Den Patin

Hello, I"m Den Patin

Ruby (on Rails) Dev/Lead | Database Engineer

+995 59 889-17-23
+49 177 387-32-14
Tbilisi, Georgia

Den Patin

Ruby (on Rails) Dev/Lead. Database Engineer.


Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Oracle, PL/SQL, Bash
Crystal, PostgreSQL, Git, Docker
Python, ReactJS, Vue.js, MySQL


OS X, RubyMine, DataGrip, Github
Linux, Vagrant, Adobe FrameMaker
Solaris, Eclipse, Adobe RoboHelp


Hungarian, Japanese, Esperanto

Social Profiles


My experience and education.


Senior Software Engineer

  • Developing an internal navigation and administrative system (since Oct 2014).
    Stack: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, CoffeeScript.
  • Fulfilling assignments on a system that stores operational network data of T-Mobile Deutschland (Dec 2016—Present).
    Stack: Oracle, PL/SQL, APEX, PHP, Java.
  • Designing and developing an internal service that provides data on T-Systems RUS employees (Jun 2016—Present).
    Stack: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Ruby, Python, bash.
  • Improving a web GIS system for displaying Telekom-related warehouses, shops, and objects (Apr—Sep 2015, Jul—Oct 2016).
    Stack: JavaScript, ExtJS, GeoExt, OpenLayers, Ant.
  • Designing and developing an internal system that enables tracking overtime and (extra-)events of T-Systems RUS employees (Jan 2016—Present).
    Stack: Ruby on Rails, CoffeeScript, Oracle, PL/SQL, Ruby, bash.
  • Fulfilled assignments on a Telekom database that stores addresses and locations of business objects (Oct 2015—Feb 2016).
    Stack: Solaris, PL/SQL, Perl, ksh.

T-Systems RUS, St. Petersburg

Oct 2014 - Present


  • Providing a course on web development with Ruby on Rails

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Nov 2016 - Present

Assistant Researcher

  • Pursuing the research for the “Quantitative linguistic parameters for definition of stylistic features and domains of text” grant

Philological Research Institute

Apr 2015 - Nov 2015

Software Engineer

  • Developing the office-based navigation system (Ruby on Rails)

T-Systems RUS, St. Petersburg

Feb 2014 - Sep 2014

Contracted Technical Writer

  • Transcribing the Developer"s Guide videos
  • Laying out documentation (Adobe FrameMaker)

Odnoklassniki, St. Petersburg

Jan 2014 - May 2014

Technical Writer

  • Developing product documentation (Adobe FrameMaker)
  • Translating documents, presentations, and booklets (English)
  • Localizing the end-user web application

Systematica, St. Petersburg

Sep 2013 - Feb 2014

Translator and In-Country Editor

  • Technical writing (Adobe FrameMaker)
  • Laying out documentation (Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe RoboHelp)
  • Performing technical translations (Russian, Japanese, and German)
  • Reviewing third-party translations
  • l10n and i18n

Nexenta Systems, St. Petersburg

Oct 2011 - Feb 2013


Knowledge Engineering

MSc in Applied Informatics.
Thesis: “Automatic definition of typological indices for different languages and genres”.

St. Petersburg State University

2013 - 2015

Computer Engineering

BSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
Graduation work: “System for linguistic annotation of text”.

ITMO University, St. Petersburg

2009 - 2013

English language

Secondary school with advanced study of English language.

English Language School, Cherepovets

1999 - 2009