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Braille pattern dots-136

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6-dot braille cells

The Braille pattern dots-136 ( ) is a 6-dot braille cell with the top left and both bottom dots raised, or an 8-dot braille cell with the top left and both lower-middle dots raised. It is represented by the Unicode code point U 2825, and in Braille ASCII with U.

Character information
Preview ⠥ (braille pattern dots-136)
Encodings decimal hex
Unicode 10277 U 2825
UTF-8 226 160 165 E2 A0 A5
Numeric character reference ⠥ ⠥
Braille ASCII 85 55

Unified Braille


In unified international braille, the braille pattern dots-136 is used to represent a close back vowel, such as /u/ or /ɯ/ or otherwise as needed.[1]

Table of unified braille values

French Braille U, "un"
English Braille U
English Contraction us
German Braille U
Bharati Braille उ / ਉ / ઉ / উ / ଉ / ఉ / ಉ / ഉ / உ / උ [2]
Icelandic Braille U
IPA Braille /u/
Russian Braille Ү
Slovak Braille U
Arabic Braille ـُ (ḍammah)
Irish Braille U
Thai Braille kh
Luxembourgish Braille u (minuscule)


Other braille

Japanese Braille ha / は / ハ [1]
Korean Braille o / ㅗ [1]
Mainland Chinese Braille wu, -u [1]
Taiwanese Braille en / ㄣ
Two-Cell Chinese Braille ku- -ěn
Gardner Salinas Braille 0 [3]
Algerian Braille ق ‎[1]

Plus dots 7 and 8


Related to Braille pattern dots-136 are Braille patterns 1367, 1368, and 13678, which are used in 8-dot braille systems, such as Gardner-Salinas and Luxembourgish Braille.

Character information
Preview ⡥ (braille pattern dots-1367) ⢥ (braille pattern dots-1368) ⣥ (braille pattern dots-13678)
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 10341 U 2865 10405 U 28A5 10469 U 28E5
UTF-8 226 161 165 E2 A1 A5 226 162 165 E2 A2 A5 226 163 165 E2 A3 A5
Numeric character reference ⡥ ⡥ ⢥ ⢥ ⣥ ⣥
dots 1367 dots 1368 dots 13678
Gardner Salinas Braille[3] U (capital) υ (upsilon) Υ (Upsilon)
Luxembourgish Braille[4] U (capital)

In the Japanese kantenji braille, the standard 8-dot Braille patterns 278, 1278, 2478, and 12478 are the patterns related to Braille pattern dots-136, since the two additional dots of kantenji patterns 0136, 1367, and 01367 are placed above the base 6-dot cell, instead of below, as in standard 8-dot braille.

Character information
Preview ⣂ (braille pattern dots-278) ⣃ (braille pattern dots-1278) ⣊ (braille pattern dots-2478) ⣋ (braille pattern dots-12478)
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 10434 U 28C2 10435 U 28C3 10442 U 28CA 10443 U 28CB
UTF-8 226 163 130 E2 A3 82 226 163 131 E2 A3 83 226 163 138 E2 A3 8A 226 163 139 E2 A3 8B
Numeric character reference ⣂ ⣂ ⣃ ⣃ ⣊ ⣊ ⣋ ⣋

Kantenji using braille patterns 278, 1278, 2478, or 12478


This listing includes kantenji using Braille pattern dots-136 for all 6349 kanji found in JIS C 6226-1978.

  • ⣋ (braille pattern dots-12478) - 走

Variants and thematic compounds

  • ⢁⣊ - selector 6 は/辶 = 尚
  • ⣃⠊ - は/辶 selector 1 = 延
    • ⣃⠂⠊ - は/辶 selector 1 selector 1 = 廴
  • ⣃⠌ - は/辶 selector 2 = 支
  • ⣃⡈ - は/辶 selector 3 = 遊
  • ⣃⠘ - は/辶 selector 4 = 赱
  • ⠱⣊ - 比 は/辶 = 母
    • ⠃⠰⣊ - selector 1 比 は/辶 = 毋

