Rubber earrings

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Rubber earrings
Rubber earrings XI icon.png
Japanese 雷のイヤリング
Romaji Kaminari no iyaringu
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Effect Increases the wearer's resistance to lightning attacks.

The Rubber earrings are an accessory that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest XI. They are designed to help protect the wearer against lightning damage.


Rubber earrings XI icon.png  Rubber earrings
(forge buffs)
( 6, 8, 10)
(forge buffs)
( 11, 13, 15)
Lightning Resistance
(forge buffs)
( 15%, 20%, 25%)
Rarity D
Found Can be received as a reward for playing poker at the casino in Puerto Valor or Octagonia.
Recipe Platinum ore Purple eye
Difficulty ★★☆☆☆
Equipable by All Characters
Class Eye and Earwear
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 1,500
Flavor text Enchanted earrings that lessen lightning damage.

The recipe book An Anthology of Elemental Earrings contains the recipe for the rubber earrings. It can be found on a bookshelf on the third floor of the Royal Library.