Uncyclopedia:Featured articles in other languages

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Thanks for reading, This list was initially translated using Microsoft Translator. Please correct any errors you come across. Thank you.!

This is a list of featured articles in other language Uncyclopedias. It is an effort to highlight articles that have gained featured article status in other languages but are not as detailed (or don't even exist) in English. Additionally, it is part of the Foreign Office project as a missing topics list. This page currently focuses on eighteen other languages and gives details about articles that don't yet exist in the English language Uncyclopedia as well as articles that are significantly larger in the other language.

This page aims at giving sources of information from other languages' Uncyclopedias to editors. The list has been gathered based on each language's equivalent of the Featured Articles page. The process is currently semi-automated and some errors may occur – do please correct any that you find.

The requirements for being a featured article are different in each language, and articles will still need to go through the featured article candidate nomination procedure in order to gain the featured status here.

Note: Entries that already exist as featured articles on the English language Uncyclopedia may be created under a more specific title, e.g. nl:Vrouw (Women) > Women in The Netherlands. Certain articles may not be suitable for translation.

Arabic[edit source]

Arabic language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Arabic featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Arabic article Possible translation Progress
ar:حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (wp)
ar:عمر بن الخطاب Umar (wp)
ar:عمرو خالد Amr Khaled (wp)
ar:كافر Irreligion (wp)
ar:مقتدى الصدر Muqtada al-Sadr (wp)
ar:منتخب السعودية لكرة القدم Saudi Arabia national football team (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Arabic article Possible translation Progress
ar:آل باتشينو Al Pacino (wp)
ar:السعودية Saudi Arabia (wp)
ar:الشوارب Machine translation: Moustache (wp) No entry on Arabic Wikipedia
ar:القمر Moon (wp)
ar:المغازلة Flirting (wp) No entry on Arabic Wikipedia
ar:بابا نويل Santa Claus (wp)
ar:خرا Feces (wp) No entry on Arabic Wikipedia
ar:خنزير Pig (wp)
ar:رضاع الكبير Machine translation: Breastfeeding (wp) No entry on Arabic Wikipedia
ar:زين الدين زيدان Zinedine Zidane (wp)
ar:صدام حسين Saddam Hussein (wp)
ar:كرسي Chair (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Arabic article Possible translation Progress
ar:الله God (wp)
ar:مايكل جاكسن Michael Jackson (wp) No entry on Arabic Wikipedia

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Arabic article Possible translation Progress
ar:بغداد Baghdad (wp)
ar:سندريلا Cinderella (wp)

Czech[edit source]

Czech language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Czech featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Czech article Possible translation Progress
cs:Arogantin [[]] (wp)
cs:Brandejs Nadlabem - Stará Bolehlav [[]] (wp)
cs:Brněnské hlavní nádraží Brno hlavní nádraží (wp)
cs:Česká armáda Military of the Czech Republic (wp)
cs:Chalupoida [[]] (wp)
cs:Dřevárna [[]] (wp)
cs:Fichtl [[]] (wp)
cs:Inzerát Classified advertising (wp)
cs:IPrd [[]] (wp)
cs:Jak balit cigarety [[]] (wp)
cs:Jak dát kočce tabletu [[]] (wp)
cs:Zdeněk Jičínský Zdeněk Jičínský (wp)
cs:Kopírování zabíjí porno [[]] (wp)
cs:Lanovka Cable car (wp)
cs:Mensa gymnázium Řepy [[]] (wp)
cs:Metal Heavy metal music (wp)
cs:Metro Necyklopedie [[]] (wp)
cs:Mikešův máselný paradox [[]] (wp)
cs:Mnichovská dohoda Munich Agreement (wp)
cs:Moravská osvobozenecká armáda [[]] (wp)
cs:Moravstán [[]] (wp)
cs:Necyklopedie našla život na Marsu [[]] (wp)
cs:Nejhorší piva světa [[]] (wp)
cs:Necyklopedie:Nejlepší články [[]] (wp)
cs:Nejtragičtější události českých dějin [[]] (wp)
cs:Národní hymna EU [[]] (wp)
cs:Pičurin [[]] (wp)
cs:Pobyt v nemocnici [[]] (wp)
cs:Zdeněk Pohlreich Zdeněk Pohlreich (wp)
cs:Pojednání o práci [[]] (wp)
cs:Porschetra Škoda 14 T (wp)
cs:Prasopes [[]] (wp)
cs:Prsomyslovci [[]] (wp)
cs:Prágl Prague (wp)
cs:Puberťák [[]] (wp)
cs:Řád svobodných zedníků [[]] (wp)
cs:Raketoplán Necyklopedie [[]] (wp)
cs:Rakousko-uherský kosmický program [[]] (wp)
cs:Reforma pravidel českého pravopisu [[]] (wp)
cs:Románský sloh Romanesque art (wp)
cs:Slovensko-francouzská válka [[]] (wp)
cs:Slyšné [[]] (wp)
cs:Sudety Sudetenland (wp)
cs:Sání Suction (wp)
cs:SŽDC Správa železniční dopravní cesty (wp)
cs:Televizní seriál Television serial (wp)
cs:Teorie lichých ponožek [[]] (wp)
cs:Tramping Czech tramping (wp)
cs:Trvale udržitelné zadlužování [[]] (wp)
cs:Tunel Blanka Blanka tunnel complex (wp)
cs:TV Plivna [[]] (wp)
cs:Úvaha o logice [[]] (wp)
cs:Vaginální aligátor [[]] (wp)
cs:Veverka barevnotělá [[]] (wp)
cs:Vltava Vltava (wp)
cs:Vojenská základní služba Military service (wp)
cs:Zelný rynek [[]] (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Czech article Possible translation Progress
cs:Brno Brno (wp|wp)
cs:Česko Czech Republic (wp|wp)
cs:Jehovisté Jehovah's Witnesses (wp)
cs:Kruhový objezd Roundabout (wp)
cs:Menstruace Menstruation (wp)
cs:Morče Guinea pig (wp)
cs:Německo Germany (wp)
cs:Pohlavní styk Sexual intercourse (wp)
cs:Překlad Translation (wp)
cs:Rakousko Austria (wp)
cs:Svatba Wedding (wp)
cs:Telemarketing Telemarketing (wp)
cs:Wales Wales (wp)
cs:Zemědělství Agriculture (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Czech article Possible translation Progress
cs:Chuck Norris Chuck Norris (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Czech article Possible translation Progress
cs:22 22 (wp|wp)
cs:Hovno Shit (wp|wp)
cs:Kopulace Mating (wp|wp)
cs:Obsedantně kompulzivní porucha Obsessive–compulsive disorder (wp)
cs:Obžerství Obesity (wp)
cs:Petice Petition (wp)
cs:Voda Water (wp)
cs:Vrtulník Helicopter (wp)
cs:Windows Windows (wp)

Chinese[edit source]

Chinese language featured articles (Special index).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Chinese featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Chinese Uncyclopedia (China)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh:樱田纯 Asami Sanada (wp)
zh:江西省 [[]] (wp)
zh:湖南省 [[]] (wp)
zh:周杰伦 [[]] (wp)
zh:SOS团 [[]] (wp)
zh:Giroro Giroro (wp)
zh:射杀 Execution by firing squad (wp)
zh:湖南卫视 [[]] (wp)
zh:汉语族 Sinitic languages (wp)
zh:台客 [[]] (wp)
zh:Twins [[]] (wp)
zh:中央电视塔 Central Radio & TV Tower (wp)
zh:新浪微博 [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基文库:和别人老公上床后的感觉,太美妙了!女人一生必须尝试一次! [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基文库:炮友的五个好处 [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基文库:祭蟑螂文 [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基文库:妹妹的橡皮擦 [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基词典:千万别看叫做○○○标题的动画 [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基文库:斗妈大全 [[]] (wp)
zh:甲午战争 [[]] (wp)
zh:伪基音乐:每天回家都会看到妻子在装死 [[]] (wp)
zh:五道杠 [[]] (wp)
zh:美国霸权主义 [[]] (wp)
zh:棺材选购指南 [[]] (wp)
zh:百毒编辑战 [[]] (wp)
zh:网络游戏 [[]] (wp)
zh:灌水 [[]] (wp)
Chinese Uncyclopedia (Taiwan)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh-tw:9廣鐵路 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:BJ4 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:FIV Feline immunodeficiency virus (wp)
zh-tw:MK文化 Mong Kok culture (wp)
zh-tw:伊祁放勳 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:公主症候群 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:凱達格蘭臨時共和國 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:和合石 Wo Hop Shek (wp)
zh-tw:好孩子 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:小孩 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:批踢踢 PTT Bulletin Board System (wp)
zh-tw:據氏家族 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:毛澤希 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:沒有人 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:用戶:沒有人 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:港女文 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:模板:特色條目投票範本 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:癲視廣播有限公司 TVB (wp)
zh-tw:百度百科 Baidu Baike (wp)
zh-tw:福佳始終有你 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:簡化字 Simplified Chinese characters (wp)
zh-tw:維基化 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:美少女 Bishōjo (wp)
zh-tw:耶家餅舖 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:腦殘 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:花瓶 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:賤人 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:隨處屙 Xu Zhimo (wp)
zh-tw:集會遊行 [[]] (wp)
zh-tw:香港高登討論區 Hong Kong Golden Forum (wp)
zh-tw:騎魔姿勢佳 [[]] (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Chinese Uncyclopedia (China)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh:周润发 Chow Yun-fat (wp)
zh:本笃十六世 Pope Benedict XVI (wp)
zh:阴道 Vagina (wp)
zh:泰国 Thailand (wp)
zh:民煮 Democracy (wp)
zh:金字塔 Pyramid (wp)
zh:来源请求 Citation Needed (band) (wp)
zh:哈利波特 Harry Potter (wp)
zh:共产党 Communist party (wp)
zh:中国抗日战争 Sino-Japanese War (wp)
zh:奥巴马 Barack Obama (wp)
Chinese Uncyclopedia (Taiwan)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh-tw:中華民國 Taiwan (wp)
zh-tw:以色列 Israel (wp)
zh-tw:好人 Nice guy (wp)
zh-tw:嬰兒 Infant (wp)
zh-tw:情人節 Valentine's Day (wp)
zh-tw:成龍 Jackie Chan (wp)
zh-tw:潔廁得 Toilet Duck (wp)
zh-tw:腦 Brain (wp)
zh-tw:資本主義 Capitalism (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Chinese Uncyclopedia (China)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh:..--- ...-- ----- ..--- / ..--- ....- ....- ---.. / --... .---- ----. ...-- / ....- ...-- .---- -.... Morse code (wp)
Chinese Uncyclopedia (Taiwan)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh-tw:史上最強水管工兄弟 Super Mario Bros. (wp)
zh-tw:希特勒 Adolf Hitler (wp)
zh-tw:維基百科 Wikipedia (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Chinese articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Chinese Uncyclopedia (China)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh:屎 Shit (wp)
zh:中国人 Chinese people (wp)
zh:刺猬索尼克系列 Sonic the Hedgehog (wp)
zh:麦当劳 McDonald's (wp)
Chinese Uncyclopedia (Taiwan)
Chinese article Possible translation Progress
zh-tw:關羽 Guan Yu (wp)

Dutch[edit source]

