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Damn i knew this game for a very long time but still not have enough courage to try it, i don't want to lose my gender

You can't exactly fabricate a gender out of thin air. All that'd happen is you figuring out more about yourself

Bro, when I heard WorldendDominator from Umineko, I nearly choked on my water.

Yes, I know that renpy doesn't support XP anymore, but I want to know, and also where is the 32 bits executable.

(I have XP because I have an alternative laptop because yes and I wanted to play on it)

Unfortunately no longer supported by the engine. Ren'Py is very low-spec but its RAM requirements would likely make a slightly higher-spec game on it like re:Dreamer chug.

Ok, thanks, I will enjoy it anyway in my main w11 laptop 😀

What's the name of the music with roaring feline in it, I literally cannot find it in the music credit ???

( 1)

Ratatat - "Wildcat"

Thanks a bunch, you made my day

Can we expect any more content for the "single route"? I'm not sure what else to call it. I just know that I haven't heard much at all regarding that in comparison to the other routes.

Yes, but it's on the lowest-priority list given much more demand for the other routes.

( 2)

great game cant wait till next update  if I had Money I'd join the patron but alas I don't so I'll just lurk in the discord

( 1)

It's a really good story (yes, it's not a game it's a story) boring sometimes, but really good.

( 1)

I secretly believe Zach was taking Estrogen for a year before the game starts and all the effects hit him at once, and the app thing was rather just a coincidence.

Anyone know how to have sex with Keisuke when you first meet him? I've been trying to get him to do it adjusting the cheats menu every time but to no avail.

The author is kind of rewriting things from my understanding and that scene hasn't been put into the game yet. There was an earlier scene from early versions that was overwritten with a newer update. So to sum it up, there isn't a way to do it yet.

ah, ok. I see.

( 1)

Lie to him twice.

Ended up picking the trans story path out of curiosity on my first playthrough and not only I was hooked on the wholesome writing but sad to see that part isn't finished yet & I want to know what happens next 😭

( 2)

This is the update I am working on right now. You can see some sneak peeks in public Patreon posts.


( 5)(-1)

Not only is the writing peak, I also relate a little too much to mc's tastes and it makes me question a few too many things about myself. 10/10

( 2)

Looks promising. The conversation with the AI about gender bending is an emotional gut punch that breaks the 4th wall in an incredibly effective way.  I hope the dev continues their work with the same  insightfulness.

( 5)

you clap for peak fiction

you clap for peck fiction 

you cry for peck fiction

you kneel before peak fiction

( 3)

FUCKING immaculate, good job Cap. Make sure you stay hydrated and get some sleep.

( 3)

Heyo, not gonna talk about the game in this, but... I just read the latest update from you. I've been an user for a fairly short time, only since like October of 2023, so by the time I got on here, this was nearly where it was last update. But through my crippling porn addiction, I found this game. and I love it, with all my heart. I was, until today, unaware of any of the health or other issues faced by you. I think it's amazing what you've crafted here despite those problems. 

While I won't claim to have nearly as many problems as you, this game helped me stay focused during college, I entered college in august 2023, realistically knowing that it was outside of my budget, and my families budget, but I desperately wanted to get out of the house(mostly a pussy escape, it was a mess, and I was spiraling at the time.) I was (and am) undiagnosed in(but believe I have) depression, adhd, and possibly autism, (the best Trifecta!). But money had fucked me, I didn't make enough to cover the cost of tuition and dorms, I could cover one or the other with the support given by the college, but it left me with around 6K in costs. At the end of this last semester I left, and I am struggling to find a job, but throughout it all, I played this game. I suck as a commenter btw, I can't get my thoughts focused right now, but I want to say, that I am thankful that you made this, it has helped me grow more accustomed to Ideas that I otherwise would have vehemently denied, and just want to let you know, that even if this ends up being abandoned or unfinished, I enjoyed it, and it wasn't a waste of time, for you, or for any of the people who played it. Thank you.

Live Long and Prosper.

( 7)

I just want to say that this game was a huge steppingstone for me actually realizing I'm trans. Thank you to the devs for this amazing game!


I have to correct Molly's name, as names that start with O' are irish. Unless you intend to her to have irish paternal roots

( 5)

She's got a complicated family history. Play the Britney theater stuff with Awkwardness 5 to see why.

( 6)

Ai: Did you want to be a girl outside of a video game?


( 3)

The drunk is hilarious! Although it was very hard to understand.

( 2)

Any kinds of games like this?

