In his unnamed city, cat samurai Ronineko confronts a sudden upheaval as ninja clans seize control, threatening the once-tranquil streets. Bound by duty, Ronineko takes up his katana to reclaim the city and restore peace, battling the stealthy ninjas to uphold justice and protect the citizens he has sworn to defend.


  • W, A, S, D - Move
  • Space - Jump
  • Click - Attack

This game was made as a gift for SeeOne/shura as a part of the Secret Santa Game Jam. I had a lot of fun making your game this year. I hope you have more fun playing it! Happy Holidays, play some games,  and  tell your cats I said PSSSPSSSSPSSSPSSS.

You can also check out the game made for me by lucentbeam here. Thank you lucentbeam, it was amazing!

I have created all of the code, and I created the sprites for the Ronineko and the Ninja, there are some accreditations I need to make. 

Background Art - Warped City Asset Pack by Ansimuz

Game Music - Retro Game Music Loop by ProdByRey

Sword Slash - swordslash.wav.wav by deleted_user_13668154

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Cats, Fast-Paced, High Score, Ninja, Pixel Art, Swords


Download 15 MB


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( 1)

Thank you so much for the game, Very fun to play,  Super Enjoyable, I absolutely love Ronineko and music loop is really up my alley, I appreciate the gift, Happy Holidays and Thank you for Cat Samurai 2088.<3

( 1)

S tier masterpiece