A downloadable Platformer for Windows

Dark Lori has received a message telling him to start a war between him and the alien pirate Koron. Dark Lori decides to go and meet this alien, despite the fact that he doesn't really care.


Move - Arrows

Jump - Space ( Jump height can change based on how long you press)

Shoot -D


Spawn platform-S while jumping

Shoot ice beam - A

Check coins-Enter (pressed)       


DLA_stuff.zip 157 MB
DLA_pepper_2024.exe 11 MB

Development log


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Nice job!

Controls are feeling very snappy and I like your player character and enemy themes. I do agree with the other comment and think your time should focus on improving your art and consistency overall as it does get hard to read whats happening. I think its mostly because there is so much contrast on background elements. This can easily be fixed by your aforementioned palette updates and some practice. Keep up the progress!

Thank you for the feedback, the pallete update will make the game more readable. An upcoming small update will showcase the new pallete and more levels.

So I saw this on discord an decided to check it out

and i must say that this looks really well done for a game made in gamemaker 8 and, i do have to say this game would look even better if  you had a constant pixel size for everything. i do especially like the use of the pico 8 palette on everything.

(2 edits)

Thank you Jalecko, I'm going to rework all the sprites with the Endesga 32 pallete. I'll be happy if you could reply with some screenshots of the sprites with bad pixel size.

I think the game looks awesome with its current pallete but games that use pixel art look overall better when you dont use the scale function but just make a higher resolution image when you want a larger version of it