dotenv. better.

a better dotenv–from the creator of GitHub dotenv ★ 19k

curl -fsS | sh
brew install dotenvx/brew/dotenvx

Run Anywhere

dotenvx works the same across every language, framework, and platform – inject your env at runtime with dotenvx run -- your-cmd.

"I like how usage is consistent across multiple languages and frameworks. No more wrestling with different tools."
Max Syntax – Polyglot Programmer
$dotenvx run

Multiple Environments

Create a .env.production file and use dotenvx run -f .env.production to load it. It's straightforward, yet flexible.

"I've always liked the .env.environment pattern. Now it finally has first-class support."
Zara Function – Full-Stack/DevOps Engineer


Add encryption to your .env files with a single command. Run dotenvx encrypt.

#/         public-key encryption for .env files         /
#/    [how it works](    /

# Database configuration
DB_HOST="encrypted:BNr24F4vW9CQ37LOXeRgOL6QlwtJfAoAVXtSdSfpicPDHtqo/Q2HekeCjAWrhxHy VHAB3QTg4fk9VdIoncLIlu1NssFO6XQXN5fnIjXRmp5pAuw7xwqVXe/1lVukATjG0kXR4SHe45s4Tb6fEjs"
DB_PORT="encrypted:BOCHQLIOzrq42WE5zf431xIlLk4iRDn1/hjYBg5kkYLQnL9wV2zEsSyHKBfH3mQdv8w4 EhXiF4unXZi1nYqdjVp4/BbAr777ORjMzyE 3QN1ik1F2 W5DZHBF9Uwj69F4D7f8A="
DB_NAME="encrypted:BGtVHZBbvHmX6J J xm 73SnUFpqd2AWOL6/mHe1SCqPgMAXqk8dbLgqmHiZSbw4D6VquaYtF9safGyucClAvGGMzgD7gdnXGB1YGGaPN7nTpJ4vE1nx8hi1bNtNCr5gEm7z pdLq1IsH4vPSH4O7XBx"

# API Keys
API_KEY="encrypted:BD9paBaun2284WcqdFQZUlDKapPiuE/ruoLY7rINtQPXKWcfqI08vFAlCCmwBoJIvd2Nv3ACiSCA672wsKeJlFJTcRB6IRRJ fPBuz2kvYlOiec7EzHTT8EVzSDydFun5R5ODfmN"
STRIPE_API_KEY="encrypted:BM6udWmFsPaBzlND0dFBv7R55JiaA cZnbun8DaVNrEvO 8/k lsXbZQ0bCPks8kUsdD2qrSp/tii0P8gVJ/gp pdDuhdcJj91hxJ7nzSFf6h0ofRb38/2WHFhxg77XExxzui1s3w42Z"

# Email Configuration
EMAIL_HOST="encrypted:BOzlZJy9QQONa4h8jj0CSZg0JHbDp/T96bxC39ildVfc1rMgDHOfgqZCaWaTMYjTF69UxkgN3tSOGOp0N78QYDuIIJ4RZbHYdxmqXmuvcn3wvBIqn ubL/bf1Vc3yURbVwdTNvM/JhL3YN0tdikO"
EMAIL_USER="encrypted:BCW0xkE7RfJYJk7Dcb3lRdwvEyzBSoZmDQxWr72JjOb1yBx1XS9gcDOFFIHlD78lBweUNDl4dfaqyuuFBGzI/gdQ8ua4y9w2tOIDDNztd XpWUAtKeDVqcOTJiEqv7e241hi/F6EZcYC2oUlfYH "
EMAIL_PASSWORD="encrypted:BA0Rnsy9DQi2y90GbFnqD7coqG4V5ob48gXVrYqZhy0vrki3su/t9JFNG omBHCeUICjqyKB2XY059xxSs4xQW G /RI7ygpB8oxiq5mT52qYpXch36mMgRFppBIi4SoB2YQZ0ANHgWv"

# Logging
LOG_LEVEL="encrypted:BKmgv5E7/l1FnSaGWYWBPxxagdgN KSEaB va3PePjwEp7CqW6PlysrweZq49YTB5Fbc3UN/akLVn1RZ2AO4PyTVqgYYGBwerjpJiou9R2KluNV3T4j0bhsAkBochg3YpHcw3RX/"

"Our company was exposed to the CircleCI breach. Encryption would have protected us. We're using it now."
Remy Logic – CTO

10x. better.

Increased tooling and features to make dotenv 10x better.

Run anywhere

Cross-platform–works everywhere


Switch environments easily

Encrypted envs

Encrypt your envs for deploy

Variable expansion

Add the value of another variable in your .env

Multiple .env files

Compose multiple .env files flexibly

Multi-line values

Add multi-line secrets like public keys


Debug server and local envs with built-in debugging

Contextual help

Built-in next steps when something goes wrong

Append .gitignore

Append to .gitignore in one command

Generate .env.example

Generate .env.example in one command


Prevent building .env files into docker images


Prevent committing .env files to code

Personal envs

Set personal environment variables

Command substitution

Add the output of a command in your .env


Scan and protect for secrets


Conveniently get/set single variables


First-class monorepo support


Securely share envs across your team

From the creator of dotenv. Trusted by millions of developers worldwide.

curl -fsS | sh
brew install dotenvx/brew/dotenvx

Frequently asked questions

A DOTENV_PUBLIC_KEY (encryption key) and a DOTENV_PRIVATE_KEY (decryption key) are generated using the same public-key cryptography as Bitcoin. The DOTENV_PRIVATE_KEY is set on your server or cloud hosting provider and your encrypted .env file is committed safely to code.

Yes. Secp256k1 asymmetric encryption is used in many cryptographically secure technologies like Bitcoin. It would take on the order of billions of years to crack using current technology - similar to AES-256.

In the CircleCI breach the attacker accessed environment variables only. They could not access codebases. To steal your encrypted .env secrets, an attacker needs need both – the private decryption key AND the encrypted .env files.

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Send us an email at [email protected] team. We'd love to hear from you.

curl -fsS | sh
brew install dotenvx/brew/dotenvx