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Braille pattern dots-23

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6-dot braille cells

The Braille pattern dots-23 ( ) is a 6-dot braille cell with the middle and bottom left dots raised, or an 8-dot braille cell with the two middle-left dots raised. It is represented by the Unicode code point U 2806, and in Braille ASCII with the number "2".

Character information
Preview ⠆ (braille pattern dots-23)
Encodings decimal hex
Unicode 10246 U 2806
UTF-8 226 160 134 E2 A0 86
Numeric character reference ⠆ ⠆
Braille ASCII 50 32

Unified Braille


In unified international braille, the braille pattern dots-23 is used to represent a voiced bilabial consonant, such as /b/ or /ɓ/ when multiple letters correspond to these values, and is otherwise assigned as punctuation or accent mark, as needed.[1]

Table of unified braille values

French Braille ; (semicolon), br, ui
English Braille ; (semicolon), -bb-
English Contraction be, be-
German Braille be
Bharati Braille ; (semicolon) [2]
Russian Braille ; (semicolon)
Slovak Braille ; (semicolon)
Arabic Braille ـً (fathatan)
Thai Braille ī


Other braille

Japanese Braille wi / ゐ / ヰ [1]
Korean Braille -ch / ㅊ [1]
Mainland Chinese Braille tone 4 [1]
Taiwanese Braille , (comma)
Nemeth Braille 2 [3]

Plus dots 7 and 8


Related to Braille pattern dots-23 are Braille patterns 237, 238, and 2378, which are used in 8-dot braille systems, such as Gardner-Salinas and Luxembourgish Braille.

Character information
Preview ⡆ (braille pattern dots-237) ⢆ (braille pattern dots-238) ⣆ (braille pattern dots-2378)
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 10310 U 2846 10374 U 2886 10438 U 28C6
UTF-8 226 161 134 E2 A1 86 226 162 134 E2 A2 86 226 163 134 E2 A3 86
Numeric character reference ⡆ ⡆ ⢆ ⢆ ⣆ ⣆
dots 237 dots 238 dots 2378
Gardner Salinas Braille[4] end array line ( (open parenthesis) open complex radicand

In the Japanese kantenji braille, the standard 8-dot Braille patterns 37, 137, 347, and 1347 are the patterns related to Braille pattern dots-23, since the two additional dots of kantenji patterns 023, 237, and 0237 are placed above the base 6-dot cell, instead of below, as in standard 8-dot braille.

Character information
Preview ⡄ (braille pattern dots-37) ⡅ (braille pattern dots-137) ⡌ (braille pattern dots-347) ⡍ (braille pattern dots-1347)
Encodings decimal hex dec hex dec hex dec hex
Unicode 10308 U 2844 10309 U 2845 10316 U 284C 10317 U 284D
UTF-8 226 161 132 E2 A1 84 226 161 133 E2 A1 85 226 161 140 E2 A1 8C 226 161 141 E2 A1 8D
Numeric character reference ⡄ ⡄ ⡅ ⡅ ⡌ ⡌ ⡍ ⡍

Kantenji using braille patterns 37, 137, 347, or 1347


This listing includes kantenji using Braille pattern dots-23 for all 6349 kanji found in JIS C 6226-1978.

  • ⡍ (braille pattern dots-1347) - 系

Variants and thematic compounds

  • ⠃⡌ - selector 1 ゐ/幺 = 乃
  • ⠑⡌ - selector 4 ゐ/幺 = 及
  • ⠡⡌ - selector 5 ゐ/幺 = 亥
  • ⡅⠊ - ゐ/幺 selector 1 = 幼
  • ⡅⡈ - ゐ/幺 selector 3 = 幺
  • ⡅⠘ - ゐ/幺 selector 4 = 幻
  • ⠱⡌ - 比 ゐ/幺 = 左

