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January–March 2012 in science

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This article lists a number of significant events in science that have occurred in the first quarter of 2012.




1 January 2012: NASA's twin GRAIL satellites (artist's impression shown) begin studying the Moon's gravitational field.
4 January 2012: scientists create genetically engineered silkworms capable of producing bulk quantities of steel-strong spidersilk.
11 January 2012: astronomers report that nearly every star in the Milky Way galaxy may host exoplanets (artist's impression of Upsilon Andromedae d pictured).
12 January 2012: Paedophryne amauensis, the world's smallest known vertebrate, is formally described.
  • 13 January
    • IBM researchers successfully store a single bit of data in a group of just 12 supercooled iron atoms; current commercial hard disks require over 1 million atoms to store one bit of data. The breakthrough, which was achieved with the use of a scanning tunnelling microscope, may permit the production of ultra-high-density computer storage media in future.[32][33]
    • German scientists convert a gold sphere just 60 nanometres in diameter into an ultra-sensitive listening device, potentially allowing the sounds of bacteria and other single-celled organisms to be recorded.[34][35]
  • 14 January – Researchers at the University of Cambridge repair myelin sheath damage in ageing mice with multiple sclerosis by injecting the blood of younger mice into them, reactivating the older mice's regenerative stem cells.[36][37]
  • 15 January – Russia's Fobos-Grunt Martian sample return spacecraft, which became stranded in orbit after a post-launch malfunction in November 2011, re-enters Earth's atmosphere.[38]
  • 18 January
    • Astronomers report the discovery of the most distant dwarf galaxy yet found, approximately 10 billion light-years away.[39][40]
    • A British amateur astronomer discovers a new Neptune-sized exoplanet, just days after the BBC's Stargazing Live program makes a public appeal for volunteers to assist scientists in the search for potential exoplanets. Over 100,000 volunteers are reportedly taking part in the ongoing search.[41]
    • Archaeologists find a novel tulip-shaped fossil, formally named Siphusauctum gregarium, in the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies. The 20-centimetre-long creature reportedly possessed a unique filter feeding system.[42][43]
    • A working 9-nanometer transistor is developed by IBM engineers, demonstrating that nanotubes could serve as a viable alternative to silicon in future nanoelectronic devices.[44][45]
  • 19 January
    • Austrian researchers develop a quantum computer capable of performing calculations without revealing any of the data involved, using encoded strings of photons designed to appear random. This method of "blind quantum cryptography" may permit sensitive data to be processed and transferred without any danger of interception or decryption, leading to ultra-secure cloud computing.[46][47]
    • NASA data shows that in 2011, temperatures in the Arctic rose beyond the record established in 2010 – setting a new record.[48]
  • 20 January – Virologists agree to a temporarily hiatus on experiments on the H5N1 influenza virus, due to fears that an airborne strain of the lethal virus could be used by bioterrorists.[49][50]
  • 22 January
    • American researchers report that nanoparticles can be successfully engineered to mimic part of the body's immune system, improving its response to vaccines.[51][52]
    • An international team of scientists concludes that anthropogenic CO2 emissions over the last 100 to 200 years have already raised ocean acidity far beyond the range of natural variations.[53][54]
23 January 2012: stem cell therapy is successfully used to ease the symptoms of blindness in human volunteers (human embryonic stem cell shown).
27 January 2012: the most detailed 3D image of the Amazon rainforest yet produced is published.
  • 27 January
    • An international team of scientists reports that graphene, already widely known for its conductive properties, is also able to selectively filter gases and liquids. The material could thus potentially find use in industrial distillation and water purification.[71][72][73]
    • A study published in the journal Carcinogenesis shows that in both cell lines and mouse models, grape seed extract (GSE) kills head and neck cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed.[74][75]
    • Using an airborne LIDAR system, scientists produce the most detailed 3D image of the Amazon rainforest yet recorded, allowing the accurate measurement of the rainforest's ecosystem and rate of deforestation.[76]
    • 2012 BX34, an asteroid between 8 and 11 metres (26 and 36 ft) across, passes within 60,000 kilometres of the Earth, performing one of the closest asteroid flybys yet recorded.[77][78]
    • British animators develop a new algorithmic method of creating highly realistic CGI trees, allowing films and video games to easily display realistic 3D foliage.[79][80]
  • 29 January – Using stem cells generated from patients with schizophrenia, bipolar depression and other mental illnesses, scientists at the University of Edinburgh create neurones with brain tissue genetically identical to the person's brain. The breakthrough could allow new treatments for mental illnesses to be accurately tested without endangering patients.[81]
  • 30 January
31 January 2012: American scientists demonstrate a method of decoding human thoughts by studying the superior temporal gyrus (indicated).
  • 31 January
    • American scientists successfully demonstrate a method of decoding thoughts by studying activity in the human brain's superior temporal gyrus, which is involved in linguistic processing. Using this method, a device which reads and transmits the thoughts of brain-damaged patients could become a reality in the future.[92][93][94]
    • Microchip designer AMD launches its Radeon HD 7950 graphics card, based on a 28 nanometer manufacturing process – a more advanced die shrink of the current 32 nanometer standard.[95]
    • Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, has almost completely dried up due to a combination of severe drought and the impact of the recently built Three Gorges Dam.[96]


