A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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Extracurricular Activities is a visual novel following the main character (you!) through his endeavor of trying to romance a member of his tennis team. The choices you make can impact the way your teammates react to you, so make your choices carefully.

Currently, there are 7 dateable characters (5 of which are completed), and there will be no more added after Dwayne.

If you like what you see, consider becoming a Patron to help support the project! You can do that HERE!

Character Artist - CaptainGerBear - Twitter/FurAffinity/Website (He's made the popular games Bastard Bonds and See No Evil!)

Background Artist - Gavel


I will be updating the Public Demo on the 16th of each month.  It can be at any point during the day, and I live in the Central Time Zone in the United States.   I update the Patreon version every 1st and 16th of the month now and will update the public version accordingly.  The Public Version is 2 updates behind the Patreon version.  Please, please don't ask me if I forgot or when I'll update.  If something goes wrong, I announce it via Twitter, Public Patreon posts or the Dev Log.


Updated the Public Demo to version 1.177. It's one of the most recent builds. Bugs and errors in this version do not have to be reported to me.  The android version -IS- the correct version, despite the file name. 

----Please try to keep your conversations in the comments civil! ----

Please read the DevLog for more information about updates!



Please, read my FAQ before asking questions about the visual novel also.  It can be found here. (Updated 010/01/20)

The final project will have its own release page. This page is only for tips for those that cannot support on Patreon, as the final project will not be free.

The image gallery was only showing off what you'd get if you became a $10 Patron.  It's not part of the normal version.

Nobody has permission to use art assets from my projects for anything (fan-made or otherwise).  This is all content meant for nothing other than their intended projects.  All content is owned by Jonathon King and WolfBite Interactice LLC.

It is still a work in progress.
Created with Ren'Py.


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Android Build 1 GB
MAC Build 1 GB
PC and Linux Builds 1 GB

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(1 edit)

Hello, please help, I just installed the new version of the VN and I get an error when loading the last save point of all the routes 🥺😭😭 

I think I found a bug I can't access epilogues on Android  

(1 edit)

Hi! I think i found a bug, or maybe its just me. Im on the mac version, and in richard's rout, from the 3rd week, the expressions on the characters kinda of... stay? like, even after the moment passes, their faces don't change for a bit, for now iv'e seen it with the MC (stays awkward/annoyed?), Spencer (same), and Richard (his teasing/mischievous face)

how does dyne find bugs if no one reports it to him for the public version? rn talking to darius in the mall causes a bug

Because by the time the public builds are out, these things are reported by Patrons and -usually- corrected (unless I forget to look at the error logs folks post).

Tanto en la versión android como en PC, cuando le cambio el idioma a español el juego falla y las opciones desaparecen. Puedes arreglar eso en la próxima actualización? O cómo hago para solucionar el problema?

Will Spencer and Azaghal's bonus day be made public, eventually? If so, when?

The bonus days like that will be Patreon only until the final release (only the epilogues will be in public builds).

Hello! Started this visual novel not too long ago. But I got an error while I was going trough Harold route, day 20.
I read in the comments that i have to do a dayskip ? how do i do that ?

( 1)


Hi DyneWulf! 

Can i know when do you planned make bad ending for Darius? 

( 4)

It's... partially there.  I want to rework it though (and maybe even remove it), cause I'm not happy with it.

( 1)

Thanks for answering!!!! 


Hey Dev sincere focus on Gay Games write to make a lesbian game maybe you'll attract some of the female audience

( 6)

I have a female audience.  It might not be as big as the male side, but they do exist.

Also, I'm a gay man who likes men, so I'll focus on the content I like and enjoy. You're more than welcome to dive into the lesbian market and make your own lesbian game though!


Im Bi

( 1)

For some strange reason, every time I download the new version each month, it won't open once it's already downloaded, even though I've been playing the previous versions. Can someone help, please?  

( 1)

It just doesn't open?  No error or anything?  Phone?  PC?  MAC?

Android versions seem to be hit or miss, despite them being built the same way every update.  Best thing to do is uninstall the old one first, or maybe using an APK handler for it.

For PC, I don't know anything that'd help.  I can't say why it works for most and not for others.

Yeah, it never opens on my PC. No matter what I do. 

Hello! Started this visual novel not too long ago and I absolutely love it! But I got this error while I was going trough Harold route, day 20.
Already tried just restarting the game, uninstalling and installing it again and even restarted the route, but I keep running into this. I also tried to click the "ignore" but it also doesn't work, even with the skip to next choice.
I would appreciate it if any of you have a tip to fix this, thank you! 😊

Hey there!  There's no -quick fix- for this at the moment.  It wasn't something that was causing crashes for me, so I didn't catch it in time to fix it.  The only way around it right now is just to use the Day skip feature and jump to Day 21 of Harold.

