Trojan War (video game)
Pregame Lobby[edit | edit source]
Peleus and Thetis, the apple, and the judgment[edit | edit source]
*YOU HAVE JOINED #PandT_wedding*
*Topic for #PandT_wedding is "Peleus and Thetis are getting marriedzor, we're having a party. Don't tell Eris, nobody likes her."*
*Topic for #PandT_wedding was set by bigZ*
Kill the dog and then make the littld girl cry about her dead cow and then steal her camera and then punch her in the face till she dies
*3riz has joined #PandT_wedding - mode i*
3riz tosses Kallixti apple on table
3riz observes no hot-dog buns.
<h3r4>: I am the h0tz0r, it's mine
<athenzor>: no, I am the h0tz0r, it's mine
<xX_love_Xx>: step off, everyone know's that I am the h0tz0r
<athenzor>: love: no way, you are the sl00t
<xX_love_Xx>: fuck you bitch, I am the h0tz0r
<h3r4>: you're both sl00ts, I am the h0tz0r
<h3r4>: tell them bigZ
<bigZ>: don't look at me
<athenzor>: yeah daddy, tell them that I'm the h0tz0r
<xX_love_Xx>: no, tell them I am the h0tz0r
<bigZ>: I'm biased, how about we have troyboy decide
- <h3r4> to <tr0yb0y>: tell them I am the h0tz0r and I will give you all of asia
- <athenzor> to <tr0yb0y>: tell them I am the h0tz0r and I will give you the mad l33t sk1llz
- <xX_love_Xx> to <tr0yb0y>: tell them I am the h0tz0r and I will make the ultra h0tz0r mortal love you
<tr0yb0y>: d00ds, xX_love_Xx is totally the h0tz0r
<xX_love_Xx>: sw33t!
<athenzor>: love hax!
<h3r4>: LAG!
*tr0yb0y has left #PandT_wedding (going back to tr0y)*
The elopement of H3L3N[edit | edit source]
*tr0yb0y has joined #Sparta
<tr0yb0y> lol ur wifes hot
<agmneiner> lol thx
*tr0yb0y has enabled cheat "Adultery"
*tr0yb0y has left the server
*H3L3N has left the server
<agmneiner> OMFG hax!!!!!11!1 get him!11
<ULcu5> lol il help
<agmneiner> OMFG, d00d, ask the Greek clan 4 help. tr0y just stoled my wife!!!11
<ULcu5> ya, i can see that lol
<agmneiner> we r gunna need liek, 1000 ships, nd, liek, 50000 d00ds
<ULcu5> lol thos trojans r gunna pay. tey break wen u ned them LOLOLOLOL
<agmneiner> lol u perv
<ULcu5> ok im going 2 #Ithica to see if any 1 wants 2 help
*ULcu5 has left #Sparta
<agmneiner> lol im bored
Recruiting Achilles[edit | edit source]
<agmneiner> yo Achy
<Achy Headz> yo agmeiner
<agmneiner> d00d, do j00 want 2 help us pwn Sparta?
<Achy Headz> no.
<agmneiner> i will give j00 sum h0tz0rz!
<Achy Headz> d00d, patty will get angry.
<agmneiner> h0m0!
<Patty> STFU agmneiner
<agmneiner> i will give u 5000 gold.
<Achy Headz> fuk yeh
<Patty> lol me2
The war itself[edit | edit source]
Achy and Aggie[edit | edit source]
<Achy Headz> dood th1s war is like da suxxorz!
<agmneiner> STFU N00b! We need the Wifey! bcause j00 is being ghey...
*<agmneiner> activated cheat: Adultery!
*<Achyz chick> has entered the game!
*<Achyz chick> has gone with <agmneiner>!
<Achy Headz> OMGWTFBBQAFKFTW HAX!!!11!!!eleven!
<agmneiner> n00b, PWN3D!
<Achy Headz> dd00d this sux
<Achy Headz> is now known as <emo greek>
<emo greek> d00ds screw this, my d00ds are gone.
<emo greek> and ulcu5z d00dz hve went 2 #NearTroy.
#Near Troy[edit | edit source]
<ULcu5> has joined #NearTroy.
<ULcu5>D00d wtf, y we st1l h3r3, sum1 kill the bi4cht
<tr0yb0y> sup d00ds lol
<agmneiner> STFU send w1fe
<tr0yb0y> lol no ima pwn U
<agmneiner> lmfao
<manlawz> stfu n00b
<tr0yb0y> ur n00b i pwn u2
*tr0yb0y attacks manlawz for 0 damage!*
*manlawz attacks tr0yb0y for 50 damage!*
*manlawz attacks tr0yb0y for 70 damage!*
<tr0yb0y> fuk u
<1Rwinnar> has left #battle
<manlawz> ph3g
<emo greek>d00d ima g0 k1l tr0yb0ys bro
<ULcu5>wwh0aa d00d:.;,. h3 be lik lvl 50
<emo greek> D00d, i ainzt no b1atch
<emo greek> has left for #TroyGates
<1Rwinnar> d00d, i w1l s00000OO0OO0 r4p3 j00
<emo greek> LMAFBBGWTFshift 11-3 costheta_*&DerkaDerkastan, j00 R n00b
<emo greek> activated cheat: g0d m0d3
*1Rwinnar attacks emo greek for 0 damage!*
*1Rwinnar attacks emo greek for 0 damage!*
*emo greek attacks 1Rwinnar for 208932345235231949581500451940 damage!*
<1Rwinnar> WTFBBQ H4XX0rZZZaAza, imma t3l admin u bee cheet1n
<1Rwinnar> is idle*
<emo greek> lol n00b
*emo greek used CHARIOT on 1RWINNAR!*
*112 damage to 1Rwinnar*
*tr0y morale dropped!*
<tr0y> wtf a$$h0l3
<1Rwinnar> has left #world
Tr0j@n h0r$e H4X![edit | edit source]
<ULcu5> u guyz suckz0rz lol
<agmneiner> u do it then!
<ULcu5> lolk
<ULcu5> hold on, brb
<ULcu5> is away (making h0rse lol)
<ULcu5> returned
*tr0j@n h0r$e has joined #world*
<tr0j@n h0r$e> lol sup greeks
<ULcu5> get in doodz
*tr0j@n hOr$e is full and cannot take any more passengers*
<agmneiner> KK hide ppl
*tr0j@n h0r$e has been hijacked by "tr0y" clan
<tr0y> LOL ours now noobs, joo lost ur horse!!!!!111
<ULcu5> ROFL!
<tr0y> H4X!!!!!!!1111
*tr0j@n hOr$e is empty*
<tr0j@n h0r$e> later greeks lol
*tr0j@n hOr$e has left #world*
<ULcu5> pwn them ppl
*tr0y has been dealt 125 fire damage*
*tr0y has been dealt 567 fire damage*
*tr0y has been dealt 345 fire damage*
*tr0y has been destroyed#*
<tr0yb0y> nooooooooo Greeks are all the hax4ors!!! No way!!!
*112 damage to tr0yboy
*tr0yboy has left world#*
*H3L3N has joined "Greeks" clan
<ULcu5> w00t! time to head home dood
<agmneiner> lol let's go
NEXT GAME: The Odyssey on scatteredislands#
Starting in 3...2...1...