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🗺 google-maps-loader-helper


This package is a helper for @googlemaps/js-api-loader package

Install Node Package

yarn add google-maps-loader-helper
npm install google-maps-loader-helper


  import GoogleMapLoader from "google-maps-loader-helper"

  const GoogleMaps = new GoogleMapLoader(/*options*/)



This is Google Maps Api Key

The el the html element that the map will render.

The language option is the language of the translation for data such as search input, address information.

The location is map default center

The version is Google Maps Js API version. “weekly” “quarterly” “beta” or custom version.

More Detail For Version

The libraries are necessary google maps library items. An array containing any or more of the following elements. library types

  {"drawing" | "geometry" | "localContext" | "places" | "visualization"}

More Detail For Libraries

The zoom is default map zoom value.

The mapOptions are Google Maps Map setting options. zoom, center, mapTypeControl etc. contains many settings.

Information about map options

Loader options other than apiKey, version, language and libraries.


Loader is a @googlemaps/js-api-loader instance. Creating with loaderOptions.


The default value of the google variable is null. With createInstance method Loader.load method called. The returned data in result this method is setted as the “google” constructor.


The default value of the googleMap variable is null. a new map is created with init method. And setted to new constructor googleMap.


The default value of the autocomplete variable is null. a new map is created with createAutoComplete method. And setted to new constructor autocomplete.


The default value of the marker variable is null. a new map is created with createMarker method. And setted to new constructor marker.


The default value of the geocoder variable is null. a new map is created with createGeocoder method. And setted to new constructor geocoder.


The default value of the infoWindow variable is null. a new map is created with createInfoWindow method. And setted to new constructor infoWindow. It is created automatically with the marker.


The default value of the drawingManager variable is null. With createDrawingManager method Creates a new instance of the DrawingManager class and this value is set to drawingManager.


This is created new a google maps instance with Loader.load method.

This method is calls createInstance method and then new a instance google.maps.Map created. This instance has been setted googleMap

Parameter: ignorecurrentlocation / boolean.

if ignorecurrentlocation value is true, map not initialized with current location. (current location -> find browser location)

This method returns map zoom value.

This method sets the map zoom value as the initial value.

This method edits the map zoom value. Parameter: zoom / number

This method returns map center value. This value is Typeof LatLng doc

This method sets location data.

Parameter: location (Object) The object must be has property lat and lng.

This method get user location info with browser location.

This method get user location with getCurrentLocation and then set location data.

This method create LatLng instance with location object.

Parameter: location (Object) The object must be has property lat and lng.

This method convert and return LatLng instance to location object.

Parameter: LatLng (new

This method sets map zoom as address location and return converted address information.

Parameter: address (Object) The object must be has property geometry. And also geometry object must be has property location.

This method create a new Marker instance from google.maps.Marker class. And after marker position set as location and create info window.

Parameter: opts = {} (Object) opts is marker instance config doc

This method change marker visible status

Parameter: visible (Boolean)

This method marker find mark position and return converted location object.

This method set map center as marker position and then return address information with geocoder by calling the setGeocodeAddress method.

A new marker listener is created with the by this method.

Parameter: (eventName: String, callback: Function) eventName is market event name: Event Names

callback is action that must be taken after creating event.

The method sets marker position.

Parameter: location: google map LatLng instance

This method create a new Geocoder instance from google.maps.Geocoder class.

This method find address information with location data.

Parameter: location: google map LatLng instance

This method find address information by calling the getAddressOnGeocoder method and then set address data on map.

This method create a new InfoWindow instance from google.maps.InfoWindow class.

Parameter: opts = {} (Object) opts is infowindow instance config doc

This method change InfoWindow content and open InfoWindow

Parameter: opts = {} (Object)

This method is close InfoWindow.

This method create a new Autocomplete instance from google.maps.Autocomplete class.

Parameter: (inputEl: HTMLElement, opts = {}) inputEl: The input element that will be used for search action by Google Maps. opts: Autocomplete Options doc

This method returns the information of the address selected with autocomplete.

A new marker listener is created with the by this method.

Parameter: (eventName: String, callback: Function) eventName is autocomplete event name: Event Names

callback is action that must be taken after creating event.

This method get address data by calling getAutoCompleteAddress method. And then

and return address data.

Checks if a location is within the given circles.

Parameter: (circles, location)

circles: Array<{lat, lng}> location: Google Maps LatLng Instance

return Boolean

This package has one more special class by name Drawing Manager. This class is for google maps DrawingManager library.

With this method, a new instance of the DrawingManager class is created.

Parameter: (opts = {}, callbacks)


This is Google Maps Drawing Manager Options: doc

Additionally, you can enable drawing multiple shapes on the map by sending the isSingle value to false.


This is an object. Object values should be a function that determines what it should be When Overlays updated in map. It returns you the last state of the overlay on the map with the event listener for each shape.

    const callbacks = {
      circle: (circles) => {
      polygon: (polygons) => {

Drawing Manager Class


A created google map instance

A created google map instance

This is a new DrawingManager instance to be created from google map.