( 3)

Student Transfer, Press-Switch, and Mice Tea, but the first two are almost exclusively body swap with sprawling content and the last is very furry. In regards to another really good gender bender game, Magical Camp is an easy recommendation (even if it's discontinued) but there's not really another VN like re:Dreamer.

( 2)

Thats a tragedy, but it could mean your next opportunity to make another masterpiece. Really though you have a great thing here, thank you.

( 2)

Probably the most entertaining writing I've seen in a VN ever. Looking forward to future updates! I know you've had your issues with mental health so I hope you continue to do well in addition!

( 8)

Jesus fucking Christ shes autistic, realising she isn't cisgender AND she's a humungous asshole 

ive never related more to a protagonist

( 3)

oh my fucking god 15 minutes in and i already have what i assume to be a reference to Azur lane 10/10 just for that

( 3)

I am mad to this day I didn't call it Azur Plane

( 3)

oh god that would have worked so fucking well

( 4)

Time to play the new update. Let's see if I get envious

( 5)

Man Zoey/Zach is one lucky mother fucker!

( 5)

I don't make comments on many of these pages, but if you are thinking of playing this and haven't yet, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? This is, in 15 years, one of the best VNs I have ever played, with some of the most charming dialogue to exist within the genre. Zach/Zoey is one of the most relatable protagonists I have come across in a good long while, and the rest of the cast is full of all stars too. Keisuke is such a well written character that I would wind up finding myself frustrated with him one moment, and positively enamoured the next. Honestly, maybe the best game that I have played on the whole of Itch, and almost definitely the best adult game on here, by far...



I'm gonna wait until it's finished, may it be a months or years.

( 1)

It might take a few years

( 13)(-1)

I want to be a girl

( 7)(-1)

me too, me too...

( 9)

Most of the ppl playing this want to be a girl. Including me

( 1)

Absolutely fantastic writing and characters.  One of the few visual novels I can come back to again and again, absolutely adore this game.

I will be happily awaiting updates c:

( 1)

dev, I think you nailed it with the outfits system, I just can't get enough of it, keep the good work !

( 3)

I just find this game cuz of horniness, now im waiting for an update to this (Take ur time dev). 10/10 highly recommend (satisfied boner)

( 4)

Thanks, this game broke me...


( 3)

yeah, that happens a bit too much sadly

( 3)

Seems like I ain't the only one where this game or novel hits home a bit. Overall I like it considering the premise. Although my personal reaction in the same situation would be more accepting of the changes.

( 1)

man, i need to play more of this game, i love the genderbender ordeal happening.

( 3)

I have made a review on this game but it was like 4 words so I might as well make a big one.

Glad I was horny one night! I love this game, I check back whenever I can remember to see if it has a update because I love the writing which no other adult game can seem to do right. This game is all over the place in a good way and shows the development in storytelling and writing skills. I think comparing the mom route to the Keisuke is unfair. I know the Keisuke route is getting change but I think the character development is done way better in the mom route. It puts the whole sex aspect to the side because of the route (which I am assuming) focusing more on Zach and him being her and realising they are trans. With no fear of really needing to play the sex game, the writing can get really personal with no sex part coming in (not to say that they are not implemented well, I think some feel decently natural) and the reveal that his mom was expecting a girl was amazing.

I have not really spoke about the Britney route so I might as well. She is a well written character and her traits don't feel like they have been lost. I mean, she is a Texan lesbian with a love of theatre and stuff. With the building set, she is easy to build off and feels like a good relationship for Zach. I could also be wrong but I think this is the route that said one of my favourite things I've heard in writing, the whole people being their own oceans, this only second to the reveal in the mom route. I like the connection that our two characters have I think it's natural but restrictive on letting Zach figure out that he is maybe a bit bisexual. My head is a bit dated on this route for how long ago I did it and that is was my first route but I still remember it well.

Now last but not least is Keisuke which first of all, I like the idea. A childhood friend finds out their friend is now a chick and gives it to her on the first day is a funny thing to think about. I like Keisuke for his day 1, I don't love how long it is but the beginning of it is amazing, they way he is shown off as some guy who wants another girl on his bed is a good way to show a character who in some way diverts the expectations. His backstory is somewhat sad and takes the fact away from the idea that Zach is 100% just going to let is slide on how his childhood friend fucked him on day one of being a girl (Britney is no different but something about it feels slightly different). I think that in the way this game is shown, if your looking for SEX then this is the route. But I will assume that is part will probably get a bit smoother in the transition.

