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Republic Movement

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Republic Movement
Hnutie Republika
ChairpersonMilan Uhrík
Founded9 March 2021 (2021-03-09)
Split fromPeople's Party Our Slovakia
Preceded byVoice of the People (legal)
Youth wingMladí Republikáni
Women's wingŽeny v Republike
Membership (2022)Increase 1,044 (31. 12. 2022)[1]
Political position
European affiliationEurope of Sovereign Nations Party
European Parliament groupEurope of Sovereign Nations
Colours  Red
National Council
0 / 150
European Parliament
2 / 15
Party flag

The Republic Movement (Slovak: Hnutie Republika) is an extremist[6] far-right[8] political party in Slovakia led by Milan Uhrík.[9][10] The party is often regarded as neo-fascist[16] despite some political experts contesting this description.[2][7]

Founded in March 2021 by Uhrík and other former members of the far-right neo-Nazi party People's Party Our Slovakia (ĽSNS) of Marian Kotleba, the movement took over and renamed the existing party Voice of the People (Slovak: Hlas Ľudu) led by Peter Marček, which had only 50 members in 2018. Marček was later kicked out of the party.

Due to the defection of former ĽSNS representatives, the party had five seats in the National Council of the Slovak Republic before the 2023 election. Uhrík was elected a member of the European Parliament for ĽSNS in 2019.



The party was formed on 9 March 2021 by taking over and renaming an already-established political party, Voice of the People (Slovak: Hlas Ľudu).[17] Before this, the party was led by Peter Marček, and had only 50 members as of 2018.[18] Milan Uhrík became the party's new chairman. Apart from Uhrík, additional former members of the far-right neo-Nazi party ĽSNS joined the newly-renamed party. This included Milan Mazurek, Miroslav Suja, Ondrej Ďurica, and Eduard Kočiš, among others.

Marček was kicked out of the party in June 2022.[19] The party accused him of "doing his own politics" without consulting Uhrík. Marček, however, accused them of neo-Nazi tendencies and beliefs, and stated his objections were the primary reason for his firing. As of 2022, the party consists of 1,044 members.[20]

Political positions


Political experts consider the party to be radically far-right extremist and right-wing populist.[2][3][7] The party is generally described as neo-fascist by some news publications,[11][13][15] but some political experts contest this description.[2][7] The party self-identifies as "conservative and patriotic".[21]

Foreign policy


The party's voter-base is highly Eurosceptic[22] and Russophilic.[23] The party's political positions are radically critical of Slovakia's membership in the EU and NATO.[2] The party supports closer trade relations with China, Russia, India and other BRICS countries.[24]

The party advocates for the withdrawal of Slovakia out of NATO.[25] It also advocates against sending any and all lethal military aid to Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian war, beginning after the Russian invasion.[26] The party supports China's peace plan for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.[24]

Uhrík has suggested that the West has provoked China through its support for Taiwan.[24]

Uhrík supported a ceasefire during the 2023 Israel–Hamas War, describing an independent Palestinian state as the only long-term solution to the Israel–Palestine conflict. However, he suggested that this state should be the culmination of the peace process rather than the beginning, to avoid the Palestinians making additional demands from the Israeli side.[27]

Social issues


The party advocates for complete suspension of government support to all non-governmental organizations, especially ones it describes as "rainbow and Soros' organizations."[28]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the party took a staunch anti-vaccination position and advocated for COVID-19 vaccinations of children to be halted.[29]

The party takes a staunch anti-LGBT position. It voted in favor of rejecting the European Parliament’s appeal for the betterment of conditions of LGBT people in Slovakia.[30][31] It then also voted in favor of a ban on legal gender change. This bill failed, however.[32]

The party calls for Slovakia to stop all illegal immigration, even if doing so goes against EU institutions.[33]

The party's leader, Uhrík, stated the party has the greatest amount of members in the Slovak Union of Anti-Fascist Campaigners of any party, which the organization rejected. The organization then called the party's representatives fascist in response.[11] Later, after Uhrík published a photo of him alongside the organization's president, the organization's members protested the move and called the party's members neo-Nazi, homophobic and racist.[14]

