Beastmaster Howl

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Beastmaster Howl is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of the Marquis de Léon"s signature abilities, letting loose a bestial roar that damages a group of enemies.


Beastmaster Howl can be learned by Marquis de Léon at level 51 and costs 108 MP to use. It inflicts major martial damage to all enemies in a range of three squares in front of him and has a chance to lower their Martial resistance shortly. Upgrading the skill increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Beastmaster Howl (獣王の咆哮 Jūō no hōkō)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Beastmaster Howl
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Martial DQTact Non-elemental.png 108
Range Additional effects
DQT SkillRangeStraight3.png
Straight line
DQTact MartialResDown.png
Martial Res Down
Deals major martial damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers Martial Res for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by
Marquis de Léon

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