I love the writing in this game and the ideas and concepts shown in a game that was originally made to be a sex game is incredible. I don't know if this was noticeable but dam, I love the mom route so much. This may be bias because I'm trans or because it's shorter and so there is less chance of bad writing (which the mom route has non and most really old parts do). I understand mental health can really fuck with projects and your passions and hobbies, I would know. There is no rush to make something. If you think that you need to get a update out to get a update out then your stupid. The passion for the game is what makes it great. Your writing is amazing and I would hate for it to suffer because you feel the need to work on a game that takes so long that your health is affected. 10/10 game, Zoey is a transition goal. :3

Is this game still being developed or is it finished

( 8)

It is still being developed, but my mental health has been wild recently.

You can read about what the update is and why the delay has been so long here.

(1 edit) ( 6)

Take better care of yourself

You sly dog you

thought i wouldnt notice the undertale reference at the end of ending one did you

( 1)

Fun fact: I've never played it.

( 2)

watch jacksepticeyes playthrough

(2 edits) ( 3)

Alright so I don't normally comment but I feel like I wanna say stuff. I initially downloaded this bc "oo horny gender-bender with drama? yes please" But I got into the story and have now played 30 hours (roughly, excluding time spent reading World Info and Authors Notes) , having basically only done the mom route with a bunch of different C.H.E.A.T.S. values, a Britney run with, and a Keisuke with the same.

Firstly: This story made me rethink my own identity and seek out advice from a friend, along with learning more about their experience with being a trans man. Its been very eye opening, and while I've yet to actually decide/realize whatever it may be that I am, its definitely "cracked" me, (for lack of a better term).

Second: I've absolutely LOVED reading all the World Info and Authors Notes, Its such a complex and well built world for no good reason other that "fuck it its my project I'll do what I want". It feels like a lot of VNs that I've read lately are flat in the world or setting department, and focus WAY too much on "I'm just here to be horny. Have fun with that". Its an ENORMOUS breath of fresh air. It definitely comes across that this is a passion project. and not just a passion project, a PASSION project. The amount of love, care and effort you've put it comes through loud and clear, and I've immensely happy I happened to stumbled across this hidden gem of a game for it.

Lastly: I'm glad to see you're figuring things out! I've been playing with Authors Notes on since my 2nd playthrough. (I started with trying to explore all of the Mom routes option through different C.H.E.A.T.S. values, I initially downloaded bc horny but by the time I actually got to any of the actually spicy bits I was so hooked on the story Id forgotten, so I went with the non-NSFW route to learn more about the world and setting) and for a bit it was a little heartbreaking to see/read about how rough things were for you, but as I played through more it seems like you're working towards figuring out who you are and where you wanna be, which, while I may be a faceless goblin on the internet, is still good to see from one of my new favorite authors I've ever read a story from.

Oh yeah, I wanted to ask if it'd be possible to either make an easier way to do with minigames with Britney or skip them entirely? I've got joint issues and some of them absolutely destroyed my hands for a few hours after.

And as far as my notes go(ignoring a lot of minor critiques from stuff like Ren'Py being a bitch to work with sometimes, and a few things that aren't easy to have control over), that's about it! Keep doing the AMAZING job you have been, good luck, and hope things keep looking up! Just don't forget that if you need a break to reset or recoup, myself and countless other will be fully behind you the whole time. Thanks for reading this essay level comment on my experience with your wonderful experience of a game.

                                                              - Some Dipshit Internet Goblin

(edited bc my dyslexic ass had some poor grammar)

( 5)

Why the hell is the lore so in depth?

like im not complaining its the best part i just really wasn't expecting it

( 2)

because why not, that's why.  love when hentai/sex games give actual world building/a whole lot of lore than just being horny.  sure that's the main appeal, but doesn't mean it's the entire premise.

( 3)

I know what you said, but this game really did help me realize something about myself. I’m sadly not in an environment to come out about it yet, as half my family are religious nuts, and the other are just barely becoming tolerant of gay people, let alone trans people. So, honestly, thank you, and, I personally know people that have fought through conditions that were terminal, and lived a long life, one being my maternal grandfather, who fought cancer 4 times, and still lived to his mid 80s. So I’m rooting for ya, I believe you can fight this. Sorry this got long winded, but the new intro got me a bit emotional. Cheers mate, may you live long and prosper

( 2)

This game helped crack my egg 10/10

( 1)

love this game can't wait to see more 

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