This is the data that keeps the updated version of the created overlays.

This data is shortcut for Google Map Overlay Types instance.

For example: => this.shapeInstances.Circle => this.shapeInstances.Polygon

This is an object. Object values should be a function that determines what it should be When Overlays updated in map. It returns you the last state of the overlay on the map with the event listener for each shape.

    const callbacks = {
      circle: (circles) => {
      polygon: (polygons) => {

This data setted in init method.

This value controls whether more than one overlay will be drawn on the map. Default: true

This value is default overlay fill or stroke color. Default Value: #53A1E0

This value are google maps drawing overlay types.

Circle, Polygon, Polyline, Rectangle, Marker

More Details For Overlay



return OverlayTypes object values.

return this.maps.drawing

return Overlay.CIRCLE value = circle

return Overlay.POLYGON value = polygon

return Overlay.POLYLINE value = polyline

return Overlay.RECTANGLE value = rectangle

return Overlay.MARKER value = marker

return all drawed overlays



✅ This method create a new DrawingManager with options.

✅ Events for the created shapes are listened here.

✅ The shapes object is updated for each overlay created.

ℹ️ New Shape Data Example:

"1647993459291": {shapeData}

Note: key is

Parameter: (opts = {}, callbacks)


This method is change shape color.

Parameter(color: string)


This method is run callback action to overlay type

Parameter(type: OverlayType)


This method draws overlays with the data of that shape in the specified shape type.


obj has property type, shapes, opts

type: Overlay Type shapes: Array `opts`: Overlay options

Note: LatLngLiteral is {lat: number, lng: number}





LatLngBoundsLiteral doc



The callbacks data received in the “init” method is set to the callbacks data of the class with this method.



This method create a new bounds instance for polygon or polyline overlay and return this bounds.


shape: Polygon or Polyline instance


This method focuses the map on the area where the shape is located.


obj has property type, shape

type: Overlay type shape: Overlay instance


This method is control overlay options after overlay change events.

✅ Firstly manager options drawingMode set as empty. And If isSingle == true then drawingControl is set to true or false depending on the total number of shapes.

✅ Then run callback action (by the method runCallShapeCallback)


type: Overlay type


This method merge default circle options with custom options and return this data.


    fillColor: shapeColor
    fillOpacity: 0.5
    strokeColor: shapeColor
    strokeWeight: 2,
    draggable: true,
    zIndex: 1

Parameter(obj = {}) -> options


This method merge default polygon options with custom options and return this data.


    fillColor: shapeColor,
    fillOpacity: 0.5,
    strokeColor: shapeColor,
    strokeWeight: 2,
    draggable: true,
    zIndex: 1

Parameter(obj = {}) -> options


This method merge default polyline options with custom options and return this data.


    strokeOpacity: 1,
    strokeColor: shapeColor,
    strokeWeight: 2,
    draggable: true,
    zIndex: 1

Parameter(obj = {}) -> options


This method merge default rectangle options with custom options and return this data.


    fillColor: shapeColor,
    fillOpacity: 0.5,
    strokeColor: shapeColor,
    strokeWeight: 2,
    draggable: true,
    zIndex: 1

Parameter(obj = {}) -> options


This method merge default rectangle options with custom options and return this data.


    draggable: true,
    zIndex: 1,
    anchorPoint: new, -29)

Parameter(obj = {}) -> options


This method returns the overlay options by converting them to data required for drawing.


obj has property type, opts, shapeData

type: Overlay Type opts: Overlay Options shapeData: Overlay position data(paths, bounds, {center, radius} etc.)

For example:

const position = { lat: -34, lng: 151 }
const opts = {
  draggable: false

const markerData = this.getShapeOptions({
  type: "marker",
  shapeData: position

markerData = {
  zIndex: 1,
  anchorPoint: new, -29),
  draggable: false,
  position: { lat: -34, lng: 151 }


This method merge default drawing manager options with custom options.

Parameter(obj) doc


This method create events for existing shapes.


rightclick: the shape is deleted.

radius_changed: CIRCLE center_changed: CIRCLE

bounds_changed: RECTANGLE

insert_at: POLYGON and POLYLINE path remove_at: POLYGON and POLYLINE path set_at: POLYGON and POLYLINE path

dragend: MARKER

Each of these events take the current version of existing shapes and updates this information in shapes data.


This method update shapes object.And then calls afterCompleteDrawing method.


obj has property key, type, overlay

key: uniqueKey for shape data. This is for init and createShapes methods.

type: Overlay Type

Overlay: Overlay instance


This method remove shape data from shapes and on map. And then calls afterCompleteDrawing method.


obj has property key, type, overlay

key: uniqueKey for shape data. This is for init and createShapes methods.

type: Overlay Type

Overlay: Overlay instance