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( 1)(-1)

Bruh it says last update 2020 this is dead ok.

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( 2)

It looks like you have a lot of thoughts about Echo Project's development in writing and stuff.
I suggest you turn it down a notch or two and focus that energy into working on something actually meaningful in your life, instead of telling people (who you don't know AT ALL) what to do, think, or feel about their job.

This comment demonstrates nothing but frustration and immaturity; ironic seeing that you mentioned "16 year olds (...) minor, minor, minor." when you act just like one!

None of what you're commenting will help or encourage the writer/s to handle what they've been going through. I don't think you even like them that much, seeing that you commented a tasteless "fuck you and your emotionally frail army of minors" on the TSR comment section. Isn't it ironic accusing someone of being "emotionally frail" when you're someone who seems so emotionally attached to fictional characters that they have to go throw a tantrum on the novel's page because they are not working as fast as you want them to?

Think about what you comment for once in your life, oh! or "use your fucking brain for once in your life" like you would say.
and i suggest you to try and cope better with loneliness because you don't want the image that this scene you've put up will give you.
And remember: just because you turned 18 last week doesn't mean that you will stop being pointed at when you're acting like a baby!

Get it together XOXO

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( 6)

I sure hope this VN continues

( 15)

any news on this vn?

( 2)

i saw haps' new sprites for neferu on their patreon a while back so i guess progress is being made

For some reason, "Auto" does not seem to work. It highlights when I hover over it but it will not activate. The other buttons, like "Back," "History," and "Save," all seem to work. Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts on how to fix it?

It seems to work fine in other VNs.

( 2)

The game is great so far! I would like to see a gallery option like there is in Adastra though.

( 3)

Reach to stars they said.. And now, Left in the dust. 

waiting to long for another KHEMIA UPDATE OMG.

( 23)(-1)

I love waiting a decade for finished VNs

( 18)

Lore accurate wait time LOL

( 9)

Marco's mission from Parents lasts 8 years. 3 years have passed. Well... will it be?

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( 4)

Please tell me this isn't true, but honestly, I'm not surprised because people. I'll be honest: the wait is killing me. I want to play this update, but they'll release it when they release it. 

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( 3)

I feel bad saying this but why do Nefaru and (in interea) Amicus look errrr.... goofy 0-0 Amicus was cute and nefaru was funny now he looks 0-0 YEAH... ahem

( 2)

I would be very grateful if someone notifies me the update drops <3

( 1)

anyone know when the update is droping?

W....what did they do to you Nefaru!

( 1)


PLEASE! The wait is killing me . . . I am just itching to play the first part. In seriousness, release the new version when you guys are ready too. 

(1 edit)

So... a public patreon post said there would be a new public build in mid to late march. It's now the 28th, what's going on?!

Bro i got so sad when I saw the bit to be continue. I thought it was done. I was so invested!!!!!

( 1)

Is this game a continuation of Adastra? Is it complete? Do I play with the same character as Adastra?

Yes, no, no. It takes place a while after the events of Adastra while the MC of the first game is back on Earth, you play as a diplomat to Khemia. The VN isn't finished yet though its in development and there will likely be another update this month.

( 9)

Scipio my husband, please return to me 😩

( 10)(-1)

You have gotten your wish. Because they have announced on a publicly available post on their patreon page That there is going to be a new build sometime in March.

( 5)

its the middle of march im getting worried already

( 4)

it do be like that

( 3)

I don't want to play this till it's complete, but it seems like I'm gonna be waiting a while....

the echo project are actually known to finish their vns so atleast you can be sure itll be finished at some point lmao

( 1)

Camping for a new update~

( 3)(-1)

(reposting this in case Echo Project doesn't check out the Adastra page's comments anymore, I'm sorry for the repost) Hi there! I love the Adastra franchise for more than two years now and I'm planning on make a game of my AU. Could I have the permission? I can draw sprites of my own if you don't want me to use the already existing assets, as well as the backgrounds. If you don't want to, I will understand either way. Thank you for reading, if you did! I will absolutely give you credit, by the way, if I end up having permission!

