Userboxes: Wikipedia Vandalism

 This user reports vandals to administrators so they can be blocked.
 This user has a zero tolerance policy on vandalism.
ZTThis user supports a strict zero tolerance policy on vandalism.

Userboxes: Current Mood and feelings

 This user is happy.

Userboxes: Wikipedia Position

 This user is a Wikipedian.
 This user is a member on the English Wikipedia.

Userboxes: Information about myself

 This user thinks healthy food is vital to mental health. 
 This user is right-handed.
  This user is a smoker.
  This user is a smoker, so what? If you don't want to smoke, then don't smoke...
ADDThis user has ADD.
 This user wears corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses, without which they'd be as blind as a bat!
  This user can not lick his/her own elbow.

Userboxes:Race and Origin

 This user is a 1st generation American.
 This user is of German ancestry.
  This person is of Bayerische Herkunft translated in English as Bavarian Ancestry  
 This user is of Austrian ancestry. 
 This user is of Serbian ancestry.
 This user is of Chinese-Spanish Mixed Philippine Ancestry
 This user is of Chinese ancestry
 This user is of Spanish ancestry.
Seal of Florida
This user lives in Florida, but is not a native.
Flag of Florida

Userboxes: Supports

  This user supports stem cell research.

Userboxes: Preferences

 This user prefers Mozilla Firefox over Internet Explorer. 

Userboxes: Mass Transportation

 This user takes
Public Transport
because they have to!
 This user is a railfan.

Userboxes: Fandome



SCI FIThis user loves science fiction.
 This user is a Trekkie.
XThis user believes that the truth is right in front of you. It's all in the X-files.
 Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!

Language I Speak
