An Unexpected Turn...
By kawaiipotatokyler
  • Romance
  • daryl
  • dixon
  • merle
  • pre-apacalypes
  • romance
  • thewalkingdead
  • twd
  • wattys2017
  • wattys2018
  • zombie


If you read this: please do not skip around. Just because the chapter looks interesting doesn't mean you skip the 'boring' ones. I work so hard to write this for you all and I just see people skipping around.... I feel ashamed to have even written this if people aren't going to read the whole story. It's like reading the end of a book then reading the whole book. Daryl Dixon, a 26 aged man, had lived in the small town of Macon Georgia for all his life. his father died, so he lived with his brother, who slept with every girl twice. Maria Lopez, or Georgia Kent, a 26 aged women, had live in Atlanta Georgia for almost all her life, but then, she came to Macon because she needed to find someone who was saposed to be dead. They aren't dead, no, just off the grid.

Chapter 1~~ A New Home

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An Unexpe...
by kawaiipotatokyler