( 1)

GOODLUCK!!! (I mean in a Good Way <333)

( 1)

Is this being... updated anymore? I'm suffering without any content of the story I love, that's unfinished, and visibly abandoned

( 2)

Yes, it was put in hiatus for a while but work has restarted again.


( 14)

Seeing how all this is going
Adastra is the first game
Interea is the 1.5 game
Khemia is the second game
Maybe a 2.5 game with Marco in earth? idk
and then the last game

Guys we have a Kingdom Hearts Furry franchise in our hands xd <3

( 2)

I which they could continue this

Just a message I'd like passed on to Haps, please. You do good!

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( 1)(-1)


I'm really excited for updates

( 3)(-5)

yes this and any adastra content will be abandoned for while from sources that I some acquaintance with the developers 

( 4)

From what Haps posted, and the Echo Project Twitter reposting it, it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere

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Wait, one person says it sucks and it torpedoes his confidence? I mean it's a pretty good VN, it doesn't have to be perfect for it to be enjoyable for lots of people.

someone on the internet said that my writing sucks :ccc

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si ahí pone que la version a descargar es la 2, ¿porque se me instala la 1? 

( 1)

I cant wait for upgrades, can u tell when we can get an upgrade?

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(1 edit) ( 4)

hope its not gonna be abondend

( 7)(-1)

"The game is updated within the first two weeks of every month."

*Last updated 99 days ago*

(This is just a joke take your time IK the story will be great)

Just finished adastra and now I can't wait to read this one, altho I don't know what I should do if this gets an update, am I supposed to just reinstall it?

( 1)

yea you need to reinstall it unless you have the itch io launcher than there is usually an update button

( 1)

any updates so far? 

( 1)

no but as far as i heard they are working on it

( 1)

hey just checking if they did post an update to this or to interea 4 months ago. Did they?

ill dissappoint you but no unfortuantly. It was said the a remake along side updates for Kemia will be released on may 2023 but we havent recieved any information or anything regarding Kemia and Interrea. No idea why but im sure the devs will surely announce if they have canceled the project or not.

how much after the first game is this set on? I want to see if I do continue with it to satisfy my amicus urge

Is over 2 years , and interea is like a cuple of months

Well interea is in the middle of adastrea's story

is it worth playing? the ending of adastra really made me feel bad for the characters, so any aftermath for it i would appreciate it lmao.

( 1)

well interea is very interesting , there's a part of adastrea when Marco says that He and the imperial family go to visiting the others provincies of that moon so adastrea skyp that part to show the final part , well hehe interea shows you that part and is very hot hahahahahaha if you want to read it , enjoy then hahahaha 

( 1)

Honestly I've just entered into the world of Adastra and the other stories, and i'll say, it's just amazing. I can't believe the nights that I spent reading until my brain felt like mushy dirt because of the sleepiness, but it was worth every last second and I don't regret nothing. Just keep doing what you do best because you're doing excellent work already.

By the way, why did y'all make Amicus so darn adorable, my heart it's to weak for this.

To the dev by in no means are you a bad writer don't force it and let yourself create another masterpiece most of the time we are worst critique, and we love your other work and will continue to support so take your time and have fun doing it. 

( 5)

About the Patreon post from a couple months back (I only recently learned about it 😅). I hope that when the dev comes back to this story they won't change it too much because I honestly enjoy the part's where Scipio and Neferu talk to each other about their pain. I know that the premise was mostly explored with different characters in Arches but in a different universe but I still enjoy it despite that, to be able to see that they both have their own struggles. But that's just my opinion. Either way I can't wait to see this story return again after so long. I love Neferu and I can't wait to learn more about him and Khemia in this interesting world. ❤

( 1)


( 7)

DEADASSSSSSSSSS if i dont get more time with my pretend wolf boyfriend i might die.....

( 1)

never related to something more

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