Newly divorced from a suffocating marriage, Charlotte Grace escapes to the serene shores of Prince Edward Island during a pandemic. Leaving behind her old life, she embraces her dream of starting over by creating a home-based apothecary business, specializing in teas with an uncanny ability to cure ailments. As Charlotte builds her new life, the island helps her uncover long-buried secrets about herself and her mysterious affinity with the wind. Unbeknownst to her, there's something special about her teas, and perhaps even herself. As the winds whisper their secrets and the island's magic subtly intertwines with her own, Charlotte finds herself drawn to Riley, a charming red-headed fisherman with a story of his own. Join Charlotte as she navigates new beginnings, uncovers hidden truths, and embarks on an unexpected journey of love and self-discovery in the idyllic ocean playground of Prince Edward Island in the "Kitchen Witch."