
Latest comment: 10 years ago by Zero0000 in topic things


  • location: 32:56:39N, 35:11:9S. Zerotalk 14:33, 3 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
  • Hutteroth (191) has the following population data for 1596: Muslims 58 heads of households and 12 bachelors; Jews 81 heads of households; Total 79. This is an error since the total is not the sum of the other numbers. SInce the 81 and 79 are incompatible, if there is only one error it is one of those. Either the total should be 151 or the number of Jewish households should be 11. The latter is the most probable solution since 81 Jewish households would make this the fourth largest Jewish population of the time (after Gaza, Jerusalem and Safed). There is simply no tradition of such a large Jewish presence and none of the archaelogical gazeteers mention Jewish remains. For confirmation, another source I have (Ben-Artzi) puts the number of Jews at less than nearby Kafr Yasif, which had 19 Jewish households. Zerotalk 03:00, 4 May 2010 (UTC)Reply
    • Hey, I didn´t know that 58 12 11 =79! I see that you are good at maths ;) Anyway, I think it is a HA typo, they have written: 8)58/12 10)81 11)79 when it probably should have been: 8)58/12 10)8/1 11)79 (That is : Muslims 58 heads of households and 12 bachelors; Jews 8 heads of households and 1 bachelor Total 79). Petersen (p191) also writes that it had a "predominantly Muslim" population in 1596. Cheers, Huldra (talk) 10:39, 21 November 2013 (UTC)Reply
I was just testing if you were paying attention ;). Good theory. Zerotalk 10:58, 21 November 2013 (UTC)Reply