Dutch language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Dutch featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Dutch article Possible translation Progress
nl:Aanvink Tick[1] (wp)
nl:Acupunctuur Acupuncture (wp)
nl:Ad Rem Mr. Pat Witty (pun) (wp)
nl:Alpen Alps (wp)
nl:Alsanië Alsania[2] (wp)
nl:Altria Pendragon Saber Altria Pendragon[3] (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Amfibie UnPoetia:Amphibian (wp)
nl:Amnesty International Amnesty International (wp)
nl:Analoog Analog signal (wp)
nl:Angers Angers (wp)
nl:Anglicisme Anglicism (wp)
nl:Antigua en Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda (wp)
nl:Antizwaartekrachttheorie bij katten Anti-gravity cat theorem (wp)
nl:Appeltaart Apple pie (wp)
nl:Archimedes Archimedes (wp)
nl:Assadië Assadia[4] (wp)
nl:Autist Autistic person (wp)
nl:Azkaban Azkaban (wp)
nl:Baarle Baarle (wp)
nl:Badman Bathman[5] (wp)
nl:Bart De Wever Bart De Wever (wp)
nl:Bauhaus Bauhaus (wp)
nl:Beesie Beasty[6] (wp)
nl:Beesie Wouterse Layzi Wouterse[7] (wp)
nl:Beleefd schelden Polite swearwords[8] (wp)
nl:Bijgeloof Superstition (wp)
nl:Bistro Bistro (wp)
nl:Blacktoon Network Blacktoon Network (wp)
nl:Blik Can (wp)
nl:Bloeddorstige aardappelzak Ferocious sack o' potatoes (wp)
nl:Bobba Bobba (wp)
nl:Brandslang Fire hose (wp)
nl:Brazilië Brazil (wp)
nl:Break Break Key (wp)
nl:Breinprothese Prosthetic brain (wp)
nl:Brilslang Goggles snake (wp)
nl:Herman Brusselmans Herman Brusselmans (wp)
nl:Café Coffeehouse (wp)
nl:Citroën Citroën (wp)
nl:Clovis Clovis I (wp)
nl:Comité voor Puberplagen Committee of Teenage Torments (e.g. wp)
nl:Confessionelen Confessionals (e.g. wp)
nl:Hoe:Crash je een auto? HowTo:Wreck a car (wp)
nl:OnBoeken:D'r is wat kwijt UnBooks:Sumthin's Missing, an E-lipogram (wp)
nl:Darten Darts (sport) (wp)
nl:DDR Disneyland Democratic Republic (Disneylandse Democratische Republiek) (wp)
nl:De 12 Apostelen The Twelve Apostles (wp)
nl:De Cock De Cock, from a Dutch detective series (wp)
nl:De Neus The Nose (wp)
nl:Den Bosch 's-Hertogenbosch (wp)
nl:Desiderius Erasmus Desiderius Erasmus (wp)
nl:Diederik Stapel Diederik Stapel (wp)
nl:Dingen die Kapitein Overduidelijk onduidelijk vindt Things Captain Obvious finds obscure (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Doedelzak UnPoetia:Bagpipe (wp)
nl:Hoe:Doneer je aan een arm land? HowTo:Donate to a poor country (wp)
nl:Driemanschap Triumvirate (wp)
nl:Dromenland Cloud 9 (wp)
nl:Drs. P Drs. P, Dutch writer (wp)
nl:Dubbel glas Insulated glazing (wp)
nl:Duits voetbalelftal Germany national football team (wp)
nl:Dwarslezing Paraplastic[9] (wp)
nl:Echolocatie Animal echolocation (wp)
nl:Eddy Wally Eddy Wally (wp)
nl:Een van hun One of them (wp)
nl:Eencellige Unicellular organism (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Egypte UnPoetia:Egypt (wp)
nl:Eik Oak (wp)
nl:El Cid El Cid (wp)
nl:EO Evangelische Omroep (wp)
nl:Etui Case (goods) (wp)
nl:EUSSR Union of European Socialist Republics (wp)
nl:Fietspad Segregated cycle facilities (wp)
nl:Filips de Schurk Philip the Villian (wp)
nl:Flevoland Flevoland (wp)
nl:Flip Kowlier Flip Kowlier (wp)
nl:Ford Ford Motor Company (wp)
nl:Frans-Vlaanderen French Flanders (wp)
nl:Frieslam Frieslam[10] (wp)
nl:Fyra Fyra (wp)
nl:Galerij der Onsterfelijken Gallery of Immortals (wp)
nl:Globalisatie Globalization (wp)
nl:Gooi Gooi (wp)
nl:Gospel Gospel music (wp)
nl:Gymnasiast Gymnastics (wp)
nl:Haarlem Haarlem (wp)
nl:Haast Hurry (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Haiku UnPoetia:Haiku (wp)
nl:OnBoeken:Hamlap UnBooks:Hamless[11] (wp)
nl:Hercules Hercules (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Het leven van een Oncyclopedist UnPoetia:The Life Of A Uncyclopedian (wp)
nl:Heuvelspotten Hillwatching (wp)
nl:Hikneus Nasal hiccough (wp)
nl:Homo Takasiniensis Homo takasiniensis (wp)
nl:Hoe:Houd je een mannetjesgoudvis en een vrouwtjesgoudvis uit elkaar? HowTo:Distinguish male and female goldfish (wp)
nl:Hoe:Houd je plakband vast? HowTo:Hold a piece of sticky tape (wp)
nl:Hugo Claus Hugo Claus (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Humor UnPoetia:Humour (wp)
nl:Ik kan niet geloven dat het geen koek is I can't believe it's not a cookie (wp)
nl:Ik kan niet geloven dat het geen vrouw is I can't believe it's not a woman (wp)
nl:Intelligent Vallen Falling intelligently (wp)
nl:Internetbrigade ter verdediging van maatschappelijke minderheden Internet Brigade for the Protection of Social Minorities (wp)
nl:Hoe:Irriteer je je docent? HowTo:Annoy your teacher (wp)
nl:Isidorianen Isidorians (wp)
nl:Jan Jan (name) (wp)
nl:Jan de Hoop Jan de Hoop (wp)
nl:Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck (wp)
nl:Jan van Speijk Jan van Speijk (wp)
nl:Job Cohen Job Cohen (wp)
nl:Johan Cruijff Johan Cruyff (wp)
nl:Johannes Heesters Johannes Heesters (wp)
nl:Johannes Vermeer Johannes Vermeer (wp)
nl:Jomanda Jomanda (wp)
nl:Jommeke Jommeke (wp)
nl:JPEG JPEG (wp)
nl:Kameleon Chameleon (wp)
nl:Karel V van het Schijnheilige Spaanse Rijk Charles V of the Hypocritical Spanish Empire (wp)
nl:Karl Nicholaas Ersztmann Simeon Nickolas Anteklausz, Dutch Sinterklaas and Santa Claus explained (wp)
nl:Kees van der Staaij Kees van der Staaij (wp)
nl:Koda Kumi Kumi Koda (wp)
nl:Koebah Cowbah (wp)
nl:Koffiedikkijken Tasseography (wp)
nl:Kogelvis Tetraodontidae (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Kommalied UnPoetia:Comma Song (wp)
nl:OnBoeken:Kookboek/De boterham met kaas UnBooks:Cook book, the cheese sandwich (wp)
nl:Korfbal Korfball (wp)
nl:Kraan Tap (valve) (wp)
nl:Krachtwijkerbroek Nogoodalleyashire[12] (wp)
nl:Laag streepje Underscore (wp)
nl:Hoe:Leer je bridge? HowTo:Play bridge (wp)
nl:Leopold II van België Leopold II of Belgium (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Limerick UnPoetia:Limerick (wp)
nl:Lingo Lingo (Dutch game show) (wp)
nl:Lodewijk Napoleon Bonaparte Louis Bonaparte (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Luchtballon Hot air balloon (wp)
nl:Lucilinburhuc Lucilinburhuc (wp)
nl:Hoe:Maak je soep? HowTo:Make Soup (wp)
nl:MacBook Air MacBook Air (wp)
nl:Mallorca Majorca (wp)
nl:Mandarijn Mandarin Chinese (wp)
nl:Mark Rutte Mark Rutte (wp)
nl:Massale badeendenplaag Massive rubber duck plague (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Meeuw UnPoetia:Seagull (wp)
nl:Metallica Metallica (wp)
nl:Michel Foucault Michel Foucault (wp)
nl:Michel Montignac Michel Montignac (wp)
nl:Middelburg Middelburg (wp)
nl:Mime Mime artist (wp)
nl:Monarchen uit de Monarchenfamilie der Hamburgers die niet belangrijk genoeg zijn om een eigen artikel te hebben Monarchs from the House of Hamburgers who weren't important enough to merit their own article (wp)
nl:Morosofie Crank (person) (wp)
nl:Mr. Tralala The Trololo Guy (wp)
nl:OnBoeken:N00broosje CindeROFL (wp)
nl:Negerzoen Negerzoenen ("Negro kisses") (wp)
nl:Neosexualiteit Neosexuality (wp)
nl:Niburu Niburu (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Niets op TV UnPoetia:Nuthin' On The Telly (wp)
nl:Noord-Holland North Holland (wp)
nl:NOS Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (wp)
nl:Oliebol Oliebol (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Ollekebolleke UnPoetia:Double dactyl (wp)
nl:Oncyclopediaanse Knurft Uncyclopedian Dolt (wp)
nl:Oncyclopediagebouw Uncyclopedia Towers (wp)
nl:Oncyclopolis Uncyclopolis (wp)
nl:Onderwaterdammen Underwater checkers (wp)
nl:Ongeorganiseerde misdaad Unorganised crime (wp)
nl:Ongewenst zanger Unwanted singer (wp)
nl:OnMarkt UnMarket (wp)
nl:Ω Omega (wp)
nl:Open Vld Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (wp)
nl:Opruimen Cleaning up (wp)
nl:Orgel Organ (music) (wp)
nl:OV-chipkaart OV-chipkaart (wp)
nl:Hoe:Overleef je een bezoek aan de douche? HowTo:Survive Your Shower (wp)
nl:Paalzitten Pole sitting (wp)
nl:Paleontologie Paleontology (wp)
nl:Parkeren Parking (wp)
nl:Pepsi Pepsi (wp)
nl:Peter R. de Vries Peter R. de Vries (wp)
nl:Piet Huysentruyt Piet Huysentruyt (wp)
nl:Pieter Bruegel de Oude Pieter Bruegel the Elder (wp)
nl:Politiek in het Verenigd Koninkrijk Politics of the United Kingdom (wp)
nl:Post Mail (wp)
nl:Professor W. Druyff Professor W. Druyff (wp)
nl:Psychiatrische inrichting Psychiatric hospital (wp)
nl:Punk Punk subculture (wp)
nl:Putjesscheppen Sewer cleaning[13] (wp)
nl:Renault Renault (wp)
nl:Rollatorwerpen Walker-throwing (wp)
nl:Ron Brandsteder Ron Brandsteder (wp)
nl:Ronde van Vlaanderen Tour of Flanders (wp)
nl:Ruimteveer Spaceplane (wp)
nl:Samira Samira[14] (wp)
nl:Sardinië Sardinia (wp)
nl:Satanische en Gemene Partij Repressive Protestant Party (wp)
nl:Schijnheiligdom Sanctimoniousness[15] (wp)
nl:Schilder House painter and decorator (wp)
nl:Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (wp)
nl:Schoolmeisjes Schoolgirls (wp)
nl:Second Wife Second Wife (wp)
nl:Serieusheid Seriousness (wp)
nl:Servië Serbia (wp)
nl:Six pack Rectus abdominis muscle (wp)
nl:Hoe:Sloop je een computer? HowTo:Wreck your computer (wp)
nl:Smartlapocratie Singocracy[16] (wp)
nl:Smoscisme Sandwichism (wp)
nl:Snelwandelen Racewalking (wp)
nl:Hoe:Snij je je eigen hoofd af met een kettingzaag? HowTo:Decapitate yourself using a chainsaw (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Sonnet UnPoetia:Sonnet (wp)
nl:Spoetnik Sputnik (wp)
nl:Spoorboom Boom barrier (wp)
nl:Späm Spam (wp)
nl:Super de Boer Super de Boer (wp)
nl:Suske en Wiske Spike and Suzy (wp)
nl:Tammo Tammo (wp)
nl:Telefoonpaal Utility pole (wp)
nl:Telegram Telegram (wp)
nl:Tiel Tiel (wp)
nl:Tijl Uilenspiegel Till Eulenspiegel (wp)
nl:Toeval Coincidence (wp)
nl:Tom Kroes Tom Kroes (wp)
nl:Tombola Tombola (raffle) (wp)
nl:Transnistrië Transnistria (wp)
nl:Tuinslang Garden hose (wp)
nl:Tuning Beats (Beethoven) Tuning Beats by Beethoven (wp)
nl:Twieter Tweeter (wp)
nl:Uiltjesknapkunde Napology (wp)
nl:Uitzicht View (wp)
nl:Ongerijmd:Uranus UnPoetia:Uranus (wp)
nl:Veldrijden Cyclo-cross (wp)
nl:Verwarring Confusion (wp)
nl:Verweggistan Farawayistan (wp)
nl:Viktor Horsting Viktor & Rolf (wp)
nl:Voetnoot Footnote (wp)
nl:Vulgarije Vulgaria (wp)
nl:Wally Wally (wp)
nl:Wankelmotor Wonky engine (wp)
nl:Wat geeft het? Who cares? (wp)
nl:Waterpolo met haaien Waterpolo with sharks (wp)
nl:Watersnoodramp van 1953 North Sea flood of 1953 (wp)
nl:Weerman Weatherman (wp)
nl:Wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2010 2010 FIFA World Cup (wp)
nl:Werkwoordsspelling Verb spelling (wp)
nl:Wetenshoppen Scienshopping[17] (wp)
nl:Wielrennen Road bicycle racing (wp)
nl:Willem-Alexander der Nederlanden Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (wp)
nl:Woestijnvis Desert fish (wp)
nl:Hoe:Word je een normale vrouw? HowTo:Become a normal woman (wp)
nl:Hoe:Word je emo? HowTo:Be Emo (wp)
nl:Wouter Bos Wouter Bos (wp)
nl:WTF World Turbulence Foundation (wp)
nl:Wuppie Wuppie (wp)
nl:Yiffster Yiffster (wp)
nl:YUI YUI (wp)
nl:Zandvoort Zandvoort (wp)
nl:Hoe:Zet je iets op slot? HowTo:Lock something (wp)
nl:Zizzizzit Zizzizzit[18] (wp)
nl:Zweeds Swedish language (wp)
nl:Zwemmen Swimming (sport) (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Dutch article Possible translation Progress
nl:Accordeon Accordion (wp)
nl:Airbus Airbus (wp)
nl:Alcohol Alcohol (wp)
nl:Alcoholisme Alcoholism (wp)
nl:Allah Allah (wp)
nl:Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog American Civil War (wp)
nl:Angst Fear (wp)
nl:Antarctica Antarctica (wp)
nl:Apple Inc. Apple Inc. (wp)
nl:Argentinië Argentina (wp)
nl:Ballet Ballet (wp)
nl:Barbados Barbados (wp)
nl:Basgitaar Bass guitar (wp)
nl:Belasting Tax (wp)
nl:België Belgium (wp)
nl:Benito Mussolini Benito Mussolini (wp)
nl:Bolivia Bolivia (wp)
nl:Brandweer Firefighter (wp)
nl:Bretagne Brittany (wp)
nl:Burkina Faso Burkina Faso (wp)
nl:Bus Bus (wp)
nl:Censuur Censorship (wp)
nl:Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (wp)
nl:China China (wp)
nl:Christoffel Columbus Christopher Columbus (wp)
nl:Complot Conspiracy (wp)
nl:Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo (wp)
nl:Cricket Cricket (wp)
nl:Ctrl Alt Del Ctrl Alt Del (wp)
nl:Dag Day (wp)
nl:De situatie in Sovjet Rusland Russian Reversal (wp)
nl:Dier Animal (wp)
nl:Ding Thing (wp)
nl:Discussie Discussion (wp)
nl:Dodo Dodo (wp)
nl:Dokter Physician (wp)
nl:Duct tape Duct tape (wp)
nl:Duikboot Submarine (wp)
nl:Dummy Dummy (wp)
nl:Eskimo Eskimo (wp)
nl:Filipijnen Philippines (wp)
nl:Fobie Phobia (wp)
nl:Fotografie Photography (wp)
nl:G G (wp)
nl:Gebruikersrechtovereenkomst End User License Agreement (wp)
nl:Geschiedenis History (wp)
nl:Giraf Giraffe (wp)
nl:Golfoorlog Iraq War (wp)
nl:Grieks Greek language (wp)
nl:Groningen Groningen (wp)
nl:Hans Teeuwen Hans Teeuwen (wp)
nl:Haïti Haiti (wp)
nl:Homeopathie Homeopathy (wp)
nl:Hout Wood (wp)
nl:Iedereen Everyone (wp)
nl:Indonesië Indonesia (wp)
nl:Israël Israel (wp)
nl:Ja Yes (wp)
nl:Je bent dood You're dead (wp)
nl:Joden Jews (wp)
nl:Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (wp)
nl:Jozef Stalin Josef Stalin (wp)
nl:Kapitein Overduidelijk Captain Obvious (wp)
nl:Karel de Grote Charlemagne (wp)
nl:Katholicisme Catholicism (wp)
nl:Katwijk Katwijk (wp)
nl:KGB KGB (wp)
nl:Kirgizië Kyrgyzstan (wp)
nl:Kiwi Kiwi (wp)
nl:Kladblok Notepad (software) (wp)
nl:Kleur 'Color (wp)
nl:Kunst Art (wp)
nl:Landbouwer Farmer (wp)
nl:Lang artikel Long article (wp)
nl:Latijn Latin (wp)
nl:Hoe:Lees je een boek? HowTo:Read a book (wp)
nl:Lees mij Read me (wp)
nl:Leeuw Lion (wp)
nl:Leger Army (wp)
nl:Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci (wp)
nl:Leonid Brezjnev Leonid Brezhnev (wp)
nl:Leven Life (wp)
nl:Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Llanfairpwllgwyngyll (wp)
nl:Lopen Walking (wp)
nl:Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum (wp)
nl:Madrid Madrid (wp)
nl:Marokko Morocco (wp)
nl:Matse Matzo (wp)
nl:Mercurius Mercury (planet) (wp)
nl:Moeilijk leesbaar Hard to read
nl:Moldavië Moldova (wp)
nl:Monaco Monaco (wp)
nl:Mosselman Muffin Man (wp)
nl:MS Paint MS Paint (wp)
nl:Naakt Nudity (wp)
nl:Naruto Naruto (wp)
nl:Natuur Nature (wp)
nl:Nazi Nazism (wp)
nl:Nederland Netherlands (wp)
nl:Neptunus Neptune (wp)
nl:Nero Nero (wp)
nl:Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche (wp)
nl:Nigeria Nigeria (wp)
nl:Ninja Ninja (wp)
nl:Nokia Nokia (wp)
nl:Opera Opera (wp)
nl:Orkest Orchestra (wp)
nl:Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden (wp)
nl:Paaseiland Easter Island (wp)
nl:Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso (wp)
nl:Pakistan Pakistan (wp)
nl:Paniek Panic (wp)
nl:Penis Penis (wp)
nl:Periodiek systeem Periodic table (wp)
nl:Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens (wp)
nl:Pindakaas Peanut butter (wp)
nl:Pingpong Table tennis (wp)
nl:Pink Floyd Pink Floyd (wp)
nl:Portemonnee Wallet (wp)
nl:Protestantisme Protestantism (wp)
nl:Puaruguay Paraguay (wp)
nl:Radio Radio (wp)
nl:Rembrandt van Rijn Rembrandt van Rijn (wp)
nl:René Magritte René Magritte (wp)
nl:Roltrap Escalator (wp)
nl:Rotonde Roundabout (wp)
nl:Saddam Hoessein Saddam Hussein (wp)
nl:Schip Ship (wp)
nl:Schuur Barn (wp)
nl:Simon Stevin Simon Stevin (wp)
nl:Slag bij Waterloo Battle of Waterloo (wp)
nl:Slak Snail (wp)
nl:Slang Snake (wp)
nl:Slavernij Slavery (wp)
nl:Slipknot Slipknot (band) (wp)
nl:Slovenië Slovenia (wp)
nl:Sophia Sophia (wp)
nl:Sovjet-Unie Soviet Union (wp)
nl:Statistiek Statistics (wp)
nl:Stripverhaal Comics (wp)
nl:Stropdas Necktie (wp)
nl:Taxi Taxi (wp)
nl:Telefoon Telephone (wp)
nl:Tempeliers Knights Templar (wp)
nl:Tennis Tennis (wp)
nl:Terrorisme Terrorism (wp)
nl:The Beatles The Beatles (wp)
nl:The Who The Who (wp)
nl:Tijd Time (wp)
nl:Titanic RMS Titanic (wp)
nl:Toerisme Tourism (wp)
nl:Toneel Theater (wp)
nl:Trein Train (wp)
nl:Triangel Triangle (wp)
nl:Tsjechië Czech Republic (wp)
nl:Tsjernobyl Chernobyl (wp)
nl:Valling Common cold (wp)
nl:Vliegtuig Airplane (wp)
nl:Vlinder Butterfly (wp)
nl:Volkswagen Volkswagen (wp)
nl:Vuvuzela Vuvuzela (wp)
nl:Waarheid Truth (wp)
nl:Welsh Welsh language (wp)
nl:Wiel Wheel (wp)
nl:Willem van Oranje William the Silent (wp)
nl:William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (wp)
nl:Witte Huis White House (wp)
nl:Worm Worm (wp)
nl:Y Y (wp)
nl:Zee Sea (wp)
nl:Zwaan Swan (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Dutch article Possible translation Progress
nl:Alliteratie Alliteration (wp)
nl:Amerika (continent) Americas (wp)
nl:Astrologie Astrology (wp)
nl:Canada Canada (wp)
nl:Eerste Wereldoorlog World War I (wp)
nl:Elektriciteit Electricity (wp)
nl:Estland Estonia (wp)
nl:George Washington George Washington (wp)
nl:Hamer Hammer (wp)
nl:Holocaust Tycoon Holocaust Tycoon
nl:IJsbeer Polar bear (wp)
nl:India India (wp)
nl:Isaac Newton Isaac Newton (wp)
nl:Jackson Pollock Jackson Pollock (wp)
nl:Kansberekening Probability theory (wp)
nl:Lift Elevator (wp)
nl:Macht Power (wp)
nl:Mao Zedong Mao Zedong (wp)
nl:Martin Luther King Martin Luther King, Jr. (wp)
nl:Mens Human (wp)
nl:Menselijk lichaam Human anatomy (wp)
nl:Mongolië Mongolia (wp)
nl:-- --- .-. ... . Morse code (wp)
nl:Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte (wp)
nl:NASA NASA (wp)
nl:1984 1984 (wp)
nl:Oorlog War (wp)
nl:Roemenië Romania (wp)
nl:Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí (wp)
nl:Schaap Sheep (wp)
nl:Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes (wp)
nl:Thomas Edison Thomas Edison (wp)
nl:Verenigd Koninkrijk United Kingdom (wp)
nl:Verenigde Staten van Amerika United States (wp)
nl:Voedsel Food (wp)
nl:Voynichmanuscript Voynich manuscript (wp)
nl:Vrouw Woman (wp)
nl:WikiLeaks WikiLeaks (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Dutch article Possible translation Progress
nl:Calvinisme Calvinism (wp)
nl:Chocolade Chocolate (wp)
nl:Corsica Corsica (wp)
nl:Elvis Presley Elvis Presley (wp)
nl:Gallië Gaul (wp)
nl:Geluid Sound (wp)
nl:Hoofdpijn Headache (wp)
nl:IJshockey Ice hockey (wp)
nl:In de Ban van de Ring The Lord of the Rings (wp)
nl:Jodendom Judaism (wp)
nl:Kaas Cheese (wp)
nl:Kapitein Captain (wp)
nl:Kitten Kitten (wp)
nl:Medium Media (wp)
nl:Mohammed Mohammed (wp)
nl:Monty Python Monty Python (wp)
nl:Museum Museum (wp)
nl:Nederlands Dutch language (wp)
nl:Neger Negro (wp)
nl:Orakel Oracle (wp)
nl:Pixar Pixar (wp)
nl:Politie Police (wp)
nl:Restaurant Restaurant (wp)
nl:Russisch Russian language (wp)
nl:Schaken Chess (wp)
nl:Sneeuw Snow (wp)
nl:웃 Stick figure (wp)
nl:Tilde Tilde (wp)
nl:Trombone Trombone (wp)
nl:Vogel Bird (wp)
nl:Wijn Wine (wp)
nl:Zelfmoord Suicide (wp)
Ferocious Sack O' Footnotes
  1. Literally onfinch (noun): it's a pun. A vink (noun) is a bird, and aanvinken (verb) means to tick off.)
  2. Literally As-ania: it's a pun. The article presents Albania as a Dutch concentration camp for people who are bad at Dutch. A common Dutch error is to say, literally translated, A is better as B.
  3. An Anime character
  4. Pun, referring to Bashar al-Assad.
  5. Pun, merging bath and Batman.
  6. These were plush puppets a Dutch supermarket handed out during the FIFA 2010 World Cup. Probably won't work too well in any other language.
  7. Pun, referring to aforementioned Beesies and the Supreme Leader of Suriname, Dési Bouterse.
  8. The joke is that Dutch swears are Norwegian-a-nised to be more polite.
  9. Literally crossread, a pun, since the Dutch word for paraplegia is dwarslaesie.
  10. Pun merging Friesland and Islam.
  11. Literally Gammon Steak.
  12. Krachtwijk refers to a political euphenism meaning a dodgy neighbourhood, -erbroek is a Dutch town name suffix, e.g. Kootwijkerbroek.
  13. Based on the fact that putjesschepper (sewer cleaner) is a Dutch pejorative term for someone with a bad job.
  14. Based on a Dutch Wikipedia article about Samir A., a wannabe terrorist, and adapted to Samira, a Dutch soap opera character.
  15. Pun: schijnheilig means hypocritical, heiligdom means holyness or shrine.
  16. Smartlap is a certain kind of song. Google: André Hazes and Frans Bauer.
  17. Pun: wetenschap means science, shoppen means shopping.
  18. Reference to Michael Jackson's This Is It.

