You're my weakness I love you But sometimes it's easier to walk away than to fight for what you really want. *Summary* After Henry brought Emma Swan in storybrooke, Emma found her self infront of Regina Mills, Henry's adoptive mother mesmerised by her beauty. Ofcourse Regina being the woman she is scared that this woman, his mother, this Emma Swan take away Henry from her,but when Regina saw what Emma's really true intention,things between them turn to be good,they became close to each other. After a year Emma knows that she is ready for this life, She proposed to Regina and now they are happily married and they have another baby, Atarah Maria Swan-Mills. But what if their relationship began to fall down,what will happen now? Can they save their marriage? Can they go back to a big loving family they were once before? Read it I promise it's fantastic! *Swanqueen endgame! *Emma's gp!( duhh! Who doesn't want swanqueen babies?!) *Mature Content *Swanqueen is end game but this will be slow burn *You do not have to watch Once to understand this story