Compounds of 系

  • ⡃⡌ - な/亻 ゐ/幺 = 係
  • ⢕⡌ - こ/子 ゐ/幺 = 孫
    • ⣇⢔⡌ - ひ/辶 こ/子 ゐ/幺 = 遜
  • ⢱⡌ - 氷/氵 ゐ/幺 = 潔
  • ⣗⡌ - へ/⺩ ゐ/幺 = 素
  • ⠵⡌ - ろ/十 ゐ/幺 = 索
  • ⡣⡌ - た/⽥ ゐ/幺 = 累
    • ⡑⡢⡌ - や/疒 た/⽥ ゐ/幺 = 瘰
    • ⠇⡢⡌ - い/糹/#2 た/⽥ ゐ/幺 = 縲
    • ⣳⡢⡌ - む/車 た/⽥ ゐ/幺 = 螺
    • ⢵⡢⡌ - そ/馬 た/⽥ ゐ/幺 = 騾
  • ⣃⡌ - は/辶 ゐ/幺 = 繁
  • ⣳⡌ - む/車 ゐ/幺 = 繋
  • ⡧⡌ - ち/竹 ゐ/幺 = 纂
  • ⡅⢜ - ゐ/幺 こ/子 = 紅
  • ⡅⣈ - ゐ/幺 龸 = 紋
  • ⡅⢘ - ゐ/幺 仁/亻 = 納
  • ⡅⣎ - ゐ/幺 ひ/辶 = 紐
  • ⡅⠺ - ゐ/幺 る/忄 = 紺
  • ⡅⠾ - ゐ/幺 れ/口 = 結
  • ⡅⢮ - ゐ/幺 し/巿 = 絶
  • ⡅⣘ - ゐ/幺 ゆ/彳 = 網
  • ⡅⡬ - ゐ/幺 ゑ/訁 = 綴
  • ⡅⣾ - ゐ/幺 め/目 = 綿
  • ⡅⢺ - ゐ/幺 す/発 = 緊
  • ⡅⣸ - ゐ/幺 火 = 緋
  • ⡅⣌ - ゐ/幺 日 = 緒
  • ⡅⠎ - ゐ/幺 い/糹/#2 = 緯
  • ⡅⢼ - ゐ/幺 そ/馬 = 縁
    • ⢥⡄⢼ - 心 ゐ/幺 そ/馬 = 櫞
  • ⡅⠪ - ゐ/幺 ら/月 = 縋
  • ⡅⠞ - ゐ/幺 え/訁 = 縞
  • ⡅⣜ - ゐ/幺 ほ/方 = 縫
  • ⡅⡪ - ゐ/幺 た/⽥ = 繹
  • ⡅⡸ - ゐ/幺 よ/广 = 纏
    • ⡅⡄⡸ - ゐ/幺 ゐ/幺 よ/广 = 纒
  • ⣷⡌ - め/目 ゐ/幺 = 県
    • ⣷⣶⡌ - め/目 め/目 ゐ/幺 = 縣
  • ⣑⠤⡌ - ゆ/彳 宿 ゐ/幺 = 徽
  • ⡅⠤⣾ - ゐ/幺 宿 め/目 = 緜
  • ⡅⣖⣊ - ゐ/幺 へ/⺩ は/辶 = 纛
  • ⢷⣀⡌ - せ/食 龸 ゐ/幺 = 鯀
  • ⡅⠤⢜ - ゐ/幺 宿 こ/子 = 絳
  • ⡅⣀⡬ - ゐ/幺 龸 ゑ/訁 = 綬
  • ⡅⣔⢼ - ゐ/幺 ほ/方 そ/馬 = 緲
  • ⠣⢖⡌ - ら/月 け/犬 ゐ/幺 = 縢
  • ⡅⠤⠼ - ゐ/幺 宿 ろ/十 = 繚
  • ⣳⠤⡌ - む/車 宿 ゐ/幺 = 辮

Compounds of 乃

  • ⡕⡌ - の/禾 ゐ/幺 = 秀
    • ⠇⡔⡌ - い/糹/#2 の/禾 ゐ/幺 = 綉
    • ⠗⡌ - え/訁 ゐ/幺 = 誘
    • ⣇⡌ - ひ/辶 ゐ/幺 = 透
    • ⢥⡔⡌ - 心 の/禾 ゐ/幺 = 莠
    • ⢃⡔⡌ - か/金 の/禾 ゐ/幺 = 銹
  • ⡅⡾ - ゐ/幺 て/扌 = 携
  • ⡃⠂⡌ - な/亻 selector 1 ゐ/幺 = 仍
  • ⢕⠂⡌ - こ/子 selector 1 ゐ/幺 = 孕
  • ⢇⠂⡌ - き/木 selector 1 ゐ/幺 = 朶
    • ⣧⠂⡌ - み/耳 selector 1 ゐ/幺 = 躱
  • ⡅⠤⢌ - ゐ/幺 宿 ⺼ = 盈

Compounds of 及

  • ⡷⡌ - て/扌 ゐ/幺 = 扱
  • ⠷⡌ - れ/口 ゐ/幺 = 吸
  • ⠇⡌ - い/糹/#2 ゐ/幺 = 級
  • ⡑⠐⡌ - や/疒 selector 4 ゐ/幺 = 岌
  • ⡇⠐⡌ - に/氵 selector 4 ゐ/幺 = 汲
  • ⡧⠐⡌ - ち/竹 selector 4 ゐ/幺 = 笈

Compounds of 亥

  • ⢇⡌ - き/木 ゐ/幺 = 核
  • ⡥⡌ - ゑ/訁 ゐ/幺 = 該
  • ⢃⡌ - か/金 ゐ/幺 = 骸
  • ⡅⡞ - ゐ/幺 ね/示 = 刻
  • ⡅⡚ - ゐ/幺 ぬ/力 = 劾
  • ⡳⠠⡌ - つ/土 selector 5 ゐ/幺 = 垓
  • ⢕⠠⡌ - こ/子 selector 5 ゐ/幺 = 孩
  • ⢵⠠⡌ - そ/馬 selector 5 ゐ/幺 = 駭
  • ⠷⠤⡌ - れ/口 宿 ゐ/幺 = 咳

Compounds of 幼

  • ⡷⡄⠊ - て/扌 ゐ/幺 selector 1 = 拗
  • ⠓⡄⠊ - う/宀/#3 ゐ/幺 selector 1 = 窈
  • ⢧⡄⠊ - し/巿 ゐ/幺 selector 1 = 黝