Finnish[edit source]

Finnish language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Finnish featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Finnish article Possible translation Progress
fi:Hikiopisto:Aggressiivisen ajon kurssi "Guide to Aggressive Driving" (wp)
fi:Hikikirjasto:Argumentoinnin korttipakka "Argument Cards" (wp)
fi:Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (wp)
fi:Cheek Cheek (rapper) (wp)
fi:Command & Conquer: Kansalaissota Finnish Civil War (as video game) (wp)
fi:Eduskuntavaalit "Finnish Parliamentary elections"
fi:Etelänavan valloitus 1911 Comparison of the Amundsen and Scott Expeditions (lit. "Conquest of the South Pole, 1911") (wp)
fi:Frans Emil Sillanpää Frans Eemil Sillanpää (wp)
fi:Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen (wp)
fi:Jeanne d'Arc Joan of Arc (wp)
fi:Joulupukki Joulupukki (basically identical to Santa Claus) (wp)
fi:Hikikirjasto:Kaikki opetukset Wikipedian vandalismin aloittajalle "A Comprehensive Guide to the Aspiring Wikipedia Vandal" (wp)
fi:Kesän 2010 Wikipedian ylläpitäjien suuri joukkopako "Wikipedia's Great Admin Exodus of Summer 2010" (pertaining to Finnish Wikipedia) (wp)
fi:Matti Vanhanen Matti Vanhanen (wp)
fi:Hikikirjasto:Opas liftaamiseen "Hitchhiking Guide" (wp)
fi:Hikikirjasto:Pahan Yliherran käsikirja "Guide for the Evil Overlord" (wp)
fi:Hikikirjasto:Puhelinmyyjien torjunta "How To Get Rid Of Telemarketers" (wp)
fi:Hihitys Hikipelistä:Rulescape/3.2 A very silly discussion page (wp)
fi:Pohjalainen luonteenpiirre "Culture and character of Ostrobothnia" (wp)
fi:Putinoliitto History of Russia from the 1910s to present (from a robotic viewpoint) (wp)
fi:Sodankäynnin säännöt Law of war, Rules of war (wp)
fi:Suomen historia History of Finland (wp)
fi:Hikiopisto:Suomenkielinen Wikipedia sosiologisessa syynissä "Hikiversity:A Sociological Look into Finnish Wikipedia"
fi:Suomen Valtakunnanjohtaja "Reichsführer of Finland"
fi:Suositeltu sivu "Featured article"; redirect to "Featured" category
fi:Toinen muokkaussota Edit War II (WWII as edit war) (wp)
fi:Urho Kaleva Kekkonen Urho Kekkonen (wp)
fi:Wikipedian artikkelit Wikipedia's articles; a critical review of Finnish Wikipedia's stupidest, most boring etc. articles (wp)
fi:Wikipedian käyttäjät/Crimson Cherry Blossom Case study of a Finnish Wikipedia user (wp)
fi:Hikiaineisto:Yksitoista pientä hikipedistiä "Eleven Little Hikipedia Users"; Christie-esque murder mystery featuring various Hikipedia users (wp)
fi:Hikiaineisto:Yleisradion digiopas nyt myös Hikipediassa "Switching to Digital TV: A Guide by Finland's Public Broadcasting Company" (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Finnish article Possible translation Progress
fi:Hikikirjasto:2000-vuosikymmenen bottom 100 Worst 100 Things About the '00s (wp)
fi:A A (wp)
fi:Hikikirjasto:Aloittelevan diktaattorin opas HowTo:Become a Dictator (wp)
fi:Amerikan Ahdasvallat America (under a punny title) (wp)
fi:Byrokratia Bureaucracy (wp)
fi:Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe (wp)
fi:Emätin Vagina (wp)
fi:F. Scott Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald (wp)
fi:Keskustelu:Jeesus Talk:Jesus (wp)
fi:Jimmy Wales Jimmy Wales (wp)
fi:Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (wp)
fi:Kusipää Asshole (lit. Piss Head) (wp)
fi:Hikipedia:Kuukauden nutipää Idiot of the Month (inactive project; page contains all previous entries)
fi:Lemmikkikivi Pet Rock (wp)
fi:Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven (wp)
fi:Maailmanloppu End of the world (wp)
fi:Perhearvot Family values (wp)
fi:Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner (wp)
fi:Runescape Runescape (wp)
fi:Satavuotinen sota Hundred Years' War (wp)
fi:Hikiaineisto:Tajunnanvirtaa Stream of consciousness (wp)
fi:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (wp)
fi:Zimbabwe Zimbabwe (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Finnish article Possible translation Progress
fi:Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler (wp)
fi:Afganistan Afghanistan (wp)
fi:Amnesia: The Dark Descent Amnesia: The Dark Descent (wp)
fi:Bysantin valtakunta Byzantine Empire (wp)
fi:Kansainliitto League of Nations (wp)
fi:150 surkeinta tapaa kertoa huonot uutiset Worst 100 Ways to Deliver Bad News

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Finnish articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Finnish article Possible translation Progress
fi:Pianisti Pianist (wp)
fi:Rooman valtakunta Ancient Rome (wp)
fi:Shakki Chess (wp)
fi:Taru sormusten herrasta The Lord of the Rings (wp)

French[edit source]

French language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These French featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

French article Possible translation Progress
fr:3,1415926535 etc... [[]]
fr:=)ekrivon kom kevin^^!!!!lol [[]] (wp)
fr:À la recherche du temps perdu In Search of Lost Time (wp)
fr:Abbé Pierre Abbé Pierre (wp)
fr:Abricot Apricot (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Affaire Bettencourt : Eric Woerth blanchi [[]] (wp)
fr:Affaire DSK : les réactions [[]] (wp)
fr:Air Con [[]] (wp)
fr:Alcibiade Alcibiades (wp)
fr:Algorithme de Jean-Pierre Pernaut [[]] (wp)
fr:Alice Nevers, le juge est une femme [[]] (wp)
fr:Analogie Analogy (wp)
fr:Analyse symbolique de données [[]] (wp)
fr:André Arthur André Arthur (wp)
fr:Arceus [[]] (wp)
fr:Armistice Armistice (wp)
fr:Autrefois [[]] (wp)
fr:Avaleur d'épées [[]] (wp)
fr:Avez-vous des amis ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Bataille de la Birse Battle of St. Jakob an der Birs (wp)
fr:Bataille sur le Pont de la Seine [[]] (wp)
fr:Bathing ape : un essai d'analyse [[]] (wp)
fr:Bernard-Henri Lévy Bernard-Henri Lévy (wp)
fr:Bien vivre son cannibalisme [[]] (wp)
fr:Bombe H Thermonuclear weapon (wp)
fr:Gustave Boudinet [[]] (wp)
fr:Boustrophédon Boustrophedon (wp)
fr:Bowling Ten-pin bowling (wp)
fr:Brigitte (droit de réponse) [[]] (wp)
fr:Brioche caméléon salami [[]] (wp)
fr:C'est toi le [[]] (wp)
fr:Caméléléphant [[]] (wp)
fr:Canon [[]] (wp)
fr:Capitaine H. [[]] (wp)
fr:Christophe Lemaitre Christophe Lemaitre (wp)
fr:Cinéma (lieu) [[]] (wp)
fr:Cinéma post 11 septembre [[]] (wp)
fr:Clark Kent Clark Kent (wp)
fr:Clovis Cornillac Clovis Cornillac (wp)
fr:Comique de répétition Running gag (wp)
fr:Comme dirait l'autre [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment apprendre à apprendre à faire du vélo à un enfant [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment coucher avec moi [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment devenir maître-peintre de l'expressionnisme abstrait [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment expliquer à ses enfants la procréation [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment franchir le pas avec les putes [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment hamstérer les enfants de son tueur [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment me rendre RICHE [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment mettre la nana aux cheveux bleus dans ton lit [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment ne pas déprimer à Emmaüs [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment noyer Lassie, chien fidèle [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment ouvrir un bocal de cornichons [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment rester vierge après le mariage (pour les hommes) [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment se couper les ongles des pieds quand on est observé par un caniche d’aspect taciturne [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment se débarrasser des Témoins de Jéhovah [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment se faire passer pour un chien HowTo:Pretend being a dog
fr:Comment se faire toucher la chatte [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment tuer deux pierres avec un oiseau [[]] (wp)
fr:Comment tuer le hamster de ses enfants [[]] (wp)
fr:Complot des réparateurs d'escalator [[]] (wp)
fr:Condition masculine [[]] (wp)
fr:Conduire en Moldavie Driving in Moldova
fr:Confédération paysanne [[]] (wp)
fr:Conte de Noël.pps [[]] (wp)
fr:Contrat de travail Employment contract (wp)
fr:Correspondance de Robinson Crusoé Letters from Robinson Crusoe
fr:Coupe des Coupes [[]] (wp)
fr:Cowboy : un métier d'avenir ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Crabe [[]] (wp)
fr:Crampe Cramp (wp)
fr:Critères d'impérialité romaine [[]] (wp)
fr:Croûtes dans les cheveux [[]] (wp)
fr:Culture classique Classicism (wp)
fr:Cycle de Krebs Citric acid cycle (wp)
fr:Dannyboone [[]] (wp)
fr:Dans les coulisses d'un match de foot [[]] (wp)
fr:De l'art du contrepet [[]] (wp)
fr:De se la toucher devant un dessin animé [[]] (wp)
fr:Des Chiffres et des Lettres [[]] (wp)
fr:Devise olympique [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Dopage : Tous sur Armstrong ! [[]] (wp)
fr:Dream Theater Dream Theater (wp)
fr:Désinformation:DÉbdo numéro 29 (27-05-14) [[]] (wp)
fr:DÉBonsFilms:Edge of Tomorrow [[]] (wp)
fr:DÉBonsFilms:Hollande [[]] (wp)
fr:Dépression [[]] (wp)
fr:Dérivés de Guitar Hero [[]] (wp)
fr:Désirs d'avenir [[]] (wp)
fr:Développement personnel Personal development (wp)
fr:Écrit vain [[]] (wp)
fr:Église Norrisienne [[]] (wp)
fr:Église évangélique [[]] (wp)
fr:Élevage d'enfants [[]] (wp)
fr:Éruption volcanique Types of volcanic eruptions (wp)
fr:El Topo El Topo (wp)
fr:Enculer les mouches [[]] (wp)
fr:Enfant prodige Child prodigy (wp)
fr:Enfin j'dis ça, j'dis rien... [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Enquête sur le suicide : la France mauvais élève de l'Europe [[]] (wp)
fr:Entretien avec des souvenirs [[]] (wp)
fr:Espadrilles [[]] (wp)
fr:Êtes-vous daltonien ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Eure [[]] (wp)
fr:Faire un bide [[]] (wp)
fr:Fantôme de la baleine de la Tamise [[]] (wp)
fr:Faute [[]] (wp)
fr:Finding Morsay [[]] (wp)
fr:Foot à la maison [[]] (wp)
fr:Forfait vacances Kuujjuaq [[]] (wp)
fr:Fouine Beech marten (wp)
fr:Désinformation:France-Chine, le résultat [[]] (wp)
fr:Franklin [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Google vient d'acquérir son premier continent [[]] (wp)
fr:GTA IV : Pouilly-le-vieux [[]] (wp)
fr:Guide de la cybermaternité 2008 [[]] (wp)
fr:Guide de survie en baby-sitting [[]] (wp)
fr:Guide du commentaire sur Youporn [[]] (wp)
fr:Gustav Schäfer ou l'anomalie Tokio Hotel [[]] (wp)
fr:Gustave Flaubert Gustave Flaubert (wp)
fr:Histoire de la Chrétienté [[]] (wp)
fr:Histoire de la navigation History of navigation (wp)
fr:Horoscope chinois Chinese astrology (wp)
fr:Hors-jeu [[]] (wp)
fr:Huis Clos [[]] (wp)
fr:Humour en situation désespérée [[]] (wp)
fr:Hyperthèse [[]] (wp)
fr:Imposition des mains Laying on of hands (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Incidents en Corée : la partie continue [[]] (wp)
fr:Index des noms à la con [[]] (wp)
fr:Introspection - Un épisode musical [[]] (wp)
fr:IPhone 5c couleur bleue : Mode d'emploi [[]] (wp)
fr:J'irai dormir chez vous [[]] (wp)
fr:Jack Bauer la Brocante [[]] (wp)
fr:Je hais les jambons cuits [[]] (wp)
fr:Journal d'un fou [[]] (wp)
fr:Justicier De Parking [[]] (wp)
fr:K-Maro K.Maro (wp)
fr:Jérôme Kerviel Jérôme Kerviel (wp)
fr:Kill Kevin [[]] (wp)
fr:L'article de l'expérience de mort imminente [[]] (wp)
fr:L'Espace culturel de chez Leclerc [[]] (wp)
fr:L'existencialisme est un humanisme [[]] (wp)
fr:L'Histoire du Monde [[]] (wp)
fr:L'histoire du mouchoir en papier [[]] (wp)
fr:La Belgique fondée par les Égyptiens : prevues irréfutables Irrefutable Proof that Belgium was founded by the Egyptians
fr:La Bible Édition Collector [[]] (wp)
fr:La blague dangereuse The Deadly Joke In Progress
fr:La fin des haricots [[]] (wp)
fr:La fête des bras coupés de Bouloulou-bantou-bantou [[]] (wp)
fr:La fête à neuneu [[]] (wp)
fr:La Grande Mutation [[]] (wp)
fr:La gurne [[]] (wp)
fr:La Magie de Noël [[]] (wp)
fr:La Métamorphose The Metamorphosis (wp)
fr:La narration non linéaire pour les nuls [[]] (wp)
fr:La page la plus visitée au monde [[]] (wp)
fr:La poursuite du siècle [[]] (wp)
fr:La République The Republic (Plato) (wp)
fr:La Saga de la Dé [[]] (wp)
fr:La tête à Papineau [[]] (wp)
fr:La Vacquerie-et-Saint-Martin-de-Castries La Vacquerie-et-Saint-Martin-de-Castries (wp)
fr:La vie de tous les jours [[]] (wp)
fr:La voyance chez les dinosaures [[]] (wp)
fr:Laurent Ruquier Laurent Ruquier
fr:Le bandeau "Tout pourri" [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Le bilan mitigé du sommet de Copenhague [[]] (wp)
fr:Le Club des Cinq et le Serpent de la Mine Maudite [[]] (wp)
fr:Le crédible Houlk [[]] (wp)
fr:Le gars qui crie Popopopopopopo polololo à Roland Garros [[]] (wp)
fr:Le Grand Article Participatif [[]] (wp)
fr:Le journal intime de Leatherface [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Le pape a démissionné [[]] (wp)
fr:Le truc en plastique dont on ne se souvient jamais du nom qui sert à sortir les cornichons du bocal sans y mettre les doigts [[]] (wp)
fr:Les 4 Cavaliers de l'APOCALISSE [[]] (wp)
fr:Les chroniques de Moncert-sur-Pouillac/Saison 1 : un hiver pas totalement tranquillev [[]] (wp)
fr:Les chroniques de Moncert-sur-Pouillac/Saison 3 : un été sans trop de cataclysmes [[]] (wp)
fr:Les comptes Facebook des morts [[]] (wp)
fr:Les Dangers de l'Internet [[]] (wp)
fr:Les douze travaux d'Hercule/Capturer la biche de Cérynie [[]] (wp)
fr:Les douze travaux d'Hercule/Exterminer les oiseaux du lac de Stymphale [[]] (wp)
fr:Les douze travaux d'Hercule/Nettoyer les écuries d'Augias [[]] (wp)
fr:Les douze travaux d'Hercule/Rapporter les pommes d'or du jardin des Hespérides [[]] (wp)
fr:Les douze travaux d'Hercule/Étouffer le lion de Némée [[]] (wp)
fr:Les flops de Désencyclopédie [[]] (wp)
fr:Les gens qui n'ont rien à foutre là [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Les jeunes enfants auraient des buts irréalistes [[]] (wp)
fr:Les Oiseaux [[]] (wp)
fr:Les Secrets d'Internet [[]] (wp)
fr:Les slogans des marques de céréales [[]] (wp)
fr:Libérez Chocos ! [[]] (wp)
fr:Loiret [[]] (wp)
fr:Lose Your Mind Map [[]] (wp)
fr:M. Sans-Gêne [[]] (wp)
fr:Madame Hilda [[]] (wp)
fr:Magie [[]] (wp)
fr:Mal de crâne [[]] (wp)
fr:Manuel de poésie moderne [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Marcel Cerdan est mort [[]] (wp)
fr:Marcel Marceau Marcel Marceau (wp)
fr:Marronnier Aesculus hippocastanum (wp)
fr:Message Ummite [[]] (wp)
fr:Michèle Alliot-Marie Michèle Alliot-Marie (wp)
fr:Misery Misery (novel) (wp)
fr:Désencyclopédie:Modèle [[]] (wp)
fr:Mon incroyable fiancé My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance (wp)
fr:Mon meilleur ami homo [[]] (wp)
fr:Morpion [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Mort de la jeune Carla : un professeur mis en examen à son tour [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Moscou entièrement bloquée par le beau temps [[]] (wp)
fr:Mozart l'Opéra Rock Mozart, l'opéra rock (wp)
fr:Musichien [[]] (wp)
fr:Mygale débile [[]] (wp)
fr:Mythologie basque Basque mythology (wp)
fr:Mélancolie Melancholia (wp)
fr:Mémoire [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Nestlé relance Chocapic [[]] (wp)
fr:Ni oui ni non [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Nicolas Sarkozy : "Les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse ne sont pas sèches !" [[]] (wp)
fr:Nombres grave imaginaires [[]] (wp)
fr:Non à la violence [[]] (wp)
fr:Notation des cacaos en poudre [[]] (wp)
fr:Note en bas de page Note (typography) (wp)
fr:Nouvelle Star Nouvelle Star (wp)
fr:Numérotation arabo-romaine [[]] (wp)
fr:Oblivion [[]] (wp)
fr:Omelette brayaude [[]] (wp)
fr:Opération à cœur ouvert [[]] (wp)
fr:Paradis Paradise (wp)
fr:Paresseux-garou [[]] (wp)
fr:Penser ninja (travaux pratiques) [[]] (wp)
fr:Petit Loup [[]] (wp)
fr:Petits pois [[]] (wp)
fr:Petits-Gris [[]] (wp)
fr:Peuple rom [[]] (wp)
fr:Photocopieur Xerox [[]] (wp)
fr:Pixels morts [[]] (wp)
fr:Poiscaille [[]] (wp)
fr:Pomme de terre négative [[]] (wp)
fr:Poney-club de Melun [[]] (wp)
fr:Portrait pourri [[]] (wp)
fr:Pourquoi ça veut pas ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Pourrikistan [[]] (wp)
fr:Poutine [[]] (wp)
fr:Preums Dibs (wp)
fr:Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (wp)
fr:Procrastination appliquée [[]] (wp)
fr:Programme Supersinge [[]] (wp)
fr:Préparation mentale de Richard Gasquet [[]] (wp)
fr:Prévention des risques [[]] (wp)
fr:Puissance [[]] (wp)
fr:Pyramide (jeu télévisé) Pyramid (game show) (wp)
fr:Pêche aux canards [[]] (wp)
fr:Qu'est-ce t'as dit doigt à l'ail ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Questions pour un champion [[]] (wp)
fr:Qui veut épouser mon chien ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Rantigny Rantigny (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Rap Battle au Salon de l'agriculture à Paris [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Rentrée télé : en septembre, un nouveau concept pourrait relancer la télé-réalité [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Retraite à 67 ans : les vieux se réjouissent [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Revendications victimaires : tout le monde a-t-il droit à la Shoah ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Rideau de douche Shower curtain (wp)
fr:Christophe Rippert [[]] (wp)
fr:Roman agraphe [[]] (wp)
fr:Roman-photo Fotonovela (wp)
fr:Romantico Scorpio [[]] (wp)
fr:Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling (wp)
fr:Réussir un bon one-itis [[]] (wp)
fr:Réécriture [[]] (wp)
fr:Salade [[]] (wp)
fr:Salauds de démographes [[]] (wp)
fr:Nicolas Sarkozy, in Le Monde de Narnia [[]] (wp)
fr:Satyriasis Hypersexuality (wp)
fr:Schrödinger de Schrödinger [[]] (wp)
fr:Shakespeare l'arnaque [[]] (wp)
fr:Si par une nuit d'hiver un voyageur If on a winter's night a traveler (wp)
fr:Siamois [[]] (wp)
fr:Silésie de Cieszyn [[]] (wp)
fr:Sim Sim (actor) (wp)
fr:Singe Darwin pour les Nuls [[]] (wp)
fr:Sixième sens [[]] (wp)
fr:SMS chinois [[]] (wp)
fr:Alain Soral Alain Soral (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Sous la pression humaniste des associations citoyennes, le jeu d'échecs se modernise [[]] (wp)
fr:South Neuilly [[]] (wp)
fr:Stroboscopie [[]] (wp)
fr:Suicide collectif Mass suicide (wp)
fr:Super coach tout puissant [[]] (wp)
fr:Super Piou© [[]] (wp)
fr:Supposition idiote [[]] (wp)
fr:Ségolène Battle Royale [[]] (wp)
fr:Table Table (furniture) (wp)
fr:Tampon ou serviette ? [[]] (wp)
fr:Taupe Mole (animal) (wp)
fr:Terrifiantes histoires de Sbrensk [[]] (wp)
fr:Territoire de Belfort Territoire de Belfort (wp)
fr:Test d'attention [[]] (wp)
fr:The best job in the world The best job in the world
fr:Thoracic Park [[]] (wp)
fr:Thoracic Park II : Le Monde Perdu [[]] (wp)
fr:Toute la vérité sur Elvis [[]] (wp)
fr:Toute une aventure [[]] (wp)
fr:Tragédie grecque Greek tragedy (wp)
fr:Travailler chez McDonald's [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Tremblement de terre au Japon : attention les secousses ! [[]] (wp)
fr:Trycodozome [[]] (wp)
fr:Twirling bâton Baton twirling (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Un ancien candidat FN aux municipales de Lens remporte le titre de l'homme le plus censuré de France 2014 [[]] (wp)
fr:Désinformation:Une banderole de l'amitié qui fait scandale [[]] (wp)
fr:Une page de détente [[]] (wp)
fr:Unité de temps windowsienne [[]] (wp)
fr:Univers miroir/Hadolf Itler [[]] (wp)
fr:Univers parallèle [[]] (wp)
fr:Vacances au bled [[]] (wp)
fr:Valves nasales [[]] (wp)
fr:Valérie Damidot Valérie Damidot (wp)
fr:VDM [[]] (wp)
fr:Ver solitaire Taenia (genus) (wp)
fr:Version officielle [[]] (wp)
fr:Vie privée Privacy (wp)
fr:Viroler [[]] (wp)
fr:Voyage astral Astral projection (wp)
fr:Web 2.0 Web 2.0 (wp)
fr:Yonne [[]] (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