Compounds of 走 and 辶

  • ⣑⣊ - ゆ/彳 は/辶 = 徒
  • ⣃⡼ - は/辶 と/戸 = 赴
  • ⣃⢎ - は/辶 き/木 = 起
  • ⣃⡚ - は/辶 ぬ/力 = 超
  • ⣃⣎ - は/辶 ひ/辶 = 越
  • ⣃⡬ - は/辶 ゑ/訁 = 趣
  • ⣃⢺ - は/辶 す/発 = 趨
  • ⣃⠤⢪ - は/辶 宿 さ/阝 = 赳
  • ⣃⠤⠚ - は/辶 宿 う/宀/#3 = 趁
  • ⣃⢴⢌ - は/辶 そ/馬 ⺼ = 趙
  • ⣧⠤⣊ - み/耳 宿 は/辶 = 跿
  • ⣃⢊ - は/辶 か/金 = 巡
  • ⣃⡘ - は/辶 や/疒 = 辿
  • ⣃⠼ - は/辶 ろ/十 = 迅
  • ⣃⢞ - は/辶 け/犬 = 迭
  • ⣃⡎ - は/辶 に/氵 = 述
  • ⣃⢼ - は/辶 そ/馬 = 逐
  • ⣃⡺ - は/辶 つ/土 = 通
    • ⢇⣂⡺ - き/木 は/辶 つ/土 = 樋
  • ⣃⢚ - は/辶 く/艹 = 造
    • ⠳⣂⢚ - る/忄 は/辶 く/艹 = 慥
  • ⣃⠬ - は/辶 宿 = 逸
  • ⣃⣺ - は/辶 む/車 = 運
  • ⣃⠪ - は/辶 ら/月 = 遣
    • ⠗⣂⠪ - え/訁 は/辶 ら/月 = 譴
    • ⢃⣂⠪ - か/金 は/辶 ら/月 = 鑓
  • ⣃⢪ - は/辶 さ/阝 = 遷
    • ⡵⣂⢪ - と/戸 は/辶 さ/阝 = 韆
  • ⣃⣪ - は/辶 ま/石 = 邁
  • ⣃⠤⢊ - は/辶 宿 か/金 = 迂

Compounds of 尚

  • ⢱⢀⣊ - 氷/氵 selector 6 は/辶 = 敞
    • ⡱⢀⣊ - よ/广 selector 6 は/辶 = 廠
  • ⡇⢀⣊ - に/氵 selector 6 は/辶 = 淌

Compounds of 延 and 廴

  • ⠗⣊ - え/訁 は/辶 = 誕
  • ⢃⣊ - か/金 は/辶 = 鍵
    • ⡷⣂⣞ - て/扌 は/辶 へ/⺩ = 挺
    • ⢇⣂⣞ - き/木 は/辶 へ/⺩ = 梃
    • ⡧⣂⣞ - ち/竹 は/辶 へ/⺩ = 霆
  • ⣃⣲⠊ - は/辶 む/車 selector 1 = 蜑
  • ⡇⣂⠊ - に/氵 は/辶 selector 1 = 涎
  • ⡧⣂⠊ - ち/竹 は/辶 selector 1 = 筵
  • ⢓⣂⠊ - く/艹 は/辶 selector 1 = 莚
  • ⣳⣂⠊ - む/車 は/辶 selector 1 = 蜒
  • ⣃⣞ - は/辶 へ/⺩ = 廷
  • ⣃⣚ - は/辶 ふ/女 = 建
    • ⢅⣂⣚ - ⺼ は/辶 ふ/女 = 腱
  • ⣃⠾ - は/辶 れ/口 = 廻
  • ⣃⡢⠘ - は/辶 た/⽥ selector 4 = 廸
  • ⣃⠰⡎ - は/辶 比 に/氵 = 廼

Compounds of 支

  • ⣓⣊ - ふ/女 は/辶 = 妓
  • ⡑⣊ - や/疒 は/辶 = 岐
  • ⡷⣊ - て/扌 は/辶 = 技
  • ⢇⣊ - き/木 は/辶 = 枝
  • ⡵⣊ - と/戸 は/辶 = 鼓
    • ⣷⣊ - め/目 は/辶 = 瞽
    • ⡵⡴⣊ - と/戸 と/戸 は/辶 = 皷
  • ⢅⣊ - ⺼ は/辶 = 肢
  • ⣧⣂⠌ - み/耳 は/辶 selector 2 = 跂
  • ⡃⠤⣊ - な/亻 宿 は/辶 = 伎
  • ⡵⠤⣊ - と/戸 宿 は/辶 = 屐
  • ⣃⠰⠞ - は/辶 比 え/訁 = 敲
  • ⣃⣲⠌ - は/辶 む/車 selector 2 = 翅

