Senior Software Engineer
- Developing an internal navigation and administrative system (since Oct 2014).
Stack: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, CoffeeScript.
- Fulfilling assignments on a system that stores operational network data of T-Mobile Deutschland (Dec 2016—Present).
Stack: Oracle, PL/SQL, APEX, PHP, Java.
- Designing and developing an internal service that provides data on T-Systems RUS employees (Jun 2016—Present).
Stack: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Ruby, Python, bash.
- Improving a web GIS system for displaying Telekom-related warehouses, shops, and objects (Apr—Sep 2015, Jul—Oct 2016).
Stack: JavaScript, ExtJS, GeoExt, OpenLayers, Ant.
- Designing and developing an internal system that enables tracking overtime and (extra-)events of T-Systems RUS employees (Jan 2016—Present).
Stack: Ruby on Rails, CoffeeScript, Oracle, PL/SQL, Ruby, bash.
- Fulfilled assignments on a Telekom database that stores addresses and locations of business objects (Oct 2015—Feb 2016).
Stack: Solaris, PL/SQL, Perl, ksh.
T-Systems RUS, St. Petersburg
Oct 2014 - Present
- Providing a course on web development with Ruby on Rails
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Nov 2016 - Present
Assistant Researcher
- Pursuing the research for the “Quantitative linguistic parameters for definition of stylistic features and domains of text” grant
Philological Research Institute
Apr 2015 - Nov 2015
Software Engineer
- Developing the office-based navigation system (Ruby on Rails)
T-Systems RUS, St. Petersburg
Feb 2014 - Sep 2014
Contracted Technical Writer
- Transcribing the Developer"s Guide videos
- Laying out documentation (Adobe FrameMaker)
Odnoklassniki, St. Petersburg
Jan 2014 - May 2014
Technical Writer
- Developing product documentation (Adobe FrameMaker)
- Translating documents, presentations, and booklets (English)
- Localizing the end-user web application
Systematica, St. Petersburg
Sep 2013 - Feb 2014
Translator and In-Country Editor
- Technical writing (Adobe FrameMaker)
- Laying out documentation (Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe RoboHelp)
- Performing technical translations (Russian, Japanese, and German)
- Reviewing third-party translations
- l10n and i18n
Nexenta Systems, St. Petersburg
Oct 2011 - Feb 2013
Knowledge Engineering
MSc in Applied Informatics.
Thesis: “Automatic definition of typological indices for different languages and genres”.
St. Petersburg State University
2013 - 2015
Computer Engineering
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
Graduation work: “System for linguistic annotation of text”.
ITMO University, St. Petersburg
2009 - 2013
English language
Secondary school with advanced study of English language.
English Language School, Cherepovets
1999 - 2009