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Flora of New York/Legends

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Plantaceae – subfam. Plantoideae – tribe Planteae – subtr. Plantineae – genus Plantus – subg. Plantus
Plantus Plant N.Y. Status Images Distribution 1
Common plant Native,


Taxon color codes

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NY Status, line 1 NY Status, line 2 Distribution map
Native Secure
Native Likely secure
Native Vulnerable
Native Very vulnerable,
Native Threatened
Native Endangered,
Especially vulnerable,
Possibly extirpated
Native Extirpated,
Likely extirpated,
No recent reports
NY Status, line 1 NY Status, line 2 Distribution map
Native Unranked
(or none)
Introduced Canada native,
US South native,
N. America native
Introduced Impersistent,
No specimens
Introduced (none)
Introduced Invasive,
Moderately invasive,
Somewhat invasive,
Widespread weed
Introduced Highly invasive
Introduced Very highly invasive