The Home for Aliens

Outlier companies are built by those who think outside of this world.

We call them “aliens” 👽

Echelon written in Marain

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“Here’s to the aliens…the ones craziest enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

What gives us conviction in alien founders:


“What's wrong with this person?”

They are obsessed with a problem no one can solve, but if they could it would change the world.


“Is this the only person to build this?”

Their unique career assets make them irreplaceable to executing the company's core innovation.


“Who is this person outside the context of their company?”

Their character traits are identical between social and fundraising settings, a proxy for maintained trust in tough times.

Our Network

Aliens don’t always fit in, but they always want to “belong.”

We’re aliens too. Our obsession is creating communities that bring them together and provide real company-building value.

Confidential group of 40 founders sharing learnings and making connections weekly.

Our Venture Fund

Once we’ve developed founder conviction through our network, we align ourselves in company-building as early as possible.

We take a hyper-concentrated strategy to provide hands-on service in building each company and every company.

Formation - Seed

Investment Size:
$250k - $2M

15% or Fund-Returning

of Investments:
5-10 Per Fund