Compounds of 遊

  • ⡇⣂⡈ - に/氵 は/辶 selector 3 = 游
  • ⣳⣂⡈ - む/車 は/辶 selector 3 = 蝣

Compounds of 母 and 毋

  • ⣁⣊ - 龸 は/辶 = 毎
    • ⡃⣊ - な/亻 は/辶 = 侮
    • ⠳⣊ - る/忄 は/辶 = 悔
    • ⣅⣊ - 日 は/辶 = 晦
    • ⢥⣊ - 心 は/辶 = 梅
    • ⡇⣊ - に/氵 は/辶 = 海
      • ⡳⡆⣊ - つ/土 に/氵 は/辶 = 塰
    • ⡥⣊ - ゑ/訁 は/辶 = 誨
    • ⣃⡌ - は/辶 ゐ/幺 = 繁
    • ⢥⣀⣊ - 心 龸 は/辶 = 莓
  • ⣓⠰⣊ - ふ/女 比 は/辶 = 姆
  • ⡷⠰⣊ - て/扌 比 は/辶 = 拇
  • ⢥⠰⣊ - 心 比 は/辶 = 栂
  • ⣗⣊ - へ/⺩ は/辶 = 毒
    • ⡅⣖⣊ - ゐ/幺 へ/⺩ は/辶 = 纛
  • ⡗⠰⣊ - ね/示 比 は/辶 = 袰
  • ⠓⠒⣊ - う/宀/#3 う/宀/#3 は/辶 = 實

Other compounds

  • ⠵⣊ - ろ/十 は/辶 = 半
    • ⢑⣊ - 仁/亻 は/辶 = 伴
    • ⡓⣊ - ぬ/力 は/辶 = 畔
    • ⠇⣊ - い/糹/#2 は/辶 = 絆
    • ⣃⡞ - は/辶 ね/示 = 判
    • ⡷⠴⣊ - て/扌 ろ/十 は/辶 = 拌
    • ⢅⠴⣊ - ⺼ ろ/十 は/辶 = 胖
    • ⡗⠴⣊ - ね/示 ろ/十 は/辶 = 袢
  • ⠣⣊ - ら/月 は/辶 = 朔
    • ⡳⣊ - つ/土 は/辶 = 塑
    • ⠳⠢⣊ - る/忄 ら/月 は/辶 = 愬
    • ⢇⠢⣊ - き/木 ら/月 は/辶 = 槊
    • ⡇⠢⣊ - に/氵 ら/月 は/辶 = 溯
    • ⣇⠢⣊ - ひ/辶 ら/月 は/辶 = 遡
  • ⣇⣊ - ひ/辶 は/辶 = 逆
  • ⠷⣊ - れ/口 は/辶 = 只
    • ⡣⠶⣊ - た/⽥ れ/口 は/辶 = 咫
    • ⢥⠶⣊ - 心 れ/口 は/辶 = 枳
  • ⠓⣊ - う/宀/#3 は/辶 = 実
  • ⢗⣊ - け/犬 は/辶 = 犯
  • ⡡⣊ - を/貝 は/辶 = 貼
  • ⣃⣨ - は/辶 ん/止 = 反
    • ⡇⣂⣨ - に/氵 は/辶 ん/止 = 汳
    • ⣅⣂⣨ - 日 は/辶 ん/止 = 皈
    • ⢃⣂⣨ - か/金 は/辶 ん/止 = 鈑
  • ⣃⠎ - は/辶 い/糹/#2 = 拝
    • ⣃⣂⠎ - は/辶 は/辶 い/糹/#2 = 拜
      • ⡇⣂⠎ - に/氵 は/辶 い/糹/#2 = 湃
  • ⡷⠤⣊ - て/扌 宿 は/辶 = 搏
  • ⢱⡀⣊ - 氷/氵 selector 3 は/辶 = 敝
    • ⣅⡀⣊ - 日 selector 3 は/辶 = 暼
  • ⢥⢀⣊ - 心 selector 6 は/辶 = 棠
  • ⢥⠤⣊ - 心 宿 は/辶 = 薑
  • ⡗⢀⣊ - ね/示 selector 6 は/辶 = 裳

[5] [6] [7] [8]


  1. ^ a b c d e f "World Braille Usage". UNESCO. Retrieved 2012-04-19..
  2. ^ "Introduction to Bharati Braille". Archived from the original on 5 April 2013. Retrieved 25 April 2013.
  3. ^ a b "Index of Topics in Braille Section". Oregon State University Science Access Project Braille topics. Archived from the original on 2012-04-20. Retrieved 2012-04-29.
  4. ^ UNESCO (2013). World Braille Usage. Washington, DC: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. p. 88. ISBN 978-0-8444-9564-4. Archived from the original on 2014-09-08. Retrieved 2013-12-19.
  5. ^ "ロービジョン相談と光学". Retrieved 31 January 2014.
  6. ^ "盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界". Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  7. ^ "漢点字". Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  8. ^ "漢点字入門" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 December 2013. Retrieved 30 December 2013.