( 1)

Hi!, i also encountered the same problem. How do i do the dayskip?

do you made a guide for this visual novel cause i forgot how to do it again

same i was doing Darius route and got the bad ending when i always get the good one.

For 5$ tier patrons Dyne have guide for all the routes.

( 1)



I'm having a similar issue that I had on Harold's route where I can't for the life of me unlock these last two I need from Dozer's Gallery. I Loved his story but the completionist in me is screaming 😭😆. Any idea on how to unlock them?

Send me a message on Patreon, and I'll see what I can do~

I went to the Patreon but I'm not entirely sure how to message you 😅

( 1)

I was wondering...

I've REALLY loved Harold's route for a while now (there's not really a character I DONT love <3), but is there a chance that more moments to read his book could be added? I'm insanely invested, but in most playthroughs I only read abt 3 sections before my chances are gone. I've dodged this by saving a slot at a point just to read the book, but flow-wise I think this would be phenomenal! Love your work, DyneWolf!

I don't have more of it written.  I didn't expect so many people to like it as much as they did, so I might have to do more for it at some point.

Hey so idk if anyone else is having the same problem but when i try downloading the zip file for the game it will say 'File wasnt avalibale on site' i have no clue what is going on with it or if its just my computer, i have no issue downloading other vissual novels from itch.io, This one is the only one im having problems with as of now.

I have no clue what would cause that either. sadly.  I only upload my files to itch, and anything beyond that would be on the website/user's end.

( 1)(-5)

I know people complain about the cucking elements but lowkey I wish every character would hardcore cuck the mc, its hot

(1 edit) (-5)

MC low-key deserves better than most of the guys. Chester being an exception if you pretend his epilogue doesn't exist and Harold if you ignore the stupid Richard offering to fuck him in Eric's place thing


Where did all the epilogues go?

They were literally the best part of the game

If it is just a problem with my phone 

Then sorry for the rudeness

But please tell me quickly.

( 1)

ctrl c & ctrl v from Dyne: 

"When I first released those epilogues, I left them unlocked so people could see them in case there had been issues with their save files.  A recent update I did, I turned on the unlock variable, so you have to have completed their best route endings to unlock the epilogues."

Find your save files and replay each ending. They should appear.

( 1)

Love this vn and love Harold, I've seen comments saying that he popped a button with his belly, is there a way to make that happen because I don't remember that happening on my playthrough, and what day can that happen in his route?

(5 edits)

Hello! Loved the VN so far. I only played through the current Richard content and pretty much enjoyed everything.

Started Spencer and noticed a problem, however. At around day 11 Spencer stops changing emotions completely, stuck forever in his basic expression. The MC also barely changes faces.

Is this a bug? Has something broken for me? There's no FAQ about it. It keeps going on for like 5 more in-game days and there's no sign of fixing lol. I mean, just reading text is fine, but poor Spence must have a jaw spasm or something, otherwise it's just jarring xd

( 3)

Also doesn't Charlie At Spencer's work look like Charlie Barkin from "All Dogs go to heaven?"

Yes I think that was intentional haha 

Hi in Spencer's route in the locker room on Day 8 Monday, Who was the Rottweiler flirting with Eric?

During Darius route, seem the image of his private room is not found on the version 1.175

( 2)

i updated from 1.65 to 1.75 and i tried loading some of my saves and i keep getting this error. i can make a new game just fine, just none of my saves up to a point wanna work. idk what i did wrong. i cannot rollback either, it just closes the game when i try the second time.

You did nothing wrong.  This DevLog explains that > https://dynewulf.itch.io/extracurricular-activities/devlog/766490/update-to-1173

i moved the rypc files but i don't have the new days for richard.

Rip all my old saves

When i try to open Azaghal and Spencer's extra in android it break down and forcefully close the app. 

It's not available in the public builds.  (I thought the button was disabled too, but I guess it isn't)

Anyone knows how I can get Spencer’s 38,39,40 CG it’s the only thing I’m missing from his gallery😖😖

Sounds like it's the Spencer/Azaghal bonus day.

it is😭😭 I’m so dumb I didn’t even see the more option in bonus days 

Hi thank you for the update! 😊, I really appreciate you doing your best to make this game enjoyable. If i make ask will there be a bonus day that continue the Poly route? For example Dozers poly route.

( 1)

Thank you!

I would like to do a bonus day or two that follows that~

Hi the new mobile update won't install is that a bug or something?

( 1)

I just downloaded it and installed it from the itch website on my phone, so I'm not really sure what would be causing an issue for you.  I'd be sure to uninstall any old versions first at least and make sure your phone has plenty of space. 

( 1)

Hi Dyne!

