Dropped by
Use in recipes
Cowpat |
A fragrant pile of cow manure.
Pickham (pot), Swordsman's Labyrinth (pot), Arcadia (barrel), Dark Empycchu (pot)
Bullfinch, Flyguy, Buffalo wing, Bulldozer, Freeze fly, Beelzebuzz
- Rusty old sword = Liquid metal sword Mystifying mixture Cowpat
- Raging bull helm = Mythril helm Fresh milk Cowpat
- Mystifying mixture = Holy water Wing of bat Cowpat
Dragon dung |
A smoking pile of dragon manure.
Arcadia (barrel), Dragon Graveyard (bag), Godbird's Eyrie (chest), Desert (chest)
Hacksaurus, Freeze fly, Beelzebuzz, Dragurn, Bobonga
- Scorching cheese = Super spicy cheese Premium mould Dragon dung
- C-c-cold cheese = Cold cheese Premium mould Dragon dung
Ethereal stone |
Altar of Wroth and Memories Lane
- Beast talon = Beast claws Ethereal stone
- Dragonlord claw = Dragon claws Ethereal stone
Fresh milk |
Fresh cow's milk, straight from the udder!
Argonia (during/after bazaar), Field (cows), Pickham (barrel), Baccarat (pot), Arcadia (barrel), Empycchu (pot), Dark Empycchu (pot), Unknown... (2x pot)
Jargon, Buffalo wing, Bobonga
- White shield = Light shield Fresh milk Fresh milk
- Raging bull helm = Mythril helm Fresh milk Cowpat
- Plain cheese = Fresh milk Rennet powder
- Cured cheese = Fresh milk Premium mould Amor seco essence
- Angel cheese = Fresh milk Premium mould Yggdrasil dew
- Soft cheese = Fresh milk Rennet powder Rock salt
Gold nugget |
A heavy chunk of solid gold.
Princess Minnie's Castle (55 mini medals), Godbird's Eyrie, Altar of Wroth, Memories Lane
- Golden axe = Gold nugget Iron axe
- Sage's stone = Gold nugget Orichalcum Yggdrasil dew
- Golden tiara = Gold nugget Thinking cap Silver tiara
Iron nail |
A common iron nail.
Peregrin Quay, Ruined Abbey (cabinet)
Clockwork cuckoo, Cannibox, Iron scorpion, Mimic, Magic marionette, Robo-robin, Mimic king
- Reinforced boomerang = Boomerang Iron nail
- Pointy hat = Leather hat Iron nail
- Thief's Key = Bronze knife Iron nail
Magic beast hide |
Sturdy hide obtained from an aggressive animal.
Trodain Castle (barrel)
Bullfinch, Diemon, Fat bat, Headhunter, Great sabrecat, Jumping jackal, Silenus, Orc king, Hellhound, Frou-frou
- Leather armour = Wayfarer's clothes Magic beast hide
- Leather kilt = Boxer shorts Magic beast hide
- Leather dress = Dancer's costume Magic beast hide
- Fur poncho = Magic beast hide Magic beast hide
- Leather shield = Pot lid Magic beast hide
- Timbrel of Tension = Sun crown Tough guy tattoo Magic beast hide
Nook grass |
A very powerful herb that must be diluted with other ingredients before it is used.
Orkutsk, Marta's Cottage, Unknown... (bag)
- Crimson robe = Sage's robe Magic water Nook grass
- Super spicy cheese = Spicy cheese Nook grass
Orichalcum |
An incredibly hard precious metal ore.
Princess Minnie (83 medals), Godbird's Eyrie (chest), Black Citadel (chest, barrel), Unknown... (chest), Memories Lane (chest), Cameron's Codex (Complete Munchie Card)
Metal king slime, Pandora's box, Ruin
- Megaton hammer = Conqueror's axe Über war hammer Orichalcum
- Liquid metal sword = Rusty old sword Slime crown Orichalcum
- Metal king armour = Liquid metal armour Slime crown Orichalcum
- Metal king shield = Ruinous shield Orichalcum Saint's ashes
- Goddess ring = Recovery ring Orichalcum
- Meteorite bracer = Agility ring Agility ring Orichalcum
- Sage's stone = Gold nugget Orichalcum Yggdrasil dew
Premium mould |
A chunk of rare mould. Very difficult to obtain.
