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Corps-Style Marching/Parade/The Block

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The Block, or "Basic Block" is the standard and most basic way in which a group of people (especially a Marching Band or similar ensemble) march during a parade. The Block may consist of a variable amount of rows or columns as long as it maintains its rectangular grid, shape, with the exception of when the group of marchers makes a turn.

Maintaining the Block Formation

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An overview of the Block formation.

The Block formation is maintained by each marcher "dressing" his or her column, row, and diagonal. In other words, all marchers must make sure that the column and row they are in form straight lines and that there is a diagonal line is formed with marchers in the rows ahead of them.

Straight Columns

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In order to keep each column straight, each marcher in the Block should aim to place themselves in a position in which the only person in their column whom is visible is the person directly in front of them. If a marcher can see every person in his or her column, the marcher knows he or she is out of place and must reposition him/herself.

Straight Rows

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Each row in the Block must be as straight as possible. This is achieved by each marcher in a row using his or her peripheral vision to align themselves with each other.

Correct Diagonals

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Diagonals play a major part in perfecting the Block. Diagonals create a pleasing geometric form by making each row and column have even spacing with each other. To understand how this is done, imagine that each marcher is a point on a coordinate plane. On this coordinate plane, each marcher should form a diagonal line which has a 1/1 ratio.