Genre: Thriller, Romance, Mystery, Psycological drama, werewolf Sylvie, a eighteen-year-old, beautiful and tortured girl, suffered a horrible past full of illegalities and crimes. She moved to Beacon Hills to start a normal and happy life with her best friend Anthi. Unfortunately, things get even more complicated when Sylvie meets Derek, who is a werewolf and has his own pack. Then a strong relationship full of conflicts and passion is born between the wild and mysterious werewolf and the defenseless but smart girl. While Derek and Sylvie are dedicated on their love, Anthi meets Peter who is Derek's uncle and affects her life suddenly and abruptly. Important secrets cannot be hidden forever. So does the past. Hunters, Psychopaths, beings who are craving for revenge. Will Derek and Sylvie be able to face their greatest enemies? Will this relationship be strong enough and passionate so that they can cope those difficulties?