French article Possible translation Progress
fr:Accélérateur de particules Particle accelerator (wp)
fr:Alizée Alizée (wp)
fr:Arme nucléaire Nuclear weapon (wp)
fr:Armée de terre Army (wp)
fr:Boomerang Boomerang (wp)
fr:Canard Duck (wp)
fr:Chanson enfantine Nursery rhyme (wp)
fr:Cheval de Troie Trojan Horse (wp)
fr:Chiasse Diarrhea (wp)
fr:Chimie Chemistry (wp)
fr:Compagnie de Jésus Society of Jesus (wp)
fr:Confucius Confucius (wp)
fr:Crocodile Crocodile (wp)
fr:Dakota du Nord North Dakota (wp)
fr:Domination sexuelle BDSM (wp)
fr:Empire romain Roman Empire (wp)
fr:Google Traduction Google Translate (wp)
fr:Grossesse Pregnancy (wp)
fr:Histoire History (wp)
fr:Idée Idea (wp)
fr:Intelligence Intelligence (wp)
fr:Jacques Lacan Jacques Lacan (wp)
fr:Jean-Luc Godard Jean-Luc Godard (wp)
fr:Jules César Julius Caesar (wp)
fr:Kama-Sutra Kama Sutra (wp)
fr:L'arc-en-ciel de la gravité Gravity's Rainbow (wp)
fr:LeBron James LeBron James (wp)
fr:Libre arbitre Free will (wp)
fr:Livre Guinness des Records Guinness World Records (wp)
fr:H. P. Lovecraft H. P. Lovecraft (wp)
fr:Mer Sea (wp)
fr:Monsieur Épave Mr Blotto
fr:Ninja Ninja (wp)
fr:Noir Noir (wp)
fr:Novembre November (wp)
fr:Oryctérope Aardvark (wp)
fr:Paparazzi Paparazzi (wp)
fr:Renard Fox (wp)
fr:Rite funéraire Funeral (wp)
fr:Rome Rome (wp)
fr:Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson (wp)
fr:Scatophile Coprophilia (wp)
fr:Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (wp)
fr:Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking (wp)
fr:Takk... Takk... (wp) done
fr:Tennis de table Table tennis (wp)
fr:Thé Tea (wp)
fr:Théâtre Theatre (wp)
fr:Télé réalité Reality television (wp)
fr:Viol Rape (wp)
fr:Warnings Warning (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

French article Possible translation Progress
fr:Air Air (wp)
fr:Anonymous Anonymous (wp)
fr:Cerise Cherry (wp)
fr:Chuck Norris Chuck Norris (wp)
fr:David Lynch David Lynch (wp)
fr:Électricité Electricity (wp)
fr:En attendant Godot Waiting for Godot (wp)
fr:Hipster Hipster (wp)
fr:Illittérature:Dirty Harry Potter UnBooks:Dirty Harry Potter done
fr:L'Être et le Néant Being and Nothingness (wp)
fr:Manuscrit de Voynich Voynich manuscript (wp)
fr:Message subliminal Subliminal stimuli (wp)
fr:Poisson rouge Goldfish (wp)
fr:Téléphone rose Phone sex (wp)
fr:Voyage dans le temps Time travel (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured French articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

French article Possible translation Progress
fr:Astérix Asterix (wp)
fr:Aventure Adventure (wp)
fr:Bison Bison (wp)
fr:Casque Helmet (wp)
fr:Démonstration Mathematical proof (wp)
fr:Bill Gates Bill Gates (wp)
fr:Gueule de bois Hangover (wp)
fr:Handicap Disability (wp)
fr:Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur (wp)
fr:Myopie Myopia (wp)
fr:Piscine Swimming pool (wp)
fr:Pizza Pizza (wp)
fr:Relativité restreinte Special relativity (wp)
fr:Succube Succubus (wp)
fr:Théorie du chaos Chaos theory (wp)
fr:Tristesse Sadness (wp)
fr:Umami Umami (wp)

German[edit source]

German language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These German featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

German Uncyclopedia

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

German Uncyclopedia

Both languages are featured[edit source]

German Uncyclopedia

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured German articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

German Uncyclopedia

Greek[edit source]

Greek language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Greek featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Greek article Possible translation Progress
el:Αέρινη κιθάρα [[]] (wp)
el:Ανεμοστρόβιλος Απάνου Κόρακα [[]] (wp)
el:Αρχή δυσευρετότητας ακραίου σημείου [[]] (wp)
el:Copro Lagno [[]] (wp)
el:Γκέοργκ Ωμ Georg Ohm (wp)
el:Γκρόιτς [[]] (wp)
el:Δικομματισμός [[]] (wp)
el:Ελληνικές φράσεις μεταφρασμένες στα αγγλικά [[]] (wp)
el:ΕΜΠ National Technical University of Athens (wp)
el:Επίπεδη Γη [[]] (wp)
el:Ιησούς Βοσκός [[]] (wp)
el:Κώστας Γκουσγκούνης [[]] (wp)
el:Καράτε [[]] (wp)
el:Κθούλου [[]] (wp)
el:Κλάσιμο [[]] (wp)
el:Κωνσταντίνος Μητσοτάκης [[]] (wp)
el:Λεωφορείο [[]] (wp)
el:Μάκειος Σχολή [[]] (wp)
el:Μουσείο του Λούγκρου [[]] (wp)
el:Μπομπ ο Μάστορας [[]] (wp)
el:Μπυροφέρνω [[]] (wp)
el:Νόμος Κολλητικότητας Τραγουδιού [[]] (wp)
el:Νόμος του Μέρφυ [[]] (wp)
el:Nuclear Non-Profiterolation Treaty Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (wp)
el:Όσιος Ονούφριος ο Παρηγορητής [[]] (wp)
el:Ρόδος Rhodes (wp)
el:Παπάς:The Game [[]] (wp)
el:Παπαριά [[]] (wp)
el:Πειρατεία της μουσικής [[]] (wp)
el:Πινακίδα του Δισπηλιού Dispilio Tablet (wp)
el:Ποητάνα Αναιργία [[]] (wp)
el:Ταρζάν [[]] (wp)
el:Το Ρετιρέ To Retire (wp)
el:Φραπές Frappé coffee (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Greek article Possible translation Progress
el:Άγιο Πνεύμα Holy Spirit (wp)
el:Άγιος Βασίλης Santa Claus (wp)
el:Αντιύλη Antimatter (wp)
el:Εκλογές Election (wp)
el:Ερνέστο Τσε Γκεβάρα Che Guevara (wp)
el:Ξύλο Wood (wp)
el:Οιδίπους Oedipus (wp)
el:Ρίχαρντ Βάγκνερ Richard Wagner (wp)
el:Σταυροφορίες Crusades (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Greek article Possible translation Progress
el:Άνθρωπος Human (wp)
el:Ναπολέοντας Βοναπάρτης Napoleon Bonaparte (wp)
el:Τσακ Νόρις Chuck Noris (wp)
el:World of Warcraft World of Warcraft (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Greek articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Greek article Possible translation Progress
el:Γουρούνι Domestic pig (wp)
el:Πιγκουίνος Penguin (wp)
el:Χημικά στοιχεία Chemical element (wp)

Hebrew[edit source]

Hebrew language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Hebrew featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Hebrew article Possible translation Progress
he:HOT Hot (Israel) (wp)
he:אריאל שרון Ariel Sharon (wp)
he:ג. יפית G. Yafit (wp)
he:גפילטע פיכס [[]] (wp)
he:דודו זר [[]] (wp)
he:דוקטור פישר [[]] (wp)
he:הגיון [[]] (wp)
he:איןמינים:הומו [[]] (wp)
he:איןטקסט:החופשה שלי בסומליה [[]] (wp)
he:הערך הטוב הזה [[]] (wp)
he:חיפה Haifa (wp)
he:איןמינים:חנון [[]] (wp)
he:איןספר:מתכונים/חתול על האש [[]] (wp)
he:טשטשת [[]] (wp)
he:איןמינים:מורה לשל"ח [[]] (wp)
he:מילים ללא קישור [[]] (wp)
he:מכונה תרגום [[]] (wp)
he:מצלצלים [[]] (wp)
he:מק'דונלד'ס [[]] (wp)
he:עישון Tobacco smoking (wp)
he:צבא הליצנים Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (wp)
he:רחוב סומסום Rechov SumSum (wp)
he:ש"י עגנון Shmuel Yosef Agnon (wp)
he:שוקי [[]] (wp)
he:תקוף, תעשה ביגועים Shock Israel's Security (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Hebrew article Possible translation Progress
he:אלברט איינשטיין Albert Einstein (wp)
he:אנטישמיות Antisemitism (wp)
he:גבר Man (wp)
he:דרום אפריקה South Africa (wp)
he:חתול Cat (wp)
he:חתונה Wedding (wp)
he:טופו Tofu (wp)
he:טלמרקטינג Telemarketing (wp)
he:טרור Terrorism (wp)
he:יוון Greece (wp)
he:ישראל Israel (wp)
he:לוגיקה Logic (wp)
he:מונופול Machine translation: Monopoly (wp)
he:נצרות Christianity (wp:Christianity)
he:עיראק Iraq (wp)
he:עשרת הדברות Ten Commandments (wp)
he:פמיניזם Feminism (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Hebrew article Possible translation Progress
he:אלוהים God (wp)
he:היקום Universe (wp)
he:ויקיפדיה Wikipedia (wp)
he:כדור הארץ Earth (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Hebrew articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Hebrew article Possible translation Progress
he:בנימין נתניהו Benjamin Netanyahu (wp)
he:כירורגיה Surgery (wp)
he:לד זפלין Led Zeppelin (wp)
he:משטרה Police (wp)
he:ציונות Zionism (wp)
he:צלב Cross (wp)

Indonesian[edit source]

Indonesian language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Indonesian featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Indonesian article Possible translation Progress
id:Afgan Afgan Syahreza (wp)
id:Afriyani Susanti [[]] (wp)
id:Akatsuki Akatsuki (Naruto) (wp)
id:Alika Karis Alika Islamadina (wp)
id:American Dodol [[]] (wp)
id:An Cafe [[]] (wp)
id:Anemone [[]] (wp)
id:Ariel Nazril Irham (wp)
id:Badutwi [[]] (wp)
id:Bahasa Planet [[]] (wp)
id:Benny & Mice Benny & Mice (wp)
id:BoA BoA (wp)
id:Bobobo [[]] (wp)
id:Bobokep [[]] (wp)
id:Century Fried Chicken [[]] (wp)
id:Cerbung [[]] (wp)
id:Cherrybelle Cherrybelle (wp)
id:CJR Coboy Junior (wp)
id:Daftar Mantra Sihir [[]] (wp)
id:Tolololpedia:Daftar templat/Isi Artikel [[]] (wp)
id:Demokatrokisme [[]] (wp)
id:Dunia Gendeng [[]] (wp)
id:Epen Cupen [[]] (wp)
id:FC Barcelona FC Barcelona (wp)
id:Film biru Pornographic film (wp)
id:Film Malaysia [[]] (wp)
id:Fitnah Defamation (wp)
id:FPI Islamic Defenders Front (wp)
id:Friendster Friendster (wp)
id:Gedung Miring DPR [[]] (wp)
id:Gedung Miring Pondok Indah [[]] (wp)
id:Gempa bumi dan Tsunami Samudra Hindia 2004 [[]] (wp)
id:Gombalisme [[]] (wp)
id:Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (wp)
id:Hatta Rajasa Hatta Rajasa (wp)
id:Homo kambingcius [[]] (wp)
id:HowTo : Dikeluarkan dari Sekolah [[]] (wp)
id:Jameelahisme [[]] (wp)
id:Jamiliyah [[]] (wp)
id:Jigoku Shoujo Hell Girl (wp)
id:JKT48 JKT48 (wp)
id:Klinik Tong Fang [[]] (wp)
id:KOMPOS [[]] (wp)
id:Konflik 7 Suporter [[]] (wp)
id:Madurapura Manohara Odelia Pinot (wp)
id:Manohara [[]] (wp)
id:Mavi mAmarah [[]] (wp)
id:Mediakus [[]] (wp)
id:Melodine [[]] (wp)
id:Melody Nurramdhani Laksani Melody Nurramdhani Laksani (wp)
id:Pengguna:Muhammad Suwardi 2/Halaman Situs Wardipedia [[]] (wp)
id:Mulan Jameelah [[]] (wp)
id:Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia (wp)
id:Noah Noah (band) (wp)
id:Nona Menoor [[]] (wp)
id:Opera Van Java Opera Van Java (wp)
id:Perang Anti UnWiki [[]] (wp)
id:Perang Klaim Dunia II [[]] (wp)
id:Perang Pengklaiman Papua [[]] (wp)
id:Point Blank Point Blank (2008 video game) (wp)
id:Ponari Sweat [[]] (wp)
id:Prabowo Subianto Prabowo Subianto (wp)
id:Qayyumesincuci FC [[]] (wp)
id:Qayyumnesia [[]] (wp)
id:Ragnarok Online Ragnarok Online (wp)
id:Rambo Amadeus [[]] (wp)
id:RCTI RCTI (wp)
id:Republik Rio [[]] (wp)
id:República de Rio CF [[]] (wp)
id:RF Online [[]] (wp)
id:Rhoma Irama Rhoma Irama (wp)
id:Roy Suryo Roy Suryo (wp)
id:Sam Pek Eng Tay Sam Pek Eng Tay (wp)
id:Shania Junianatha Shania Junianatha (wp)
SH Smash (Indonesian band) (wp)
id:Suparman bin Sukarton [[]] (wp)
id:Tabloid BOLA Bola (tabloid) (wp)
id:Tanjung Berak [[]] (wp)
id:The Mas-Mas [[]] (wp)
id:Tolak Angin [[]] (wp)
id:Tolololpedia Tolololpedia (wp)
id:Tololstar [[]] (wp)
id:Trans7 Trans7 (wp)
id:TransTV Trans TV (wp)
id:Tukul Arwana Tukul Arwana (wp)
id:Tukulnesia [[]] (wp)
id:Ujian Nasional National Exam (Indonesia) (wp)
id:UU-ITE [[]] (wp)
id:Vocaloid Vocaloid (wp)
id:Windows Phone 7 Windows Phone 7 (wp)
id:Yamaha Yamaha Corporation (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Indonesian article Possible translation Progress
id:Apple Komporation Apple Inc. (wp) No Bahasa Indonesia Wikipedia entry
id:Azerbaijan Azerbaijan (wp)
id:Barney Barney the Dinosaur (wp)
id:Berak Obama Barack Obama (wp)
id:Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (wp)
id:Ensiklopedia Encyclopedia (wp)
id:Formula Satu Formula One (wp)
id:Google Google (wp)
id:Google Translate Google Translate (wp)
id:Indonesia Indonesia (wp)
id:Justice League Justice League (wp)
id:Kimia Chemistry (wp)
id:Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum (wp)
id:Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher (wp)
id:Mouse komputer Mouse (computing) (wp)
id:One Piece One Piece (wp)
id:Pemilu Election (wp)
id:PlayStation3 PlayStation 3 (wp)
id:Sejarah Malaysia History of Malaysia (wp)
id:Timbal Lead (wp)
id:Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Indonesian article Possible translation Progress
id:Blue Screen of Death Blue Screen of Death (wp)
id:Chuck Norris Chuck Norris (wp)
id:Jepang Japan (wp)
id:Justin Bibir Justin Bieber (wp)
id:SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SquarePants (wp)
id:Wikipedia Wikipedia (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Indonesian articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Indonesian article Possible translation Progress
id:Donal Bebek Donald Duck (wp)
id:Kentut Flatulence (wp)
id:Shit Shit (wp)
SH Bros. Super Smash Bros. (wp)

