function _ID(obj){return document.getElementById(obj)} function iciScroll(obj) { if (event.wheelDelta >= 120) obj.scrollTop -= 40; else if (event.wheelDelta <= -120) obj.scrollTop = 40; //obj.scrollBy(0,event.wheelDelta / -3); return false; } /** * chkForm(form) * * 입력박스의 null 유무 체크와 패턴 체크 * * @Usage
*/ function chkForm(form) { if (typeof(mini_obj)!="undefined" || document.getElementById('_mini_oHTML')) mini_editor_submit(); for (i=0;i0){ if (!chkPatten(currEl,currEl.getAttribute("option"),currEl.getAttribute("msgO"))) return false; } if (currEl.getAttribute("minlength")!=null){ if (!chkLength(currEl,currEl.getAttribute("minlength"))) return false; } if (currEl.getAttribute("maxlen")!=null){ if(!chkMaxLength(currEl,currEl.getAttribute("maxlen"))) return false; } } if (form.password2){ if (form.password.value!=form.password2.value){ alert("비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다"); form.password.value = ""; form.password2.value = ""; return false; } } if (form['resno[]'] && !chkResno(form)) return false; if (form.chkSpamKey) form.chkSpamKey.value = 1; if (document.getElementById('avoidDbl')) document.getElementById('avoidDbl').innerHTML = "--- 데이타 입력중입니다 ---"; return true; } function chkMaxLength(field,len){ if (chkByte(field.value) > len){ if (!field.getAttribute("label")) field.setAttribute("label",; alert("[" field.getAttribute("label") "]은 " len "Byte 이하 여야 합니다."); return false; } return true; } function chkLength(field,len) { text = field.value; if (text.trim().length * chk */ function chkBox(El,mode) { if (!El) return; for (i=0;i * del */ function isChked(El,msg) { if (!El) return; if (typeof(El)!="object") El = document.getElementsByName(El); if (El) for (i=0;i0){ num_len = num_len - co; if (num_len<0){ co = num_len co; num_len = 0; } temp = "," x.substr(num_len,co) temp; } return temp.substr(1); } function uncomma(x) { var reg = /(,)*/g; x = parseInt(String(x).replace(reg,"")); return (isNaN(x)) ? 0 : x; } /** * tab(El) * * textarea 입력 박스에서 tab키로 공백 띄우기 기능 추가 * * @Usage */ function tab(El) { if ((document.all)&&(event.keyCode==9)){ El.selection = document.selection.createRange(); document.all[].selection.text = String.fromCharCode(9) document.all[].focus(); return false; } } function enter() { if (event.keyCode == 13){ if (event.shiftKey == false){ var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.pasteHTML('
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"block" : "none"; } function showSubAll(mode) { var obj = _ID('navi'); el = obj.getElementsByTagName('ul'); for (i=0;i "); var navi = document.getElementsByName('navi'); for (i=0;i"; cssRound_top(obj,bg,color); cssRound_bottom(obj,bg,color); } function cssRound_top(el,bg,color) { var d=document.createElement("b"); d.className="rOut"; = 0;; for(i=1;i<=4;i ){ var x=document.createElement("b"); x.className="r" i;; d.appendChild(x); }; el.insertBefore(d,el.firstChild); } function cssRound_bottom(el,bg,color){ var d=document.createElement("b"); d.className="rOut"; = 0;; for(i=4;i>0;i--){ var x=document.createElement("b"); x.className="r" i;; d.appendChild(x); }; el.appendChild(d); } /*------------------------------------- 색상표 보기 -------------------------------------*/ function colortable(){ var hrefStr = '../proc/help_colortable.php'; var win = popup_return( hrefStr, 'colortable', 400, 400, 200, 200, 0 ); win.focus(); } /*------------------------------------- WebFTP -------------------------------------*/ function webftp(){ var hrefStr = '../design/popup.webftp.php'; var win = popup_return( hrefStr, 'webftp', 900, 800, 50, 50, 1 ); win.focus(); } /*------------------------------------- WebFTP Fileinfo -------------------------------------*/ function webftpinfo( file_root ){ if ( file_root == '' ){ alert( '업로드된 이미지가 없습니다.' ); return; } var hrefStr = '../design/webftp/webftp_info.php?file_root=' file_root; var win = popup_return( hrefStr, '', 190, 300, 50, 50, 0 ); win.focus(); } /*------------------------------------- Stylesheet -------------------------------------*/ function stylesheet(){ var hrefStr = '../design/iframe.css.php'; var win = popup_return( hrefStr, 'stylesheet', 900, 650, 100, 100, 1 ); win.focus(); } /*------------------------------------- manual -------------------------------------*/ function manual(){ var hrefStr = ''; var win = popup_return( hrefStr, 'manual', 1000, 780, 100, 100, 1 ); win.focus(); } /*------------------------------------- 공용 - 체크박스 체크 ckFlag : select, reflect, deselect CObj : checkbox object -------------------------------------*/ function PubAllSordes( ckFlag, CObj ){ if ( !CObj ) return; var ckN = CObj.length; if ( ckN != null ){ if ( ckFlag == "select" ){ for ( jumpchk = 0; jumpchk < ckN; jumpchk ) CObj[jumpchk].checked = true; } else if ( ckFlag=="reflect" ){ for ( jumpchk = 0; jumpchk < ckN; jumpchk ){ if ( CObj[jumpchk].checked == false ) CObj[jumpchk].checked = true; else CObj[jumpchk].checked = false; } } else{ for ( jumpchk = 0; jumpchk < ckN; jumpchk ) CObj[jumpchk].checked = false; } } else { if ( ckFlag == "select" ) CObj.checked = true; else if ( ckFlag == "reflect" ){ if ( CObj.checked == false ) CObj.checked = true; else CObj.checked = false; } else CObj.checked = false; } } /*------------------------------------- 공용 - 체크박스 한개이상 체크여부 CObj : checkbox object -------------------------------------*/ function PubChkSelect( CObj ){ if ( !CObj ) return; var ckN = CObj.length; if ( ckN != null ){ var sett = 0; for ( jumpchk = 0; jumpchk < ckN; jumpchk ){ if ( CObj[jumpchk].checked == false ) sett ; } if ( sett == ckN ) return false; else return true; } else{ if ( CObj.checked == true ) return true; else return false; } } function setDate(obj,from,to) { var obj = document.getElementsByName(obj); obj[0].value = (from) ? from : ""; obj[1].value = (from) ? to : ""; } /********************** * categoryBox * * @name category 폼객체명 * @idx category 박스 갯수 */ function categoryBox(name,idx,val,type,formnm) { if (!idx) idx = 1; if (type=="multiple") type = "multiple style='width:160px;height:96'"; for (i=0;i"); oForm = eval("document.forms['" formnm "']"); if ( oForm == null ) this.oCate = eval("document.forms[0]['" name "']"); else{ this.oCate = eval("document." "['" name "']"); } if (idx==1) this.oCate = new Array(this.oCate); this.categoryBox_init = categoryBox_init; this.categoryBox_build = categoryBox_build; this.categoryBox_init(); function categoryBox_init() { this.categoryBox_build(); categoryBox_request(this.oCate[0],val); } function categoryBox_build() { for (i=0;i<4;i ){ if (this.oCate[i]){ this.oCate[i].options[0] = new Option("= " (i 1) "차 분류 =",""); } } } } function categoryBox_request(obj,val) { if (!val) val = ""; var idx = obj.getAttribute('idx'); if ( document.location.href.indexOf("/admin") == -1 ){ exec_script("../lib/_categoryBox.script.php?mode=user&idx=" idx "&obj=" "&formnm=" "&val=" val "&category=" obj.value); } else { exec_script("../../lib/_categoryBox.script.php?mode=admin&idx=" idx "&obj=" "&formnm=" "&val=" val "&category=" obj.value); } } /** * Calendar Script * @usage */ var now = new Date(); var static_now = new Date(); var week = new Array("SUN","MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT"); var weekNum = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); var tagNm = ""; var thisObj = ""; var eventElement= ""; var dy_calOpen = "n"; function calendar(e) { var event = e || window.event; if( !appname ){ var appname = navigator.appName.charAt(0); } if( appname == "M" ){ eventElement = event.srcElement; tagNm = eventElement.tagName; }else{ eventElement =; tagNm = eventElement.tagName; } var dy_x = event.clientX; var dy_y = event.clientY; if( dy_calOpen == 'n' ){ var NewElement = document.createElement("div"); with ({ position = "absolute"; left = dy_x; top = dy_y; width = "205px"; Height = "170px"; background = "#ffffff"; border = "0px"; } = "Dynamic_CalendarID"; document.body.appendChild(NewElement); thisObj = NewElement; dy_calOpen = 'y'; }else{ = dy_x; = dy_y; } //달력 출력하기!! var calCont = calendarSet(); } function calendarSet(val){ var now_date = new Date(); var p; var z=0; switch(val){ case 1:now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear()-1);break; case 2:now.setMonth(now.getMonth()-1);break; case 3:now.setMonth(now.getMonth() 1);break; case 4:now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear() 1);break; case 5:now=now_date;break; } var NowYear = now.getFullYear(); var NowMonth = now.getMonth(); var m_infoDate = NowYear '/' NowMonth; last_date = new Date(now.getFullYear(),now.getMonth() 1,1-1); //해당월 마지막 일자 first_date= new Date(now.getFullYear(),now.getMonth(),1); //해당월 처음일자 요일 var now_scY = now.getFullYear() ""; var calendar_area = "
\n"; calendar_area = "
"; calendar_area = ""; calendar_area = now_scY; calendar_area = ""; calendar_area = "
\n"; calendar_area = "
"; calendar_area = ""; calendar_area = (now.getMonth() 1) ""; calendar_area = ""; calendar_area = "
\n"; for(i=0;i" week[i] " \n"; } else if( weekNum[i] == 7 ) { calendar_area = "
" week[i] "
\n"; } else { calendar_area = "
" week[i] "
\n"; } } calendar_area ="
\n"; for(i=1;i<=first_date.getDay();i ){ calendar_area ="
\n"; } z=(i-1); var clickDay; var weekCnt = 1; for (i=1;i<=last_date.getDate();i ){ z ; p=z%7; var pmonth=now.getMonth() 1; if(i<10){var ii="0" i;}else{var ii=i;} if(pmonth<10){pmonth="0" pmonth;} clickDay = now.getFullYear() '' pmonth '' ii; // 날짜 출력 if(i == now.getDate() && now.getFullYear()==static_now.getFullYear() && now.getMonth()==static_now.getMonth()){ calendar_area = "
" ii "
\n"; }else if( p == 0 ){ //토요일 calendar_area = "
" ii "
\n"; }else if( p == 1 ){ //일요일 calendar_area = "
" ii "
\n"; }else{ //평일 calendar_area = "
" ii "
\n"; } if(p==0 && last_date.getDate() != i){ calendar_area ="
\n"; weekCnt ; } } if(p !=0){ for(i=p;i<7;i ){ calendar_area ="
\n"; } } var addtable1; var addtable2; if( weekCnt != 6){ for(addtable1=weekCnt; addtable1 < 6; addtable1 ){ calendar_area ="
\n"; for(addtable2=0; addtable2 < 7; addtable2 ){ calendar_area ="
\n"; } } } var nowDate = now_date.getFullYear() "-" (100 ( now_date.getMonth() 1)).toString(10).substr(1) "-" (100 now_date.getDate()).toString(10).substr(1); calendar_area = "
\n"; calendar_area = "
Today : " nowDate "
\n"; calendar_area = "