3 February 2012: the Very Large Telescope array enters operation in northern Chile.
  • 1 February – Researchers report that the eruption of supervolcanoes could be predicted several decades before the event by detecting the seismic and chemical signs of a massive magma buildup.[97][98]
  • 2 February
    • The European Commission issues a 225-million-euro (US$330 million) contract to an Anglo-German consortium for eight additional satellites to expand Europe's Galileo satellite navigation system.[99]
    • Astronomers report the discovery of a large exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of a star 22 light-years distant. This is the fourth potentially life-supporting exoplanet discovered since May 2011.[100]
    • Researchers reportedly create the world's thinnest pane of glass, a sheet of silicon and oxygen just three atoms wide. The glass formed in an accidental reaction when the scientists were synthesizing graphene on copper-covered quartz.[101][102]
  • 3 February
    • The European Southern Observatory successfully activates its Very Large Telescope (VLT) by linking four existing optical telescopes to operate as a single device. The linked VLT is the largest optical telescope yet built, with a combined mirror diameter of 130 metres (430 ft).[103]
    • Physicists at Germany's Max Planck Institute unveil a microscope that can image living brain cells as they function inside a living animal.[104][105]
    • American scientists demonstrate a medical procedure that may allow patients with nerve damage to recover within weeks, rather than months or years. The procedure makes use of a cellular mechanism similar to that which repairs nerve axons in invertebrates.[106][107]
    • MIT researchers develop high-temperature photonic crystals capable of efficiently converting heat to electricity, potentially allowing the creation of pocket-sized microreactors with ten times the efficiency and lifespan of current commercial batteries. As photonic crystals are already a relatively mature technology, the new invention could be commercialised in as little as two years.[108]
    • A Lancet study reports that global malaria deaths may be badly underestimated, giving a revised 2010 malaria death toll of 1.24 million. By contrast, the World Health Organization estimated that 655,000 people died of malaria in 2010.[109][110]
  • 4 February – Dutch doctors successfully fit an 83-year-old woman with an artificial jaw made using a 3D printer. This operation, the first of its kind, could herald a new era of accurate, patient-tailored artificial transplants.[111]
4 February 2012: Dutch doctors successfully fit the first artificial jaw made with a 3D printer (ORDbot Quantum 3D printer pictured).
  • 6 February
    • After nearly 20 years of intermittent drilling, Russian scientists reportedly break through to the surface of the subterranean Lake Vostok, buried 2.5 miles (4.0 km) under the Antarctic ice. The lake, which has not been uncovered for over 15 million years, may harbour a unique prehistoric ecosystem.[112][113]
    • A team of engineers and biologists develop a working WORM computer memory out of salmon DNA molecules by combining the DNA with silver nanoparticles.[114][115]
  • 7 February
    • Scientists report that rapid declines in some British and European ladybird species are being caused by the spread of the invasive harlequin species.[116][117]
    • The entire genome of an extinct species of human – the 40,000-year-old Denisova hominin – has been decoded from a fossil.[118]
  • 8 February – NASA data reveals that the total land ice lost from Greenland, Antarctica and Earth's glaciers and ice caps between 2003 and 2010 totalled about 4.3 trillion tons (1,000 cubic miles), adding about 0.5 inches (13 millimeters) to global sea levels. Such a quantity of ice would be sufficient to cover the entire United States to a depth of 1.5 feet (0.46 meters).[119]
  • 9 February – Researchers at Case Western Reserve University discover that bexarotene, a drug normally used to treat skin cancer, can quickly reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice, removing over 50% of the disease's trademark amyloid plaque from the brain within 72 hours.[120][121]
  • 10 February – Scientists at the University of California, San Diego report the creation of the tiniest telecommunications laser yet built, just 200 nanometers wide. The highly efficient nanolaser could be used to develop optical computers and ultra-high-resolution imaging systems.[122][123]
  • 13 February
    • A new UN report warns that 24 percent of global land area has declined in productivity over the past 25 years due to unsustainable land-use, and soil erosion rates are about 100 times greater than nature can replenish.[124][125]
    • The European Space Agency successfully conducts the maiden launch of its new Vega rocket, transporting several satellites into orbit, including the first Polish, Hungarian and Romanian satellites.[126]
    • BAE Systems engineers unveil a carbon-fiber-based structural battery capable of being integrated into a device's framework, reducing weight while maintaining structural strength and power capacity.[127]
  • 14 February – In a groundbreaking human trial, American scientists report that damaged heart tissue in heart attack patients can be repaired with infusions of the patient's own stem cells. The treatment halved the amount of extant scar tissue within a year.[128][129]
15 February 2012: Nevada becomes the first US state to release official regulations for the public testing of autonomous cars (prototype autonomous Audi pictured).
  • 15 February – Nevada becomes the first US state to allow the testing of autonomous vehicles on US public roadways.[130]
  • 16 February – The speed at which someone walks may predict their likelihood of developing dementia later in life, according to researchers in the US.[131][132]
  • 20 February – Scientists report regenerating Silene stenophylla from 32,000-year-old remains. This surpasses the previous record of 2,000 years for the oldest material used to regenerate a plant.[133][134]
  • 22 February
    • Scientists have extended the life of male mice by 15%, using an enzyme called SIRT6.[135][136]
    • Engineers at Stanford University reveal a wirelessly powered, self-propelled medical device that can travel through the bloodstream to deliver drugs, perform diagnostics or microsurgeries.[137][138]
    • NASA reports the detection of the solid form of buckyballs (buckminsterfullerene) in deep space.[139][140]
    • Researchers show that sirtuin, a class of proteins, is directly linked to longevity in mammals.[141][142]
  • 24 February – British-Italian researchers demonstrate a giant 3D printer capable of constructing a full-sized house in a single 24-hour session. The machine, which uses sand and a chemical binder as its working material, prints structures from the ground up, including stairs, partition walls and even piping cavities.[143]
  • 26 February
    • Researchers publish the first images of the charge distribution in a single molecule, precisely showing the motion of electrons. The observed distribution apparently corresponds closely with predictive models.[144][145]
    • It may be possible to one day create an "unlimited" supply of human eggs to aid fertility treatment, US doctors say.[146][147]
  • 27 February
  • 28 February
  • 29 February – Raspberry Pi single-board computer is commercially launched through U.K. online retailers.[154]