I can't seem to find Harold's epilogue. I finished his vanilla route and only two that show up is Spencer and Darius. I thought that Harold's epilogue was a few versions ago. I'm dying for some resolution!

( 1)

His epilogue will only appear if you have his best route completed, so it's possible you didn't get the best route and only got the good ending.

( 1)

Ah! Thank you for the update. 

( 2)

I'm eagerly waiting on the Darius Epilogue... I can't wait to see their closure.... It's the most captivating of the stories for me. 

And I started by disliking Darius a lot... So this was a 180º turn concerning the way I saw at the beginning. 

( 2)

Bahaha, this seems to happen a lot with Darius.  I'll do my best to make his epilogue enjoyable for everyone!

( 1)

He goes from pervert and obnoxious to loving and caring not losing its sexy side. It's just awesome! Great work with him! 

(2 edits)

I just got to replaying Dwayne's route after THE update and there are some parts of the game that won't let me scroll back when I used to be able to before, and during the clothes shopping scene with Dwayne the back mirror is bugging out with the jackets. (And there is no in between dialog for any of the clothing except the tennis shorts)

Hah, I see what you mean with the back mirror.  That stuff was such a pain to get right.  Not every piece of clothing has a dialogue between them.  Certain pieces should along with certain combos (it's working in the current build, and it's not been changed in a while).

Not sure about scrolling back either.  That's something that's not been messed with.

I don't know what has happened to my build but the compression shirt & everything else when correctly combo-ed and Dwayne's surprise outfit question mark box doesn't appear any more it just jumps to showing me all options

On the main menu I can't find a bonus days for the three characters. I was looking to see if I can jump to Chester's bonus days on Android version and it's not on there none of them are

Unless you've cleared all 3 of their perfect routes, they won't be there.  They used to be unlocked by default for a bit, but the code was changed.

( 1)

Yes Dwayne update <3


Yay! a Dwayne update.  also a Richard update I couldn't care less about as he is the only character I find disgusting & unlikeable.  Still hoping for an Azaghal route that will probably never happen

( 3)(-1)

Always happy to see Dwayne love, but why the Richard vitriol?  Just curious!

As for Azaghal, you can get a feel for what his route would be like here > https://x.com/Grand_Azaghal

(1 edit) (-2)

Richard gives me the feeling of a dirty uncle who will hit on anyone but doesn't have the personality to make it endearing.  On top of that, I get the impression he doesn't wash and likes it that way and not in the slight musky way the other characters seem to give off either but more in the "you really smell terrible" kinda way.  I'm really sorry about this but he's the only one out of all the wonderful characters you created that make me cringe.  I have a really hard time reading his story and feeling any sort of attraction to him.

( 1)

Bahaha, I suppose I can kinda see the dirty uncle kind of thing.  What gives you the impression he doesn't wash?  Again, just curious since he mentions  showering often and there are several images revolving around him and the shower, so... that one strikes me as odd is all. He's a pretty clean fella outside of his work (and tendancy to make a mess in the kitchen x3)!

I'm not entirely sure tbh... the tidy-whites & wife-beater don't help as they always equate to being stained with sweat, cum and other things in my mind.

Huh, and his are pretty clean on his sprite too...  There aren't dirty versions of those

( 3)(-1)

I loved Harold's route in this story because they're were times in Harold's route that broke my heart and had me in tears one minute and then the next minute I'm smiling like an absolute idiot. The epilogue for Harold's route was perfectly wholesome that I've reread it 3 times because it's so wholesome. 

( 1)

Aahhh, thank you so much!  Really happy to hear that you enjoy Harold so much~

(2 edits) ( 3)(-1)

I really like Harold in this story. Whether it’s his initial emotional setback or his final proposal, it makes me want to cry. In your excellent writing, I can completely feel the love in Harold’s mouth. I like you very much. Use sentences in this game.(BTW I wish I could choose Harold, he is top. and I'd like to ask where I can find Harold's setting book.)

( 1)

Glad to know Harold's route had such an impact!  I don't really know what you mean at the end, but everything I have for Harold beyond art and whatnot is in the game.

I love the soundtrack when the OC is at home its really calming. Especially the one when hes at the Homeless shelter with Maria. What's the name of the song

( 1)

Mmm, that particular track is one I had custom-composed for the VN (and it's not currently posted anywhere), but it's just called "Home", hah.

( 2)

Question for Harold's route can you only top or can you also Bottom for him?

( 1)

Harold's route has a bit of both going on at some point or another.

( 1)

Possible Spoilers In Replies for Harold's Route

(Ive marked out everything else to avoid spoilers) The locked image is the only one I don't have for Harold and I'm not sure how to get it? Anyone know?

( 2)

IT's from the LNL session.  I think the code to unlock it is only set to trigger if you take the Non-slutty outfit route (something I keep meaning to fix x3)

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