Public image


Social media


The party keeps a strong presence on social media, especially Facebook and TikTok.[34] It is known for the rampant spread of election disinformation,[35] Russian wartime propaganda,[36] and anti-vaccination rhetoric.[29][37][38]

The party was taken to court over the defamation of infectiologist Peter Sabak via their Facebook profile.[39] The party lost the case and was ordered to pay €15,000 for the immaterial damage caused, as well as offer a public apology.[40][38]

In June 2023, YouTube terminated the accounts of multiple party members and accounts associated with the party.[41]

International Relations


On 30 April 2023, Republic organised a joint declaration with Confederation of the Polish Crown (KKP), Alternative for Germany (AfD), Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD), Vlaams Belang, Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) and Som Catalans.[42]

On 26 July 2023, Republic took part in a conference organised by AUR in Bucharest.[43]

On 19 February 2024, Republic leader Uhrík jointly took part in a Czech farmers' protest in Prague with MPs from the KKP and the AfD, and the leader of the Hungarian Our Homeland Movement, László Toroczkai.[44]

On 12 April 2024, Republic signed the 'Sofia Declaration', organised by the Bulgarian Revival party.[45]

On 10 July 2024, Republic MEP Uhrík joined the Europe of Sovereign Nations group in the European Parliament as a deputy chair of the group, although the party's other MEP, Milan Mazurek, was excluded. Other members of the group include the AfD, SPD, Revival, Our Homeland Movement, New Hope, Reconquête and the People and Justice Union.[46][47]

Relationship with neo-Nazi groups


The founding members of the party, including the leader, Uhrík, defected from the far-right neo-Nazi party ĽSNS in order to found the party.[17]

Milan Mazurek, a founding member and the party's vice-chairman, was convicted of hate speech and thus had his parliamentary seat revoked in 2019.[48] In 2016, he posted a Facebook statement asserting the Holocaust was a "lie and fairy tale".[49] The post was then investigated by the police, as Holocaust denial is outlawed in Slovakia.[49]

Ondrej Ďurica, another founding member and vice-chairman, used to be a frontman for a Slovak neo-Nazi band titled White Resistance (Slovak: Biely odpor).[50][51]

Election results


National Council

Election Leader Votes % Rank Seats /– Status
2023 Milan Uhrík 141,099
0 / 150
New Extra-parliamentary

European Parliament

Election List leader Votes % Rank Seats /– EP Group
2024 Milan Uhrík 185,137
2 / 15


