Battle of the Judges is a 2023 Philippine television reality talent competition show broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Rico Gutierrez, it is hosted by Alden Richards. It premiered on July 15, 2023 on the network's Sabado Star Power sa Gabi line-up. The show concluded on September 30, 2023 with a total of 12 episodes. It was replaced by Daig Kayo ng Lola Ko in its timeslot.
This show is a spin-off of the Got Talent franchise. The format of the show is based on the French version of the show with the same name. The competition between judges begins as they mentor and prepare their squad members for the three levels of competition: Battle of the Best or the elimination round, is the thrilling encounter of 24 squad members who will fight it out in 12 Battles.
Battle to the Top is the semifinal round where the four judges will continue to guide the remaining 12 performers who will compete against each other in 6 battles in order to move forward to the final level, The Ultimate Battle, or the Championship round. Here, the remaining six performers will face each other to conquer the battle stage and be voted as the one and only ultimate champion of the competition, who will receive one million pesos.[7]
In this round, 24 squad members of the four judges will fight it out in 12 battles. The winner for each battle will be based on the votes of the two non-competing judges and 100 studio audience.[12]
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Judges' and Audiences' Choice
Squad member won the battle and advanced to the Battle to the Top
Squad member lost the battle, but was picked by their judge to compete in the Wildcard
In this semi-final round, 12 remaining squad members of the four judges will fight it out in 6 battles. The winner for each battle will be based on the votes of the two non-competing judges and 100 studio audience.
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Judges' and Audiences' Choice
Squad member won the battle and advanced to the Ultimate Battle
In this wildcard round, 4 previously eliminated squad members of the four judges will return to fight it out in one battle and be part of the Ultimate Battle. The winner will be based on the voting of the judges and the studio audience. In this round, five battle stars will be given: four from the judges (with the judges aren't allowed to vote on their own squad member), and one from the studio audience. In the event of a tie, the studio audience will vote again to break the tie.
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Squad member won the battle and advanced to the Ultimate Battle
In this 2-part final round, 7 remaining squad members of the four judges will fight it out in 1 ultimate battle. The winner
will be determined by the number of battle stars to be given by the judges and the studio audience.
According to AGB Nielsen Philippines' Nationwide Urban Television Audience Measurement People in television homes, the pilot episode of Battle of the Judges earned an 11.8% rating.[13]