\n"; calendar_area = "
\n"; thisObj.innerHTML = calendar_area; } function calendarClose() { dy_calOpen = 'n'; thisObj.parentNode.removeChild(thisObj); } function calendarPrint(date) { if( tagNm == "INPUT" ) eventElement.value = date; else eventElement.innerHTML = date; calendarClose(); } function calendar_get_objectTop(obj){ if (obj.offsetParent == document.body) return obj.offsetTop; else return obj.offsetTop get_objectTop(obj.offsetParent); } function calendar_get_objectLeft(obj){ if (obj.offsetParent == document.body) return obj.offsetLeft; else return obj.offsetLeft get_objectLeft(obj.offsetParent); } /*** onLoad 이벤트에 함수 할당 ***/ function addOnloadEvent(fnc) { if ( typeof window.addEventListener != "undefined" ) window.addEventListener( "load", fnc, false ); else if ( typeof window.attachEvent != "undefined" ) { window.attachEvent( "onload", fnc ); } else { if ( window.onload != null ) { var oldOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function ( e ) { oldOnload( e ); window[fnc](); }; } else window.onload = fnc; } } function order_print(frmp_nm, frml_nm) { var frmp = document.forms[frmp_nm]; var frml = document.forms[frml_nm]; if ( frmp['list_type'][0].checked != true && frmp['list_type'][1].checked != true ) return; if ( frmp['list_type'][0].checked == true && frmp['list_type'][0].value == 'list' ){ if ( PubChkSelect( frml['chk[]'] ) == false ){ alert( "선택한 내역이 없습니다." ); return; } var cds = new Array(); var idx = 0; var count=frml['chk[]'].length; if ( count == undefined ){ if ( frml['chk[]'].ordno != null ) cds[ idx ] = frml['chk[]'].ordno; else cds[ idx ] = frml['chk[]'].value; } else for ( i = 0; i < count ; i ) if ( frml['chk[]'][i].checked ) if ( frml['chk[]'][i].ordno != null ) cds[ idx ] = frml['chk[]'][i].ordno; else cds[ idx ] = frml['chk[]'][i].value; frmp['ordnos'].value = cds.join( ";" ); } var orderPrint ="","orderPrint","width=750,height=600,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes" );'orderPrint'; frmp.action='../order/_paper.php'; frmp.submit(); orderPrint.focus(); } /* 브라우저별 이벤트 처리*/ function addEvent(obj, evType, fn){ if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent) { var r = obj.attachEvent("on" evType, fn); return r; } else { return false; } } function delEvent(obj, evType, fn){ if (obj.removeEventListener) { obj.removeEventListener(evType, fn, false); return true; } else if (obj.detachEvent) { var r = obj.detachEvent("on" evType, fn); return r; } else { return false; } } function getTargetElement(evt) { if ( evt.srcElement ) return target_Element = evt.srcElement; // 익스 else return target_Element =; // 익스외 } function popupEgg(asMallId, asOrderId){ //창을 화면의 중앙에 위치 iXPos = (window.screen.width - 700) / 2; iYPos = (window.screen.height - 600) / 2; var egg ="" asMallId "&order_id=" asOrderId, "egg", "width=700, height=600, scrollbars=yes, left=" iXPos ", top=" iYPos); egg.focus(); } function inArray( needle, haystack ) { for ( i = 0; i < haystack.length; i ) if ( haystack[i] == needle ) return true; return false; } /*** AJAX GRAPH METHOD (AGM) ***/ AGM = { bMsg : new Array(), iobj : new Array(), articles: new Array(), running: new Array(), interverID: '', act: function (c) { if (c && typeof(c.onStart) == 'function'){ this.func = c; this.func.onStart(this); this.start(); } else return; }, start: function () { this.running = new Array(); this.clearinterverid(); this.layout = "\


  • 브리핑 메시지 샘플.