Compounds of 幺

  • ⡅⡌ - ゐ/幺 ゐ/幺 = 幽
  • ⣑⡌ - ゆ/彳 ゐ/幺 = 後
  • ⡇⡌ - に/氵 ゐ/幺 = 滋
  • ⣁⡌ - 龸 ゐ/幺 = 玄
    • ⡑⣀⡌ - や/疒 龸 ゐ/幺 = 痃
    • ⣷⣀⡌ - め/目 龸 ゐ/幺 = 眩
    • ⠇⣀⡌ - い/糹/#2 龸 ゐ/幺 = 絃
    • ⣓⣀⡌ - ふ/女 龸 ゐ/幺 = 舷
    • ⣑⣀⡌ - ゆ/彳 龸 ゐ/幺 = 衒
    • ⢃⣀⡌ - か/金 龸 ゐ/幺 = 鉉
  • ⣥⡌ - 囗 ゐ/幺 = 畿
  • ⣣⡌ - ま/石 ゐ/幺 = 磁
  • ⣅⡌ - 日 ゐ/幺 = 楽
    • ⢓⡌ - く/艹 ゐ/幺 = 薬
      • ⢓⢒⡌ - く/艹 く/艹 ゐ/幺 = 藥
    • ⣅⣄⡌ - 日 日 ゐ/幺 = 樂
      • ⡷⣄⡌ - て/扌 日 ゐ/幺 = 擽
      • ⣱⣄⡌ - 火 日 ゐ/幺 = 爍
      • ⣣⣄⡌ - ま/石 日 ゐ/幺 = 礫
      • ⣳⣄⡌ - む/車 日 ゐ/幺 = 轢
      • ⢃⣄⡌ - か/金 日 ゐ/幺 = 鑠
    • ⢥⣄⡌ - 心 日 ゐ/幺 = 檪
  • ⣧⡌ - み/耳 ゐ/幺 = 蹊
  • ⡅⣬ - ゐ/幺 囗 = 幾
    • ⠗⡄⣬ - え/訁 ゐ/幺 囗 = 譏
    • ⢷⡄⣬ - せ/食 ゐ/幺 囗 = 饑
  • ⡅⢬ - ゐ/幺 心 = 慈
  • ⡅⡘ - ゐ/幺 や/疒 = 郷
    • ⡅⣪ - ゐ/幺 ま/石 = 響
    • ⢷⡌ - せ/食 ゐ/幺 = 饗
    • ⣥⡄⡘ - 囗 ゐ/幺 や/疒 = 嚮
  • ⡅⡎ - ゐ/幺 に/氵 = 渓
    • ⡅⡄⡎ - ゐ/幺 ゐ/幺 に/氵 = 溪
  • ⡅⢾ - ゐ/幺 せ/食 = 鶏
    • ⡅⡄⢾ - ゐ/幺 ゐ/幺 せ/食 = 鷄
  • ⠕⡌ - お/頁 ゐ/幺 = 顕
    • ⠕⠔⡌ - お/頁 お/頁 ゐ/幺 = 顯
  • ⢓⡄⡌ - く/艹 ゐ/幺 ゐ/幺 = 茲
  • ⢕⠤⡌ - こ/子 宿 ゐ/幺 = 孳
  • ⣧⣀⡌ - み/耳 龸 ゐ/幺 = 聨
  • ⣧⠤⡌ - み/耳 宿 ゐ/幺 = 聯
  • ⡅⡢⠊ - ゐ/幺 た/⽥ selector 1 = 谿
  • ⢷⠤⡌ - せ/食 宿 ゐ/幺 = 酳
  • ⡅⢤⣪ - ゐ/幺 心 ま/石 = 麼

Compounds of 左

  • ⢑⡌ - 仁/亻 ゐ/幺 = 佐

Other compounds

  • ⡳⡌ - つ/土 ゐ/幺 = 報
  • ⠣⡌ - ら/月 ゐ/幺 = 服
    • ⡧⠢⡌ - ち/竹 ら/月 ゐ/幺 = 箙
  • ⢵⡔⡌ - そ/馬 の/禾 ゐ/幺 = 羲

[5] [6] [7] [8]


  1. ^ a b c d e "World Braille Usage". UNESCO. Retrieved 2012-04-19..
  2. ^ "Introduction to Bharati Braille". Archived from the original on 5 April 2013. Retrieved 25 April 2013.
  3. ^ "Nemeth Braille (Mathematics Braille)". Archived from the original on 2012-04-21. Retrieved 2012-04-25.
  4. ^ "Index of Topics in Braille Section". Oregon State University Science Access Project Braille topics. Archived from the original on 2012-04-20. Retrieved 2012-04-29.
  5. ^ "ロービジョン相談と光学". Retrieved 31 January 2014.
  6. ^ "盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界". Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  7. ^ "漢点字". Retrieved 27 December 2013.
  8. ^ "漢点字入門" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 December 2013. Retrieved 30 December 2013.