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Python Programming/Regular Expression

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Python includes a module for working with regular expressions on strings. For more information about writing regular expressions and syntax not specific to Python, see the regular expressions wikibook. Python's regular expression syntax is similar to Perl's

To start using regular expressions in your Python scripts, import the "re" module:

import re


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Regular expression functions in Python at a glance:

import re
if re.search("l ","Hello"):        print(1) # Substring match suffices
if not re.match("ell.","Hello"):   print(2) # The beginning of the string has to match
if re.match(".el","Hello"):        print(3)
if re.match("he..o","Hello",re.I): print(4) # Case-insensitive match
print(re.sub("l ", "l", "Hello"))           # Prints "Helo"; replacement AKA substitution
print(re.sub(r"(.*)\1", r"\1", "HeyHey"))   # Prints "Hey"; backreference
print(re.sub("EY", "ey", "HEy", flags=re.I))# Prints "Hey"; case-insensitive sub
print(re.sub(r"(?i)EY", r"ey", "HEy"))      # Prints "Hey"; case-insensitive sub
for match in re.findall("l .", "Hello Dolly"):
  print(match)                              # Prints "llo" and then "lly"
for match in re.findall("e(l .)", "Hello Dolly"):
  print(match)                              # Prints "llo"; match picks group 1
for match in re.findall("(l )(.)", "Hello Dolly"):
  print(match[0], match[1])                 # The groups end up as items in a tuple
match = re.match("(Hello|Hi) (Tom|Thom)","Hello Tom Bombadil")
if match:                                 # Equivalent to if match is not None
  print(match.group(0))                   # Prints the whole match disregarding groups
  print(match.group(1)   match.group(2))  # Prints "HelloTom"

Matching and searching

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One of the most common uses for regular expressions is extracting a part of a string or testing for the existence of a pattern in a string. Python offers several functions to do this.

The match and search functions do mostly the same thing, except that the match function will only return a result if the pattern matches at the beginning of the string being searched, while search will find a match anywhere in the string.

>>> import re
>>> foo = re.compile(r'foo(.{,5})bar', re.I re.S)
>>> st1 = 'Foo, Bar, Baz'
>>> st2 = '2. foo is bar'
>>> search1 = foo.search(st1)
>>> search2 = foo.search(st2)
>>> match1 = foo.match(st1)
>>> match2 = foo.match(st2)

In this example, match2 will be None, because the string st2 does not start with the given pattern. The other 3 results will be Match objects (see below).

You can also match and search without compiling a regexp:

>>> search3 = re.search('oo.*ba', st1, re.I)

Here we use the search function of the re module, rather than of the pattern object. For most cases, its best to compile the expression first. Not all of the re module functions support the flags argument and if the expression is used more than once, compiling first is more efficient and leads to cleaner looking code.

The compiled pattern object functions also have parameters for starting and ending the search, to search in a substring of the given string. In the first example in this section, match2 returns no result because the pattern does not start at the beginning of the string, but if we do:

>>> match3 = foo.match(st2, 3)

it works, because we tell it to start searching at character number 3 in the string.

What if we want to search for multiple instances of the pattern? Then we have two options. We can use the start and end position parameters of the search and match function in a loop, getting the position to start at from the previous match object (see below) or we can use the findall and finditer functions. The findall function returns a list of matching strings, useful for simple searching. For anything slightly complex, the finditer function should be used. This returns an iterator object, that when used in a loop, yields Match objects. For example:

>>> str3 = 'foo, Bar Foo. BAR FoO: bar'
>>> foo.findall(str3)
[', ', '. ', ': ']
>>> for match in foo.finditer(str3):
...     match.group(1)
', '
'. '
': '

If you're going to be iterating over the results of the search, using the finditer function is almost always a better choice.

Match objects

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Match objects are returned by the search and match functions, and include information about the pattern match.

