
Policy for the Protection of Personal Information

UNITED has as its mission achieving a richer society and lifestyle by creating new communication tools for mobile Internet, and provides a range of services in this field. In developing business activities of this type, UNITED recognizes that the careful safeguarding of personal information is an important social mission for this company, and both executives and employees strictly adhere to regulations regarding the protection of personal information. In order to realize the following UNITED basic policies, UNITED has constructed a JISQ15001-compliant personal information protection management system, and while paying constant close attention to changes in societal imperatives, pledges company-wide initiatives towards ongoing improvements to this system.

  1. UNITED obtains and utilizes personal information, while fully cognizant of the importance of the protection of this information.

  2. The utilization of personal information shall not exceed the extent required in order to achieve specified usage objectives (other than intended usage).
    Furthermore, UNITED has created internal regulations in order that other than intended usage does not occur, and ensures supervision so that employees adhere closely to said internal regulations.

  3. In order that customers may feel reassured when providing personal information, UNITED has put in place reasonable safety measures as well as preventative and remedial measures to counter the risk of divulgence of, loss of, or damage to personal information.

  4. As a company entrusted with important personal information, UNITED ensures strict compliance with laws concerning the handling of personal information, guidelines, and policies as created by supervisory authorities and which are based upon the Private Information Protection Law, as well as with JISQ15001 and other regulations.

  5. In order to ensure the appropriate usage and full protection of personal information, UNITED conducts ongoing reviews of and improvements to the personal information protection management system.

  6. In the event of complaints or consultations regarding UNITED's handling of personal information, UNITED's inquiry counter handles the following complaints and inquiries in a prompt and appropriate manner.

  7. The aforementioned details apply to all UNITED executives and employees.

Contact for complaints regarding personal information, inquiries, and disclosure

UNITED, inc.
Inquiry Counter regarding Personal Information

[email protected]

Established June 1, 2006
Final revision June 29, 2009