Italian[edit source]

Italian language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Italian featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Italian article Possible translation Progress
it:Manuali:Allungamento del pene HowTo:Enlarge your penis (wp)
it:American Beauty American Beauty (1999 film) (wp)
it:Annozero AnnoZero (wp)
it:Apparizione mariana Marian apparition (wp)
it:Argumentum ad ignorantiam Argument from ignorance (wp)
it:Assedio Siege (wp)
it:Augusto Minzolini Augusto Minzolini (wp)
it:Ayrton Senna Ayrton Senna (wp)
it:Battaglia del grano Battle for Grain (wp)
it:Battaglia di Caporetto Battle of Caporetto (wp)
it:Battaglia di Stalingrado Battle of Stalingrad (wp)
it:Bergamo Bergamo (wp)
it:Caccia alla volpe Fox hunting (wp)
it:Campania Campania (wp)
it:Carlo Emilio Gadda Carlo Emilio Gadda (wp)
it:Carolina Kostner Carolina Kostner (wp)
it:Casu marzu Casu marzu (wp)
it:Catasto Cadastre (wp)
it:Classificazione dei clienti del benzinaio Classification of gas station customers (wp)
it:Codice della strada Traffic code (wp)
it:Controriforma Counter-Reformation (wp)
it:Manuali:Costruisci la tua macchina del tempo HowTo:Build your own time machine (wp)
it:Manuali:Depredare i rinfreschi HowTo:Loot a buffet
it:Dialoghi socratici Socratic dialogues (wp)
it:Diluvio universale Flood myth (wp)
it:Discussione tipica tra due utenti di Wikipedia Typical discussion between two Wikipedians
it:Manuali:Diventare un dittatore HowTo:Become a dictator
it:Manuali:Donna ideale Ideal woman (wp)
it:Duchessa d'Alba Duchess of Alba (wp)
it:Ebbrezza Alcohol intoxication (wp)
it:Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy (wp)
it:Enzo Bearzot Enzo Bearzot (wp)
it:Eracle Heracles (wp)
it:Esame universitario University examination
it:Esercito Italiano Italian Army (wp)
it:Evangelion Evangelion (mecha) (wp)
it:Fabrizio De André Fabrizio De André (wp)
it:Manuali:Far scappare il proprio figlio di casa HowTo:Make your child leave home
it:Federico Barbarossa Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor (wp)
it:Manuali:Fermare il moto di rotazione della Terra HowTo:Stop the rotation of the earth
it:Fiat 600 multipla Fiat 600 Multipla (wp)
it:Fun di Final Fantasy Final Fantasy fan
it:Funerale di Stato State funeral (wp)
it:Giosuè Carducci Giosuè Carducci (wp)
it:Giovanni Giolitti Giovanni Giolitti (wp)
it:Girolamo Savonarola Girolamo Savonarola (wp)
it:Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Garibaldi (wp)
it:Manuali:Guida alla seduzione per uomini di Chiesa HowTo:Seduce Women, A Guide for Priests
it:Hellraiser Hellraiser (wp)
it:I"s I"s (wp)
it:Il nome della rosa The Name of the Rose (wp)
it:Il Popolo della Libertà The People of Freedom (wp)
it:Manuali:Impara a risolvere un mistero HowTo:Solve a mystery
it:Indignazione Indignation (wp)
it:NonLibri:Influenze dei coniglietti sulla teoria economica UnBooks:The role of bunnies in economic theory
it:Inuyasha Inuyasha (wp)
it:Invasioni barbariche Barbarian invasion (wp)
it:Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau (wp)
it:Joe DiMaggio Joe DiMaggio (wp)
it:Jörg Haider Jörg Haider (wp)
it:La guerra dei mondi War of the Worlds (2005 film) (wp)
it:Manuali:Lanciare un'iniziativa non ben precisata HowTo:Launch an initiative (wp)
it:Legge elettorale Voting system (wp)
it:Liceo classico Liceo classico (wp)
it:Lingua napoletana Neapolitan language (wp)
it:Luisa Corna Luisa Corna (wp)
it:Malcolm X Malcolm X (wp)
it:Marco Materazzi Marco Materazzi (wp)
it:Mario Rigoni Stern Mario Rigoni Stern (wp)
it:Moody's Moody's Corporation (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Morto Capitan Findus [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Morto Mike Bongiorno [[]] (wp)
it:Movimento dei forconi [[]] (wp)
it:Napoli Naples (wp)
it:Neoborbonici [[]] (wp)
it:Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion (wp)
it:NonNotizie:No all'eutanasia per i capodogli [[]] (wp)
it:Nonciclopedia:Nonci's Goat Talent/Prove/7 [[]] (wp)
it:Nonciclopedia:Nonci's Goat Talent/Prove/7/Elisheba libre [[]] (wp)
it:Nonciclopedia:Nonci's Goat Talent/Prove/7/Zurpone [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Nonciclopedia in esclusiva pubblica le intercettazioni tra Napolitano e Mancino [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Obama uccide una mosca [[]] (wp)
it:Oscar Giannino Oscar Giannino (wp)
it:Paolo di Tarso Paul the Apostle (wp)
it:Paralimpiadi Paralympic Games (wp)
it:Parapsicologia Parapsychology (wp)
it:Partito Democratico Democratic Party (Italy) (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Pastore tedesco violenta bastardina, verrà processato per violenza carnale [[]] (wp)
it:Patti Lateranensi Lateran Treaty (wp)
it:Manuali:Pene: istruzioni per l'uso HowTo:Use your penis
it:Pensionato Pension (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Per uscire dalla crisi alla velocità della luce servono le grandi opere! [[]] (wp)
it:Pericle Pericles (wp)
it:Petronio Arbitro Petronius (wp)
it:Pierfrancesco Favino Pierfrancesco Favino (wp)
it:Ponyo sulla scogliera Ponyo (wp)
it:Manuali:Pornografia [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Povia cantore a 5 Stelle [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Presentati i simboli dei candidati alle elezioni 2013 [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Quando i musi gialli si offendono [[]] (wp)
it:Quattro giornate di Napoli Four days of Naples (wp)
it:Ragazza madre Single mother (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Rambo Feltri e la strage di Utoya [[]] (wp)
it:Reggia di Caserta Palace of Caserta (wp)
it:Relazione a distanza [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Renzo Bossi fa la cacca da solo [[]] (wp)
it:Renzo e Lucia nella Terra di Mezzo [[]] (wp)
it:Riccardo Ferri Riccardo Ferri (wp)
it:Roberto Giacobbo Roberto Giacobbo (wp)
it:Rutilismo Red hair (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Räikkönen campione F1 tra mille difficoltà [[]] (wp)
it:Salvate il soldato Ryan Saving Private Ryan (wp)
it:San Francesco d'Assisi Francis of Assisi (wp)
it:Scie chimiche Chemtrail conspiracy theory (wp)
it:Sergente Maggiore Hartman Sergeant Major Hartman (wp)
it:Sette anni in Tibet Seven Years in Tibet (1997 film) (wp)
it:Manuali:Sfuggire ad un rapimento alieno [[]] (wp)
it:NonLibri:Sfuggire alle avances di un gay dal ciuffo platinato sulla tratta ferroviaria Venezia Santa Lucia - Verona Porta Nuova [[]] (wp)
it:Manuali:Silvio Berlusconi: istruzioni per l'uso [[]] (wp)
it:Manuali:Sopravvivere a un disastro aereo [[]] (wp)
it:Manuali:Sopravvivere ad un matrimonio [[]] (wp)
it:Manuali:Sopravvivere al giorno del giudizio [[]] (wp)
it:Sora no Otoshimono Heaven's Lost Property (wp)
it:Nonciclopedia:Storia/Pagine commemorative/Pesci d'aprile/4 [[]] (wp)
it:Strage di Erba [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Straker VS Nonciclopedia [[]] (wp)
it:Strawberry Panic! Strawberry Panic! (wp)
it:Studio Aperto Studio Aperto (wp)
it:Supernatural Supernatural (U.S. TV series) (wp)
it:Tasso [[]] (wp)
it:Teoria dell'apparato capelluto [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Terremoto a Roma, seppellito lo scetticismo [[]] (wp)
it:Manuali:Tesi di laurea [[]] (wp)
it:Tito Maccio Plauto Plautus (wp)
it:Topolino (fumetto) Donald Duck pocket books (wp)
it:Manuali:Traslocare [[]] (wp)
it:Ufologia Ufology (wp)
it:Uomo che fa la spesa [[]] (wp)
it:NonLibri:Vangelo apocrifo di Arcore [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Vaticano contro la cellula artificiale: la vita è un brevetto di Dio [[]] (wp)
it:Vecchia che fa la spesa [[]] (wp)
it:Vena Vein (wp)
it:Veronica Lario Veronica Lario (wp)
it:Vigile urbano Municipal police (Italy) (wp)
it:Violenza sugli uomini [[]] (wp)
it:Vittorio Alfieri Vittorio Alfieri (wp)
it:Vittorio Emanuele II d'Italia Victor Emmanuel II of Italy (wp)
it:Manuali:Vivere una storia d'amore [[]] (wp)
it:Vivisezione Vivisection (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Wikipedia in rivolta contro Jimbo Wales [[]] (wp)
it:Yu degli spettri YuYu Hakusho (wp)
Low-priority translations

Featured Italian articles that focus on distinctly Italian topics and/or outdated news stories.

Italian article Possible translation Progress
it:100% Animalisti [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:110 senza Lodo [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Addio a Neil Armstrong [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Allarme rosso caldo, rom, tasse troppo alte: gli anziani i più a rischio [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Annunciata la condanna a morte per Alex Schwazer [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Aumenta lo spread: morti due senegalesi [[]] (wp)
it:Autovelox Autovelox (wp)
it:Ballarò [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Beppe Grillo blocca Flavia Vento su Twitter, lei cade in depressione [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Berlusconi debella il cancro [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Berlusconi risponde alle 10 domande su Nonciclopedia [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Berlusconi, Mussolini ed il giorno della memoria [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Borghezio rivela: gli alieni sono tra noi [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Bossi: mi hanno ristrutturato casa contro la mia volontà [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Bruno Vespa si ribella [[]] (wp)
it:Centro Culturale San Giorgio [[]] (wp)
it:Codice meridionale della strada Southern Italian traffic code (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Conclusa la settimana dello stupro [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Cuffaro: Io non c'entro, sono troppo obeso [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Da Berlusconi pressioni per chiudere Porta a Porta [[]] (wp)
it:Deluso di sinistra [[]] (wp)
it:Dipartimento della Regione Sicilia contro il trollaggio [[]] (wp)
it:Doppiaggiofobo [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Emergenza tiepido, allarme in Italia [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Esce YouCat, il nuovo catechismo per giovani [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Esonerato Gasperini, scatta il toto allenatore [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Ex giocatori dell'Inter ritrovati nella giungla dopo quarant'anni [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Film blasfemi proliferano in Rete [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Finanziaria: stop agli F-35, pronta la flotta di F24 [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Funerali di Giulio Andreotti [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Gaffe al G8 dell'Aquila [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Gli admin di Nonciclopedia confessano: Abbiamo ucciso noi Meredith! [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Graviano: quando i mafiosi fanno: boh...! [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Guidonia, in trappola il branco di violentatori [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Guzzanti senior e la satira [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Il MOIGE risponde al vandalismo del blog [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Il Natale è veramente bianco solo quando non ci sono negri [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Il papa marina la lezione [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Il PDL si autoelimina nelle elezioni regionali 2010 [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Il ritorno del cavaliere oscuro [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Indiano bruciato vivo, nel frattempo il maltempo sferza l'Italia [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Intervista esclusiva al prete negazionista [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:L'industria musicale decreta: Nonciclopedia più attendibile di Wikipedia [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:L'Italia batte la Spagna e vince gli Europei [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:L'ultimo volo di Taricone [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:La Chiesa all'attacco della bandiera della pace [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:La Grecia mette all'asta Atene [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:La Lega brevetta il sapone anti-baluba [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:La lenta agonia del Giappone [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:La soluzione di Berlusconi al precariato [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Lapidazione con embrioni al comizio di Giuliano Ferrara [[]] (wp)
it:Legge Bossi-Fini [[]] (wp)
it:Libro di autoconvincimento [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Lo stavamo perdendo... [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Marcello Dell'Utri trova i diari segreti di Marcello Dell'Utri [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Miracolo in piazza San Giovanni [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scherzi inopportuni [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scilipoti aggredito da formiche giganti [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scilipoti entra nel PAS, nessuno lo caga [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scissione nel Prc, nasce l'Rps [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scoop! "Io, Vasco, assiduo lettore di Nonciclopedia, ma per sbaglio" [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scoperto il bosone di Higgs [[]] (wp)
it:NonNotizie:Scovato il Punto G [[]] (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Italian article Possible translation Progress
it:Al Jazeera Al Jazeera (wp)
it:Armi di distrazione di massa Weapons of mass distraction (wp)
it:Assicurazione Insurance (wp)
it:Bielorussia Belarus (wp)
it:Bob Dylan Bob Dylan (wp)
it:Bruce Lee Bruce Lee (wp)
it:Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (wp)
it:Manuali:Conquistare il mondo HowTo:Rule The World (wp)
it:Death Note Death Note (wp)
it:Donnie Darko Donnie Darko (wp)
it:Età imperiale di Roma Roman Empire (wp)
it:Ezra Pound Ezra Pound (wp)
it:Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII (wp)
it:Forza di gravità Gravitation (wp)
it:Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche (wp)
it:Full Metal Jacket Full Metal Jacket (wp)
it:Fëdor Michajlovič Dostoevskij Fyodor Dostoyevsky (wp)
it:Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei (wp)
it:Gerald Ford Gerald Ford (wp)
it:Giove (pianeta) Jupiter (wp)
it:Groenlandia Greenland (wp)
it:Hermann Göring Hermann Göring (wp)
it:Howard Phillips Lovecraft H. P. Lovecraft (wp)
it:Iliade Iliad (wp)
it:La ballata del vecchio marinaio The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (wp)
it:Lama Llama (wp)
it:Lettonia Latvia (wp)
it:Loki Loki (wp)
it:Macaco Macaque (wp)
it:Megalomania Megalomania (wp)
it:Mesopotamia Mesopotamia (wp)
it:Michail Sergeevič Gorbačëv Mikhail Gorbachev (wp)
it:Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong (wp)
it:Pubblicità Advertising (wp)
it:Pulp Fiction Pulp Fiction (wp)
it:Random Randomness (wp)
it:Shiva Shiva (wp)
it:Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud (wp)
it:Spike Lee Spike Lee (wp)
it:Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg (wp)
it:Televendita Infomercial (wp)
it:Teorema della scimmia instancabile Infinite monkey theorem (wp)
it:Ulisse Odysseus (wp)
it:Willy, il principe di Bel-Air The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (wp)
it:Windows Vista Windows Vista (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Italian article Possible translation Progress
it:21 dicembre 2012 December 21, 2012 (wp)
it:Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci (wp)
it:Arca dell'Alleanza Ark of the Covenant (


it:Conservapedia Conservapedia (wp)
it:Creazionismo Creationism (wp)
it:Doppio senso Double Entendre (wp)
it:Ebreo Jew (wp)
it:Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway (wp)
it:Fisica Physics (wp)
it:Homo sapiens sapiens Human (wp)
it:Mao Zedong Mao Zedong (wp)
it:Messaggio subliminale Subliminal stimuli (wp)
it:Mosè Moses (wp)
it:Napoleone Bonaparte Napoleon (wp)
it:Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela (wp)
it:Pallavolo Volleyball (wp)
it:Richard Nixon Richard Nixon (wp)
it:Rivoluzione francese French Revolution (wp)
it:Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí (wp)
it:Sasso Rock (geology) (wp)
it:Sealand Principality of Sealand (wp)
it:Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder (wp)
it:Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Edison (wp)
it:Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama (wp)
it:Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Italian articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Italian article Possible translation Progress
it:Abramo Abraham (wp)
it:Anni 1970 1970s (wp)
it:Australopithecus Australopithecus (wp)
it:Contraddizione Contradiction (wp)
it:Eiaculazione Ejaculation (wp)
it:Elvis Presley Elvis Presley (wp)
it:Età repubblicana di Roma Roman Republic (wp)
it:Grammatica Grammar (wp)
it:Inquisizione Inquisition (wp)
it:John Fitzgerald Kennedy John F. Kennedy (wp)
it:Problema Problem (wp)

Japanese[edit source]