The group function returns a string corresponding to a capture group (part of a regexp wrapped in ()) of the expression, or if no group number is given, the entire match. Using the search1 variable we defined above:

>>> search1.group()
'Foo, Bar'
>>> search1.group(1)
', '

Capture groups can also be given string names using a special syntax and referred to by matchobj.group('name'). For simple expressions this is unnecessary, but for more complex expressions it can be very useful.

You can also get the position of a match or a group in a string, using the start and end functions:

>>> search1.start()
>>> search1.end()
>>> search1.start(1)
>>> search1.end(1)

This returns the start and end locations of the entire match, and the start and end of the first (and in this case only) capture group, respectively.


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Another use for regular expressions is replacing text in a string. To do this in Python, use the sub function.

sub takes up to 3 arguments: The text to replace with, the text to replace in, and, optionally, the maximum number of substitutions to make. Unlike the matching and searching functions, sub returns a string, consisting of the given text with the substitution(s) made.

>>> import re
>>> mystring = 'This string has a q in it'
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(a[n]? )(\w) ')
>>> newstring = pattern.sub(r"\1'\2' ", mystring)
>>> newstring
"This string has a 'q' in it"

This takes any single alphanumeric character (\w in regular expression syntax) preceded by "a" or "an" and wraps in in single quotes. The \1 and \2 in the replacement string are backreferences to the 2 capture groups in the expression; these would be group(1) and group(2) on a Match object from a search.

The subn function is similar to sub, except it returns a tuple, consisting of the result string and the number of replacements made. Using the string and expression from before:

>>> subresult = pattern.subn(r"\1'\2' ", mystring)
>>> subresult
("This string has a 'q' in it", 1)

Replacing without constructing and compiling a pattern object:

>>> result = re.sub(r"b.*d","z","abccde")
>>> result


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The split function splits a string based on a given regular expression:

>>> import re
>>> mystring = '1. First part 2. Second part 3. Third part'
>>> re.split(r'\d\.', mystring)
['', ' First part ', ' Second part ', ' Third part']


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The escape function escapes all non-alphanumeric characters in a string. This is useful if you need to take an unknown string that may contain regexp metacharacters like ( and . and create a regular expression from it.

>>> re.escape(r'This text (and this) must be escaped with a "\" to use in a regexp.')
'This\\ text\\ \\(and\\ this\\)\\ must\\ be\\ escaped\\ with\\ a\\ \\"\\\\\\"\\ to\\ use\\ in\\ a\\ regexp\\.'


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The different flags use with regular expressions:

Abbreviation Full name Description
re.I re.IGNORECASE Makes the regexp case-insensitive
re.L re.LOCALE Makes the behavior of some special sequences (\w, \W, \b, \B, \s, \S) dependent on the current locale
re.M re.MULTILINE Makes the ^ and $ characters match at the beginning and end of each line, rather than just the beginning and end of the string
re.S re.DOTALL Makes the . character match every character including newlines.
re.U re.UNICODE Makes \w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s, \S dependent on Unicode character properties
re.X re.VERBOSE Ignores whitespace except when in a character class or preceded by an non-escaped backslash, and ignores # (except when in a character class or preceded by an non-escaped backslash) and everything after it to the end of a line, so it can be used as a comment. This allows for cleaner-looking regexps.

Pattern objects

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If you're going to be using the same regexp more than once in a program, or if you just want to keep the regexps separated somehow, you should create a pattern object, and refer to it later when searching/replacing.

To create a pattern object, use the compile function.

import re
foo = re.compile(r'foo(.{,5})bar', re.I re.S)

The first argument is the pattern, which matches the string "foo", followed by up to 5 of any character, then the string "bar", storing the middle characters to a group, which will be discussed later. The second, optional, argument is the flag or flags to modify the regexp's behavior. The flags themselves are simply variables referring to an integer used by the regular expression engine. In other languages, these would be constants, but Python does not have constants. Some of the regular expression functions do not support adding flags as a parameter when defining the pattern directly in the function, if you need any of the flags, it is best to use the compile function to create a pattern object.

The r preceding the expression string indicates that it should be treated as a raw string. This should normally be used when writing regexps, so that backslashes are interpreted literally rather than having to be escaped.

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