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Snow hits New Zealand

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Monday, June 12, 2006

A huge snowstorm has hit New Zealand.

Some parts of South Canterbury have had as much as 30 cm.

Some bus services in Christchurch have closed down, including the Rangiora line.

Christchurch Airport has closed.

The MetService reports that there is a good chance of getting up to a half a metre of snow.

Further north in Auckland, the bad weather also caused power outages when an earth-wire at the Otahuhu substation snapped. The substation is the main supplier of power going into Auckland.

Internet Service Provider (ISP) Xtra reports that some people will experience Internet failure, especially where the power outages are, Auckland and the rest of the upper North Island.

The power is expected to be back by at least nightfall NZST, however some places are reporting to have had power back.