Dark Empycchu (pot), Tryan Gully (barrel), Black Citadel (pot), Unknown... (bag)
Boss troll
- Scorching cheese = Super spicy cheese Premium mould Dragon dung
- C-c-cold cheese = Cold cheese Premium mould Dragon dung
- Cured cheese = Fresh milk Premium mould Amor seco essence
- Angel cheese = Fresh milk Premium mould Yggdrasil dew
Red mould |
A chunk of mould with a fiery red colour.
Princess Minnie's castle, Argonia (during/after bazaar), Ascantha (barrel), Pickham (barrel), Swordsman's Labyrinth (pot), Empycchu (pot)
Giant moth, Morphean mushroom, Kisser, Paprikan, Hipster, Wailin' weed, Lump shaman, Mushroom mage, Lesser demon, Magic dumbbell, Blood mummy, Buffalogre
- Spicy cheese = Plain cheese Red mould
- Super spicy cheese = Spicy cheese Red mould Red mould
- Premium mould = Red mould Waterweed mould Yggdrasil leaf
Rennet powder |
A powder used to turn milk into cheese.
Ascantha, Argonia (during/after bazaar), Pickham (pot), Baccarat (barrel), Arcadia (2x barrel), Empycchu (pot)
Giant moth, Jargon, Devilmoth, Pink pongo, Shade, Killer moth, Golem, Dark moth, Silhouette
- Plain cheese = Fresh milk Rennet powder
- Soft cheese = Fresh milk Rennet powder Rock salt
Rock salt |
A chunk of rock salt.
Trodain Castle (pot), Argonia (barrel), Argonia (2x barrel), Pirate's Cove (pot), Empycchu (pot), Dark Empycchu (pot), Black Citadel (barrel), Unknown... (pot)
Mud mannequin, Rockbomb, Ber, Stone guardian
- Holy water = Amor seco essence Rock salt
- Hard cheese = Plain cheese Rock salt
- Soft cheese = Fresh milk Rennet powder Rock salt
- Highly-strung cheese = Super spicy cheese Cold cheese Rock salt
Saint's ashes |
Holy ashes that can be used to purify cursed objects.
Dark Ruins (chest), Dark Godbird's Eyrie (chest), Black Citadel (barrel), Unknown... (bag)
Dark minister, Dark moth, Dark gryphon, Dark sabrecat, Silhouette, Wight king
- Sandstorm spear = Partisan Saint's ashes
- Über double-edge = Double-edged sword Saint's ashes Saint's ashes
- Leather whip = Devil's tail Saint's ashes
- Scourge whip = Demon whip Saint's ashes
- Platinum mail = Zombie mail Saint's ashes
- Metal king shield = Ruinous shield Orichalcum Saint's ashes
- Goddess shield = Thanatos' shield Saint's ashes
- Mythril helm = Hades' helm Saint's ashes
- Sun crown = Skull helm Saint's ashes
- Sorcerer's ring = Skull ring Saint's ashes Saint's ashes
Waterweed mould |
A chunk of mould that's as cold as ice.
Princess Minnie's Castle, Argonia (during/after bazaar), Ruined Abbey (barrel), Pickham (barrel), Trodain Castle (pot), Empycchu (pot)
Kisser, Mushroom mage, Frogman, Smacker, Dark sea-diva, Killer croaker, Mohawker, Khalamari kid, King kelp, Pigmalion, Abyss diver
- Cool cheese = Plain cheese Waterweed mould
- Chilly cheese = Cool cheese Waterweed mould
- Cold cheese = Chilly cheese Waterweed mould
- Premium mould = Red mould Waterweed mould Yggdrasil leaf
Wing of bat |
The large, black wing of a bat.
Orkutsk (pot)
Drackyma, Fat bat, Minidemon, Hipster, Night emperor, Redtail hipster, Shade, Dark condor
- Fallen angel rapier = Holy silver rapier Devil's tail Wing of bat
- Razor wing boomerang = Edged boomerang Steel scythe Wing of bat
- Dark robe = Cloak of evasion Devil's tail Wing of bat
- Chimaera wing = Wing of bat Wing of bat
- Mystifying mixture = Holy water Wing of bat Cowpat