Super Smash Bros. Melee/Classic
Classic is divided up into several fights.
Difficulties listed from 1-10
Fights 1, 3, and 5: Vs. a single opponent
Very Easy: 1
Easy: 2
Normal: 4
Hard: 6
Very Hard: 8
Fight 2: Two-on two battle
Very Easy: 0
Easy: 1
Normal: 4
Hard: 8
Very Hard: 10
Fight 4: Three vs. one giant
Very Easy: Sit back and laugh
Easy: 0
Normal: 2
Hard: 5
Very Hard: 9
Fight 6: Vs. a weak team of one character
Very Easy: 0
Easy: 1
Normal: 4
Hard: 8
Very Hard: 10
Fight 7: Vs. a metal charachter
Very Easy: Comical
Easy: 0
Normal: 3
Hard: 6
Very Hard: 10
Fight 8: Vs. Master Hand and possibly Crazy Hand.
Very Easy: 2
Easy: 3
Normal: 4
Hard: 5
Very Hard: 7
With Crazy Hand
Normal: 7
Hard: 9
Very Hard: 10
Fights 1, 3, and 5 progress linearly from Very Easy through Very Hard, fight 2 progresses at a steeper rate, there's a huge gap between Normal and Hard in the giant fight (in Very Easy, the giant fight is funny to watch), there's also a huge gap between hard and very hard in the team fight, and the metal charachter becomes progressively harder (in Very Easy, the metal charachter is funny to battle against beacause they're easier than a normal charachter). Master Hand's difficulty depends on the level you're playing, obviously. Ironically, on Very Hard, although Master Hand is most difficult, if you're not fighting Crazy Hand, it's the easiest battle of the bunch.
Very Easy: 150 HP, weak attacks
Easy: 250 HP, weak attacks
Normal: 300 HP, average attacks
Hard: 330 HP, strong attacks
Very Hard: 360 HP, very strong attacks plus high attack rate