une poésie indécise

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she/her - 20’s



im a social experiment

sorry its not the same anymore but id spill the sun for you if you asked today. drops bleeding down my arms and hands id wipe the blood of my phone screen text back “what else” right after



Haider Ackermann Spring 2014

(via oscura-materia)


ohhh i was in need of a song rn thanks 🕺🏼


Why was it a universal experience for people who were teenagers in the 2010s to have a way older online friend who would use you as emotional support and would be suicidal every other day. And you’d be eating dinner with family pretending to be normal while your significantly older online friend was going through a crisis over text. I’m still not even close to the average age they were and I literally can’t imagine doing that in a million years

(via onomatopisha)

its drizzling outside and i could hear the soft winds from my windows and its so late already and so dark but i need to go for a walk so i can feel the electric tiny fragments of water washing away my torrential grief. i took my own pulse and its morsecoding “may it go away”. this world is old and it ended a hundred times. most of those times there wasnt a big fire, just a rain



Mario Sorrenti - Nina Brosh, Spring/Summer Collection 1994, from Dolce & Gabbana by Franca Sozzani (1998)

(via thetrilogys)

ive been dreaming every night since the air has gone warm that im living in a stone and golden temple at the edge of a mediterranean village that grows orange trees and threshes barley on cloth and ive been waking up with my face wet and my hands tangled together and below my ribs tight enough to hurt


you’ll be in the ground before you know it; my body will never be found. we are not the same