Japanese language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Japanese featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Japanese article Possible translation Progress
ja:アフガン航空相撲 Afghan Aviation sumo wrestling (wp)
ja:エクストリーム・謝罪 Extreme apology
ja:エロ本隠し [[]] (wp)
ja:演奏記号 List of musical symbols (wp)
ja:鉛筆の取り扱い説明書 [[]] (wp)
ja:小倉百人一首 Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (wp)
ja:風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる [[]] (wp)
ja:カレーライス Japanese curry (wp)
ja:兄弟船 [[]] (wp)
ja:釘宮病 Kugimiya disease
ja:繰り下がりのある引き算の10未返却事件 [[]] (wp)
ja:栗まんじゅう問題 [[]] (wp)
ja:この人痴漢です! [[]] (wp)
ja:再帰 Recursion (computer science) (wp)
ja:自宅警備員 [[]] (wp)
ja:JASRAC Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (wp)
ja:冗語法 Pleonasm (wp)
ja:大学入試センター試験 National Center Test for University Admissions (wp)
ja:竹槍 [[]] (wp)
ja:盥回し [[]] (wp)
ja:中二病 Chūnibyō (wp)
ja:UnNews:ツイッター日本語版、7月から全面有料化 [[]] (wp)
ja:テラメント [[]] (wp)
ja:東海道本線 Tōkaidō Main Line (wp)
ja:同和問題 Dōwa mondai (wp)
ja:読書感想文に書くと親呼び出しにされる図書一覧 [[]] (wp)
ja:夏休みの宿題 [[]] (wp)
ja:日本放送協会 NHK (wp)
ja:Hyde (単位) Hyde (unit)
ja:東日本大震災 Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (wp)
ja:一人ディズニーランド [[]] (wp)
ja:フィギュアスケーター Figure Skater (game)
ja:風物詩 [[]] (wp)
ja:文体練習 Exercises in Style (wp)
ja:遊具基準法 Playground Equipment Standards Act
ja:読みにくい文章 [[]] (wp)
ja:恋愛 Falling in love (wp)
ja:ローマ皇帝一覧 List of Roman emperors (wp)
ja:ロリ画像 [[]] (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Japanese article Possible translation Progress
ja:イエス・キリスト Jesus (wp)
ja:ウォーリーをさがせ! Where's Waldo? (wp)
ja:エクストリーム・聖火リレー Extreme Torch Relay
ja:砂糖 Sugar (wp)
ja:宗教 Religion (wp)
ja:ニヒリズム Nihilism (wp)
ja:猫 Cat (wp)
ja:ヨハネス・ブラームス Johannes Brahms (wp)
ja:平和 Peace (wp)
ja:ホテル・カリフォルニア Hotel California (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Japanese article Possible translation Progress
ja:あああああああああ! AAAAAAAAA! (wp)
ja:ウィキペディア Wikipedia (wp)
ja:エスペラント Esperanto (wp)
ja:君は牛を二頭持っている。 You have two cows (wp)
ja:仔猫吸引 Kitten Huffing (wp)
ja:シャーロック・ホームズ Sherlock Holmes (wp)
ja:誰も気にしない Nobody cares
ja:2001年宇宙の旅 2001: A Space Odyssey (wp)
ja:良い警官・悪い警官 Good cop/Bad cop (wp)
ja:ロシア的倒置法 Russian reversal (phenomenon) (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Japanese articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Japanese article Possible translation Progress
ja:1=2 1=2 (wp)
ja:シュレーディンガーの猫 Schrödinger's cat (wp)
ja:マクドナルド McDonald's (wp)
ja:要出典 Citation needed (wp)

Korean[edit source]

Korean language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Korean featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Korean article Possible translation Progress
ko:4분 33초 [[]] (wp)
ko:BB탄 총 [[]] (wp)
ko:I hacked I hacked (wp)
ko:QR 코드 [[]] (wp)
ko:Uncyclux [[]] (wp)
ko:ㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹ! [[]] (wp)
ko:로즈분투 [[]] (wp)
ko:간장게장 Gejang (wp)
ko:강의석 Kang We-seok (wp)
ko:게임물관리위원회 Game Rating Board (wp)
ko:공대 개그 [[]] (wp)
ko:기계 번역 Machine translation (wp)
ko:김요일 [[]] (wp)
ko:꼬마 아돌프의 성적표 [[]] (wp)
ko:나베르 [[]] (wp)
ko:너는 죽었다 [[]] (wp)
ko:누 [[]] (wp)
ko:눈깔괴물 [[]] (wp)
ko:님의 침묵 (여러 가지 번역) [[]] (wp)
ko:대갈 순종 능력 시험 [[]] (wp)
ko:방법:대한민국 시민이 되는 방법 [[]] (wp)
ko:마법의 MD-5 시뮬레이터 [[]] (wp)
ko:며느리 [[]] (wp)
ko:멸치 Japanese anchovy (wp)
ko:백괴인용집:무안단물 [[]] (wp)
ko:문화시 [[]] (wp)
ko:미네르바 아고라걸 [[]] (wp)
ko:백괴책:미분 귀신 적분 귀신 이야기 [[]] (wp)
ko:베르나르 베르베르 Bernard Werber (wp)
ko:부동산 Real property (wp)
ko:빠삐놈 [[]] (wp)
ko:뿌요뿌요 Puyo Puyo (series) (wp)
ko:사찰이 무너지게 하소서 [[]] (wp)
ko:삼태기메들리 [[]] (wp)
ko:서울특별시 도시절도공사 [[]] (wp)
ko:성기 Sex organ (wp)
ko:현대 소나타 Hyundai Sonata (wp)
ko:쉐 [[]] (wp)
ko:씨프트까 안 빠쪄요 [[]] (wp)
ko:아무렇게나 치기 [[]] (wp)
ko:아이폰 6 iPhone 6 (wp)
ko:알보칠 Policresulen (wp)
ko:양아치 [[]] (wp)
ko:역사 왜곡 [[]] (wp)
ko:예수쟁이 [[]] (wp)
ko:오륀지 [[]] (wp)
ko:오타쿠 낚시 [[]] (wp)
ko:완전체 Perfect field (wp)
ko:왈도어 [[]] (wp)
ko:유식 [[]] (wp)
ko:윤희 Yin Xi (wp)
ko:이집트 디제이 [[]] (wp)
ko:일본을 공격한다 [[]] (wp)
ko:읽기 어려운 문장 [[]] (wp)
ko:정신 나간 할머니 방문하기 [[]] (wp)
ko:정의소녀환상 [[]] (wp)
ko:존댓말 Honorific (wp)
ko:주전자 Kettle (wp)
ko:참치 [[]] (wp)
ko:카더라 통신 [[]] (wp)
ko:케이온 Kaon (wp)
ko:방법:코끼리를 냉장고에 집어넣는 법 [[]] (wp)
ko:코스닭 [[]] (wp)
ko:타라 T-ara (wp)
ko:한반도 대운하 Grand Korean Waterway (wp)
ko:허경영 Huh Kyung-young (wp)
ko:빌리 헤링턴 Billy Herrington (wp)
ko:혼돈 Hundun (wp)
ko:홀로코스트 타이쿤 3 [[]] (wp)
ko:화성어 [[]] (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Korean article Possible translation Progress
ko:달 Moon (wp)
ko:듕귁 China (wp)
ko:바벨 Babel (wp)
ko:백괴사전 Uncyclopedia (wp)
ko:삶 Life (wp)
ko:수성 Mercury (planet) (wp)
ko:애플 Apple Inc. (wp)
ko:코알라 Koala (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Korean article Possible translation Progress
ko:러시아식 유머 Russian reversal (wp)
ko:북한 North Korea (wp)
ko:블루스크린 Blue Screen of Death (wp)
ko:오스카 와일드 Oscar Wilde (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Korean articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Korean article Possible translation Progress
ko:마법사 Magician (wp)
ko:마이크로소프트 Microsoft (wp)
ko:신 Deity (wp)
ko:암 Cancer (wp)
ko:크리스마스 Christmas (wp)
ko:학교 School (wp)

Norwegian[edit source]

Norwegian language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Norwegian featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Norwegian article Possible translation Progress
no:Ikkeratur:AMO's Koke Bok UnBooks:AMO´s cooking book
no:CWA CWA (or Commiez With Attitude)
no:Feilkategorisert artikkel Miscategorized article
no:Forvirret rockeband Confused rock band
no:Hoggelg Weremoose (or something like that)
no:Hvordan:Irritere HowTo:Annoy
no:Russ-hop Russian hip hop (wp)
no:Rødt Communist Party of Norway (wp)
no:Statens kartverk Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority (wp)
no:Hvordan:Stryke i matte HowTo:Fail at math
no:Hvordan:Trimme kaffetrakteren HowTo:Boost the coffeemaker
no:Vaffeltørker Waffle dryer

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Norwegian article Possible translation Progress
no:Australsk fotball Australian rules football (wp)
no:England England (wp)
no:Kaffe Coffee (wp)
no:Kina China (wp)
no:Mobiltelefon Mobile phone (wp)
no:Sjøku Manatee (wp)
No:Verdensrommet Space (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Norwegian articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Polish[edit source]

Polish language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Polish featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Polish article Possible translation Progress
pl:Awantura o kasę Awantura o kasę (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Awaria kontenera [[]] (wp)
pl:Batrachofobia [[]] (wp)
pl:Bitwa pod Mohaczem Battle of Mohács (wp)
pl:Bitwa stalingradzka Battle of Stalingrad (wp)
pl:Biuletyn informacyjny na wybory prezydenckie w Polsce 2010 [[]] (wp)
pl:Blashyrkh Immortal (band) (wp)
pl:Bocian [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Bohaterowie Nieepizodyczni [[]] (wp)
pl:William Shears Campbell [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Charakterystyka gatunków ludzkich [[]] (wp)
pl:Ciacho [[]] (wp)
pl:Colargol Colargol (wp)
pl:Stefan Czarniecki Stefan Czarniecki (wp)
pl:Dresiarz Dres (wp)
pl:Dzieci Neostrady [[]] (wp)
pl:Dżuma Plague (disease) (wp)
pl:Leif Edling Leif Edling (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Familiada [[]] (wp)
pl:Film familijny Film genre (wp)
pl:Football Manager Football Manager (wp)
pl:Francuski czołg [[]] (wp)
pl:FreeCell FreeCell (wp)
pl:Gol samobójczy Own goal (wp)
pl:Harcerz [[]] (wp)
pl:Harlequin [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Historia bośniackiego dziecka [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Historia pewnego ogłoszenia [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Horoskop na rok 2013 [[]] (wp)
pl:Indukcja matematyczna Mathematical induction (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Internet bez Boga [[]] (wp)
pl:Inżynieria komunikacyjna [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak być dobrym ateistą HowTo:Be a good Atheist
pl:Poradnik:Jak najlepiej umrzeć [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak napisać dobre CV [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak napisać fantastyczną książkę fantasy [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak napisać tekst piosenki nu metalowej [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak nie dać się klasie wrobić w wycieczkę [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak nie zdechnąć z nudów w biurze [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak przeżyć w Anglii [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak przywołać demona [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak robić emozdjęcia [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak sformatować pokój [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak się oświadczyć [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak stworzyć dobrą grę [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak stworzyć doskonały kawałek hip-hopowy [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak stworzyć wóz do lansu [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak udowodnić, że nie jesteś gejem [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak upiec kiełbaski na grillu [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak wyprodukować film katastroficzny [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak zabić i zjeść kota [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak zdobyć bordowe konto na Wykopie [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak zostać autorką powieści dla nastolatek [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak zostać muzykiem [[]] (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak ładnie wyjść na zdjęciu klasowym [[]] (wp)
pl:Jakub Wawrzyniak Jakub Wawrzyniak (wp)
pl:Język chorwacki Croatian language (wp)
pl:K-PAX K-PAX (film) (wp)
pl:Kamil Grosicki Kamil Grosicki (wp)
pl:Noriaki Kasai Noriaki Kasai (wp)
pl:NonNews:Katastrofa górnicza w Copiapó [[]] (wp)
pl:Kinderpunk Machine translation: Punk subculture (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Klub używanych bohaterów [[]] (wp)
pl:Kodeks drogowy Traffic code (wp)
pl:Kolarstwo torowe Track cycling (wp)
pl:Koncert Concert (wp)
pl:Kościół Jezusa Chrystusa Świętych Dni Ostatnich The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (wp)
pl:Ksiądz [[]] (wp)
pl:Kufel Beer stein (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Kwestionariusz dla ubiegających się o przyjęcie do nieba [[]] (wp)
pl:Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead (wp)
pl:Leming (osoba) Lemming (person) (wp)
pl:Liceum ogólnokształcące Liceum ogólnokształcące (wp)
pl:Ludzki żywot Human life (wp)
pl:Magiczne rondo Magic Roundabout (Swindon) (wp)
pl:Make A Change... Kill Yourself Make A Change... Kill Yourself
pl:Marcin Bachleda Marcin Bachleda (wp)
pl:Marcin Niewalda Marcin Niewalda (wp)
pl:Marshall Amplification Marshall Amplification (wp)
pl:Mercedes-Benz W123 Mercedes-Benz W123 (wp)
pl:Metalowcy Heavy metal subculture (wp)
pl:Metro berlińskie Berlin U-Bahn (wp)
pl:Mikołaj II Romanow Nicholas II of Russia (wp)
pl:Mina przeciwpiechotna Anti-personnel mine (wp)
pl:Miłośnik Komunikacji Miejskiej Machine translation: Fan transportation (wp)
pl:Neostrada Orange Polska (wp)
pl:Nk.pl Nasza-klasa.pl (wp)
pl:Nonsensopedia Online Nonsensopedia
pl:Nonźródła:Ogłoszenia drobne [[]] (wp)
pl:Ojciec Pio Pio of Pietrelcina (wp)
pl:Palenie czarownic Witch burning (wp)
pl:Pies andaluzyjski Un Chien Andalou (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Poemat przy pomocy P [[]] (wp)
pl:Pokemon (osoba) Pokemon (person) (wp)
pl:Pokemoniaste pismo [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Polska vs Rosja (marzenia) [[]] (wp)
pl:Porsche Porsche (wp)
pl:Prawa anime Anime law (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Prawdziwa historia wielkich wynalazków: Radioaktywność [[]] (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Przywilej koszycki [[]] (wp)
pl:Płock Płock (wp)
pl:Radziecka inwersja [[]] (wp)
pl:Reprezentacja Korei Północnej w piłce nożnej North Korea national football team (wp)
pl:Robert Mateja Robert Mateja (wp)
pl:Rockersi Rocker (subculture) (wp)
pl:Rodzaje babć autobusowych [[]] (wp)
pl:Rottweiler Rottweiler (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Rozporządzenie ws. wychowania seksualnego [[]] (wp)
pl:Skejci Machine translation: Skate (wp)
pl:Spisek prochowy Gunpowder Plot (wp)
pl:Steam Steam (software) (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Szczurem a prawdą [[]] (wp)
pl:Tanie wino Jabol (wp)
pl:Teoria filmowej rzeczywistości [[]] (wp)
pl:Teoria stożka Machine translation: Cone (category theory) (wp)
pl:Tibia Tibia (video game) (wp)
pl:Tomisław Tajner Tomisław Tajner (wp)
pl:Toruń Toruń (wp)
pl:Traktor Tractor (wp)
pl:Trzeźwość Sobriety (wp)
pl:Donald Tusk Donald Tusk (wp)
pl:Upojenie alkoholowe Alcohol intoxication (wp)
pl:Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki (wp)
pl:Wpływ muzyki na nasze życie Machine translation: The impact of music on our lives (wp)
pl:Nonźródła:Wspomnienia Amerykanina z podróży do Polski [[]] (wp)
pl:Zespół Macierewicza Machine translation: Macierewicz syndrome
pl:Zwiastun filmowy Trailer (promotion) (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Polish article Possible translation Progress
pl:Albania Albania (wp)
pl:Alkoholik Alcoholic (wp)
pl:Antychryst Antichrist (wp)
pl:Choroby weneryczne Sexually transmitted disease (wp)
pl:Oliver Cromwell Oliver Cromwell (wp)
pl:Cthulhu Cthulhu (wp)
pl:Depeche Mode Depeche Mode (wp)
pl:Emo Emo (wp)
pl:Gordon Freeman Gordon Freeman (wp)
pl:Wayne Gretzky Wayne Gretzky (wp)
pl:Hobbit, czyli tam i z powrotem The Hobbit (wp)
pl:Holandia Netherlands (wp)
pl:Poradnik:Jak być dobrym katolikiem HowTo:Be a Good Catholic done
pl:Język fiński Finnish language (wp)
pl:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (wp)
pl:Judas Priest Judas Priest (wp)
pl:Franz Kafka Franz Kafka (wp)
pl:Kambodża Cambodia (wp)
pl:Kara śmierci Capital punishment (wp)
pl:Kot Cat (wp)
pl:Krykiet Cricket (wp)
pl:Krytyka literacka Literary criticism (wp)
pl:Kuba Rozpruwacz Jack the Ripper (wp)
pl:Lacrosse Lacrosse (wp)
pl:Nekrofilia Necrophilia (wp)
pl:Niemcy Germany (wp)
pl:Palau Palau (wp)
pl:Pies domowy Dog (wp)
pl:Piramida Maslowa Maslow's hierarchy of needs (wp)
pl:Power metal Power metal (wp)
pl:Programowanie ekstremalne Extreme programming (wp)
pl:Grigorij Rasputin Grigori Rasputin (wp)
pl:Roswell Roswell, New Mexico (wp)
pl:Saksofon Saxophone (wp)
pl:San Marino San Marino (wp)
pl:Sum Catfish (wp)
pl:Sumo Sumo (wp)
pl:Surinam Suriname (wp)
pl:Szwecja Sweden (wp)
pl:Tajwan (państwo) Taiwan (wp)
pl:Tarot Tarot (wp)
pl:Wychowanie fizyczne Physical education (wp)
pl:Węgry Hungary (wp)
pl:Zespół Aspergera Asperger syndrome (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Polish article Possible translation Progress
pl:Afganistan Afghanistan (wp)
pl:Alfabet Morse'a Morse code (wp)
pl:George Washington George Washington (wp)
pl:Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway (wp)
pl:Hippisi Hippie (wp)
pl:Hipster Hipster (wp)
pl:Japonia Japan (wp)
pl:Kreacjonizm Creationism (wp)
pl:Kura domowa Chicken (wp)
pl:Mojżesz Moses (wp)
pl:Mongolia Mongolia (wp)
pl:Poeta Poetry (wp)
pl:Rewolucja francuska French Revolution (wp)
pl:Sparta Sparta (wp)
pl:Twitter Twitter (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Polish articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Polish article Possible translation Progress
pl:Anioł Angel (wp)
pl:Armia Czerwona Red Army (wp)
pl:Czechosłowacja Czechoslovakia (wp)
pl:Engrish Engrish (wp)
pl:Hokej na lodzie Ice hockey (wp)
pl:Jedi Jedi (wp)
pl:Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin (wp)
pl:Miejska legenda Urban legend (wp)
pl:Pink Floyd Pink Floyd (wp)
pl:Polak Poles (wp)
pl:Totalitaryzm Totalitarianism (wp)
pl:Unia Europejska European Union (wp)

Portuguese[edit source]

