Eluna API Documentation [-] [+]
The Eluna Lua Engine© API
The Eluna Lua Engine© API allows you to add your own Lua code to be executed when certain events (called "hooks") occur.
Add a new in-game command, give life to creatures with new AI, or even light players who try to duel on fire! If the hook exists, you can script it.
About Eluna
Eluna is a Lua engine for World of Warcraft emulators. Eluna supports CMaNGOS/MaNGOS and TrinityCore.
To get Eluna, simply clone your favorite version of MaNGOS or Trinity from our Github account. Each fork there has Eluna already integrated, so you just need to compile and go!
Join our community Discord server to keep up with Eluna development and user provided support.
Tutorials & Guides
We haven"t written tutorials yet, but when we do, we"ll put the links here.
About this documentation
The layout, CSS, and Javascript code for this documentation was borrowed from doc.rust-lang.org.
The documentation generator was originally written by Patman64 and is maintained by the Eluna team.
Aura |
The persistent effect of a Spell that remains on a Unit after the Spell has been cast. |
BattleGround |
Contains the state of a battleground, e.g. Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, etc. |
Corpse |
The remains of a Player that has died. |
Creature | |
ElunaQuery |
The result of a database query. |
GameObject |
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject |
Global |
These functions can be used anywhere at any time, including at start-up. |
Group |
Inherits all methods from: none |
Guild |
Inherits all methods from: none |
Item |
Inherits all methods from: Object |
Map |
A game map, e.g. Azeroth, Eastern Kingdoms, the Molten Core, etc. |
Object |
A basic game object (either an Item or a WorldObject). |
Player |
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject, Unit |
Quest |
Inherits all methods from: none |
Spell |
An instance of a spell, created when the spell is cast by a Unit. |
Unit |
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject |
Vehicle |
Inherits all methods from: none |
WorldObject |
Inherits all methods from: Object |
WorldPacket |
A packet used to pass messages between the server and a client. |