WikiFur:This week"s featured article/Week 9, 2006

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The Luxor on Prime

FurNation Worlds is a group of six islands in Second Life. Primarily maintained by Nexxus and other members of FurNation, it contains public areas for furs to socialize, two sandboxes for building, a Skymall that allow vendors to sell their wares and Club Fur, a virtual nightclub.

Initially much of the funds for expansion of the island came from referral and dwell time bonuses. These have since dried up, and so alternative forms of income were and are being explored. Island tier fees are reportedly covered half by rental fees and Skymall income, and half by donations. Because these islands are currently one of the focal points for furry activity in Second Life, lag on the islands can be fairly high.

FurNation Worlds Skymall

Prime"s central feature is the Luxor, a pyrimidal structure adjacent to the FurNation Worlds welcome center in which nightly dances and events are held. Its basement used to hold the FurNation Prime shopping area until it was moved to the Skymall on Alpha, which consists of five levels of shops, many selling mature content. FurNation Alpha also contains the gallery (which includes some well-known artists such as Wookiee and FoxxFire) and some land plots available for rent. (more...)