\ "; this.layout = this.layout.replace(/{title}/,this.layoutTitle); popupLayer('',550,300); document.getElementById('objPopupLayer').innerHTML = this.layout; document.getElementById('report_graph').style.width = "0%"; if (this.articles.length < 1){ this.briefing(this.bMsg['chkEmpty'], true); this.closeBtn(); return; } this.briefing(this.bMsg['chkCount'].replace(/__count__/, this.articles.length), true); this.briefing(this.bMsg['start']); this.request(); }, request: function () { if (this.running.length < this.articles.length) // 전송중 { var idx = this.articles[ this.running.length ]; var tmp = new Array(); tmp.push(idx); this.running.push(tmp); document.getElementById('report_step').innerHTML = '[' this.iobj[0][idx].getAttribute('subject') '] 내역 처리중'; this.func.onRequest(this, idx); this.setIntervalId("AGM.graph()", 500); } else if (this.running.length == this.articles.length){ // 전송완료 this.clearinterverid(); this.done(); } }, complete: function (req) { this.running[(this.running.length - 1)].push(true); var idx = this.running[(this.running.length - 1)][0]; var subObj = this.iobj[0][idx]; var response = req.responseText.replace(/{subject}/, subObj.getAttribute('subject')); this.briefing(response); this.setIntervalId("AGM.graph('continue')", 30); }, error: function (req) { this.running[(this.running.length - 1)].push(false); var idx = this.running[(this.running.length - 1)][0]; var subObj = this.iobj[0][idx]; var msg = req.getResponseHeader("Status").replace(/{subject}/, subObj.getAttribute('subject')); if (msg == null || msg.length == null || msg.length <= 0) { this.briefing("Error! Request status is " req.status); this.setIntervalId("AGM.graph('continue')", 30); } else { var remsg = ''; var tmp = msg.split("^"); for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i ) { if (i == 1) remsg = '
    '; if (i == 0) remsg = tmp[i]; else remsg = '
  1. ' tmp[i] '
  2. '; if (i > 0 && (i 1) == tmp.length) remsg = '
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 CRM (고객관리) 보기
 SMS 보내기
 메일 보내기
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var _result; // 미리보기 가능한 확장자는 배열에 넣기 var _arrExt = new Array( ".bmp", ".gif", ".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"); // 배열 요소를 검사하여 체크 for(var i=0; i<_arrExt.length; i ) { if(_arrExt[i] == _fileExt) { _result = true; break; } else _result = false; } return _result; } /** * modal alert * msg : text * callback : callback 함수 */ function fnModalMsg(msg, callback){ modal({ type: 'alert', title: '', text: "" msg "", callback: function(result) { if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } } }); } //}(window, jQuery, underscore)); /** * modal Msg * obj : jquery obj focuse 맞출 이벤트 * type : confirm, alert (default) * iconType : iconType * msg : text * callback : 확인 버튼 후 후처리 * 예) fnModal( $('#focusId') * , 'confirm' * ,"등록 하시겠습니까?" * ,function(){ * 처리 영역 * }); */ //popup 접근성 관련 포커스 강제 이동 var thisFocus; function modalOpen() { var showTarget = $('[data-tooltip-con="pop-alert"]');; } function modalClose(t) { t.parents(".layerpop").hide(); $('.p_btn_center').html(''); thisFocus.focus(); } function fn_setModalCookie(cookieNm, value){ if(value == null || value == ""){ value = "Y"; 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// 주소 검색 시작 function fnOpenDaumPostAppend( pthis ){ var postAppend = ''; $(pthis).parent().append(postAppend); element_layer = document.getElementById('layer'); } function isMobile() { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } function closeDaumPostcode() { // iframe을 넣은 삭제 $('#layer').remove(); } function openDaumPostcode( pthis , zipcodeObj, addr1Obj) { fnOpenDaumPostAppend( pthis ); daum.postcode.load(function(){ new daum.Postcode({ oncomplete: function(data) { // 각 주소의 노출 규칙에 따라 주소를 조합한다. // 내려오는 변수가 값이 없는 경우엔 공백('')값을 가지므로, 이를 참고하여 분기 한다. var fullAddr = data.address; // 최종 주소 변수 var extraAddr = ''; // 조합형 주소 변수 // 기본 주소가 도로명 타입일때 조합한다. if(data.addressType === 'R'){ //법정동명이 있을 경우 추가한다. if(data.bname !== ''){ extraAddr = data.bname; } // 건물명이 있을 경우 추가한다. if(data.buildingName !== ''){ extraAddr = (extraAddr !== '' ? ', ' data.buildingName : data.buildingName); } // 조합형주소의 유무에 따라 양쪽에 괄호를 추가하여 최종 주소를 만든다. fullAddr = (extraAddr !== '' ? ' (' extraAddr ')' : ''); } // 우편번호와 주소 정보를 해당 필드에 넣는다. if(zipcodeObj == null){ $('.ibxCompPostNo').val(data.zonecode) //5자리 새우편번호 사용 }else{ zipcodeObj.val(data.zonecode) //5자리 새우편번호 사용 } if(addr1Obj == null){ $('.ibxCompAddr1').val(fullAddr) //기본 주소 }else{ addr1Obj.val(fullAddr) //5자리 새우편번호 사용 } pthis.focus(); //document.getElementById('sample2_addressEnglish').value = data.addressEnglish; // iframe을 넣은 element를 안보이게 한다. // (autoClose:false 기능을 이용한다면, 아래 코드를 제거해야 화면에서 사라지지 않는다.) = 'none'; closeDaumPostcode(); }, width : '100%', height : '100%', maxSuggestItems : 5 }).embed(element_layer); }); // iframe을 넣은 element를 보이게 한다. = 'block'; // iframe을 넣은 element의 위치를 화면의 가운데로 이동시킨다. initLayerPosition(); } // 브라우저의 크기 변경에 따라 레이어를 가운데로 이동시키고자 하실때에는 // resize이벤트나, orientationchange이벤트를 이용하여 값이 변경될때마다 아래 함수를 실행 시켜 주시거나, // 직접 element_layer의 top,left값을 수정해 주시면 됩니다. function initLayerPosition(){ var width = 300; //우편번호서비스가 들어갈 element의 width if (!isMobile()) { width = 620; } var height = 400; //우편번호서비스가 들어갈 element의 height var borderWidth = 2; //샘플에서 사용하는 border의 두께 // 위에서 선언한 값들을 실제 element에 넣는다. = width 'px'; = height 'px'; = borderWidth 'px solid'; // 실행되는 순간의 화면 너비와 높이 값을 가져와서 중앙에 뜰 수 있도록 위치를 계산한다. = (((window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) - width)/2 - borderWidth - 6) 'px'; = (((window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) - height)/2 - borderWidth) 'px'; } // 주소 검색 종료 function dateFormat( e, oThis) { var num_arr = [97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,96,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57]; var key_code = (e.which) ? e.which: e.keyCode; if(num_arr.indexOf(Number(key_code)) != -1){ var len = oThis.value.length; if(len == 4) oThis.value = "-"; if(len == 7) oThis.value = "-"; } } function checkValidDate(value) { var result = true; try { var date = value.split("-"); var y = parseInt(date[0], 10), m = parseInt(date[1], 10), d = parseInt(date[2], 10); var dateRegex = /^(?=\d)(?:(?:31(?!.(?:0?[2469]|11))|(?:30|29)(?!.0?2)|29(?=.0?2.(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00)))(?:\x20|$))|(?:2[0-8]|1\d|0?[1-9]))([-.\/])(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])\1(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d\d(?:(?=\x20\d)\x20|$))?(((0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5]\d){0,2}(\x20[AP]M))|([01]\d|2[0-3])(:[0-5]\d){1,2})?$/; result = dateRegex.test(d '-' m '-' y); } catch (err) { result = false; } return result; }