Synopsis of "Hujo World: The Cradle of Chaos and Creation" Lopkinnf, a young man of only 19 years old, becomes the president of the Jex Country, but his vision of the world goes far beyond his position. For him, Jex is the living representation of hell on earth - a place where chaos, corruption and impunity reign supreme. A country where criminals are treated as heroes, public hospitals are synonymous with death and justice is a joke buried in corruption and hypocrisy. Tired of the rot that dominates Jex, Lopkinnf decides to take the reins of a radical change. He does not seek approval, nor fear being labeled a tyrant or a villain. In his mind, absolute justice is the only way, even if it means defying everything and everyone. Determined to eradicate the scum of Jex and rebuild it from the ashes, he starts a revolution that will forever change the destiny of the Country - and perhaps of the Hujo World itself. In this dark journey between chaos and creation, Lopkinnf will face enemies seen and unseen, as he discovers how far he is willing to go to save a world that seems beyond saving.