Yours Forever
By Re_eka
  • Romance
  • caribbean
  • completed
  • forever
  • heartbreak
  • humor
  • loss
  • love
  • loveatfirstsight
  • romance
  • truelove


What is Love? I'm not sure myself, but I imagine it to be calm, soft, and intense. A four-letter word with profound meaning. It's how you stay alive even after you're gone. It does not come from finding the perfect person, but from loving a person despite their flaws. Love compels you to take chances. It makes you feel whole. It brings out the best in you. It allows you to be vulnerable and show the real you, even if you don't want to. Love can be both terrifying and beautiful. Because you're exposing your entire soul to your partner without knowing whether they'll accept it or use it against you. Never give up on love because there is a lot of love in the world, but it is never the same love twice. True love is difficult to find. Soul ties are more difficult to maintain, so once you have one, fight together to keep it and cherish it.

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Yours For...
by Re_eka