Portuguese language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Portuguese featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:Academia de musculação Bodybuilding academy (wp)
pt:Acre Acre (state) (wp)
pt:Alberto Santos-Dumont Alberto Santos-Dumont (wp)
pt:Amigo Secreto Secret Santa (wp)
pt:Aniversário de criança Kids birthday party (wp)
pt:Artigo escrito por um pastor evangélico sobre animes e otakus An article written by an Evangelical Pastor about Anime and Okatu
pt:Artigo lisérgico Lysergic article (wp)
pt:As Aventuras de Jeca Valente The Adventures of Jeca Valente
pt:As maiores cantadas infalíveis The most infallible flirtations
pt:Deslistas:As piores profissões possíveis The worst possible professions
pt:Ayrton Senna Ayrton Senna (wp)
pt:As repostas mais idiotas ou criativas que se pode dar em uma prova The most imaginative ways or dumbest answers you can give in as evidence
pt:Bala Soft Bala Soft (a traditional brazilian candy mark)
pt:Bambu Bamboo (wp)
pt:Belo Horizonte Belo Horizonte (wp)
pt:Bernardinho Bernardo Rezende (wp)
pt:Bomberman Bomberman (video game) (wp)
pt:Boneco de posto Airdancer (wp)
pt:Brasil Brazil (wp)
pt:Brasília Brasília (wp)
pt:Botanofilia Botanofilia
pt:Camarão empalado Impaled shrimp
pt:Cana-de-açúcar Sugarcane (wp)
pt:Carinha verde de moto que morre logo no começo da primeira fase do Megaman X2 Green biker dude who dies at the first stage of Megaman X2
pt:Castanha-do-pará Brazil nut (wp)
pt:Cavaleiros do Brasil Knights of Brazil
pt:Chapolin Colorado El Chapulín Colorado (wp)
pt:Churrasco Grego Doner kebab (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Como escrever um artigo idiota e sem-graça na Desciclopédia HowTo:Write a dull or stupid article on Desciclopédia
pt:Deslivros:Como fundar uma Igreja Evangélica HowTo:Start an Evangelical Church
pt:Deslivros:Como montar seu grupo de Rap HowTo:Start a rap group
pt:Deslivros:Como sobreviver a um ataque zumbi HowTo:Survive a zombie attack
pt:Deslivros:Criando seu próprio anime HowTo:Create your own anime
pt:Cabelo Hair (wp)
pt:Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (video game) (wp)
pt:Carro de Telemensagem Telemessage car (sound-cars who send mensages to people, in Brazil)
pt:Coelhinhas da Playboy Playboy Bunny (wp)
pt:Crepúsculo (série) Twilight (series) (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Criando o seu próprio país HowTo:Create your own country (wp)
pt:Dercy Gonçalves Dercy Gonçalves (wp)
pt:Desciclopédia Desciclopédia (wp)
pt:Descobrimento da América Discovery of America (wp)
pt:Dooley Dapper Denver Dooley (wp)
pt:Dr. House House (TV series) (wp)
pt:E.T. do Panamá E.T. of Panamá (wp)
pt:Eternal Champions Eternal Champions (wp)
pt:Figurante de jogos Supporting game characters
pt:Galvão Bueno Galvão Bueno (wp)
pt:Guerra do Paraguai Paraguayan War (wp)
pt:Guerreiras Mágicas de Rayearth Magic Knight Rayearth (wp)
pt:Globo Rural Globo Rural (wp)
pt:Halloween (série) Halloween (franchise) (wp)
pt:Herbalife Herbalife (wp)
pt:História da França History of France (wp)
pt:História de Portugal History of Portugal (wp)
pt:História do Brasil History of Brazil (wp)
pt:Jontex Júnior Jontex Júnior (a condom mark)
pt:Juggernaut Juggernaut (comics) (wp)
pt:Joana d'Arc Joan of Arc (wp)
pt:Juicer Philips Walita Juicer Philips Walita (a Food Processor mark)
pt:Kopi Luwak Kopi Luwak (wp)
pt:Lagoa Grande (Minas Gerais) Lagoa Grande, Minas Gerais (wp)
pt:Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (wp)
pt:Luz visível Visible spectrum (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Lições Práticas de Comunismo - Um relate real da aplicação prática da experiência marxists no system educacional UnBooks:Practical Lessons of Communism: A Real Account of the Practical Application of Marxist Experience in Educational System
pt:Mafagafo Mafagafo
pt:Montagem de Paint Paint edition
pt:Murphydinâmica Quântica Quantum murphydynamics
pt:Niterói Niterói (wp)
pt:Narrador da Sessão da Tarde Narrator of Sessão da Tarde (wp)
pt:Deslivros:O Gênesis, segundo um Descíclope The Book of Genesis, according to an Uncyclopedian (wp)
pt:OSNI (Ufologia) Unidentified Submarine Objects
pt:Ótica (loja) Glasses store
pt:Pacu-caranha Piaractus mesopotamicus (wp) (the word "pacu" in Portuguese forms a pun "pra cu" that means "to ass"
pt:Pedro I do Brasil Pedro I of Brazil (wp)
pt:Deslivros:Pergunta Idiota UnBooks:Dumb Question
pt:Piscina de 1000 litros Pool of 1000 liters (or 265 gallons)
pt:Por que os Beatles acabaram? Why?:Did The Beatles break up? (wp)
pt:Protagonista de jogos Video game protagonists (wp)
pt:Pobre na praia Beach bum (wp)
pt:Professor Großenfibber Professor Grossenfibber (wp)
pt:Deslistas:Programas que passim em horários impossíveis de assistir Television shows that are sometimes impossible to watch
pt:Rebaixamento Promotion and relegation (wp)
pt:Rede Globo Rede Globo (wp)
pt:Remoção de conteúdo de páginas por engano Removing content from pages by mistake (wp)
pt:Revista Veja Veja (magazine) (wp)
pt:Revistofilia Magazinephilia
pt:Rifa Raffle (wp)
pt:Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima Ronaldo (wp)
pt:Religião da Grécia Antiga Ancient Greek religion (wp)
pt:Samus Aran Samus Aran (wp)
pt:Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Moderno New7Wonders of the World (wp)
pt:Seu Madruga Don Ramón (wp)
pt:Street Fighter II Victory Street Fighter II V (wp)
pt:Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Antigo Seven Wonders of the World (wp)
pt:Taubaté Taubaté (wp)
pt:Televisão no Brasil Television in Brazil (wp)
pt:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (wp)
pt:Tibia Tibia (video game) (wp)
pt:Yu Yu Hakusho YuYu Hakusho (wp)
pt:Zeca Urubu Buzz Buzzard (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:Deslivros:A Divina Comédia Divine Comedy (wp)
pt:Albert Einstein Albert Einstein (wp)
pt:Alemanha Germany (wp)
pt:Argentina Argentina (wp)
pt:Anticristo Antichrist (wp)
pt:Cavaleiros do Zodíaco Saint Seiya (wp)
pt:Dez Mandamentos Ten Commandments (wp)
pt:Emo Emo (wp)
pt:Emoção Emotion (wp)
pt:Energia Energy (wp)
pt:Estados Unidos do Sul Southern United States (wp)
pt:Fernão de Magalhães Ferdinand Magellan (wp)
pt:Futebol americano American football (wp)
pt:Genghis Khan Genghis Khan (wp)
pt:Gladiador Gladiator (wp)
pt:Guerra do Vietnã Vietnam War (wp)
pt:Inundação Flood (wp)
pt:Joanesburgo Johannesburg (wp)
pt:Júlio César Julius Caesar (wp)
pt:Katana Katana (wp)
pt:Ku Klux Klan Ku Klux Klan (wp)
pt:Marco Aurélio Antonino Augusto Marcus Aurelius (wp)
pt:Mecânica Quântica Quantum mechanics (wp)
pt:Naruto Naruto (wp)
pt:Nerd Nerd (wp)
pt:Ninja Ninja (wp)
pt:Otaku Otaku (wp)
pt:Outdoor Billboard (wp)
pt:Pena de morte Capital punishment (wp)
pt:Plágio Plagiarism (wp)
pt:Programa Apollo Apollo program (wp)
pt:Renascimento (escola artística) The Renaissance (wp)
pt:René Descartes René Descartes (wp)
pt:República Tcheca Czech Republic (wp)
pt:Segunda Guerra Mundial World War II (wp)
pt:Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (wp)
pt:The Sims The Sims (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:AAA AAA (wp)
pt:All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us (wp)
pt:Aplicações da Lei de Murphy em dispositivos antigravitacionais felinos Murphy's law application for antigravitatory cats
pt:Apple Apple Inc. (wp)
pt:Cheiramento de gatinhos Kitten huffing (wp)
pt:Estereótipo Stereotype (wp)
pt:Febre amarela Yellow fever (wp)
pt:George Walker Bush George W. Bush (wp)
pt:Língua inglesa English language (wp)
pt:Power Rangers Power Rangers (wp)
pt:Reggae Reggae (wp)
pt:Universo Universe (wp)
pt:Wikipédia Wikipedia (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Portuguese articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Portuguese article Possible translation Progress
pt:Água Water (wp)
pt:Batman Batman (wp)
pt:Death Note Death Note (wp)
pt:Digimon Digimon (wp)
pt:Dragon Ball Dragon Ball (wp)
pt:Grand Theft Auto IV Grand Theft Auto IV (wp)
pt:Hormônio Hormone (wp)
pt:Indie Indie rock (wp)
pt:Monty Python Monty Python (wp)
pt:Neve Snow (wp)
pt:Pink Floyd Pink Floyd (wp)
pt:Pirulito Lollipop (wp)
pt:Pokémon Pokémon (wp)
pt:Pelé Pelé (wp)
pt:Sofá Couch (wp)
pt:Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog (wp)
pt:웃 Stick figure (wp)
pt:Tóquio Tokyo (wp)

Russian[edit source]

Russian language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Russian featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Russian article Possible translation Progress
ru:54 308 428 790 203 478 762 340 052 723 346 983 453 487 023 489 987 231 275 412 390 872 348 475 [[]] (wp)
ru:President Evil [[]] (wp)
ru:Uncyclopedia Science [[]] (wp)
ru:World of Tanks World of Tanks (wp)
ru:Безумный Шляпник The Hatter (wp)
ru:Воздушный паровоз Ил-18П [[]] (wp)
ru:Волк Gray wolf (wp)
ru:Гоа'оты [[]] (wp)
ru:Дарт Херохито Machine translation: Darth Hirohito (wp)
ru:Девочки-волшебницы [[]] (wp)
ru:Дело Pussy Riot Machine translation: Pussy Riot trial (wp)
ru:Десять козней ебипетских Plagues of Egypt (wp)
ru:Доктор Хаус House (TV series) (wp)
ru:Дровосексуальность [[]] (wp)
ru:Как правильно:Завоёвывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей HowTo:Win friends and influence people (wp)
ru:Как правильно:Заниматься миссионерской деятельностью HowTo:Proselytize
ru:Как правильно:Изготовить дома бомбу HowTo:Make a bomb at home
ru:Имхотеп Imhotep (wp)
ru:Как правильно:Искать чёрную кошку в тёмной комнате HowTo:Find a black cat in a dark room
ru:Как правильно:Испортить дружескую вечеринку Machine translation: HowTo:Ruin a party
ru:Как правильно:Испытать Романтическую Любовь HowTo:Experience romantic love
ru:Исторические шахматы Historical chess (wp)
ru:Казимир Малевич Kazimir Malevich (wp)
ru:Камаз Kamaz (wp)
ru:Кувалда Sledgehammer (wp)
ru:Ли Бо Li Bai (wp)
ru:Ливия Libya (wp)
ru:Машинный перевод Machine translation (wp)
ru:Метро-2 Metro-2 (wp)
ru:Мировой заговор против России World conspiracy against Russia (wp)
ru:Михаил Боярский Mikhail Boyarsky (wp)
ru:Мышь Muridae (wp)
ru:Навуходопоносор Nebuchadnezzar II (wp)
ru:Накладные рельсы Ж-05 [[]] (wp)
ru:Насубарупоедуя [[]] (wp)
ru:Абсурдотека:Несдаваемый экзамен [[]] (wp)
ru:Огромные боевые роботы Giant fighting robots (wp)
ru:Порошок Powder (wp)
ru:Абсурдотека:Похождения капитана Пикирка [[]] (wp)
ru:Правила дорожного движения Traffic code (wp)
ru:Абсурдотека:Разные версии сказки «Репка» [[]] (wp)
ru:Революционная энергия Че [[]] (wp)
ru:Рухнама Ruhnama (wp)
ru:Абсурдотека:Сборник пословиц и поговорок русского языка [[]] (wp)
ru:Системный администратор System administrator (wp)
ru:Смех без правил [[]] (wp)
ru:Как правильно:Сочинять хокку HowTo:Compose a haiku (wp)
ru:Сферический конь в вакууме [[]] (wp)
ru:Теория палеоопьянения [[]] (wp)
ru:Травмай [[]] (wp)
ru:Ужасное число котов на чердаке (статья) [[]]
ru:Абсурдотека:Форум о мыле [[]] (wp)
ru:Чердак дома №14 по улице Центральной деревни Пучки, что в Московской области [[]] (wp)
ru:Абсурдотека:Что такое хорошо и что такое плохо. Анализ [[]] (wp)
ru:Язык глухонемых спецназовцев Special forces sign language (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Russian article Possible translation Progress
ru:? Question mark (wp)
ru:Need for Speed Need for Speed (wp)
ru:PzKpfw Panzer (wp)
ru:Банановая кожура Banana peel (wp)
ru:Библия Bible (wp)
ru:Геометрия Geometry (wp)
ru:Да Винчи, Леонардо Leonardo da Vinci (wp)
ru:Ебипет Egypt (wp)
ru:Естественный отбор Natural selection (wp)
ru:Золото Gold (wp)
ru:Ислам Islam (wp)
ru:Компьютер Computer (wp)
ru:Кот Cat (wp)
ru:Ктулху Cthulhu (wp)
ru:Ленин, Владимир Ильич Vladimir Lenin (wp)
ru:Москва Moscow (wp)
ru:Мураками Haruki Murakami (wp)
ru:Обама, Барак Мгангович Barack Obama (wp)
ru:Паранойя Paranoia (wp)
ru:Сила Force (wp)
ru:Симпсон The Simpsons (wp)
ru:Собака Dog (wp)
ru:Сунь-цзы Sun Tzu (wp)
ru:Тесла, Никола Nikola Tesla (wp)
ru:Философия Philosophy (wp)
ru:Хомский Machine translation: Noam Chomsky (wp)
ru:Хот-дог Hot dog (wp)
ru:Хрущёв, Никита Сергеевич Nikita Khrushchev (wp)
ru:Часы Clock (wp)
ru:Черви Worm (wp)
ru:Что угодно Anything (wp)
ru:Шаровары Shareware (wp)
ru:Шизофрения Schizophrenia (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Russian article Possible translation Progress
ru:Википедия Wikipedia (wp)
ru:Джордж Буш-младший George W. Bush (wp)
ru:Каддафи, Мухаммор Мухаммедович Muammar Gaddafi (wp)
ru:Тарантино, Квентин Quentin Tarantino (wp)
ru:Чак Норрис Chuck Norris (wp)
ru:Япония Japan (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Russian articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Russian article Possible translation Progress
ru:Бизнесмен Entrepreneur (wp)
ru:GTA Grand Theft Auto (wp)
ru:Гарри Поттер Harry Potter (character) (wp)
ru:Почта Mail (wp)
ru:Ураган Катрина Hurricane Katrina (wp)
ru:Харакири Seppuku (wp)
ru:Хирургия Surgery (wp)

Spanish[edit source]

Spanish language featured articles (Recommended articles).

English version does not exist[edit source]

These Spanish featured articles do not appear to have an English equivalent and may benefit from translation. Please complete, remove, or correct details where possible.

Machine translations have been provided but may point to the wrong articles. Do please try to fill in the possible translation names for English equivalent articles