  1. ^ "Výročná správa" (PDF). Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-07-29.
  2. ^ a b c d e Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-06-01). "Odborník na extrémizmus Mareš: Slovenské voľby sú pre Rusko veľmi dôležité". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-29. Je to strana, ktorá predstavuje pokus na získanie prijateľnejšej tváre pre verejnosť, pričom si však zachováva radikálnu rétoriku a štýl, ktorý je kritický voči zakotvenej zahranično-politickej a bezpečnostno-politickej orientácii Slovenska. Strana je kritičkou súčasného systému, určite je radikálna, v hnutí sú ľudia, ktorí v minulosti preukázateľne patrili k extrémistickým štruktúram.
  3. ^ a b Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-08-29). "Na oslavách SNP, ktoré zorganizoval Smer, vítali aj Suju z Republiky. Publikum rozhnevala ukrajinská vlajka ( video)". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-29. Aj Sujovu dnešnú stranu Republika odborníci označujú za extrémistickú, na kandidátke sú s ním napríklad neonacistický spevák Ondrej Ďurica či Milan Mazurek odsúdený za rasistické výroky.
  4. ^ "Tvrdý pád extrémistov. Nepomohla im ani spolupráca so Smerom, no ukázali svoj potenciál". Pravda.sk (in Slovak). 2022-11-02. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  5. ^ "Uhrík povolal Slotovho človeka. Terčom je Dankova SNS". Sme (in Slovak). Petit Press a.s. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  6. ^ [2][3][4][5]
  7. ^ a b c d Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-02-21). "Politológ Nociar: Typický liberálny fašista je Milan Mazurek". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-09-02.
  8. ^ [7]
  9. ^ "Uhríkova nová strana sa volá Republika. Odmieta byť klonom ĽSNS". Aktuality.sk. 9 March 2021.
  10. ^ "Register of Political Parties and Political Movements". ives.minv.sk. Retrieved 2021-04-06.
  11. ^ a b c Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-06-28). "Prezliekanie Republiky pokračuje, tvrdia, že sú protifašistickí bojovníci". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  12. ^ "Ďalší bývalý člen Republiky prehovoril: Odišiel som, lebo nemám rád neonacizmus a ľudákov". Aktuality.sk (in Slovak). 2023-07-04. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  13. ^ a b "Naoko uhladení, po voľbách hrozba? Uhrík poslal Kotlebu do záhrobia. Namiesto tričiek majú obleky, no myslenie nezmenili". Pravda.sk (in Slovak). 2023-08-03. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  14. ^ a b Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-07-26). "Protifašistickí bojovníci sa búria proti spolupráci s Republikou, zo zväzu chcú vylúčiť poslanca Suju". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  15. ^ a b "Newsfilter: Republika podľa Republiky alebo Lesnícke štúdium telocvikára Suju". Denník N (in Slovak). 2023-08-22. Retrieved 2023-08-26. Republika je strana zle maskovaných neonacistov a na základe Sujovho príkladu sa dá ilustrovať, že aj falošných odborníkov, ktorí školstvo po vzore Andreja Danka, Igora Matoviča či Borisa Kollára vnímajú len ako nástroj na získavanie bezcenných titulov a nie vzdelania.
  16. ^ [11][12][13][14][15]
  17. ^ a b "Uhríkova nová strana sa volá Republika. Odmieta byť klonom ĽSNS". aktuality.sk (in Slovak). Aktuality. 9 March 2021.
  18. ^ "hlas_ludu.pdf" (PDF). minv.sk (document) (in Slovak). 2022-04-29. Retrieved 2022-11-23.
  19. ^ "Uhríkovi dal stranu, vyhodili ho z jej vedenia. Sú to náckovia, Mazurek sa na mňa osopil, že kladiem vence na Slavíne, tvrdí Marček". Aktuality.sk (in Slovak). 2022-06-10. Retrieved 2023-08-10.
  20. ^ "VS22_REPUBLIKA.pdf" (PDF). Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej Republiky. Retrieved 2023-08-29.
  21. ^ "Movement Republika". Retrieved 14 September 2024.
  22. ^ Kern, Miro (2021-09-14). "Ľavicovejší, s vyšším vzdelaním a s lepšími platmi – kto sú voliči Republiky a čím sú iní než kotlebovci". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-09-02.
  23. ^ Kern, Miro (2023-08-31). "Prieskum: Voličov SNS, Republiky a Smeru to ťahá do ruskej sféry vplyvu". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-09-02.
  24. ^ a b c Nemečkayová, Nikoleta (2023). Setting on an East-Bound Course? Slovak Political Parties' Views on China and Russia (PDF). AMO. pp. 26–28.
  25. ^ Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-05-31). "Ako Uhrík a Mazurek vybudovali Republiku a prečo s nimi chce Fico vládnuť". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  26. ^ Šnídl, Vladimír (2023-06-30). "Ukrajinská a slovenská zbrojovka sa dohodli, že skúsia postaviť spoločnú húfnicu". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-10.
