Just a guy

This user intends to do Hajj.
LE-0This individual still maintains a shred of dignity in this insane world by adhering to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation.
fgnThis user can speak foreign.
dlph-0This user cannot speak, has considerable difficulty speaking, or does not wish to speak dolphin.
This user points out that sushi is halal.
1337-1Th1s us3r is 4bl3 2 c0ntr1but3 w1th 4 b451( l3v3l 0f 1337.
This user is interested in Roman Catholicism.
Flag of the Arab LeagueThis user is of Arab ancestry.
هذا المستخدم من أصل عربي

Steak This user is a carnivore.
This user is a chocoholic.
This user loves pizza.
If they had their little way, this user would eat peaches every day.
This user likes doughnuts.
This user wants to make pasta not war.
L3This user is a loyal follower of Lupin III.
TRIGUNThis user wants their $$60 billion.
This user enjoys smooth jazz.