Spanish article Possible translation Progress
es:"Estamos sin sistema” [[]] (wp)
es:2001: Odisea del espacio 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) (wp)
es:31 minutos 31 Minutos (wp)
es:Accidente de Chernóbil Chernobyl disaster (wp)
es:Accidente de Fukushima Daiichi Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (wp)
es:Accidentes Causados por la Estupidez Humana Accidents caused by human stupidity In Progress
es:Agalmatofilia [[]] (wp)
es:Agencia de viajes Inciclopedia Uncyclopedia Travel Agency
es:Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (2010) Alice in Wonderland (2010 film) (wp)
es:American Beauty American Beauty (1999 film) (wp)
es:Amor cortés Courtly love (wp)
es:Andre Geim Andre Geim (wp)
es:Análisis metafórico del cuento "El Dinosaurio" [[]] (wp)
es:Árbol genealógico Family tree (wp)
es:Argentinosaurio Argentinosaurus (wp)
es:Argumento de autoridad Argument from authority (wp)
es:Artículo completamente aprobado por Wikia An article completely approved by Wikia (wp)
es:Asado argentino [[]] (wp)
es:Incijuegos:Asistente para la creación de artículos [[]] (wp)
es:Astrofísica Astrophysics (wp)
es:ATunes/Canciones/Obvio [[]] (wp)
es:Autofoto Selfie (wp)
es:Batalla de Bikini de 1965 Bikini Battle of 1965 (wp)
es:Incinoticias:Benedicto XVI: "la distribución de pasta de dientes agrava el problema de las caries" UnNews:"The distribution of toothpaste exacerbates the problem of tooth decay" says Pope Benedict XVI
es:BlindTube [[]] (wp)
es:Buscando a Nemo Finding Nemo (wp)
es:Cadrón de Stamos [[]] (wp)
es:Calamar gigante extradimensional [[]] (wp)
es:Campo de concentración Internment (wp)
es:Cars Cars (film) (wp)
es:Cataratas del Iguazú Iguazu Falls (wp)
es:Ciencia y tecnología del Siglo XXI 2000s in science and technology (wp)
es:Cirugía estética Cosmetic surgery (wp)
es:Claustrofobia Claustrophobia (wp)
es:Codex Gigas Codex Gigas (wp)
es:Comida italiana Italian cuisine (wp)
es:Conductismo Behaviorism (wp)
es:Copa Intergaláctica de Fútbol de 2456 2045 FIFA Intergalactic Cup
es:Crisis de Corea de 2013 2013 Korean crisis (wp)
es:Crisis económica de 2008-2015 Great Recession (wp)
es:Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2010 2010 FIFA World Cup (wp)
es:Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo (wp)
es:Cronología de la Segunda Guerra Mundial Timeline of World War II (wp)
es:Crucifixión Crucifixion (wp)
es:Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee (wp)
es:Delfín Oceanic dolphin (wp)
es:Diablo II Diablo II (wp)
es:Diario de Paris Journal of Paris (wp)
es:Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez Diego Velázquez (wp)
es:Diez libros imprescindibles Ten essential books (wp)
es:Dinosauroide Dinosauroid (wp)
es:Distopía Dystopia (wp)
es:Ecce Homo Ecce homo (wp)
es:El Chavo del Ocho El Chavo del Ocho (wp)
es:El chico de la propaganda [[]] (wp)
es:El club de la ducha [[]] (wp)
es:El Estado de Mordor contra Frodo Bolsón The State of Mordor v. Frodo Baggins (wp)
es:El Mago de Oz The Wizard of Oz (1939 film) (wp)
es:El pingüino emperador macho en época de celo cuando las focas no miran [[]] (wp)
es:El principito The Little Prince (wp)
es:El resplandor (película) The Shining (film) (wp)
es:El Silmarillion The Silmarillion (wp)
es:Elecciones papales del Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano 2013 Papal conclave, 2013 (wp)
es:Entierro de videojuegos de Atari Atari video game burial (wp)
es:Es recomendable ahcerse la paja con un panal de abejas? [[]] (wp)
es:Estamos bien en el refugio los 33 [[]] (wp)
es:Esto no es una pipa The Treachery of Images (wp)
es:Éxodo Book of Exodus (wp)
es:Experimentos de Milgram Milgram experiment (wp)
es:Eyes Wide Shut Eyes Wide Shut (wp)
es:Falso amigo False friend (wp)
es:Familia Real Española Spanish Royal Family (wp)
es:Fe de erratas Erratum (wp)
es:Fenómeno de 2012 2012 phenomenon (wp)
es:Francisco Bizarro Francisco Bizarro (wp)
es:Francisco Morazán Francisco Morazán (wp)
es:FUA Argentine University Federation (wp)
es:Fútbol hablado Talked Soccer (wp)
es:Gastronomía Pokémon Gastronomy of Pokémon (wp)
es:Gimnasia bancaria Banking gymnastics (wp)
es:Gordismo [[]] (wp)
es:Grand Theft Auto: Jerusalem Grand Theft Auto: Jerusalem
es:Guerra Ruso-Marciana [[]] (wp)
es:Historia de la música History of music (wp)
es:Hola mamá, estoy en el internet Hi Mom, I'm on the Internet In Progress
es:Hágalo mañana [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/10 Razones para suicidarte y liberar al mundo de tu patética existencia [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Aprenda a nadar en cinco días [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Ayer me salió un grano en el trasero... y me acordé de ti [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Batman y Robin: Novela rosa [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Caperucita blanca [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Ciudadano Cthulhu (Fragmentos) [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cocina para jóvenes emancipados [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Conociendo Taiwán [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Conozca Chile [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Conozca Ravenholm [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Construya su propio tanque [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo cortarte las uñas de los pies con los dientes mientras te mira un pato con intenciones homicidas [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo hablar castellano [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo hablar mexicano [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo interrogar a alguien sin contravenir la Convención de Ginebra o la Declaración de Derechos Humanos [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo matar a alguien [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo matar con un rollo de lapel higiénico HowTo:Kill someone with toilet paper
es:Incilibros/Cómo perder la virginidad [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Cómo preparar cereal con leche [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Dibujos animados que promueven el uso de drogas [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/El mito de la caverna [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Extractos de El ingenioso padawan Don Kyxot de las Galaxias [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía de supervivencia zombi [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía de viajes: Mordor [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía del auténtico macho [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía para dejar de fumar [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía para encontrar aparcamiento [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía para una cita a ciegas: versión para caballeros [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía para vivir en pareja [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Guía suicida [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/La Humanidad, según Google [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual de conversión al judaísmo [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual del Friki [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual del náufrago [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual del protocolo moderno [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual médico Tomo 1 [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual para convertirse en su propio abuelo Guide to become your own grandfather
es:Incilibros/Manual para escapar de prisión [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual para ganar un juicio [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Manual para sobornar a un árbitro [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Mensajes subliminales en las canciones que escucharon nuestros padres [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Orientación del papel higiénico: Un estudio histórico, gatuno y experimental [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Panchatantra [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Por qué: editar en Inciclopedia si no ganas dinero y Jimbo Wales se hace rico a tu costa Machine translation: Why?:Edit on Uncyclopedia if you don't make any money and Jimbo Wales gets rich at your expense?
es:Incilibros/Por qué: la gallina cruzó la calle [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Psicología de los inadaptados sociales [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Sobre la supremacía de los chihuahua [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Todo lo que siempre quiso saber de sus administradores [[]] (wp)
es:Incilibros/Videojuegos cavernícolas [[]] (wp)
es:Incinoticias:¡Ayer fue el cumple de mi vecino! UnNews:Yesterday was my neighbor's birthday!
es:Incinoticias:¡Impactante!: "Yo asesiné a Tio1.jpg" [[]] (wp)
es:Influenza Cochina Swine influenza (wp)
es:Inmaculado Corazón de E.T. Immaculate Heart of E.T. (wp)
es:Invasión latinoamericana de Europa Latin American invasion of Europe (wp)
es:IP anónima Anonymous IP (wp)
es:Iron-Man (película) Iron Man (2008 film) (wp)
es:Jean Baudrillard Jean Baudrillard (wp)
es:Jew-jitsu Jew-Jitsu In Progress
es:Juego de naipes Card game (wp)
es:Juegos Olímpicos de Atlántida 1996 1996 Summer Olympics (wp)
es:Juegos Wadiyanos [[]] (wp)
es:Kadabra Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam (wp)
es:La casa de los espíritus The House of the Spirits (wp)
es:La Guerra de los Mundos de Orson Welles The War of the Worlds (radio drama) (wp)
es:Incijuegos:La llamada de Cthulhu:El juego de rol Game:Call of Cthulhu (wp)
es:La mano de Dios The Hand of God (wp)
es:La puntita nomás [[]] (wp)
es:Incinoticias:La religión más extensa del mundo tiene un nuevo santo UnNews:The largest religion in the world has a new Saint
es:La Sagrada Familia Sagrada Família (wp)
es:Lamentaciones de Jeremías Book of Lamentations (wp)
es:Lamento boliviano [[]] (wp)
es:Ley de la gravedad Newton's law of universal gravitation (wp)
es:Literatura erótica Erotic literature (wp)
es:Lluvia de aviones Planes Rain (wp)
es:Los hombres son golpeados por el fútbol [[]] (wp)
es:Los Inmisericordes Chiles de Quetzalzatenango The merciless peppers of Quetzalzatenango (wp)
es:Los tondos de la Inciclopedia The fools of the Uncyclopedia
es:Machismo Machismo (wp)
es:Machu Picchu Machu Picchu (wp)
es:Malcolm X Malcolm X (wp)
es:Mayas Maya civilization (wp)
es:Mazda Laputa Mazda Laputa (wp)
es:Megaupload Megaupload (wp)
es:Metallica Metallica (wp)
es:Michel Foucault Michel Foucault (wp)
es:Micropitufos [[]] (wp)
es:Monoblocks [[]] (wp)
es:Monoteísmo Monotheism (wp)
es:Monte Rushmore Mount Rushmore (wp)
es:Métodos de tortura de la Santa Inquisición Torture methods of the Holy Inquisition (wp)
es:Métrica Poética Metre (poetry) (wp)
es:Música concreta Musique concrète (wp)
es:Incijuegos:No pulses el botón rojo Game:Do not press the red button (wp)
es:Nuevas Siete Maravillas del Mundo New7Wonders of the World (wp)
es:Operación Inciclopedia Operation Uncyclopedia
es:Oscurecimiento global Global dimming (wp)
es:Oz: el Poderoso Oz the Great and Powerful (wp)
es:Palabra esdrújula [[]] (wp)
es:Paradoja del gato y la tostada [[]] (wp)
es:Pellizco vulcano Vulcan nerve pinch (wp)
es:Penal Cordillera [[]] (wp)
es:Pep Guardiola Pep Guardiola (wp)
es:Pitbull Pit bull (wp)
es:Plebiscito nacional de Chile de 1988 [[]] (wp)
es:Incijuegos:Pokémon Azul y Rojo Game:Pokémon Red and Blue (wp)
es:Por mis cojones [[]] (wp)
es:Posmodernismo Postmodernity (wp)
es:Prehispania Prehistoric Iberia (wp)
es:Premio lácteo [[]] (wp)
es:Primer viaje a la Luna First trip to the Moon (wp)
es:Programa Espacial Precolombino Pre-Columbian space program (wp)
es:Que Lo Haga Otro [[]] (wp)
es:Retórica Rhetoric (wp)
es:Risa malvada Evil laughter (wp)
es:Incinoticias:Sacerdote expedientado por hacer proposiciones indecentes a un maniquí UnNews:Priest prosecuted for making indecent propositions to a mannequin
es:San Ernesto de La Higuera [[]] (wp)
es:Santa Muerte Santa Muerte (wp)
es:Selección nacional de fútbol de Israel Israel national football team (wp)
es:Simbolismos antisemitas del Chavo del Ocho Antisemitic symbolism in Chavo del Ocho (wp)
es:Incijuegos:Simulador Friki Game:Geek Simulator (wp)
es:Incijuegos:Star Wars, el juego de rol Game:Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (wp)
es:Sucesos de octubre de 2012 October 2012 (wp)
es:Suicidio Cuántico Quantum suicide and immortality (wp)
es:Síndrome de Déficit de Atención Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (wp)
es:Síndrome de la mano extraña Alien hand syndrome (wp)
es:Síndrome de Tourette Tourette syndrome (wp)
es:Incinoticias:Te amp Paty, y hago una Incinoticia para que todos se enteren UnNews:I love you Patty, and i'm making a UnNews so that everyone knows it
es:Teogonía vs Génesis Theogony vs. Genesis (wp)
es:Teoría de la generación espontánea Spontaneous generation (wp)
es:Terror en Inciclopedia Terror on Uncyclopedia
es:The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption (wp)
es:The Wolverine The Wolverine (film) (wp)
es:THX 1138 THX 1138 (wp)
es:Transespecialidad [[]] (wp)
es:Vacío legal Loophole (wp)
es:Vestidismo [[]] (wp)
es:Incinoticias:Wikia le mutila las tetas a la Venus de Milo UnNews:Wikia mutilates the breasts of the Venus de Milo
es:Yu-Gi-Oh! Santoral católico Yu-Gi-Oh! Catholic Church Edition
es:Yuri Gagarin Yuri Gagarin (wp)

English version exists but is not featured[edit source]

Spanish article Possible translation Progress
es:Absenta Absinthe (wp)
es:Agujero de Gusano Wormhole (wp)
es:Andy Warhol Andy Warhol (wp)
es:Antisemitismo Antisemitism (wp)
es:Arma Weapon (wp)
es:Arte Art (wp)
es:Ateísmo Atheism (wp)
es:Barack Obama Barack Obama (wp)
es:Barroco Baroque (wp)
es:Benedicto XVI Pope Benedict XVI (wp)
es:Biblioteca Library (wp)
es:Bicicleta Bicycle (wp)
es:Brad Pitt Brad Pitt (wp)
es:Cambio de sexo Sex change (wp)
es:Canto gregoriano Gregorian chant (wp)
es:Carlos I el Grande Charlemagne (wp)
es:Carrera espacial Space Race (wp)
es:Casino Casino (wp)
es:Cementerio Cemetery (wp)
es:Charles Bukowski Charles Bukowski (wp)
es:Charles Chaplin Charles Chaplin (wp)
es:Che Guevara Che Guevara (wp)
es:Chewbacca Chewbacca (wp)
es:Copa Mundial de Fútbol FIFA World Cup (wp)
es:Cosa Thing (wp)
es:Cristóbal Colón Christopher Columbus (wp)
es:Cubo de Rubik Rubik's Cube (wp)
es:Cómic Comics (wp)
es:Daltonismo Color blindness (wp)
es:Debate Debate (wp)
es:Derecho Law (wp)
es:Desierto Desert (wp)
es:Deus Ex Machina Deus ex machina (wp)
es:Dmitri Mendeleev Dmitri Mendeleev (wp)
es:Donnie Darko Donnie Darko (wp)
es:Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe (wp)
es:Edward D. Wood Jr. Ed Wood (wp)
es:El efecto mariposa Butterfly effect (wp)
es:Incijuegos:Elige tu propia aventura Game:Choose Your Own Adventure (wp)
es:Enrique Peña Nieto Enrique Peña Nieto (wp)
es:Espartaco Spartacus (wp)
es:Esqueleto Skeleton (wp)
es:Esquizofrenia Schizophrenia (wp) done
es:Existencialismo Existentialism (wp)
es:Feminismo Feminism (wp)
es:Fiódor Dostoyevski Fyodor Dostoyevsky (wp)
es:Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury (wp)
es:Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche (wp)
es:Friendzone Friend zone (wp)
es:Gastronomía de Inglaterra British cuisine (wp)
es:Golf Golf (wp)
es:Gran Colisionador de Hadrones Large Hadron Collider (wp)
es:Henry Ford Henry Ford (wp)
es:Henry Kissinger Henry Kissinger (wp)
es:Herbert von Karajan Herbert von Karajan (wp)
es:Hipnosis Hypnosis (wp)
es:Holocausto The Holocaust (wp)
es:Homofobia Homophobia (wp)
es:Idi Amin Idi Amin (wp)
es:Imperio Otomano Ottoman Empire (wp)
es:Indie Indie rock (wp)
es:Inteligencia Intelligence (wp)
es:Islam Islam (wp)
es:Juegos Olímpicos de invierno Winter Olympic Games (wp)
es:Karl Marx Karl Marx (wp)
es:Kill Bill Kill Bill (wp)
es:Ku Klux Klan Ku Klux Klan (wp)
es:La Divina Comedia Divine Comedy (wp)
es:La naranja mecánica A Clockwork Orange (wp)
es:Lanzamiento de piedras Stoning? (wp)
es:Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci (wp)
es:Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio (wp)
es:Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll (wp)
es:Ley de Godwin Godwin's law (wp)
es:Literatura Literature (wp)
es:Lógica Logic (wp)
es:Marlon Brando Marlon Brando (wp)
es:Marqués de Sade Marquis de Sade (wp)
es:Materia oscura Dark matter (wp)
es:Mecánica cuántica Quantum mechanics (wp)
es:Memoria Memory (wp)
es:Mentira Lie (wp)
es:Métodos anticonceptivos Birth control (wp)
es:Mona Lisa Mona Lisa (wp)
es:Nada Nothing (wp)
es:Neoliberalismo Neoliberalism (wp)
es:Nicolas Sarkozy Nicolas Sarkozy (wp)
es:Nutella Nutella (wp)
es:Ópera Opera (wp)
es:Orgasmo Orgasm (wp)
es:Orgía Orgy (wp)
es:Papa Espacial Space Pope (wp)
es:Paradoja Paradox (wp)
es:Película Film (wp)
es:Perro Dog (wp)
es:Pesimismo Pessimism (wp)
es:Peter Pan Peter Pan (wp)
es:Philip J. Fry Philip J. Fry (wp)
es:Pikachu Pikachu (wp)
es:Poema Poetry (wp)
es:Política Politics (wp)
es:Portugal Portugal (wp)
es:Premios Oscar Academy Awards (wp)
es:Primavera árabe Arab Spring (wp)
es:Prisión Prison (wp)
es:Pseudociencia Pseudoscience (wp)
es:Pseudociencias [[]] (wp)
es:Psicoanálisis Psychoanalysis (wp)
es:Pulpo Paul Paul the Octopus (wp)
es:Química orgánica Organic chemistry (wp)
es:Rata Rat (wp)
es:Regreso al futuro Back to the Future (wp)
es:Renacimiento The Renaissance (wp)
es:Revolución Revolution (wp)
es:Revolución rusa de 1917 Russian Revolution (wp)
es:Rey Salomón Solomon (wp)
es:Robar Robbery (wp)
es:Ropa Clothing (wp)
es:Sacrificios humanos Human sacrifice (wp)
es:San Agustín Augustine of Hippo (wp)
es:Santo Grial Holy Grail (wp)
es:Segunda Guerra Mundial World War II (wp)
es:Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (wp)
es:Simón Bolívar Simón Bolívar (wp)
es:Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking (wp)
es:Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg (wp)
es:Teletransportación Teleportation (wp)
es:Tenis Tennis (wp)
es:Teoría conspirativa Conspiracy theory (wp)
es:Teoría del Big Bang Big Bang (wp)
es:Tequila Tequila (wp)
es:Testigos de Jehová Jehovah's Witnesses (wp)
es:The Who The Who (wp)
es:Tiempo Time (wp)
es:Triangle Hero Triangle Hero
es:Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh (wp)
es:Violación Rape (wp)
es:Voltaire Voltaire (wp)
es:Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger (wp)
es:Watchmen Watchmen (wp)
es:Wernher von Braun Wernher von Braun (wp)
es:William S. Burroughs William S. Burroughs (wp)
es:Zeitgeist Zeitgeist (wp)

Both languages are featured[edit source]

Spanish article Possible translation Progress
es:Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler (wp)
es:Alfred Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock (wp)
es:Anónimo Anonymous (wp)
es:Aristóteles Aristotle (wp)
es:Dibujo Drawing (wp)
es:Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway (wp)
es:Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo (wp)
es:Gangnam Style Gangnam Style (wp)
es:Mensaje subliminal Subliminal stimuli (wp)
es:Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí (wp)
es:Ser humano Human (wp)
es:Snakes on a Plane Snakes on a Plane (wp)
es:Taco Taco (wp)
es:Viaje a través del tiempo Time travel (wp)
es:Wikipedia Wikipedia (wp)

Significantly larger[edit source]

Featured Spanish articles that are significantly larger than the English article equivalent. This is not necessarily a true reflection of coverage as the English information may be split over several different articles.

Spanish article Possible translation Progress
es:Ajedrez Chess (wp)
es:American History X American History X (wp)
es:Antiguo Egipto Ancient Egypt (wp)
es:Apolo 13 Apollo 13 (wp)
es:Arte Marcial Martial arts (wp)
es:Ayudante de Office Office Assistant (wp)
es:Beso Kiss (wp)
es:Corazón Heart (wp)
es:Cretácico Cretaceous (wp)
es:Cuentos de hadas Fairy tale (wp)
es:Dhalsim Dhalsim (wp)
es:Dictadura Dictatorship (wp)
es:Diógenes de Sinope Diogenes of Sinope (wp)
es:Enfermedad Disease (wp)
es:Gato de Schrödinger Schrödinger's cat (wp)
es:Grecia clásica Classical Greece (wp)
es:Guerra de Vietnam Vietnam War (wp)
es:Inception Inception (wp)
es:León Trotski Leon Trotsky (wp)
es:Menstruación Menstruation (wp)
es:Meteorología Meteorology (wp)
es:Ñ Ñ (wp)
es:Periodismo Journalism (wp)
es:Piedra filosofal Philosopher's stone (wp)
es:Pokémon Pokémon (wp)
es:Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins (wp)
es:Rickroll Rickrolling (wp)
es:Servicio de atención al cliente Customer service (wp)
es:Stanley Kubrick Stanley Kubrick (wp)
es:Suicidio Suicide (wp)
es:Toy Story Toy Story (wp)
es:Winston Churchill Winston Churchill (wp)