  27. ^ "The conflict in the Gaza Strip will have a migratory effect, warns Milan Uhrík". iportal24.cz. 30 October 2023.
  28. ^ "Predseda Republiky Milan Uhrík tvrdí, že". Denník N (in Slovak). 2023-07-09. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  29. ^ a b Šnídl, Vladimír (2021-10-13). "Uhríkovci strašia cez deti. Útočia na pudy, ktoré nemáme pod kontrolou, hovorí odborníčka". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  30. ^ "Schôdze : Hlasovanie : Štatistika hlasovaní klubov : Hlasovanie podľa klubov". Národná rada Slovenskej republiky (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-10.
  31. ^ "Národná rada prijala "antiuznesenie" k". Denník N (in Slovak). 2023-03-28. Retrieved 2023-08-10.
  32. ^ Mikušovič, Dušan (2023-03-21). "Podľa vzoru Orbána: 87 poslancov podporilo Záborskej zákon, ktorý znemožní úradnú zmenu pohlavia transrodovým ľuďom". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-10.
  33. ^ "M. Uhrík: Nelegálna migrácia nemá byť riadená, ale zastavená! |". 16 December 2022.
  34. ^ Struhárik, Filip (2023-04-25). "Politici chcú cez sociálne siete osloviť mladých, na TikToku sa darí Smeru, Instagram ovládla prezidentka". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  35. ^ "Po voľbách povedia, že boli sfalšované. Fico s Uhríkom hrajú hru na podvod". Sme (in Slovak). Petit Press a.s. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  36. ^ "Za Republiku budú kandidovať vo voľbách aj". Denník N (in Slovak). 2023-07-03. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  37. ^ Čorej, Tomáš (2023-05-01). "Čo sa naši politici naučili od Donalda Trumpa". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  38. ^ a b Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-08-21). "Lekár Sabaka: Pre Uhríka a Mazureka nám pacienti nedôverovali a aj zomreli. Republika sa musí ospravedlniť". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-28.
  39. ^ "Účet Republiky aj Uhríka spravuje tá istá osoba. Na súde však hovorí, že nejde o oficiálnu stránku". Sme (in Slovak). Petit Press a.s. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  40. ^ "Strana Republika má zaplatiť 15-tisíc eur". Denník N (in Slovak). 2023-08-17. Retrieved 2023-08-17.
  41. ^ "Google cez víkend zmazal viaceré youtubové". Denník N (in Slovak). 2023-06-19. Retrieved 2023-08-08.
  42. ^ "Mimoriadne: Poslanci 7 štátov na Slovensku – Táto EÚ nie je Európa!". Hnutie Republika. 30 April 2023.
  43. ^ "Toto je bomba! Revolúcia v Európe začala. Najväčšie konzervatívne strany spájajú sily!". Hnutie Republika. 26 July 2023.
  44. ^ https://x.com/ToroczkaiLaszlo/status/1759682879955571196 [bare URL]
  45. ^ "Parties from Nine Countries Sign Joint Declaration at Vazrazhdane-Organized Conference". BTA. 12 April 2024.
  46. ^ "German AfD launches third far-right group "Europe of Sovereign Nations"". Euractiv. 10 July 2024.
  47. ^ Jorge Liboreiro; Vincenzo Genovese (10 July 2024). "AfD and allies form new far-right group in Brussels called Europe of Sovereign Nations". Euronews. Retrieved 10 July 2024.
  48. ^ "Far-right MP Mazurek found guilty. He will lose his seat". Sme. Petit Press a.s. 2019-09-03. Retrieved 2023-08-24.
  49. ^ a b Mikušovič, Dušan (2022-02-09). ""S Republikou nemáme problém". Fico po prvý raz pripustil koalíciu s krajnou pravicou, chce blok Smeru, Hlasu, SNS a Uhríka". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-24. „Neobhajujem žiadny režim, ale o tretej ríši vieme iba lži a rozprávky o 6 miliónoch a mydlách z židov. O Hitlerovi sa učia samé klamstvá," napísal na profile, ktorý neskôr zmazal. Mazureka pre status vyšetrovala aj polícia, poslanec sa obhajoval tým, že nešlo o jeho facebookový profil.
  50. ^ Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-08-24). "Uhríkov ťažký týždeň: málo ľudí na mítingu, koncert neonacistu Ďuricu a odhalenie, že bol mládežníkom v SDKÚ". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-24. Bývalý profesionálny vojak, ktorý v mladosti spieval s neonacistickou kapelou Biely odpor.
  51. ^ Osvaldová, Lucia (2023-08-08). "Mazurek chce opäť robiť poriadok v osadách. O obce, kde pred štyrmi rokmi pochodoval, sa už nezaujímal". Denník N (in Slovak). Retrieved 2023-08-24. Návrh uznesenia podal poslanec Republiky Ondrej Ďurica, ktorý bol v minulosti frontmanom neonacistickej kapely Biely odpor.