7 March 2012: scientists sequence the genome of the western gorilla.
15 March 2012: scientists send the first coherent message using neutrinos (first recorded neutrino event pictured).
  • 14 March
    • A fly species, kept in complete darkness for 57 years (1,400 generations), showed genetic alterations that occurred as a result of environmental conditions, offering clear evidence of evolution.[178][179]
    • A pill which doubles the length of time that patients with advanced skin cancer can survive has gone on sale in Britain for the first time.[180]
    • America's coastlines are even more vulnerable to sea level rise than previously thought, according to a pair of new studies. Up to 32% more real estate could be affected by a 1-meter rise in sea level, while the population exposed to rising water is 87% higher than previously estimated.[181][182][183]
    • A process to "unprint" toner ink from paper has been developed by engineers at the University of Cambridge, using short laser pulses to erase words and images.[184][185]
  • 15 March – American scientists use a particle accelerator to send a coherent neutrino message through 780 feet of rock. This marks the first use of neutrinos for communication, and future research may permit binary neutrino messages to be sent immense distances through even the densest materials, such as the Earth's core.[186][187]
  • 16 March – Physicists found no discernible difference between the speed of a neutrino and the speed of light in latest test of the faster-than-light neutrino anomaly.[188][189][190]
  • 18 March
    • Researchers have identified why a mutation in a particular gene can lead to obesity.[191][192]
    • NEC has developed "organic radical battery" (ORB) technology with a thickness of just 0.3mm.[193]
  • 19 March
    • Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to 2 °C (36 °F), as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends, future generations will have to deal with sea levels 12 to 22 meters (39 to 72 ft) higher than at present, according to research published in the journal Geology.[194][195]
    • Researchers at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (Japan) have developed a way to create full-color holograms with the aid of surface plasmons.[196]
    • The amount of photovoltaic solar panels installed in the US more than doubled from 2010 to 2011, according to a report by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and GTM Research.[197]
    • Seagate claims it has paved the way for 3.5-inch hard drives with 60 TB capacities, after breaking the 1 TB/square inch density threshold.[198]
19 March 2012: researchers report that the number of solar panels in the United States more than doubled between 2010 and 2011.
  • 20 March
  • 24 March – Humans hunted Australia's giant vertebrates to extinction about 40,000 years ago, the latest research published in Science has concluded.[203][204]
  • 25 March
  • 28 March – NASA announces the name of the Martian mountain, Mount Sharp, that the Mars Science Laboratory rover (also known as "Curiosity") will explore after its planned landing in Gale Crater on 6 August 2012.[212][213]
  • 29 March
    • "Solar tornadoes" several times as wide as the Earth have been observed in the Sun's atmosphere by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly telescope on board NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite.[214]
    • Scientists have revealed the most detailed picture of the Milky Way galaxy ever produced, with over a billion stars visible in a mosaic combined from thousands of individual images.[215][216]
    • New scanning technology has revealed that the human brain possesses an astonishingly simple 3D grid structure, with sheets of parallel neuronal fibers crossing one another at right angles.[217][218]




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