary school and higher secondary school. .